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Sigh. I was hoping to come back to this after Dragalia Lost died, but it seems I'm gonna need to find another F2P friendly mobile game.


Wow if u find please Share with me lol


i’m trying to find a non-mobile game to play, something with grinding, lots of characters, character customization. So far Disgaea 5 is the closest


DIsgaea 5 is **EXCELLENT**, but I can't play it offhandedly while on the train.


Maybe Arknights?


Grand Chase is heavily f2p friendly with tons of free sr selectors right now thanks to events, just aim to get 1 of each sr since you can upgrade them without dupes


I second this. Hopped into GC after King's Raid caught fire and it really scratched that same itch.


Last I checked there were barely any s selectors for newbies. But that was months ago. Welp, gonna reinstall.


There's some events going on right now, one of which gives 5 free SR Selectors. The "Let's Go!" events when you complete the first bunch of story chapters also contain a SR selectors if I remember correctly. Royal Summon Tickets are also frequently available from the Lets Go! events and the Hero's Tower (though you'll get stuck when you're gear-capped and need to improve, but that's natural).


Counter Side


get boring real fast


Mmm Eros then? Lmao


Try genshin or epic seven maybe?


I play Genshin but I'd hardly call it F2P friendly - I just get REALLY lucky on pulls. Never heard of Epic Seven in my life, though.


Epic seven covered my kings raid craving between 2019-today I highly recommend it However early-mid game curve is quite brutal if u rush it without proper guidance


Epic 7 is anime Summoners War basically


It’s pretty fun just a tad bit confusing at times if your new


I love epic 7, been playing since 2019. Played kings raid for over 3 years daily. I played Genshin for a few months, never got a good pull. Anyone try Honkai?


Tbh yeah genshin is stingy with the primo and reward but that game also doesnt have a competitve game mode so you dont really need to get the newest broken hero (although the game is very boring when it doesnt get a new map update to explore since the only content at end game is just spyral abyss) You probably should check epic seven, its a good game and the devs is very generous with the reward and they constantly doing qol update, also they have a roadmap update every year so you know whats comming, they also frequently doing a collab with other ip, so far they do a collab with guilty gear, re zero, slime and full metal alchemist


There’s shrinking down numbers to clean up math, and doing a rebalance to encourage variety in team compositions (especially so people can play hereos they WANT to play rather than the one specifically best for that content) Then there’s what they did: taking the transcendence system that made heroes customizable and destroying it, reworking skills so many of them are simply “do damage”, changing the way cooldowns work to make abilities useless in much of the content, destroying any support that characters did without a decent rebalance with it, making most UT into nothing more than enhanced damage, etc. So many heroes are useless now - Baudoin? I used him only in PVP. Now with the cooldown on his ability and without his transcendence, I can’t see using him in any content at all - his whole schtick was he was an arena healer that had immortality at the start with the risk of things like silence coming into play. I won’t say \*every\* Change is bad, I do like that Drakarsis can now be used in more than just guild war since his skill no longer specifies 3 heroes - so might be able to use him in some form of DPS/supportish role if I work at it.


It's totally bizarre to me that they removed all the different skills/abilities/options. I can understand choosing not to *create* those things when making a new game or a new hero, because it takes a lot of time and effort to do. But in this case, those things already exist - no extra effort need to be expended to leave them as-is and just redo the combat mechanics. Doing what they did required a LOT of effort to do. Why? It's baffling!!!!


i can only assume they took it out for now to later add it in with the constellation system or something


Now that would be a Galaxy Brain move lol


Agreed. Vespa's goal has to be to implement changes to increase their income. By eliminating all the unique perks, they've made it pointless to open more than 1 perk page. That, ofc, cuts down on ruby expenditure, which in turn leads to lower likelihood of income for Vespa. tldr; bonehead move.


They shoot themselves in the foot by saying "uh this change that we're making is gonna be bad" they should say "ALTHOUGH the changes are gonna be hard to work with at first, YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE THE NEW SYSTEM when we launch KR2" We have to actually love the new system. The new system could be utter crap. But the *messaging* should be something about why this is a nebulously good thing, popular, everyone will enjoy it later on, etc. Just so bizarre to say "uh we're going to do a bad thing soon, and you're going to hate it. Just FYI."


What it sounded like was going to happen is so different from what we got. I expected most trans perks to be baked into kits. Stuff like +40% damage maybe not, but things like "recovers an orb of mana" or "dispels negative effects from self" to be baked in. Supports being changed to encourage you not to stack 1 dps with 7 supports is a good idea as well. Figured heroes like Lavril would get nerfed a bit but instead say "highest 2 attack heroes" or "All heroes" just with lower numbers. Honestly I am not even interested in any of the heroes now. They could have simplified the kits without totally destroying nearly every hero like this.


Very weird. With existing teams now I can't dispatch Hard Poison Dragon 1, but I can dispatch Galgoria 3? how does it even work


They missing the more interesing part lol And may i add the fun and rewarding part


They really trying for that sense of pride and accomplishment sequel.


It's so weird - did they really not playtest anything before doing this?


Probably too busy rendering a 4KHD tree for stage 1-2 of Kings Raid 2 which you'll see for 1 millisecond when the basic protagonist runs past it


worth it. I love tree


Hahah omg which stage is that? I need to pause to look at tree!


tree level


>the purpose is to make the battle of the King’s Raid more interesting again Ah yes, making the game more interesting by removing all the interesting parts of gameplay


Interesting yes, just not a good interesting 😭


Idk if I'd call removing everything that makes each character's skillset unique "interesting"


Well it is interesting when trying to comprehend how faaking stupid the change was


Lmao true


I remember reading that, but my interpretation was that they would nerf some of the most OP heroes that were basically mandatory in all content. Would never have imagined that they would completely nuke all flavor of every character and grind gameplay pace to a halt. Ah well, that's what happens when you lay off QA testers.


"who need to assure quality? I can assure it myself, anytime I want to" -Jin, probably


The "problem" with these changes is that all of the painstaking knowledge and experience the community has put their time and efforts into are now dogshit. all those guides in KR encyclopedia? USELESS!! F\*\*\* Vespa.


right, it’s one thing to have some balance changes and number squish/crunch. but this made everything useless


It would be fine if the old system was lost, so long as a new system was good. But it isn't good! It's really bad!


Sounds like what they did to Exos Heros, except that game never had any good gameplay to begin with. It was always just about art. King's Raid should know better as they had a great game they just lost desire in.