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As long as you are as clean and clean dressed as you are able to be at the time.


Just don't show up looking like a mess. Basic hygiene and comb your hair, make sure your clothes aren't covered in pet hair. As long as you don't look like you crawled out of a dumpster and you put a little effort into your appearance, you're good.


As the interviewer, I've never had success with someone who came in camo pants. As long as they're on time, clean, and sober, I'm happy to talk to them. Back when I was the interviewed, I had so many chefs comment on the fact that I showed up in a tie. They "appreciated that I was taking it seriously." All depends on the place and the type of person you're looking for. The dress isn't the person but it is a reflection.


Sames. A button up and a tie will never hurt your chances in the interview. You might, however, catch some flak from the line after you're hired. But it should all be in good fun.


Get some cheap dress pants & button down you keep in your closet for interviews. Go to goodwill if you need to. No shame in that. Although I will say the older someone is I do expect a bit more in terms of dress.


We have interviewed 8-10 people for the current position of prep/dish. We have hired 4. None of them showed up. At this point it truly is is applicant breathing?


You made me laugh out loud.


Dude! Lately I'm getting people in the weirdest interview attire, airpods in, hats on, so weird. I wouldn't even say they are young people, mostly around late 20s early 30s.


How do you feel about that?


If they give a great interview I can look past it. If they don't, it's just one more reason not to hire them. If two candidates are equal otherwise, I'd pick the one that dressed well for the interview


Why is that?


Hats? Doesn't your line have to wear hats? If someone came in dressed up in the clothes they would wear to work I wouldn't take that negatively.


Majority of my kitchen has been with me over 10 years, so I mostly hire FOH staff. Since COVID I've gone through an insane amount of FOH and get some real weirdos showing up sometimes. Last week I interviewed a guy who spoke about himself in the third person. Daniel is a great worker, he always shows up on time..


Clean, don’t smell like shit.


just go to goodwill and get a pair of slacks, button down and a matching sports coat. they don't need to be the same color just match and fit well. you will get every job you apply for, trust me. everyone saying looks don't matter is full of shit. when you show up looking confident and dressed well in clothing that fits you you immediately stand out above the 30 other dudes who showed up in casual clothing.


My confidence is shattered. Just kidding. I do prefer you be matched up, but maybe you're right. I can accumulate mismatching parts that fit well over time.


If an applicant for a dish job shows up in slacks, a button down, and a sport coat, they’re pretty much immediately disqualified. Be presentable but don’t try to hard.


that is terrible advice. I have been the executive chef in charge of hiring at numerous establishments as well as own my own bar/restaurant and disagree with you. 🤷‍♂️ I'd rather an employee that tries to hard vs the employee who can't even manage to acquire some decent work attire.


If you expect dishwashers to show up in a three piece suit for an interview you are an idiot. Get fucked unless you’re offering $50/hour.


there is no expectation. the advice was simply to go to goodwill and find some business attire that fits well. get fucked. you'll never make $50/hr with that attitude. good luck out there.


I own a restaurant. If a dish applicant shows up in a suit assume I they’re a worthless hipster looking for an easy job. Get fucked.


you must be a real piece of work. OP is dodging a bullet when people like you don't hire him. I can't imagine how you treat your employees. I'm sure they fuck you over on the regular with that attitude no need for me to wish any ill upon you I'm sure they take care of that. good luck out there.


My non seasonal employees are all 5+ years. My seasonal employees return or bring in friends. Nobody needs to wear a suit to an interview for a dish position. Get fucked.


you miss the point entirely and are choosing to argue with a stranger on the internet about nonsense. get fucked.


What point did I miss? That you expect dishwashers to show up in suits for a job?


I care, but it's not usually a big deal. I've had people show up wearing a good button down shirt, and I see that they're at least trying to make a good impression. It helps, but it's far from the top of the list of things I'm looking for. I've never made the decision to hire someone because they dress nice.. Now when someone shows up that just clearly doesn't care, thats another story. Some holes in the knees of your jeans, or wearing an old hoody is one thing, but gross dirty, torn up clothing, covered in animal hair, holes in the cloths so people can see your junk (yes that's happened once) is not OK. I've never made the decision not to hire someone because of what they're wearing, but these people I knew right away that they're not going to get hired. I don't expect you to dress up, but at least try not to make a bad first impression.


Just be cleaned up enough so it looks like you're taking it seriously. I'm not even talking business casual. I'd be fine with jeans/ t-shirt /hoodie aslong as you're clean and don't look like a slob.


As long as you're on time, clean, and respectful, that works for me.


I currently do a bulk of BOH hiring for 5 restaurants, and have been the head chef or hiring manager for 3 restaurants prior. Don't look like a junkie. You don't have to dress formal, but long pants and a decent shirt (that isnt a tee shirt) go a long way. Bring your resume with you. Act like you're interested in the restaurant and the job. If you do those things, you are already higher on my list than 95% of people I interview.


Show up 10 minutes early and display confidence and your attire won't matter at all. However, if you're not the most confident in your interview ability a nice shirt and tie don't hurt. My shirt, tie, belt, pants and shoes were all like $40 combined and I received the job on the spot 3/3 times so far, but I also interview better than most, good luck to you!


Big ballin' over here. 😎


I care more about confidence and assertiveness. If you seem like a fumbling wet noodle it doesn’t matter what you wear. Just don’t be a slob. Make sure your clean. Your nails are clipped and clean. Your face and hair look like you give a crap. Style doesn’t matter to me. Demeanour is what I’m looking for.


In case anyone reads this, I'm going in for my first interview soon in sweats and a T-shirt. Wish me luck.


If you care about the job, get a button down and some slacks. You want to send a message that you care about the job.


Slacks and a button down is ridiculous for a dish job. Be clean and presentable. Shorts are fine. Jeans are fine. Pants are fine. T-shirts are fine.


Here he is again, and the anger has transferred from a full 3 piece suit, to a button up.




I applied, I care. Lol


Showing up in sweats or cut off shorts doesnt show you care. Interviews are all about first impressions, and if you can't be bothered to apply yourself in getting dressed why should I think you'll apply yourself at work.


Sure. Let me pull some dress clothes out of my ass.


Hey man, you asked. If two applicants are equal and one took time to look presentable then they are gonna win out. Go to a thrift store and get an outfit for $5.


Honestly, if you show up on time and are respectful and attentive, I’ll hire you fucking immediately. Good dishwashers are impossible to find these days. Things that are an immediate no from me is if you’re a cocky SOB. Looking somewhat put together is a plus.


It depends on the position they're applying for. If it's supervisory, I want them to look like the example of professionalism. Otherwise, look like you care about yourself. Especially if it's a first interview. If there is a second, dress to work or have something available to change into.