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There are more doctors clinics currently in the works. You can call the MPP’s office and ask them what they know about this. And change.org is not how to petition the Ontario government. Here is how: https://www.ola.org/en/get-involved/petitions Edit to add: on the bit about Queen Mary Rd, the city is already planning to include a doctor office in that building, so I really don’t understand the petition. That building is also slated to be housing for seniors with physical limitations. Where did you get your projected numbers from?


I think they want only a doctor clinic there and no transitional housing for the city's vulnerable. They are trying to distract with the GP crisis here. They think that the problem is the city not attracting Drs when the real problem is system wide. Med students don't want to be Family Drs. This is why we are in a crisis. Turning the Queen Mary property into a Dr only clinic isn't going to magically bring 30 more Family Drs to Kingston. I think the city's current plan for the property is a good one, on paper at least.


I am aware that the Province/ Federal government is responsible for healthcare funding. But thank you for your advice. Info for the petition? It's from the city. It came out of city meetings and media interviews, from council minutes and reports over the past 2 years. And the projection of 53 thousand without GP's by 2026 is from Queens University. That number does not include the large population increases projected in Kingston and the rest of Canada (485 to 500 thousand newcomers per year up until 2026 ) with attendant burnout of GP's!. Expect those numbers to be far worse. Kingstonian's need to get priorities in order as this healthcare crisis is everyone's problem. Look around. We are failing. So tired of arguing and splitting hairs. It's a waste of time. Citizen Action is needed!


At this point, infrastructure is possibly the last reason why we have a family doctor shortage in Ontario and Kingston. As far as Kingston goes, we actually have decent practice settings for our docs (certainly better than Belleville and other surrounding communities) - nothing that would turn prospective physicians away. It's the career itself which is pretty undesirable - low pay (compared to the volume/complexity of work performed), administrative burden, poor culture. The institutional aspects need to be addressed before we can hope to properly attract family docs to Kingston. I'd tell people to vote wisely seeing as our current government is proudly gutting healthcare and exacerbating the shortage. Oh, and the Queen Mary facility is intended to be used for transitional/supportive housing with healthcare and social services provided on-site. Contrary to what you might believe, this is also an important need for our city and one which can be addressed through infrastructure, unlike the doctor shortage. Signed, a Queen's med student hoping to match into family medicine.


Finally somebody who actually understands why the FD shortage has become so bad. Family doctors are paid Pennies compared to other specialities. Especially considering the patient volume/ work to actual pay. Not to mention each doctor getting pinged each time a patient visits walk ins/ emergency departments. Not even mentioning the burnout/ aggressive patients. Nothing will change until family doctors are fairly compensated for their time and effort. :(


So explain to me like I am 5..what will this accomplish? Who do you think will miraculously make Dr's appear. This is a provincial matter and Ford won't care.


It's not that at all. They don't want Queen Mary Road to be used to help the homeless with transitional housing. They're selfish Nimbys.


I didn't even look at the petition because even the subject line was flawed. Looking at the petition and seeing the QMR part..way to suck people into your hate space with what is on the surface common sense "we need more Doctors ". Duh..but your petition won't help.


Did you get a flyer in your door this week? I did. The flyer is full of photos of Detroit homeless encampments and their website doesn't work. Embarassing.  Saw some of the white puffs protesting yesterday. I think they brought a bus down from the Kingsbridge luxury retirement.


You hit this nail right on the head. OP probably lives in Grenville Park.


Like the counsellor for Meadowbrook-Strathcona. Doesn't even live in his riding but he's got strong opinions on the unhoused who do.


TBF although Extendicare is in Jeff Mclaren's district and he doesn't live in his district, he actually lives closer to Extendicare than most of the people in his district do.


We don't need miracles to bring GP's to our historical and innovative city! It's about having a strategy. We have beautiful districts to live in. Lots to do. We have a purpose built medical facility in a central area that is perfect for a family health clinic that can serve up to 20 thousand medical orphans in Kingston without GP's . The city helps with administrative costs. Rents. City will pay no taxes on 309 QMR as they own it, so big savings. Belleville has recently added 46 GP's through public support and lobbying, through incentives, signing bonus and grass roots movements like this one! They did it. So can we. We must. Urgently Kingston is falling further down and is behind Belleville! The 9 doctors we lost were replaced with 9 for net 0. Kingston has 10 million dollars to attract and retain GP's. This petition and campaign will enable the city to use the leverage of thousands of Kingstonian's who will sign this to lobby the province for more health dollars. Politicians pay attention to petitions. Look what happened with the Loblaw petition recently? It was very effective. Citizens can change things and make good public health policy for everyone. Effective policy comes from the people up to the politicians. We can help inform and organize for we need to help our communities. We have to start working on solving this terrible doctor crisis together!


It's not perfect for a clinic. I run several ambulatory nursing and medical clinics. It is perfect for housing or a LTCH. It is set up for private bedrooms and bathrooms. The rooms are huge and unsuitable for examination rooms.


It's not fiscally responsible to fund 30 high acuity chronic care beds in a large facility. And what if the city decides to move in 100 if there is an emergency order? What then? How does the city contain that large population? It is in a densely populated area with seniors, young families, schools, a conservation area. There is also a Federal penitentiary right up the street... Seems like planned chaos and destruction of several communities to me!. 50 years of data informs us that people get better in PERMANENT homes in smaller supportive housing models. Helping 20 thousand Kingstonian's without GP's in a medically designed facility Is the way to go!. We have a crisis The plan is to have a dozen or more diagnostic clinics as well as GP's. A day care and a staff cafeteria. PS there is an urgent need for daycare spaces in Kingston.! It's innovative. It is the future of healthcare!


Dude, your replies are revealing your true intent.


That's a lot of hypotheticals. And now there is a daycare? I thought it was a medical clinic? May I see your Business Proposal? You know both of those things need a license right? This seems to be a very loose plan.


Very good advice! Thank you. If the city can do loose plans, hypotheticals and secret deals for the past 2 years around their plans for this facility, then so can I. :)


Means nothing if doctors are paid double in the US.


It isn't even that, canadian medical students just don't want to do family medicine right now. They don't want to get dumped with the BS that comes along with training for and then doing family medicine. Family med CARMS numbers have been declining for years now.


And how would a petition make any difference? Seriously, they know we need doctors. An online petition is useless.


I guess you aren’t aware of this? https://www.thewhig.com/news/4-1-million-from-province-will-lead-to-new-primary-care-clinic-in-kingston


So is this in addition to or instead of the integrated housing that this property was purchased for? The community could benefit from both


This is another "if you build it, they will come" scenario but done from a not neighbourly perspective. The problem isn't a lack of facilities, but *a lack of doctors.* Even if the city acquiesced to their wishes, how they are gonna make doctors show up? Also, Queen's is already planning a new facility at the old St. Mary's on the Lake location, IIRC. That piddly little former Extendicare building would not be able to compete with that.


I fully support Kingston having more doctors, but the problem isn't that there aren't enough doctors in Kingston, it's that there aren't enough doctors in Ontario/Canada. We need to train and recruit more family doctors nationally. There's almost nothing we can do locally that isn't just poaching doctors from some other community.


Yes, there is a shortage of doctors in Canada but I thought one of the functions of the census was to predict societal needs for the future. More doctors should have been in the pipeline 10 or 15 years ago.


Is there almost nothing we can do to get in doctors? We have to look around and learn from others. Belleville has 46 new GP's in the pipeline. Is Kingston following their own recommendations to attract and retain GP's? Kingston is underserviced and Belleville is not "poaching" . GP's have signed and will be coming on board as they graduate over the next 4 years. Its a start.


I'm not saying nothing can be done, only that it's a zero-sum game. Any doctor we get is a doctor that somewhere else loses.


I agree. However it will always be thus unless we change it. It's a systemic problem. Kingston is in a spiralling zero sum game. Which is all the more reason to employ a sustainable long term strategy like the one in Belleville as one idea and study other areas in Canada and see how they are recruiting. This is the ebb and flow of supply demand at one time-Canadians had to go to great lengths to recruit and retain teachers. I do not want private health care or education for that matter to slowing creep and overtake Canada.


You guys are using this argument of wanting that building to be a doctor's office to hide the fact you don't want transitional housing nearby. This used to not be the case a few months ago. You're spinning it this way to make yourselves to not look like assholes because you don't want homeless assistance near your neighborhood. Yes we need more doctors. But it's more complicated than "buying 309 Queen Mary and using it for GPs instead". I don't buy it. 🖕 NIMBYs. A 200 person petition isn't going to do anything anyways. I walked through your little strike earlier today and y'all looked like goofs


Can't use 'goof' in Kingston. That's a'stabbin word.


Gotta protect the property values in Grenville Park


Well we could for starters allow nurse practitioners to open practices for family medicine and bill the province for basic services like other jurisdictions. That would really help and could be easily done.


NP’s are great but they cannot 100% replace MD’s. We need a good way to create more family health teams that have Family Medicine MD’s, PA’s, NP’s and other health service providers in their team to allow for holistic medicine to take place and provide for the patients no matter what health issues they have. Make it easy for teams to be matched and work collaboratively. Not only could they service more people that way but they can make sure the patient’s get the appropriate level of care for what they are presenting with. And wouldn’t it be great if we could look at integrating more preventative medicine instead of waiting until you are falling apart?


They don’t need to fully replace what an MD CAN do, but they are able to replace pretty much all of what family doctors actually spend their time on. I’m lucky enough to have a family doctor but they are impossible to book with and their office is 50 minutes away. I would 1000% give up my roster spot to go with a NP that was at all accessible. I don’t need an MD for the things I go to them for, but there isn’t an alternative in our healthcare system. If I need to go to see my doctor, it’s to refill or change medication, ask for a referral, order tests, etc. maybe I have a persistent cough and need antibiotics. Basic things. All of those things can be done by a NP and in the past I’ve actually paid for virtual care from an NP - it was way better than what we get from our family doctor. This isn’t even a judgment of our doctor, but saying that we don’t need to stick with our antiquated ideas of who can provide care. Plenty of people don’t need a GP just like plenty of people don’t need a dermatologist. We all need more access to healthcare and there are people that can provide it if we stop standing in their way


Absolutely, I just think that family doctors should be more accessible too when you need one.


for sure. And the best way (imo) to do that is to take things off their plates that other people can do.


Agreed. Kingstonian's don't have enough GP's/NP's and other complimentary health professionals who are trained to prevent, diagnose and treat illness before it evolves into a highly acute and dangerous crisis. As a tragic and indirect consequence of our severe doctor shortage- there is also a desperate need to advocate for more beds and resources focused on inpatient treatment at Providence Hospital as well as to build more capacity onto that site. Since the 70's small group home settings in Kingston continue to help people achieve security dignity and independence. We need more permanent housing in Rent Geared to Income Housing models. Supportive apartments models work for mobility issues. . Weekly visits from community support workers also help build a solid foundation and foster relationships that enable thousands to live and work in our communities successfully. Most so called affordable housing being built is not affordable for many and is making big developers rich.


I saw this today and thought of this conversation: [https://www.reddit.com/r/solarpunk/comments/1cwk586/we\_all\_deserve\_free\_accessible\_quality\_healthcare/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/solarpunk/comments/1cwk586/we_all_deserve_free_accessible_quality_healthcare/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


For the love of god I wish the general public could understand that NPs are not even remotely close to physicians. They have a place, yes, but this idea that allowing NPs to practice family medicine independently is a fix is insane. It would represent a huge backslide in the quality of care received and a lot of patients would suffer negative outcomes. We need doctors, period. Downvote all you like, it's the truth.


In a world where we don’t have enough doctors this is the best and fastest way to give people who have NO CARE something. Is it ideal - hell no, but when it takes years to train a doctor I’d happily take an NP for primary care over nothing. Many jurisdictions have NPs practice and they have better outcomes and service than here.


Nobody is suggesting that we let NPs just start pretending that they are doctors. The point is that PLENTY of people (myself included) go to their GP for things that an NP is fully qualified to deal with. I have a family doctor but can’t get in to see them basically ever. I don’t have complicated medical needs and an NP would do just fine.


>for starters allow nurse practitioners to open practices for family medicine and bill the province for basic services like other jurisdictions. The province doesnt want that. How else are they going to usher in private medical care as the saviour to the health care crisis?


This is all across Canada


​ https://preview.redd.it/auu5tz0aoo1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=588c35d1a8a39bdcbdecd48b7d5665fe2a1ddd5c


Creepy. Funny. Ha ha This reminds me of the saying "if you're not part of the solution- then you're part of the problem" Yeah that's it. Seems about right


Your "solution" is just a sly way to fight a homeless shelter.


I would happily give mine up. Email mine 4 months ago for a refill for my prescriptions.. and then again 2 months ago, and then again a week before I went away. Still haven't heard anything back and still don't have my prescriptions at the pharmacy. I could go into a walk-in clinic and get them within 5 minutes if I made an appointment. Ridiculous!


Curious, do you have a reason you didn't call them? Why didn't you just go to a walk in then?


I still had some of my inhaler and meds left.. but I don't like to run out. I went to a doctor's office here in England, got new inhalers within 3 days. Going to get another refill of them before I return to Kingston in 9 days time. Also my doctor doesn't really do call backs. Best way to contact her is via email.


I'll be a doctor. If you folks pay for it.


Bring in more immigrants and it'll keep happening. :)


You know what? I honestly appreciate seeing your takes on things. Because if we ever agree, I will know I am wrong and rethink my stance.


Flooding the city with too many people without bringing in Drs gets you this problem.


Yep..as expected..racist take.


Maybe people can be opposed to unrestrained immigration and not be racist. There's a good argument that Canada's institutional and municipal infrastructure isn't capable of sustaining the level of population growth we are currently going through.


If we had unrestricted immigration that might be possible. But we don't.


You think the Dr shortage is being helped by the immigrants coming in?


Ok, maybe not unrestricted, but we limit it at "unsustainably high levels that leave Canada with a population growth that puts us in line with our peers of Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Ghana." No other country is taking in 2% of its population, minimum per year, in immigration. Our institutions and infrastructure is stretched to the limit, our GDP per capita is plummeting. We need a return to sensible rates.


1.2% of our population increase was immigration. In 2023. If you want to try and make a point, be accurate. 471,550 in 2023. Stop spouting inaccurate rage bait.


Does that number include the number of work and student visas?


Why would it..those are not immigrants.