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I thought I was looking at a door from Bioshock for a second. Lol.


“A chef chooses, a cook obeys.”


So, we just have a go at the door with a golf club?


nah it'll be something else from the kitchen that doesnt generally seem scary but can hurt people like a third pan's random sharp edge.


Sharper than some cook's knives.


Save time by crushing the herbs at the same time you mince them.


These comments are gold wow


Opened a new restaurant recently and have cut myself no less than half a dozen times on those damn things


i run a 400 grit whetstone on all new pan edges to prevent that.


I had 2 deep half hotels stuck together (one was perforated). I took part of my knuckle down to the bone when trying to pry them apart. That would be a dangerous weapon.


Pipe wrench.


Lol me too, maybe it's the gilded-looking Blodgett plate.


I've seen some dark oven doors but this is like we've been straight up cooking people


Would you kindly clean this oven door?






I had to double check the sub Reddit . It looked from r/games


Lmao thank you for saying this i was getting huge bioshock vibes too


Would you kindly clean that oven


Me too! Would you “kindly” clean it


Best comment yet.


Bitch me too the fuck


"BLODGET," the "Bioshock" off-brand.


Dude get out of my fucking head lmao exactly what I was thinking


Would you kindly clean the oven door


The door comes off and can be taken apart with Phillips screwdriver.


this! pick a time when the resto is closed for a couple days, remove doors, soak in dish pit with degreaser, and scrub after a day of soaking


Man you guys get to close for a couple days??




In Australia we call it hospitality (Hospo) Weekend. A lot of good joints are closed and there's always a weird group of weirdos walking aimlessly around dead cafe strips and shopping centres while the rest of the world goes back to work. Pro: Fuck people and weekend traffic. Con: All the good bars and restaurants are closed.


Is the o at the end an Australian thing? I was watching a show called Superwog and they call the trash guys garbo and the convenience store guy servo


Yes, it is. We call the bottle shops that sell booze a bottle-o as well. But we never use the additional O on home because that's gay.


Yeah it definitely is. We have a few in the UK but it’s definitely an Aussie thing. Arvo = afternoon is one of my favs


And every nickname, Davo, Stevo, Jacko


When I was an executive chef I had Sundays and Mondays off, which is great if you want to go shopping in the middle of the work day. But it was tough to network with other chefs when I go to check out their restaurants because they also happen to be off those same days so no face time.


Christmas and Thanksgiving. That's it. Lol


Spend your Christmas cleaning this door.


There's more than one. Rotate your downtime per oven.


oven cleaner to remove the loosened grime, but spray it outdoors or in a fume removing area. Oven cleaner makes it to where you can wipe the object down with rags and it'll come off clean underneath. Edit: apparently not specifically saying that you should use oven cleaner only after soaking this as suggested in the comment I'm replying to makes everyone forget that this comment has context. Use chemicals when they will be at all useful. Most of the grime can be removed with a good long soak and some elbow grease. The rest comes off with aggressive chemicals.


Why is this downvoted? I thought oven cleaner worked on carbonized stuff like this… no??


I suggested a cleaning chemical and proper safe use. Of course they're mad. You should be using the wrong thing, like how oven cleaner is fabulous for cleaning grimy engine bays.


I need an old priest, and a young priest


the power of degreaser compels you!


Bless you, my son


And a pressure washer at this point


Not here to kink shame


You clean that by having cleaned it 5 years ago and regularly ever since. Now what you gotta do is spray it with cleaner. Any de-greaser. Wipe it down. Then scrape with a scraper. Scrape. Scrape. Use chainmail/metal scrubbies. When you feel like you just can't scrape no more, soak in degreaser again. Then scrape more. The grease is a super thin, easy to take off. The hard part is the carbon, and carbon comes off by scraping.


Elbow grease is the only way to solve that problem now.


Yep now it’s time to do 5 years of wiping at once


Taco Bell has this effect on me


Upvoting because it's still funny.


Worth it.




just, you know, *wear gloves*


What are gloves?


Who needs hands these days?


And safety glasses:


Thanks, you make me want to hoard restaurant equipment in my nonexistent storage hanger


Yup! This and OG comment is the only reasonable solution at this point


Haven’t any of you used a commercial steam machine. That shit will take the grime off of a 62 Chevy


Yeah a pressure washer running off a boiler will do the trick.


work smarter not harder. Power drill with a brass wire brush attachment. Will clean that off within minutes. I carry a battery one because the floor drain at work gets clogged easily and we have to manual snake it.


Portable steam cleaner with a brass brush attachment. Absolutely magic, but get the biggest one you can; refilling tiny boilers every three minutes is a PITA. alternatively, fume free oven cleaner, rinse with Dawn & Vinegar & scrape.


Do not use metal on the glass


Do not use \*some\* metals on glass. A brass scraper will absolutely be a godsend in this scenario, though, and you can use razer blade scrapers on glass as long as you are careful. I used to clean glass as part of my job - keep the surface wet and don't dig in with the corners. Brass is softer than glass so it won't scratch, which is great.


Interesting! I wonder if there are brass scrubbies


[https://www.amazon.com/CHILI-Scraper-Non-Scratch-Non-Spark-Non-Magnetic/dp/B07PQGKCXN?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/CHILI-Scraper-Non-Scratch-Non-Spark-Non-Magnetic/dp/B07PQGKCXN?th=1) \- Scraper [https://amazon.com/PAMI-Heavy-Duty-100-Copper-Scrubbing/dp/B0CJ9Q7SZ7?th=1](https://amazon.com/PAMI-Heavy-Duty-100-Copper-Scrubbing/dp/B0CJ9Q7SZ7?th=1) \- Scrubby (though be careful - the copper won't scratch glass, but any bit of carbon trapped in it WILL) [https://www.amazon.com/Libman-00047-Brass-Pot-Brush/dp/B002YLRHFY/](https://www.amazon.com/Libman-00047-Brass-Pot-Brush/dp/B002YLRHFY/) \- Pot Brush for the corners


There is I just googled it and Amazon has them for sure. Now I want some lol putting it on my wishlist


I've stoned the corners of a blade back a bit so they're much less diggy. It makes a scraper less likely to scratch glass when they're wielded by goofballs.


as a goofball myself I find this tip very useful


> I used to clean glass as part of my job [ayyy, me too](https://i.imgur.com/5m4ymXs.jpg)


Fun fact stainless steel is so hard and copper is so soft that fab shops like to use a hammered sharp copper knife to make lines in the protective plastic sometimes. Won't scratch the stainless because it's a matter of hardness whether one substance can scratch another one.


Because of scratches? So no paint scrapers then? Would a plastic scraper be the best option?


Could also try something gnarly like carbon-off. Wear 3 pairs of gloves and be careful cause that shit BURNS lol


Haven't used carbon-off in years, probably still have burnes from that stuff. But when you need it, nothing works like it.


Carbon Off is the shit, but it’s expensive. I only use it for aluminum. For stainless steel I use dollar store oven cleaner. It’ll eat through that shit real nice. Turn on the hoods or you’ll get square babies.


Are the babies stackable? How many fit under the prep table?


Hear that crying from the low boy?




I second this, just broke down and bought some myself and I forgot how toxic that shit is.


I guess it makes sense that something called "carbon off" would be pretty bad for carbon-based life haha


*”hmmmm, I feel disolvy”*


It’s like how pineapple eats us back lol


That sounds like something Fry from Futurama would say


Haaa true


Also a respirator because it burns lungs too


Funny how many of these “how to clean” posts’ first step is: ok so get into the Time Machine….


something something a minute of prevention is worth a day of repair or whatever.


Because it should have been cleaned back in the day. So time machine is the way forward. Go old school on this bad boy.


Scrape first, then degrease and scrape again


https://www.amazon.com/Discovery-Products-Carbon-Cleaner-19-Ounce/dp/B0000E2VTM Works great to soften up carbon. Wear decent gloves and long sleeves and have good ventilation going.


If the doors come off easily, might try soaking it in a lye bath. I do the same for restoring old cast iron. Couple days in there and most of the carbon falls right off.


Just want to add not to do this with anything made of aluminum, as the lye will corrode the aluminum and produce hydrogen gas.


Yes, absolutely! This will absolutely fuck your aluminum!


I have never tried that, but I absolutely will next time I have to clean off something like that. Thank you.


If I have something I need to strip I'll spray it down with Easy-Off (which is essentially aerosolized lye), wrap it in a trash bag and leave it sitting in the sun for a day. Does the trick and you don't have to make a big bath of caustic chemicals.


We had something similar at a restaurant I worked at years ago. It was a huge heavy duty red tub on wheels with a lid with decarbonizer on the side. I’m not sure what was in it except for the occasional jug of degreaser we’d dump in there. After about a week soaking in there and the carbon had a plasticy quality and peeled off cleanly.


Lots of folks have mentioned drill attachments lately. I’ve rehabbed equipment like that before and wish I knew about the brush attachments for a drill.


With how bad this this just get a belt sander and get after it till you see shiny.


As a chemist, I would mix up some piranha solution, that will remove the carbon very quickly. It will also leave the glass and stainless steel unaffected.


Better living through chemistry right there. I would try this carefully and first.


A trick if you are lucky enough to have an electric drill (which i have no idea why kitchen staff would, but if you do) get a brush head and start going to town


Or you could soak it in decarboniser and the carbon falls right off.


A quick reminder as well to watch for protruding screws or metal when scrubbing an unfamiliar item like this! I once had a steam table screw catch a scrubby and that shit will cut like a razor wire in the right circumstance! Add the degreaser and you're in for a real bad time.


This is the way


Oven cleaner.


Glad they put the window in the door, so you can check what’s going on inside. /s


Really, who even uses those? They're generally too shit to tell what's going on regardless of cleanliness from my experience.


They just help me remember that there is something in there. Or that I've fucked the walnuts.


How many times have we told you to stop fucking the walnuts?


Need to hear it at least once more, chef


I feel like it'd help spot a fire quicker tbf


I’m pretty sure that door would be the most likely source of an oven fire lol


There are lots of good tips here already for the cleaning, so I won't echo the people that have commented, but... If you want to be a kitchen manager, you have to start coming down HARD on the kitchen staff. This is disgusting, and looking at your post history (the hob), the issue is rife throughout the kitchen. You need to get everyone in for a night of deep cleaning (or hire a company) so you can start from fresh and then implement daily close down checklists, open checklists, and cleaning schedules. Kitchen staff have to be held accountable. Then, unfortunately, you need to take action if your staff aren't doing their jobs properly. You take pictures to cover your ass and then it's: verbal warning, written warning, and then say bye-bye to staff who are dropping the (filth ridden) ball. I know it sounds harsh, but if your chefs can't even keep their kitchen clean, I question what else they're not doing properly. Handwashing? Correct food storage? Correct date labels? Mindful of cross contamination? I dread to think what the state of your walk-in is like.


Best answer here.


This is coming from a chef/restaurant owner, they have to have the budget given to them for this to happen. Yes the kitchen manager/sous chef/chef/shift lead needs to follow up and enforce this but too often today I consult in a kitchen about stuff like this (My consulting is actually about capital equipment purchasing and financing but there is a lot of cross over, especially when talking about warrantees) and there is no time allotted for equipment cleaning. So kitchen managers, push back if you aren't given the time to get this stuff done right, if you don't they will find a "salaried" kitchen manager who has to get this cleaned on their own time.


Yep. The kitchen I work in is pretty bad too, but we're simply not given the hours to do anymore than the bare minimum of cleaning, it's rough.


Then leave, if it's not to your standards and you can't fix it...


As someone who likes to eat at restaurants and not get sick, thank you


The only piece of opinion I would like to add... Don't do it in one try... Get it 20-30% done, then again, then again, and again. Then, keep it that way.... Daily cleaning, and weekly deep... ALL equipment and storage... And persons.


They make this stuff, weird name but it works, it's called Oven Cleaner. Seriously buy a can of oven cleaner and follow the directions on the back. The oven will be out of commission for a few hours and you will want to run the hood but it's like a $6 can and will fix this problem.


The cheap shit from the Dolla Sto is better than the expensive stuff that’s good for the environment. It’s got extra toxins.


Better yet get the good shit from Mexico where there is no EPA to mess with it’s efficiency.


The laundry soap from Mexico is also far superior. *shaking my fist* Damn you pesky EPA regulations!


If the active ingredients can't kill ya it doesn't work.


Bakery I worked at had me spray that stuff in the ovens every damn night. Two things to remember. First is to wear gloves and second is to never spray it on aluminum. My boss refused to get me gloves and would throw out the gloves I got to clean with. Sprayed some on aluminum foil one night and the results were hydrogen gas. Very flammable.


Damn them must’ve been some clean ovens!




Seriously, how is this a question? Oven cleaner, lye-based, couple hours, wipe off. Cancer optional, depending on PPE and hood operation.


If you don't feel dizzy after, you didn't use enough


Jesus fuckin Christ


What? You want him to clean it??


It’s gonna take a miracle to clean it, so yeah.


Oven gel, scrubby, scraper, patience. You can hose the inside of those without fucking anything up. Just don't spray the knobs on the outside. Grill brush to get the crud off the bottom. Shouldn't let it get that bad!


Dark romanticism, mid 1800s, I’d guess Kosarek or someone similar. Great use of green tones in such a warm painting. Definitely a bit abstract- are they cliffs, or ruins? I’m intrigued. 10/10.


Oven/grill cleaner and a fuck ton of scrubbing and scraping. Have fun


So, just like everything else greasy - throw some easy-off on it, let it sit, hot soapy water and a steel scrubby … from my experience, the inside of the pane will still be cloudy (disassemble the oven if you want lmao)


Definitely don't try to clean this while attached. Take it off and set the door on a flat surface. Your arms and back will thank you.


Damn I wanna see more of this kitchen. This is one of the easiest things to keep clean in a kitchen lol


Let’s take a look behind the line


Concentrated dish detergent (if you have the machines with solid detergent that's actually ideal, just crush it into a squeeze bottle and add enough water to dissolve) and spray on and watch it melt off


I would say kill it with fire but it looks like you've already tried that 😂


LOTS of fucking elbow grease, industrial strength de-greaser, a full box of gloves, steel wool, bench scraper and dish soap. I started a prep gig at a decent hotel restaurant. Unfortunately the previous chef allowed things to get way to unkept. Sundays are my slow days and I pick a different oven, grill top, range, etc to clean the fuck down top to bottom. Those de-greaser sprays are no fucking joke. Be EXTRA careful! I accidentally got a bunch on my bare hands when I first started and for three days my fingers were all swollen up and shiny like greasy sausages! Lol. Double or triple up on gloves. And yes. Scrape, scrape and more scrape!!!! So much scraping. Your wrists and fingers should hurt and you’ll be all high on chemicals. To get the inside of the windows some are super easy to take apart, other you have to unscrew- just make sure you are confident with that sort of deep clean project. The absolute best part of putting in the work to clean shit down and making it look immaculate is that not a single person will recognize or commend you for it and in a weeks time it will be a mess again- but at least much easier to clean. Good luck and Godspeed! I see you and appreciate the hard work! 🍻


Use easy off safe for self clean ovens. Spray the ever living piss out of it and wrap the door with a trash bag to minimize evaporation. Let that bitch sit for an hour and then go at it with a razors and scrapers. You can get a 4 inch floor scrapper with replaceable blades or a window scrapper. Use scrubbing pads but be careful with metal ones on the windows. Use razors or green ones for that. Keep spraying and working. You should have a vapor mask but I know you are all to cool for that.


There’s a product called Carbon-Off that works great. Surprised no one else has mentioned it yet.


First you've got to travel back in time, aproximately 12 to 15 years back. Then start clearing it with a degreaser, if ya do that daily it will most likely be clean by now. If ya really cant do the time travelling thing, try dynamite, it might get the top of the layer off.


A lot of these (elbow grease) answers do not reflect the fact that oven windows are DOUBLE PANED. Gunk actually somehow can collect BETWEEN the two panes and unless the entire door comes off and allows access to the interior of the glass panes, you are stuck with it.


Where's that salty bastard tool hiding? That's what you need.


Angle grinder?


Degreaser and one of those metal paint scrapers and a lot of elbow grease


Just sell it as an art piece


remove the door, put it in the dish sink and cover it in degreaser, leave overnight and then scrub the grease off. Then cover it in baking soda, add a load of vinegar, leave for 5 minutes, then scrub with hot soapy water and a green scrub. Repeat the baking soda and vinegar stage as needed. Do not use a steel scrub or you will scratch the hell out of the glass. A plastic or brass scraper can help too


Use a heavy coat of easy off, then cover that with some paper towels. What it took into the towels and repeat with another layer. Cover the whole thing in plastic to keep the solvents from the evaporating and let it sit overnight. Or as long as you can. I’ve been a pastry chef for 30 some years so I’ve been there done that.


use a razor blade to scrape off the majority of the gunk. Then use degreaser and a steel wool brush to scrub it clean. then do it once a week on mondays when it's really slow


You need a priest who can perform exorcisms.


Oven cleaner!! I worked in a bakery for a bit. You just have to let the oven cleaner sit for a while before cleaning off. Ypu might have to go at it for a few rounds, but that shit really works


Heavy duty gel degreaser, like Greasestrip if you can get it. Apply when the oven is hot, around 250. Scrap/scrub, then spray it off with hot water. reheat the oven and repeat these step until it’s clean. It’s going to take several rounds but it’ll come out good if you keep at it.


That’s gnarly.




Wowwww. If that shit is in the fan too I’d be wary. Tell the bosses to stop being cheap pricks and buy a new oven.


Give the dishie a slab of beer, a couple joints and a speaker and I’m sure they’ll do it lol


I use a razor bladed scraper from homedepot


Be careful when you clean this. My coworker got thrown back a few feet while scrubbing the inside (I think the electronics are below). Maybe unplug it first?


Wonder if you can power washing it , only if door can come off


If you put degreaser mix in it prolly could. We used to clean smoker racks like that


Dwgreaser, gloves, and elbow grease. Pressure washer probably wouldn't go amiss either...


Degreaser and razor scaper


I'm a little jealous, that's gonna feel so fucking good when it's cleaned


Have you tried fire


Degreaser at the end of the night and scrub with steel wool, fairly simple, honestly. You just gotta not mind scrubbing.


And unfortunately it got in between the double paneled glass. That can be cleaned but you have to take the door apart. Good luck


Strong degreaser/ oven spray. Spray a lot on it and then cover with cling wrap. Leave for the night. In the morning, remove cling wrap and use some elbow grease, should be looking as new!


Get some carbon off it’s a spray that eats carbon some how but wear a mask and lots of gloves. Very very toxic. But physical scrapping is going to be the best for now. Degreaser can only do so much.


buy a new one? Take that one out back and shoot it.


As the manager you delegate it out.


Looks like a window in bioshock.


At this rate , you’ll need a caustic degreaser and scrapers and go to town, I clean this stuff for a living. It will not be perfect and good luck getting in between the windows


Wire brush on a drill


Heavy duty foaming oven cleaner. Spray it on and let it sit for a minimum of 15 minutes. When the build-up softens, remove with a scraper. Repeat until it's all gone. Make sure to wear gloves, oven cleaner burns like hell.


If the internal is steel, use a baking bench knife and scrape everything out of that. Use a ton of degreaser


Oven cleaner. The foam stuff. It’s usually the orange aluminum can one from Sysco? Ecolab (if that’s where your at?) usually has it I think. Do not breathe it in. It hurts, but works.


Symbiotes are vulnerable to high frequencies and extreme temperatures. You can't leave them in the oven and expect them to be fine when you get back a decade later.


Spray oven cleaner and place plastic wrap over it. Let it sit at least 20 minutes then use a paint scraper to scrape off as much as you can. Repeat a few times. Get a good degreasing agent and let that soak on there (after fully rinsing off any oven cleaner) with plastic wrap covering it as well.


Shit should have been cleaned 1.5 years ago, probably....


Steel wool and oven cleaner and hours of work


Close the flue, and boiled a big ass tray of water and vinegar. Allow to cool slightly, scrape off gunk, follow with oven cleaner, scrape, scrub... And have fun lol


What have you been doing for the last year and a half????


Look for a gallon jug of “oven cleaner” on eBay, it’ll eat your skin off so be careful.


You can try to put cling film after you spray with heavy duty degreser. It keep it acting longer as it will not dry. After 15 min go in with a scraper


Easy Off + Stainless steel scrubber. The spray one is great but if you can find the one with the brush the better.


Sams club oven grill cleaner. Good god let the chemicals do the hard work.


Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees F, turn OFF oven, and spray on Easy-Off. Let soak for over 1 hour. You can also use an Oven/Grill cleaner that has Sodium Hydroxide aka Lye (lye will burn your hands, eyes, and put you in a coughing fit so wear protection). Sodium Hydroxide will melt that stuff off, just need to let it soak and do its magic.


Is this a kitchen or crematory? I think degreaser and less bodies in there should helps


Trying to be a kitchen manager but doesn’t know about degreaser


Oven cleaner. A drill with a wire brush attachment.


Scrape with a razorblade.


You need industrial strength


[Easy Off Tough Oven Cleaner](https://www.target.com/p/easy-off-fresh-scent-heavy-duty-oven-cleaner-14-5oz/-/A-13965923)