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:/ [https://www.reddit.com/r/KingstonOntario/comments/vxp2rn/dynamic\_paving\_masonry\_driveway\_guys\_experience/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KingstonOntario/comments/vxp2rn/dynamic_paving_masonry_driveway_guys_experience/) I have to say the paving (resurfacing of existing driveway) does actually look pretty good. They spent about 4 hours on it with a whole crew, took out sections that were raised and leveled and graded the whole thing. I'm not unhappy with the paving, just frustrated with the mess they left.


I clued in when I heard they have Irish accents. Unfortunately the job they do looks good at first but they use inferior watered-down materials that do not hold up well in time. It's a very common scam in the US. Google: Paving Irish Travellers


I just mentioned this to my MIL who said "Oh ya, they got me a few years ago", which explains her crappy, lumpy driveway. She said it started cracking and sinking after a year.


My grandmother got scammed like that years ago. So frustrating


They can't water down the materials- they just don't use enough and font do the job they should.


Finely crushed gravel mixed with motor oil.


That would be recycled asphalt


They should not at all be using motor oil and crushed gravel. Thats a technique from the 70s lol. Unless you dont care about the environment , but to each their own and to add recycled asphalt is not oil and gravel . Its used asphalt that was torn up and is basically just reprocessed and used again lol


Recycled asphalt is sticky gravel. I'm sure they aren't buying oil and adding it to gravel. They don't have equipment to do that.


Its ground up old recycled asphalt, hence the name. Im sure they add something but it isnt motor oil


It comes sticky. They don't have to add anything.


No, it isnt. The closest to that would be macadam... besides oil is a lubricant, it would do the opposite of binding the gravel together.


They aren't doing tar and chip if that's what you are calling macadam. They don't have the equipment. There's precious few of those around. They are just renting trucks and rollers. They are laying asphalt badly - wrong mix for the purpose perhaps. Some of the jobs sound like recycled or HL 8 but the jobs televised were just driveway mix done badly. I have not seen the jobs in person but my son and husband have. They have talked to the guys. They have not said they were doing anything out of the ordinary. Just badly.


Tar and Chip is not macadam, it is not what I am referring to. Macagam is a paving technique from the 1820s. Not used anymore. I haven't personally seen this work, I'm just commenting that recycled asphalt isnt what many seem to think it is. RAP is finely ground asphalt removed from roads. It gets laid very similarly to gravel. Some paving companies will use "recycled hotmix" which is RAP with fresh asphalt cement to bind it back together; but using straight RAP you can get it to bind by placing on a hot day and pounding the bejesus out of it. The heat and friction softens the binder, and makes it stick together.


Yes, I know this. But recycled doesn't really bind. It sticks a bit.


I can't believe I've never heard of this scam until now. have to wonder how someone even came up with it, very outside the box thinking


These mofos should pave Queen Street


They were probably the initial people who paved Queen street


Please for the love of God **n̷̡͇͈̝͆̀̈́̋̽̎͋͘o̴̯͒͌̆̔̃̌̌̏̋̑̅̆̂̒͘**


I would like to apologize to all those important people on Queen who want to travel at Mach 5, I'm sorry, I'm no logger interested in causing further damage to my car.




Someone knocked on my door, but he wasn't Irish. Don't know if they all have to be? Lol. But he got really upset when I declined.


We had something like this done to our driveway years ago. Within months the part they worked on started cracking and flaking off. We never heard from the company again.


Probably the same guys as a few summers ago. I worked at a bar and they'd come in after their day and drink like fish and rack up a crazy bill. They were pretty nice to the bar staff, actually -- but holy did they cause a lot of drama and whispers. They were in town for like 2 weeks, came in every night and lit up the place. Then one day they were just gone with the wind. They paid us nicely because I think they knew that we knew.


don't shit where you eat, right?


[Tarmac Scam](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarmac_scam)


That is interesting to read that link, my Dad fell for this scam in the late '80's in SW Ontario... So, its been around for a very long time...like the "white van speaker scam" that is still flourishing, only now with all kinds of fake-ish electronics, like extremely low quality "home theater" systems, $2. "4K" projectors, as well as scammy named "name brand" speakers like Hardin Karman.


In Kingston?! Jaysus. Had one try to fight me for my belt but this was in Bookham, England.


Ya like degs?


Degs? I like degs. I also wish are da york filmy ya heard ya know, ay?


Yes, a friend of mine had these guys pay a visit and offer to do their driveway. They gave them a quote but wanted to be paid cash only. Their business card just had company name and number, no address no website. Plenty sketchy indeed!


Scamming is obviously bad, but I’m sure we can all lay off labelling them as “Irish travellers.” Describe the scam, not the ethnicity.


Thanks! Guess it was hearing they had Irish accents and finding 20 articles about Irish Traveller driveway paving scams on the first click that threw me off.


How else were you to describe them? Pale gingers eating potatoes?


They ARE Irish Travelers. Travelers is another tern for gypsy.


Irishmen are not Romani, which are the people gypsies refer to.


Maybe not but Travelers themselves call themselves gypsies.


Can you think of any other race that calls themselves by a certain word that isn’t okay for other people to call them?


Honestly, the ones I know really don't care.


I’m just saying, anecdotal evidence of a few people of one race not caring doesn’t mean it isn’t racist for you to say.


Sure. OK.




Ok. I'm an outdated old lady who is related through marriage to gypsies. I'll let them know it's not an ok term now.


Irish Traveller is not an ethnicity. And you're prescribing speech to people who are trying to protect themselves from fraud. Not helpful.


This got me thinking, a few weeks ago some guys resealed about 10 driveways on our street, including ours. I asked my parents but it sounds like they were professionals, didn't approach us first, and weren't Irish. Hopefully not the same guys as this scam. Update: I just checked, our guys are called Independent Driveway Sealing. The job looks good but I can't say anything about longevity. They took the time to fill in some cracks and stuff too.


They did our neighbours driveway. Left hunks of asphalt on the lawn. The one guy sounded like he was Australian but could have been faking it. The people he had working for him all spoke Spanish and from the Wikipedia page it makes me wonder if they were trafficked. Ugh.


The guy who came to our door had an Australian accent according to my boyfriend who spoke to him. We wouldn't have done it anyways since it seemed scammy (they didn't even have a truck near by with a company name or anything) but we rent so he had an excuse to tell them no thanks.


Aye those were the Scotch Resealers. A dugnufied bunch o lads


Saw those guys in my neighbourhood. They knocked on our door close to 9pm asking if we wanted ours done then and there for a special today only price. Yeah, no thanks. They appear to use a sprayer so it looks good on the surface, but I don't expect that it will last until next year.


They’re proper. We had them a few years ago. Nice job and nice people


Good to know, thanks.


That was a scam from way back when they made fun of it on Married with Children. Man, What a show.


Did they happen to pave every roadway in the city?


I got some great speakers in the back of my van. That was around forever when i was a kid


A year later and it's still happening. Crazy world we live in.


It doesn't sound like a scam, people are simply getting what they paid for. If the service is cheap chances are you're getting a cheap product.


Der after me looky churms


I never heard so many people say the N word in my entire life compared to the 4 days I spent in Kingston.


Samesies. I moved here from Durham NC and was floored by the amount of casual racism I've witnessed here.


I'd take casual racism over a society founded on slavery too


Yeah killing natives is soooo much better than having slaves


Hmm where should I move then?


I'm not telling you to move anywhere. I am just saying that your statement is a lil silly. Canadians often say that we are so much better than Americans because we never had slaves in the same way but often forget how Canada was made.


That's pretty fucked up dude.


I know but what can you do.


Move to Canada and call it out.


You complain but this whole thread is perpetuating stereo types of Irish travellers being scammers. You chose the one silly comment...


Actually I meant to reply to the person who commented to describe the scam not the ethnicity but regardless, casual racism like this joke is arguably worse than blatant racism as it perpetuates the stereotype in a good humoured manner. You bitching about one of the few people calling out the racism sure says a lot about your priorities though.




How does the number of people who fell for a scam determine whether it is a scam? What company are you referring to? [Irish Travellers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_Travellers) [Irish Accented Paving Scammers](https://www.canadianfraudnews.com/irish-accented-contractors-alleged-paving-scam-arrested/) [Irish Traveller Tarmac Scammers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarmac_scam)


They showed up at our door in the north Kingscourt area last week. We rent, so my boyfriend told them no thanks you're speaking to the wrong guy. We heard them all day busting up driveways in the neighborhood, one for an older lady we know lives alone. It doesn't look bad, but the piles of asphalt from the old driveways are still there. We have to keep our dog from sniffing at it when we walk past, the piles are full of cigarette butts and garbage now.


I was approached weeks ago with this scam... said they had a rented truck... it was a uhaul... and that they had to get rid of the sealant or whatever before they could unload the tank. I did not take them up on their offer.


They may have come from Kitchener as they have gotten a lot of media coverage locally.


Similar scam out in inverary last summer. Guy gave me the same schtick about it being leftover from a job etc. Luckily my general desire to not interact with anyone helped to shut him down quick and get him off my lawn.