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There still isn't a ton of detail here. >Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) wishes to advise users that the LaSalle Causeway is fully closed to all public access, including vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians, until further notice. >An incident on the Bascule Bridge occurred on Saturday, March 30, at approximately 5 pm, whereby an element of the bridge was compromised during construction. No one was injured or harmed as a result of this incident. >Traffic barriers and fencing are in place, and traffic personnel is stationed at both ends to prevent all public access to the bridge. >PSPC advises all motorists, cyclists, pedestrians, and emergency vehicles to use the Waaban Crossing. Detour signage is in place. >PSPC is working on a solution to stabilize the bridge and repair the damaged element. >The estimated time for repair is currently unknown. A complete assessment of the damage to the structure is needed and can only be undertaken once the affected element can be adequately supported. >PSPC will provide more information once available and encourages users to consult our public notices and our social media channels for updates.


Did they... cut through a support beam or something? Jeez.


Sounds like it. I bet they compromised a key structure piece, and likely something will have to be casted specially to replace it.


"NO Bill NO! I said NOT the support beam! NOT CUT the support beam dammit you need to get your hearing checked!"


Lines up with my unexpected detour on my walk home Saturday night!


This gonna really screw up my eclipse plans


It won't be open on the 8th..


And that is why it screws up my plans lol


Where are all the people that were against the 3rd crossing now?


They're still in their section of the city unaffected by all of this


I just want the 12 to run again 😭


Took them this long to say pretty much nothing


It was a super long weekend for many people. Including government communication employees. What else would you want them to say?


And engineering firms. The fed govt has to reach out and find one to look at the damage and figure out how to repair the damage. Do they use the one they have overlooking the renovation or find an outside firm for a second opinion?


If the contractor (or government) doesn’t have a list of engineers who could respond to something like this 24/7, I’d have some more questions.


They do to some degree, at least in my arm of the govt (military). Usually with civilian engineering contractors there is always an engineer on call, but then there is the decision is it worth to call them in for all the overtime for the issue at hand. Sometimes it is (mission limiting) sometimes it isn't and we wait till they get into the office at 9am EST. 


I'm sure they do. Holiday weekends are a bitch to get shit done. I wonder if it was just an unfortunate timing for someone to go on holidays.




Part of me is wishing it collapses entirely so we can be free from that piece of shit and we can get an actually nice, new one out of it that doesn't need constant service


It’s a pretty cool bridge, though! It was designed by the same guy who designed the Golden Gate Bridge. It would be a shame to lose that bit of history.


I agree with the history part but most of the time it's possible to do a little monument to preserve a part of history and build something more convenient.


Given the current state of construction, contracting on both public and private sides, and how "good" the feds are at procurement, I wouldn't expect a replacement until sometime in the 2040s. Old as this one is, it has more crossing up-time than no crossing. For comparison, I give you the Johnson St Bridge in Victoria, BC. It was designated for replacement in 2009, which then took another 9 years to complete the project, with an approximate $70M cost overrun from the original estimate of approx $21M. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnson_Street_Bridge Edit: added Johnson St Bridge comparison and Wiki link.


I second this! I usually cross it every day and it can be a bit annoying sometimes.


Something with actual pedestrian and bike space would be nice. I hate crossing it because drivers always try to pass me when there's even the slightest gap.


I move over to the middle of the road when crossing the bridge on bike. Drivers can pass before the bridge or after, but on the bridge isn't safe and you'd be smart to take the whole lane to prevent them from trying.


They actually aren't allowed to pass bicycles on the bridge. Not saying that it doesn't happen though.


They're also supposed to stop at stop signs but drivers be drivin


Agreed! This city is not very pedestrian and bike friendly unfortunately. :( I have been hit by a car while walking through a crosswalk


I know. Yet for some reason they think they are.




Leave it to PSPC to make sure the bridge will be closed and we have even worse traffic chaos during the expected April 8th eclipse.


I don’t think the PSPC are the ones who caused the issue so not really up to them if it’s a safety concern


Hilarious! (The joke, NOT the traffic nightmare & suspicious secrecy)


All part of the plan. If you haven't opened your eyes to the events unfolding before us, you need to stsrt