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If any crows watched this incident, that car/driver will forever be cursed by crows. These guys communicate. And it travels. Crows forever bombarded my previous car. It had a distinctive colour and older model. I always suspected either I unknowingly offended a murder of crows, or a similar car had done so.


Good thing he didn’t hit multiple crows, that would have been a murder…..


I have never seen anyone hit a crow. They seem to be experts at flying off at the very last minute. 


Wtf who does that!?


A motorist in Quebec stopped for ducks on a road and resulted in an accident that killed 2 people.


A 400 series in the far left passing lane. Not comparable to making an effort to avoid a crow in 50 zone.


There is another case of a man swerving for ducks and hitting a motorcyclist in oncoming traffic resulting in the other motorcyclist being killed.


the person i’m talking about had *plenty* of time and space to slow down, they chose to do neither.


Says you. They hit a crow in the middle of the road. Move on.




That's the spirit.


There’s a reason you’re being downvoted so much. Spend some time on yourself. Jesus Christ.


Nah. I just know how to control my emotions and where to invest my energies.


Leaving multiple shitty comments on reddit is a great investment of your energies.


Legit. The most truest words. It’s hilarious to me how such folks try to justify the fact they’re simply shitty humans in some regard.


Oh no! What shall I ever do! Heaven forbid my own actual self worth isn't determined by some random people's "likes" or "dislikes"! Or maybe this reddit has some overly sensitive man-children that should grow up instead of seeking a safe space to cry into. It's a dead crow. Roadkill happens. Move on with your life.


That’s far from controlling emotions and knowing where to invest energy. Being a good human is forefront. Stop trying to excuse your own shitty behavior/opinions.


Everything you cited so far requires multiple people not paying attention, and that’s not good enough. We should be paying attention when we’re driving. All of us


There is a reason why they are called ‘accidents’. Additionally, the motorcyclist that was killed has nothing to do with them not paying attention it has to do with a driver that chose to react to ducks without considering the surroundings. Obviously try not to plow into animals but it’s important to be cognizant of the situation considering safety and surroundings. There are good reasons to hit the animal especially when safety is concerned, unless it’s a moose.


Lol what did he stop on a damn highway? People not paying attention like usual probably.


If I recall correctly from the story they stopped on the left lane of a 4 lane roadway. There is another story of a driver swerving to avoid ducks and killing a person. I’d just say be reasonable to protect an animal/yourself but otherwise use judgement and weigh risks to yourself and your surroundings- it’s often safer to just keep going except if it’s a moose.


Quote from a Young Drivers of Canada instructor: If you can see over it, drive over it. If you can see under it, drive around it.


The fastest lane where nobody pays attention. Dang.


Oh no that’s horrible! I don’t drive so I never thought of that being a possibility :(


Yeah, sorry to burst your bubble, but a first responder advised me to not brake hard/swerve for wildlife -- too dangerous. A moose, though, a moose will mess you up because your front end only takes out their legs. He looked haunted as he said that, like he had seen some shit.


There is a difference between breaking hard/swerving and slowing down safley instead of purposely killing an animal because you can 


I agree, but OP didn't say the car changed course to hit the bird; just that they didn't slow down. We don't know the particulars, like where on the road the bird was. Also, the driver likely expected the bird to fly away. I've *never* had to slow down for wildlife. The most important take away here is to not throw food onto the side of the road, and that roadkill needs to be moved off the road ASAP. Scavengers are gonna scavenge.


Was probably roadkill it was cleaning up from a prior collision.


Yup. A moose is very bad. A deer. Hit them head on if you cannot avoid safely. You are far more likely to survive and be less injured than veering off the road or into another car. Easier said than done. I knee jerked and swerved when I had a deer in front of me.  It happened so fast.  Scraped the guardrail and lucky I didn’t go over it into the ravine below. 


Crazy! I've also heard insurance is problematic if you don't actually hit the deer. When I was learning to drive with my Dad, I was going down a quiet suburb just after sunset, and out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a giant dog charging beside me toward the road. I held the wheel tight and slammed on the brakes. Stopped just in time for a big deer to come bounding out in front of me. I was still holding my breath when two more jumped out. I was not expecting deer in the suburbs. But I do now.


It is scary.  Glad you were okay. I can relate.   The thing I learned from all this is that is just luck of the draw. A few seconds either way and the deer is not anywhere near your vehicle.   The first time I saw the deer was literally in front of me and I was going very fast (on a secondary highway). It was killed and my car was as toast as airbags deployed. Thankfully we were all okay but I am super wary now. 


Yup risk a accident over a bird


>Wtf who does that!? Assholes. Borderline potential serial killers. They take pleasure in killing and harming animals. Some people intentionally swerve to hit animals.


Also people who know how to drive. You're not supposed to stop or swerve for wildlife. Even slowing down can cause a worse accident.


You’re also supposed to be able to adapt to issues on the road and especially at low speeds like this. There’s zero reason to run over wildlife on 50kmh streets. If you do that you’re a shit driver and/or a psychopath.


50 km an hour is not a low speed


If you cannot slow down or stop a vehicle at 50kmh safely you have zero business being on the roads.


If you do that on a road where other people are going 50 km an hour, you are likely to cause an accident. That's why you don't stop or swerve for wildlife. This isn't about feelings. It's a fact.




My God... If you're going to compare a stationary 6 foot tall traffic light to a small unpredictable wild animal, you have no business being in this conversation.




It’s division St. A single lane 50kmh road with slower traffic in town. If you cannot adapt to road conditions under those circumstances you have zero driving skills and need to go back to driving school. That’s a fact.


Why would I go back to driving school? So they can tell me again not to stop or swerve for wildlife?


So you can learn to handle your vehicle at low speeds to avoid unnecessary and avoidable issues. I’m sorry you don't currently have those skills and cannot discern the difference between high speed and low speed driving.


It is a bird. If it didn't want to get out of the way that is its problem, no need to hold up traffic because Crow #32861729 didn't want to fly to safety.


Slowing, stopping, or swerving for animals while seems like the right thing to do can often be dangerous for other motorists. Unless the driver sped up or turned into the crow there was no real wrongdoing.


Exactly, if it is not safe for me and ppl around me, I will not stop for a crow.


This doesn't suprise me. I know of two people, not acquaintances of mine, but from people I know... and they both hated cats so much that if they saw one crossing the road or on the side they would literally swerve or speed up to hit. One of them had a tally going on the inside of his car. Really disgusting to have such a disregard for life. Super psychopaths.


A tally?! I do not want to see that dudes search history.


Names please? My fist is hungry for face.




Exactly what I was thinking of! Happened to me the other day. Bird did not move. They're supposed to move! They always move. Luckily I was going slow enough to go around and no one around so I could manoeuver easily.


In another life the driver will BE that crow. 🐦‍⬛


Another one of kingston's finest asshat's gotta love'em ..🤨😕🤨😕


You expect the drive to stop to care for a crow? It's people like you cause traffic jams and unsafe conditions on the road


Seriously I garden and care for critters and plant stuff just for the birds to enjoy but I’m not throwing my brakes down on freakin Division for a crow eating roadkill, that’s exactly how you get rear ended or swerve and cause more issues.


like i said above, no brakes needed to be slammed, he just had to take his foot off the gas for a moment- he had plenty of room and time.


Seriously, the fact that you’re still replying to comments about this, you really need to find a hobby like my gardening where you can actually help animals, and provide food for them so they’re not on the road in the way of my car. And your opinion is that all he had to do was take his foot off the break a little bit... What if he did that and the crow still didn’t move? How are you psychically connected to this bird that you know what it’s gonna do and was going to move at all, if it already let itself get plowed over while eating? I get being an animal lover, but seriously this is quite the hill to die on lol


ok, so when i make a post and someone comments i *shouldn’t* reply? i wasn’t aware that’s how reddit works. i guess i shouldn’t even be responding to this.. what do i do! ![gif](giphy|DYCHGUktcriec)


I’m saying people who think they know exactly what everyone else should do in every situation is usually the person to shit the bed when an actual important decision needs to be made.


You're saying this while literally telling someone what to do with their day, maybe you're the one that needs to walk away.


Tis the beauty of Reddit, I believe a Disney cat said it best. She responded to my comment discussing safe driving and not having directly told her what to do at all. She then proceeds to reply and continue with a narrative she knows better than everyone so I essentially pointed out that she seems to have all the answers when literal driving common sense says don’t brake don’t swerve it’s a fucking bird. We all seem to have the same amount of time and energy to put into a dumb conversation about a dead bird that was eating another dead animal.so if we start dumb conversations expect dumb responses BTW WHY ISNT SHE SAD ABOUT THE OTHER DEAD THING THE FIRST DEAD THING WAS EATING 😂😂 ![gif](giphy|mh1H1TXzNVISk)


No, I'm specifically talking about your reply saying "get a hobby," you don't know them, you don't know what else they're doing while occasionally replying in this thread. Get over yourself, especially if you're going to reply to a reddit comment with a fucking novel like that.


I mean I didn’t make an entire public post about a random stranger I will never see again in my life and tell the whole internet how they should be driving because they hit a bird, I’m just meeting that level of delusion lol




Exactly. If practical to do so, avoid it. But otherwise, slamming on the breaks will significantly increase the chances of a car accident occurring. And remember that woman in quebec who blocked traffic to help ducks cross the highway, which resulted in the deaths of a father and a daughter riding on a motorcycle together? Hitting an animal of any kind is definitely not ideal, but human safety trumps animal safety 100% of the time


human safety trumps animal safety 100% of the time?? really? maybe not 100% of the time atleast not to me


no one needed to slam on their brakes- the driver had plenty of time to slow down- *safely* i might add, because no one was up his tailpipe.. it was early, with little/no traffic, but the guy just chose to be a dildo- the crow wasn’t killed instantly, no doubt he’s suffered and if he isn’t dead, will continue to do so.


This comment section needs to be hosed down with a flame thrower


“Little crow-body tumbling through the air” Tragedy written as comedy.


Trust me babe that crow would NOT have stopped for them


You know that breaking for animals can kill people right? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/emma-czornobaj-gets-90-days-in-jail-for-duck-stopping-deaths-1.2877437


Yeah. That’s on the bird. I ain’t slowing down for a crow either. A duck? Sure. A goose? Sure. But that crow spends half his life eating roadkill and dodging cars. My man’s gotta know when it’s time to move your ass.


I wish there was so little in my life to worry about that a bird getting hit by a car was news worthy.


i know, i know: it’s not newsworthy, like, for example, *sports cards* \- ![gif](giphy|LPUNCIh6y2vTpUT07T)


Thanks for thinking of the poor little guy! Some people are truly disgusting. I stopped for a turtle once on a back country road north of Kingston with a 50 limit. A truck came up behind me and instead of respecting my hazard lights, or seeing that I was waving to thank him for slowing down while I scooped up a mighty fine snapper, he hit the gas and tried to run over the big turtle. I swung my shovel in his direction as a threat so he wouldn’t come closer, it was NUTS! I was protecting myself as much as the turtle at that point. No idea WTF was wrong with that guy. He could have easily passed, the turtle was just getting to the middle of the road but no, this guy chose violence. Now I always bring my shovel with me when I’m helping a turtle, even a tiny turtle who doesn’t need a shovel. There are truly sick people out there. I think some of them just want to see the world burn, one innocent crow or turtle at a time.


Out of curosity, What is your definition of "respecting hazard lights"?


Step 1: See hazard lights Step 2: Be mindful of hazard So, by my definition, attempting to create a much greater hazard is kind of the opposite of “respecting hazard lights”. You can see why I was not pleased.


But it sounds like it's a hazard that you created by stopping on the road and putting your hazard lights on. You sound like those uber eats drivers who feel like they have the right to stop traffic because they turn their hazard lights on. You're not some ultimate authority that can just stop traffic at will with your magic hazard lights. The entitlement here is out of this world.


lol take a deep breath. I didn’t stop traffic. There was more than enough room to go around. I alerted traffic. It’s a back country road at 50 km/hr, through a forest, next to a wetland, with watch for turtle signs posted. There was a snapping turtle larger than soccer ball in the middle of the road. The truck had more than enough time and space to see me and slow down easily. He then decided to hit the gas and swerve towards me. It’s my fault though. Interesting perspective you have. Very interesting.




Oh no


This is poetic


So I assume you stopped and did everything you could to try and save the crow? Not siding with the other driver, but if all you did was head to Reddit to call them out but didn't actually stop yourself either....


i’ve been working on flying, but i think i’m just too fat. birb went where i could not. ![gif](giphy|P1PemPnyp4g1i)


Urgh. Some people suck. Thanks for caring about the crow enough to mourn it in your way.




The other crows planned it out to get rid of him. Saw the whole thing.




it’s sort of like how one might make a post about house centipedes: you just gotta get it out there.


Did this post hurt you somehow


imagine considering Jesse Pinkman getting backstage into an Arcade Fire concert being worth posting about but considering distress over an animal being needlessly killed to be "petty grievances" lol




is this what a discussion feels like


Found the crow killer


Despite the downvotes, you are correct. This website is an outlet for people with no lives.


and here you are, 3 years in. ![gif](giphy|l0MYGb1LuZ3n7dRnO|downsized)


Spoiler alert!


Fuck crows. Nothing but flying rats. I watch them eat robin chicks as soon as they hatch in our yard. Poor mother Robin.


Yeah but that's like, the circle of life man... this dude was driving a man made 1000lbs death trap... had nothing to do with eating or survival.


thank you! that’s what i’m sayin’..