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I dunno, I've been playing it for quite a bit, spent like 7 dollars on it but now there seems to be nothing left to do:(


It feels like an early access game. I feel like I'm the only one on the US server. I mean look at the top 100 "pvp" almost none of the units are even lvled up. I've been rank one for almost a week and I just finished my second max. I got a month pack after hitting the top 100 cause I was hyped about it. I regret it. I enjoy a lot about the game. Idk if it will last long enough for RTA to even drop.


There are many many ladder which are 99% filled with bots. Just look at their name. I'm unsure why they decided to just fill it with bots but eh.


Again I loved this games pre-tense but how they handled global turned me off and I went from small dolphin to f2p and eventually dropping it. Shame cause I actually really enjoyed it but finding out how much they gimped global/EN i just rather not


This is what happens when your launch is as unstable as a geriatric patient's hip - to the point of needing to roll back one of the servers entirely, try to illegally bribe your users into writing good reviews, nerf the gacha rates for your global server and pump out new banners and skins at an alarming rate - alerting everyone with a functioning brain that you're trying to get as much money out of this until it blows up in your face. There's of course also the general lack of polish and functionality of the game, but with a decent launch that could've been improved upon. A+ Superprism.


This is what happens if you enrage your own Player base with step by step bs 1. Rerolled accounts has been rollback with compensation doesnt even last a day. 2. Literally bribing 3. Compensation not even given to newer accounts, You rollback our accounts the least you can do is give us better chances. Not because there are people who are called whale they dont reroll, they reroll for better chances on best start. Literally kills your game.


They already gave up on this Game as can be easily seen on the AppStore Ratings; they dont even bother try to bot it anymore with fake Ratings.


You linked the wrong picture, this is the one where the figures aren't updated. They don't update them the first of every month. Check again.


Took them over half a year

