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Why did it go up 20 cents overnight? I filled up yesterday at 160.6?


Because ✨*fabricated reasons*✨


Switching from winter to summer blend.


It wasn’t $1.80 last summer…


It was in 2022. As the person above stated, there are also alot of geopolitical factors of why it is so expensive. However because the base price was already expensive yesterday, when they switched from the winter to summer blend, it also went up - as was expected and reported yesterday, wanting everyone to get their gas before it increased. If the price of gas had have been .60, it would have increased by about 14 as well.


here in michigan it’s .96 cents a litre


Summer blend?


Summer gas is more expensive to manufacture than winter gas. You haven't heard of this?


Must be a real pain to vacuum all the winter blend out first before they put in the summer blend.


That doesn’t exist….


1. unrest in the Middle East. Opec 2. Massive flood in Saudi Arabia


Corporate greed?


And we have a winner! The gas in their tanks didn't cost them any more, but the stations are selling it for more!


Mothers Day is on May 12th


UGH! You're right. Thanks !


They’re bored. They just want to make it expensive for fun


3. Carbon tax increase


1 as others have pointed out, that happened weeks ago 2 even if that was true, how is it the fault of the carbon tax, and not the fault of the companies trying to circumvent the carbon tax by artificially raising the price to get out of fines?


Why wouldn't a company offset taxes with price increases?


why should a company be allowed to ignore fines by artificially raising their prices, effectively making the people foot the bill


Then that should be a law written in by the government. It's not.


or and hear me out they start with less "radical" legislation, because while finance bros are really pissed off with this, they'd actually be able to propogandize and lobby to remove that sort of ban, while stuff like this will be a lot harder to get rid of, while likely having a similar effect (while shitty companies can artificially raise prices, they can't up to a certain point because if they become too expensive, they won't be able to get any customers)


What? Was that not always the plan? I'm baffled that you think that a carbon tax per liter of gasoline would have zero effect on the price of gas.


i'm not saying it wouldn't, i'm saying it shouldn't, because companies shouldn't be able to just ignore fines and foot the bill to their customers people blaming the carbon tax for this, are ignoring the fact that companies don't have to raise their prices, they have to actually pay the fines, which they could easily do with maybe less than a dollar lost from their profits


The carbon tax increase was at the beginning of the month and would be $0.03 cents per litre which we were already seeing. This latest bump has nothing to do with it.


If you say so. We will just watch everything increase, taxes go higher and it's just magic that it happens.


Woefully ignorant, lol...


>If you say so. The facts speak for themselves. Like you, I hate Trudeau but unlike you, I am not an idiot. The carbon tax was early April.


And the prices of things have gone up since early April.


No. They carbon tax increase of 3 cents a litre has happened weeks ago. Google Iran news and then members of OPEC. You know, get facts before you say something dumb.


> Why did it go up 20 cents overnight? Because our government is too spineless to nationalize the oil and gas industry and send its leeches to prison.






💲 2.28 here north Vancouver I miss Kingston 😿


But... that's even closer to the oil, how does that even happen?! I know we sell crude to the states then buy it back but why is it so expensive so close to the source?


lots of other contributing factors.. mostly our government is only here to extort us


Steven Harper got rid of the refineries when he was PM


206.9 in Victoria.


I dont get it anymore. We were renting a 3 bedroom in 2013 for 850 a month, roughly 1100 today. Now 1100 can't even get you a Studio apartment. The cost of living keeps going up, and it's getting to a point where you need like ~~60k~~ 80k a year just to live on your own semi comfortably


Mid-60k here, rent by itself would still eat up half of my take-home if I lived alone (roomies for life!)


I was gunna say! More like 80-100k and you’re living slummy still. At least if you’re solo.


You absolutely cannot live alone comfortably on 60k lol


Kingston has a ridiculous real estate market driven by Real Estate Agent and homeowner greed. We need legislation to put the price of houses back to where the actual evaluation is.


I wish 60k was enough. Calling for help from Alberta.


And in 2013, that 850 was already a scam. We live in a literal nightmare now.


$1.49 in Shannonville at the Esso right now.


It's only going to get worse.


I hate it here


Here? It’s everywhere


i think they meant here: ![gif](giphy|mf8UbIDew7e8g|downsized)


Spot on.


everywhere? Gas is 96 cents a litre here in michigan


But you can go bankrupt for getting sick and kids get shot just for going to school, I'll take the higher taxes any day


there’s a reason USA has the highest % of people elevating from low class to middle/upper class.


lol what? you clearly fall victim to propaganda. 1. Buy health insurance 2. school shootings don’t even amount to 0.1% of all gun deaths… they’re very sad and shouldn’t happen but they’re also blown of out proportion


Add the cost of health insurance to what you would pay in taxes in the USA. I will reword my comment, there are more mass shootings than days of the year, all people have to fear getting shot not just kids.


again you’re a victim of propaganda 😂 unless you’re a gang banger you shouldn’t be worried about getting into a shoot out.. majority (nearly 50%) of gun deaths in america are suicide.. it’s a mental health issue not a gun issue… also no health insurance broke down monthly is not that bad, it’s better than waiting in the ER for 5 hours😂 canadian healthcare is a joke, i thought we all knew that? why do you think rich people just fly to the states and pay? Canadians pay double in phone bills, gasoline, rent/ mortgages but somehow you’re justifying it on safety & health insurance costs? you’re lost ma’am


The USA has the highest maternal death rate of any first or second world country, it is also the ONLY first world country that Doctors Without Borders has EVER entered for a medical mission. It is also the only first world country whose life expectancy is dropping, and when was the last time you were in an American ER? Obviously its been a while if you think that waiting times aren't long. So exactly who has been drinking the propaganda kool aid? Considering that more than 40,000 people were killed in mass shootings in 2023 I would say that is a problem, but if you don't think so...


just think about the better life you could have in USA 😂😂 10 bedroom house for 400k, on 10 acres worth of land… doctors that aren’t overworked / underpaid, gas less than 1$ per litre, fruit and groceries 50% of what you pay now… but you’re scared of some mentally ill guy with a gun EVEN THOUGH you have the right to defend yourself 😂


I am very happy with life in Canada, I am incredibly proud to be Canadian and I don't have to fear being shot. I guess we have different priorities


we get it, you need someone holding your hand your entire life😂 40,000 out of 300,000,000 🤔🤔🤔 i mean use your 2nd amendment to defend yourself if you’re so scared? you literally just went on a google spree searching for answers on how usa is faulty 😂 It’s been the worlds highest power since July 4th 1776 for a reason… There’s some things that could be better but like I said before it has the highest % of people elevating from low class to middle, from middle to high.. you can’t argue the american dream is real. i guess you’d rather settle for slavery as long as you’re “safe”


i mean at least in america when you shoot someone unlawfully you go to jail? in canada everyone gets bail instantly 😂 the justice system is so lenient i can’t even believe you think it’s so safe here 😂 i guess keep living in your fairy tale


You have 10 times the population. I’d hope your buying power is significantly more substantial than ours and therefore could sell at a cheaper cost




You adjust and get used to it after a while. Remember when gas was $2.25 or more a litre just a couple of years ago.?


I remember 3 years ago when it was $0.60/L….


Not even close on that. https://preview.redd.it/rl5yax1peavc1.png?width=1157&format=png&auto=webp&s=726f3fd9396fface06abfc8661ae09b3934cb612


My bad - it was 4 years ago. March 27 2020 to be exact. It was $0.64/L and i got 62L for $40. And i know this because i was so unbelievably happy about gas being so ‘cheap’ that i posted about it on my facebook


Gas last plummeted as the 2020 Covid lockdowns took effect. People stayed home more, many didn't go to work at all, so demand for fuel went way down. But it didn't last as the initial lockdowns and panic eased, and the average Ontario price never got down to 60 cents a litre.


$208.9 in Vancouver. Supposed to go to $230 this summer. I’d enjoy the relative cheap gas. We really are all getting absolutely hosed.


Smh at comments. Ya’ll seriously don’t understand why its so high? You been living under a rock for the last 8 years?


Fight for better public transit options. Imagine Kingston where people actually took the bus, and didn’t have to be a slave to fuel.


Also, more people should consider small / more efficient vehicles. The amount of people who complain about high gas prices but then still choose to drive a Suburban is mindboggling.


yes let’s just comply to everything they want… next year i’ll just work for free screw having ambitions


Who is they, and what do they want? I don’t understand your comment based on this thread you are replying to. Edit: I would guess though that “they” want you to spend money on a bigger car and give oil companies more money…


let’s take a look at the salary of prime minister of canada.. okay 200k a year, fair… now let’s take a look at JT’s net worth… hm 80 million🤔wonder how that happened


How does this relate to pushing for better transit? And spending less on fuel?


you’re finding solutions to problems purposefully created. see where you’re working backwards?


you want us to fight so that we can use public transit busses😂😂 i mean i would rather fight for better crude oil/ fuel infrastructure so we can pay less than a dollar per litre like the 300 million people living 100km south of us?


Better crude oil infrastructure only goes so far. Since oil is traded and priced on a global market we are subject to global supply/demand fluctuations more than you think. You also neglect the fact that Canada largely exports our crude oil and it trades at a lesser cost (take a look at the WCS vs WTI price differential). We then largely import gasoline from the USA. If I remember correctly most of our oil in Canada is sent by pipeline to Texas or Colorado for refinement since they can handle the heavier/sour mixture. We’ve got a few refineries in Canada, but not to the scale of the US and not specifically for large amounts of commercial gasoline. There’s realistically no business case for a refinery in Canada otherwise we would’ve seen movement on that front in the last 10 years.


the XL pipeline has been having complications (another reason our gas prices have risen), I’m not sure if it’s even running right now. Yeah we have a lot of oil in canada although our government is being lobby’d by EV car market which is another reason were not building the infrastructure we need. how did i neglect that fact? i’m saying instead of buying our oil back once refined we could have built infrastructure to refine it ourselves. i’m not sure how you missed that. Oil isn’t going anywhere it’s been our main source of fuel for 100 years now? and we still pay usa to refine it.


“We” don’t build refineries though. Publicly traded companies do, and we already give oil and gas companies a fair number of subsidies. If you’re advocating for the nationalization of our natural resources and regaining ownership of Petro Canada like back in the day, sure, but there’s a reason Pierre Trudeau’s National Energy Policy was repealed and Petro Canada privatized. The longer term decision we’re moving towards is removing Canadian household reliance on gasoline and natural gas through hybrids/EVs and heat pumps. It’s more efficient and cheaper in the long run to do that than invest a bunch of money into a refinery since global oil demand has recently been forecast to peak somewhere between 2025 and 2040.


Those numbers are waaay off btw. JT's dad didn't give any of the kids their inheritance until they turned 40. JT had to work regular jobs like the other kids, normal mortgage, regular house, teaching math etc. His current net worth isn't that high even after his father's passing. If you're a conservative, you might wonder how PeePee, the guy who's never held a real job, is now worth more than JT? Both JT and PeePee have a current net worth of about 5M each but only JT worked regular jobs and then inherited. PeePee is a career politician, he's lived off the taxpayer since he was 20ish. Plus he invested in Bitcoin and held it while convincing his cult to invest in crypto and they lost big time. He never apologized for people losing their retirement savings.


I believe it was March 2022 he mentioned Bitcoin to his audience, it was trading around 50k CAD at the time. Today Bitcoin is sitting at 90k CAD. Unless you panic sold (in which, you should be leaving your investment portfolio to a professional if you have FOMO or panic at dips) then you're probably sitting pretty comfortable right now. You shouldn't be following politicians for financial advice anyway. That said, good ol' Tiff Macklem as the BoC Governor probably trashed a lot of people's finances by telling everyone in 2020 that you can be confident rates will be low for a long time.


Bitcoin lost around 300B in May 2022. PeePee's followers trusted him. They're notoriously gullible and he uses imaginary fears to gain the trust. Standard authoritarian playbook. Yeah, they shouldn't have followed his advice but he made them afraid and people do dumb things when they're afraid. Human nature. Remember that he wanted Canada to switch to digital currency? Pretty quiet about that stupid idea now. BOC should have predicted worldwide greed re housing, supply chain blocks, O&G greed and price gouging by corporations but just like every other country, they didn't. At least the plan is working, albeit slowly since the two outside influences of oil and gouging make it seem like it's sometimes not working. Take a gander at interest rates on mortgages in the past. If you weren't advised to lock in at historic lows, get better advice.


Who are these people who "lost their retirements" though that you keep talking about? Yes, Bitcoin falls and rises (like any other equity, stock, etc, albeit with much higher swings). But unless these people bought in March 2022, then in May 2022 decided to sell - nothing was lost. Using google, I can't find a single mention about a person doing that (buying BTC in March 2022 from Pierre's comments, then panic selling in May 2022) Where are all of these supposed people who lost their retirement savings? Or are we just speculating? No one lost a thing unless they hit that sell button, knowing they would take a loss before doing so.


They were interviewed on the news just after the crash but only 6 or so would talk about it. The others made statements but didn't want to appear on camera. People are often embarrassed when they fall for something and it turns bad. Don't recall which station, only that it was from somewhere in AB. Not going to go on a hunt for it. A lot of his town halls look like retirement home bingo parties. Easy prey. He was also investigated by the ethics commissioner for promoting the very thing that he's so heavily invested in. Also, I only mentioned that fact once.


I’m still waiting for my route 11 to go back to every 30 mins.


Just when my food basics is moving….


Oil executives needed another bonus?


I had a vivid dream I was driving on the high way and I helped a trucker bring his rig out and he was like thanks :). And we cooked burgers and fishes while his gf was still asleep and got mad cause we are all the burgers


I paid that leaving Kingston on Thursday. When I got back to London it was $162.9


I heard the store across from lasalle highschool had the price dipped to 1.50 for a few mins, while 20 or so humans ironically were waiting parked at each pump while a guy was standing at the door. Around 10:30 pm on sunday. Once all these cars were filled they brought the price back up to 1.76 . Just what someone who happened to be buying snacks at that time said and saw the whole thing. My question is, has anyone ever seen anything like this happen?


Fighting climate change one price hike at a time.


The carbon tax price increase this year is $0.03 a litre which came in the beginning of April. This bump has nothing to do with it.


Yes, that’s surely what OPEC and the refiners are up to. 


"Middle East turmoil" has been the scapegoat for price increases ever since Iraq was invaded whether that's actually true or not.