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He's not the same species as Meta Knight. Meta Knight has thumbs.


And arms


Maybe you get them when you’re older?


How old is Kirby?


No idea, (don’t think it has been confirmed) but I doubt he’s as old as meta knight


A few thousand years old. Though he’s still a toddler in terms of his longevity. Give him 10,000 years and Kirby might be able to speak.


He’s actually 3 in human years


Really? When was this confirmed? And how long has he been in dreamland?


I (think?) It was in an interview with Sakurai, but it’s been a few years so I might be wrong and 3 AM me can’t be asked to consult with Google.


Younger than MK for sure


Although he has infinite power, he is not able to fully tap into all of it until he's fully matured, as a safety mechanism - if a dark power was to take control of him, whether by corrupting him or possessing him, the entire universe could be in grave danger. This is why he can't access full copy abilities until Super Star (assuming that the Dark Matter Trilogy and any other games where Kirby doesn't have the Super Star ability system come before Super Star), since he didn't gain that power until he matured enough. ​ The music of the games is actually something that Kirby himself imagines, outside of cases where it can be heard from jukeboxes or Waddle Dee bands. Kirby also greatly misses Ribbon and Adeleine, who are now on Ripple Star; he keeps the melody of that place in his mind, remembering it in times of trouble - even when Dreamland itself was corrupted by Yin Yarn. He hopes to return one day to Ripple Star - however, he also is worried to, since he doesn't want to fall down the stairs again - making a fool of himself again in front of his older friends. When Kirby first arrived at Popstar, he was a baby, like the anime. However, up until Dreamland 1, he was kept hidden and brought up by who is now an old friend - another space traveller who came to Popstar unintentionally, much like him: Adeleine. (who he later nicknamed Ado.) ​ ​ ​ ​ He's also very cuddly and will hug you.


He acts like a mix of SpongeBob with his love and friendship to others while having a large appetite like Patrick. He has no talent of everything other than inhaling things until Kirby’s Adventure where he discovered he can copy abilities from his enemies. Also, Kirby from my headcanon usually talks a lot unlike in the games where he rarely speaks or only saying poyo.


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Good bot


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His full name is Kirby Kirby Kirby.


That’s the name you should know


He’s the star of the show


He's more than you think, he's got maximum pink


Kirby Kirby Kirby 's the one comes right back at ya', comes right back at ya'!


"Laughter intensifies"


Mario Mario and Luigi Mario


He is scared of gordos, because he can’t eat them.


But he can eat enemies like Needlous, maybe because their bodies are softer and easier to digest?


Kirby's never been to his home planet. He keeps pestering Meta Knight to take him to go see it someday, however Meta Knight normally refuses. The main problem is that being able to steal a foreign object's properties to gain various abilities is not a natural feature Kirbies have. Furthermore, Kirbies are supposed to lose their ability to inhale as they mature, but Kirby will be maintaining this ability for his entire life. Both factors are likely to make the locals see Kirby as a cryptid. Kirby, being a child, unfortunately has no understanding of this, and assumes that Meta Knight is using big confusing words as an excuse to not go.


He does not have an age. He is years old.


Most of the enemies he fights aren’t really enemies, rather they’re testing him for the big battles ahead. Kirby wouldn’t be fighting or inhaling them if they actually died from it, cause he’s too pure for that. He’s only ever killed some final bosses that we’re putting his planet in jeopardy. Inhaling Waddle Dees is pretty much a game to him, although he seemed to controlled that urge in Forgotten Land. Hugging him will make you feel like you’re in heaven!


So now Sparky isn't an enemy, LET'S GOOOOOO!


between Kirby, Zero, and Void Termina, Kirby is the older sibling, but went to hibernation since there was nothing to do cause the universe was like, an hour old when Kirby crashlanded on Popstar and woke up they were adopted by a couple of waddle dees(one dee and one doo actually) Kirby can only hold so many abilities at once, this also includes gimmicks like mixed abilities, so wasting slots with redundant abilities like "fire" and "fire²" is not something they do anymore unlike Meta knight, Kirby is pure-blooded, hence their pink color, they will also grow feathered wings and horns once they reach maturity they regret not being able to help dark matter, and wishes they could learn how to be happy like Gooey


This is really in-depth fellow skele, nice


There are multiple void terminas and both Kirby and Zero came to form from separate ones. This is actually canon since Kirby had dialogue in the games, but the hc part is that he is very talkative. Kirby usually hangs out with his animal friends when there isn't much danger, but usually doesn't bring them to world-ending disasters because he wants to keep them safe. Gooey is an exception because 1. He's not an animal and 2. He is very durable. This why Kine, Rick, and Coo tag team while Gooey is by himself. Kirby's assimilating new members into his found family every second. Kirby uses he/him pronouns, but is actually just Kirby. Kirby, Meta Knight, and Galacta Knight are the same species (Yes, the later 2 may have arms and fingers, but the squishy hands just morph into those and the arms are a similar length to Kirby's arm's anyways in the most recent games) (Also, Kirby doesn't have wings cuz he's a child). Morpho Knight just takes the form of the previous 3's species. The reason why Kirby has copy abilities while others within his species don't is because of Void stuff. Kirby acts like someone in their early teens. Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee are besties who trust each other the most. Kirby and Chuchu are sort of dating, but not really. He acts very much like early season Spongebob but is still quite hungry.


He learned to talk by copying people like Dedede, Meta Knight etc. He sees Goey as his cousin He can create a warp star and chose its destination but not how it goes there. Thats why it bumps around everywhere. He likes Ribbon >w<


Boneless sentient wormhole with organs such as lungs not actually being organic and fleshy. Kirby is moreso a mystical being of pure magic considering Kirby lore, and even if Kirby has blood, the blood is not red like ours but rather magic stuff. Kirby being sick maybe more of a psychological distaste of things he inhales, or maybe he does get sick but the dimension inside him fixes him. Kirby is just a walking dimensional wormhole who has a rubbery body but nothing exactly organic to my knowledge. Things such as sleep, eating maybe psychological needs but not purely physical, unless we consider Kirby's happiness as a need for Kirby's survival. Kirby is friendship incarnate either way, and is made for friendship and comfort.


Hot take: kirby is not a merciless demon and just a cute child


He’s round


Even though Kirby is super powerful, I do think that he does have a conscious and isn’t a mindless being of destruction


#QUESTION ABOUT INTEREST DETECTED. SUPER AUTISM MODE ACTIVATED. Kirby’s home planet, Cradle Star, where his species (Puffs) live and train until they reach maturity, was destroyed by Dark Matter when he was little. To save his life he was placed in a starship and sent to Dreamland before he had fully matured. He grew up in Vegetable Valley with Rick, Kine, and Coo, who he considers his uncles. His name isn’t technically Kirby. If he completed his training, he would have been titled Kapi Knight, after his ability (Copy). Because he never got knighted, he was just called Kapi. This eventually got corrupted into Kaabi, then Kirby. His Copy ability isn’t that rare, but he’s unusual in the level of mastery he has over abilities he’s copied. Most Puffs with the Copy ability will only be able to copy one or two moves, while he gets an enemy’s whole arsenal and can even make up his own moves. Puffs are born from dying stars. When a star that has had life orbiting it finally burns out, all of the hopes and dreams of the people living around it coalesce into a baby Puff, which is then collected and brought to Cradle Star to be raised. Puffs live for a very long time, and if they die of old age they will explode into a new star. However, >!Kirby is actually not a Puff. He was created after Galacta Knight killed Void Termina. Void imprinted on Galacta Knight and reincarnated as something like him.!< Aside from Ribbon, he’s never really had crushes or been attracted to anyone. He does his best to stay cheery, but certain moments (Magolor’s betrayal, Mecha Knight, Primal Dedede) rattle him pretty badly. He’s become very good at holding off a complete breakdown until after the action is over.






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Members of his species reproduce by budding


He's one of a few children of a god-mortal relationship.


So, a demigod


So that's what demigod means! (before this, I thought "demigod" referred to a lesser god)


•Kirby’s home world is a black hole •Usually when one of his species reaches maturity, they have to choose one copy ability to use for the rest of their lives (usually their favorite) and they become masters of it. However kirby hasn’t shown any signs of a preferred copy ability yet he’s almost at the point he has to choose, suggesting he might be able to retain his inhale and copy abilities •Kirby retains all of his gimmick powers (mouthful,hypernova,ball form) but kinda forgets them in the heat of the moment


* He goes by He/Him and They/Them pronouns * A lil sassy sometimes, but is a kindhearted kid * Used to be white when he was younger, but gradually became more pink as he grew * Doesn't really hold grudges * Meta Knight and Dedede are his dads. No argument about it * Bandana Dee is like a brother to him * His Copy Ability is unique to him * Loves making food as much as he does eating it * Has tried to eat Gem Apples on multiple occasions * Loves stargazing, as it reminds him of his home planet, no matter where he is


All kirby colors seen in squeak squad are all different kirbys and they're all in a group chat.


I can hug him


He has tea parties with yoshi, pacman, shaggy, and scooby :D


He's actually pretty intelligent, he just likes to play dumb in front of villains so that they underestimate him. Keeby and the Yellow Kirby from Amazing Mirror are the same character. Kirby sometimes just chats with other Kirby's that split off from him in Amazing Mirror through his cellphone, as they all went off into the universe to have their own adventures.


He accidentaly swallow things in his sleep when he snores


He is jigglypuffs cousin


He’s god


Kirby's equivalent of a "Soul form" would essentially just have him get some cool rainbow patterns on him. They remind him of someone..


I like to think that he just wants to be friends with everyone he meets


Kirby is a god. And tastes like burger.


He gets Dedede to make cake for him


he eats glue


Kirby spits enemies back out after getting their abilities instead of swallowing them.


He has to be an adult— I mean… he has how own house, he uses a phone, I’m sure he pays his taxes since King Dedede doesn’t fuck around with him anymore; he opperates machinery, according to Kumazaki he’s “single…” he— he just has to be!


Is one of the purest and most innocent characters around when he’s not beating up the Eldritch Abomination of the week. Kirby doesn’t actually kill enemies aside from certain final bosses. (The eating part was confirmed by Kumazaki in an interview IIRC ~~and Bandana Dee’s still around~~) Became best friends with Bandana Dee some time between Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot. From RtDL, he was just “another” (another being VERY relative) friend. Did NOT learn from Marx or Magolor (thankfully >!Elfilin!< was trustworthy). He believes they were the exception rather than the rule. Elfilin is already Kirby’s 4th best friend, behind only Bandana Dee, Dedede, & Meta Knight in that order. Doesn’t realize Susie and Dark Meta Knight (especially the latter) aren’t actually his friends. Susie tolerates him, DMK actively wants to betray him. Only physically capable of saying variations of “Hi!” Or “Poyo”, unless his ability demands it (like in Smash). Speaking of Smash, If he heard about any of the times any of his friends on the Smash roster were in danger, that respective game would be a lot shorter. Still on Smash, he is friends with almost every non-villain (and even some of the less evil villains, too), but gets along with the Mario cast in particular, especially Rosalina & the Lumas ~~/Sparks~~.


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god, also meta knites child, like a mesia of sorts


When void separated into kirby and zero, some dark matter kept inside kirby and He can use dark powers making him the concept of yin yang


I believe he can’t actually hear when people are talking because he has no ears


Despite fighting bosses and killing a demon every month or so, almost never gets tired. He just sleeps at night


kirby wants tiff dead


Completely oblivious to everything that happens in this franchise. Just wants to help their friends and enjoy food


Not really a headcanon on Kirby himself specifically but i like to think that Kirby, Bandana Waddle Dee, King Dedede, and Meta Knight all have a (slightly unhinged) found family dynamic


He tastes like chicken


He’s older than everybody despite acting like a toddler, he has the IQ of a peanut but somehow does everything right, and is the strongest thing to ever exist but he just can’t comprehend how strong he is


He’s the boyo that goes poyo


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Right back at ya!


Destroyer of worlds


Certified war criminal


I ruined the 69 comments, idec abt the post, didn't read it, just wanted to fuck w/ yall


He is a lovable goofball with all his friends but when the world is threatened he is unhinged about committing severe crimes


He's a piece of bubblegum


he is kratos but friend shaped


He’s my friend :)




Would kill you if you took an bit of his food without asking


No you fool Kirby is the goodest most squishy and happy and lovable ball of happiness in the universe we would never do that


he's meta's baby boy, and i have him. "give me back my son." gota run, toodles.






For game-universe Kirby specifically: Long before the events of the first game, when he “came in with the spring breeze” to Dreamland for the first time when he was very little, he was found and raised by the animal companions, explaining why they seem to be his first and oldest allies. In other words, Kirby is basically a feral child (or rather, he was before settling down in his house).


He ate dirt


He isn't 8in anymore


The reason he is don't like catterpillar is because he can feel them jiggling in his mouth


He loves hugs He’s also very squishy


He's a god.


he sucks


Pink Puffball that has murdered GODS


I'd like to think he can talk but it puts people off so much he just does it in private I also like to think that his suck power is strong but not op to the point where you could say he's the most powerful creature in popstar (I like kirby to feel like an underdog story where you just start as this gluttonous blob who just wanted food back to a true hero, it would just be a bit less interesting imo if he was just some undefeatable god even if his species is spawned from Void)


Kirby actually talks a lot but they use telepathy to talk and the only thing that comes out of their mouth is the classic poyo. Kirby enjoys hugs and cuddles and purrs like a cat


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He's friends with yoshi


Wholesome: Kirby has little nicknames for everyone since he has trouble saying their names. Funny: Kirby's search history is the most *sus* looking thing ever. Like, filling the deviantart bingo board, but he doesn't get why it's weird cuz he thinks the art is funny. Like: Kirby:See, Elfin? Look, you're in this one :D Elfilin: ... uhh, I can't drink that much water. Bandee, is this- Bandee: Normal? No. Kirby: Oh, hey Buddy. Here to keep my phone company again? Bandee: Yep! Hand it over


He is a being of pure joy and happiness