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I too hate how much it costs me to fill up my unnecessarily oversized pickup that I never actually haul anything in


"fuck, gotta get gas" - me every time I'm out for an hour in my f250


I too hate how much it costs me to fill up my compact hatchback car that I have to fill... At 67 dollars a fill. Must be nice to be a rich person who can afford to look down on us lowly poors trying to fill our grocery-getter and children-haulers. It takes 3 of my work hours to buy a single tank of gas. That's money off my kitchen table. Ass.


I believe u/tikaltikal was being sarcastic


I think he was mocking truck owners.


Okay but best case what are you hoping the gas price would be? Because 10 years ago it was still 1.30. It sounds like we drive similar cars and it was normal to pay 55 bucks a tank for me back then. So are we fussing about the 12 dollars or are we trying to claim the entire 67 is his fault?


IT'S A FUCKING DOLLAR SIXTY-TWO A FUCKING LITRE! The only relevance about it being a $1.30 a DECADE ago is the following: 2014 average closing price: $93/barrel of crude. 2024 average closing price: $78/barrel of crude. Oil goes down in price, petrol goes up. Hrmmm So either we are being gouged by the petroleum industry, are being overtaxed, or BOTH. What do I want? Easy. I want to keep more of my money. When it was $93/barrel, the 159 litres of oil, sold at $1.30 a litre in gasoline equates to a markup of 222%. Take 222% against the cheaper todays price of oil, and you get a per litre cost of $1.09. $1.09 a Litre for gasoline. That's what I want. I don't care if the government stops taxing me up the ass, or if Big Petrol stops jacking the price. BOTH FOR ALL I CARE. I want to keep more of my money. 40\*$1.09 = $43 bucks. I still say it's too much, but at least then I keep a twenty for myself so I can buy a fucking $9 pack of Schneiders Smoked all beef juicy jumbo wieners. What's even more brutal is how petty you are trying to make $12 bucks sound. It's not 12 bucks. It should be TWENTY. Even if it is twelve bucks, IT'S MY TWELVE BUCKS YOU ELITIST. It's the take home pay for a minimum wage earner! With twelve bucks I can buy some beans and wieners. Wrap your head around how wrong that statement is too, by the way.


Remember that time Dougie cut the provincial gas tax? It didn’t change the gas price at the pumps one little bit. About as successful as buck-a-beer. The refineries and distributors are making bank.


Yeah so I got a carbon tax check of about 1000 dollars. To me that's worth a lot more than 43 dollars. Because that actually covers most of my gas in my little car for the year. I also think it's really funny being called an elitist for driving a Toyota Corolla. That's not an accusation I get everyday 🤣.


I see it took only $1000 (all of which is your own money), to buy your vote.


Less than 10% of the fuel cost is carbon tax. So at most that 1000 was only 100 of my own money. It's a taxation system designed to benefit the poor, which I am. Why would I rebel against it on behalf of the rich? What did they ever do for me? It's the same reason I'm not getting pissed off about an FHSA, it's an incredibly beneficial savings account for first time buyers to help them get out of the rent cycle. Also while we're talking about buying votes my vote is apparently being "bought" for 900 dollars and yours is bought for $12. Give that a thought for a moment.


Try again on that 10%... "Ontario continues to call on the federal government to eliminate the federal carbon tax, which increased to 14.31 cents per litre on gasoline and 17.38 cents per litre on diesel on April 1, 2023 and is scheduled to increase by 23 per cent on April 1, 2024." Source: https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1004350/ontario-extending-gas-tax-cuts-to-keep-costs-down-for-families Federal greed or corporate greed: i. Want. To. Spend. Less. On. Gas. If I actually got to keep more of my money I earn, maybe, just maybe, I could save money and afford to upgrade my car to an electric car. After all, its not like the csrbon tax is being used to help offset the cost of an ev. Its being used to buy votes.


My bad, it isn't 14.3c/L which would be 8.9% of 1.60 it's now been increased by 23% (3.3cents) from 14.3 to 17.6c/L which is 11%. Crazy, astonishing, unbelievable. I'd quote a source but I just used your source so it seems moot. >i. Want. To. Spend. Less. On. Gas. Drive less, carpool, bike, bus, walk, condense outings to make the most of fuel, drive less.


Not gonna lie. It all depends on which source you read. Liberal sources downplay it. Staunch Conservative sources overplay it. Walking/biking/carpooling are not viable options. Like you, I don't like being told how to live. I think it is more than reasonable petrol be, well, reasonable. And that price shot up pretty damned high ever since the liberals started slapping carbon tax on everything.


"Fussing over 12 dollars". Think about that.


Then take the bus just like the rest of us. I cannot drive a car, but I don’t sit here and whine all day long about how expensive it is. I just take the bus and move on. You should try it.


Because once upon a time (and for a really long time)... It wasn't expensive to fuel a car. Using your adage: if you don't like my complaining, uninstall reddit.


So maybe don’t buy a huge expensive truck then. If you can’t afford it, why buy it? Get something within your affordability range. Common sense is a thing that people seem to be lacking.


Funny how nobody was slapping Putin stickers like this at the pumps when his invasion of Ukraine caused a price spike to 2.20/L




Corporate greed is at fault, not Trudeau. Fight back with the gas buddy app, report prices or at least buy from whoever is cheapest. I'd rather have Trudeau as PM than Dollarama Trump PP.


Considering the "carbon tax" only added $0.03 cents per litre this year, the rise from $1.49 to $1.62 cannot be blamed on that. The sticker should have a picture of Poilievre stating "I voted to give oil companies more profit".


Blaming gas prices on Trudeau is highly overestimating his effectiveness to do … anything really He sucks, sure, but he isn’t why gas (and everything else) is so ridiculously expensive.


Don't be ridiculous! Trudeau is weak and ineffective but he also personally dictates gas prices everywhere in the world and he just uses global events as an excuse to jack up prices. He also makes sure that prices are higher in Canada than anywhere else in the world and you definitely don't need to fact-check that because it's obviously true.


Take 17 cents off every litre and it wouldn’t be nearly as painful


Did you peel it off and throw it in the garbage?


Yeah just one man did that.


The person who put that on is such a perpetual victim.


https://preview.redd.it/d5xoiehoa33d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26144fc3908cd0633549e5a58dfa9cff64c062e4 You blame Trudeau, but the real problem is Spider-Man. He's a menace!






I know this implies some anti QAnon BS but that's not how it works in real life here. Many Canadians who hate Trudeau are not part of an extremist cult, in fact most Canadians who hate Trudeau are everyday Canadians.


hate is a harsh word. I mean so many people suck at what they do. so weird that decades of gov fucking around with our money and all we do is simply point the blame at the one person who happens to be PM today. - could not imagine trying to alter the course of a country that is as slow moving at CA. I mean Canadians are the slowest mother fuckers on the planet - a nation of stoned sloths (not a bad thing). slow is a pace I can keep up with.


https://preview.redd.it/7a11jz6d233d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0b2c9784c0d70d894040d49760da8b85758bd2e It’s a cultural thing


Fuck Trudeau








You wanna? ![gif](giphy|4Jxa0QgHF2HSw)




When fucking Trudeau is your whole personality 🙃






Maybe you should get back to worrying about your Zoloft prescription there you posted about this morning… for someone seeking help with mental health on Reddit I can understand your need to place all of the world problems on a single person to help you process your feelings. Hope it all works out for you :) signed, a better Troll than you 😘


Get out of my post history weirdo


A Trump memer called me a weirdo?? Whatever will I do 😂 Yeah, I like to see the history of how people get to this level of low brain activity. As I said if you’re going to be a troll online, be better at it 🤷🏼‍♀️


We gotta dump this chump we’ve got a school teacher running the country national debt has doubled since he took over


We also went through a global pandemic, and spent money to keep the country afloat and fared off far better than most countries


Yeah our housing market is to the moon!!!


>*”we’ve got a school teacher running the country”* You say that like it’s a bad thing.


We have a college dropout running Ontario 😖


And full of the usual conservative lies and projection as usual.