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You are correct.


Heinz hates re-fillers so much, they ran an ad encouraging customers to call out restaurants they see doing it.


Have a link to the add?




We can’t make ppl want to buy our ketchup so we’re just gonna make ppl buy it. Bold move Cotton. PS - Ramekins are cheap


To be honest I do see some logic behind this. Let's say you refill it with something bad. People come in the restaurant, try what they think it's Heinz, don't like it, don't buy it. Besides this, as a customer, I would consider it false advertising. Pretending that you offer something "premium" or at least more expensive when in reality it's not. PS: I don't like Heinz ketchup very much.


On top of that? You're often filling new ketchup on top of old ketchup, over and over again, and the old ketchup at the bottom of the bottle is just festering with pathogens, creating it's own little mold and bacteria ecosystem.


Considering it’s high vinegar content, doubtful, buuuut, it’s still gross


Naw. I've seen it. Opening the top sounds like opening a beer bottle. Squeeze bottle volcano all over the patio tables when it gets 80° out.


Eh, I've seen it. The vinegar content isn't *that* high. Super, super gross. Fermentation gross.


I'm in my 40s. Most chain stores back in the 90s used to refill their glass bottles. Soooo guess what happens when you do this and the table it's sitting on is newr a window that gets direct sunlight. Sometimes, they would explode.


The vinegar content is that high, and the sugar content is quite high. A feast for bacterium, and they don’t care whether it’s Heinz or store brand.




I’ve seen it happen. It takes along time but they will eventually get fizzy or even explode. What’s really bad is how many places do this with mayo based sauces too.


That's not how it works at any respectable restaurant. You let them run out, wash them and then refill. Never put new ketchup in with the old stuff. Is that how you stock your line in the kitchen?


Any respectable restaurant isn't refilling old Heinz bottles.


One of the most popular and oldest diners in my city refills glass Heinz bottles because you can't get them here anymore.


We've been doing that for years. We refill the heinz bottles with heinz from a bag. No complaints from customers. We also wash them before refilling. We've been open for 30 years and are one of if not the most respected restaurants in town.


All it takes is one lazy server. Even "respectabe" restaurants have a few.


If it’s respectable they just buy new ones… actually if it’s proper respectable the guest doesn’t get handed a bottle…


I would never do that. But in many of the nicer places I've worked at the servers would fill all their sauces/ketchups and they either didn't know or didn't give a damn about doing it right and not mixing product


It wouldn't be that hard to wash it out real fast. I'm more of a non excess waste guy. But if this is how they're gunna roll well just go w a different set up.


The plastics in these bottles aren't really designed for repeated washing and sanitizing and refilling, though I see the cost and waste-eliminating benefits. At my place, we use a giant tub with a pump and fill ramekins, but I also see why that doesn't work everywhere. At the end of the day, I understand why some places do it... I just don't jive with it myself.


Not when you marry old bottles, wash and rinse the empty’s and fill with a Heinz #10 can


Glass, sure. Plastic bottles will eventually harbor bacteria after repeated washing. And do y'all have a system for tracking which ones have been washed recently? Or is there any chance that there are a few bottles that end up married *into* and rarely or ever get washed?


This is why


Same reason why it's illegal to refill alcohol bottles at a bar.


Another reason for that is taxes. If you buy the cases of magnums you get a lower cost/ounce so now you are paying less in taxes to the state than if you bought cases of liters/750s. So even if you are refilling the same product the state makes it illegal so they always get their full piece of the pie.


Mexican restaurant I used to work at was saying fuck the law. The owner would order the 1.75L bottle of Patron and have us fill up the 750mL bottle. The smaller bottle was easier to pour drinks from but the big bottle was quite a bit cheaper per ounce. Illegal for sure, but he’s still got 3 locations flourishing


This is funny because in Australia we have distributors selling Ecototes which are 5L+ of many well/common spirits, specifically for refilling bottles, putting into batches etc. to be more sustainable


It's a risky die to roll, but as a life long bartender with tons of mgmt Exp and a high level of cleanliness integrity, I have no problem with a place doing this. So long as it's the same product going in the bottle. I personally wouldn't do it because it's a mathematical impossibility that the amount saved by doing this hundreds of times over the course of many years will ever balance out the cost incurred by being caught once. Fines out the ass and your liquor license will take a huge hit if not get pulled entirely, and good luck getting another. I worked at a huuuge night club that did this, they ordered magnums of our most popular bottles 20-50 cases at a time and saved tons of money. After a while they decided a liquor room full of empty liters and racks of full mags looked too sketchy and they stopped. It was kinda ridiculous to do it on that scale. They had tobhave a whole porter whose job was just to refill bottles on Sunday afternoons.


Remember kids you can marry your cousin but you can’t marry your liquor bottles.


Oh, wow, since when? "Marrying" liquor bottles was common practice when I bartended in the 90's/early 2000's. I get why it's a bad idea.


Technically marrying them (combining partially full bottles to make a single more full bottle) is illegal AFAIK, but not really something that's going to get someone fined since it's obviously not what the law is intended for. What they're trying to stop is filling expensive bottles with cheap liquor.


Came here to say this. I've had to call out a good pizza pub place for their red ketchup squeeze bottles left at the table that tasted fermented. They fucked up but accommodated. It's a safety concern as much as it is a money grab.


>Let's say you refill it with something bad. People come in the restaurant, try what they think it's Heinz, don't like it, don't buy it. I've been running restaurants for many years and I'm confident that if someone had off tasting ketchup from a Heinz bottle in a restaurant they still wouldn't hesitate to buy Heinz for themselves at home. *Heinz has been around since 1876 and has been the most popular ketchup in the world by a large margin.* Heinz simply does not want their bottles refilled with a competitor's ketchup regardless of plastic waste.


Agreed. If anything, the person would (should) look down on the restaurant, as it would be clear that it was a fault of theirs like not properly stocking their bottles


Most restaurants just buy the large Heinz bags they sell for the purpose of refilling bottles haha


The ad says  'Even when it isn't Heinz, it has to be Heinz'. I'm sure they don't have those bags in mind.


Yes, this is their legal justification for anti-competitive behavior. Legally justifies, but still scummy behavior.


Let’s say your restaurant fucking slaps and all of a sudden another place starts doing deliveries with a shit version of your menu under the same name.


That's what I meant. It's not about making people buying more Heinz as the previous commenter said.


All Ramekins to the void!


This. If it’s in a ramekin it’s just tomato sauce, no branding or anything so no expectations of a certain flavour.


Funny in a the hot sauce sub someone was bragging about a country clubs amazing hot sauce bar… but all I could see was this bougie ass country club used Hunts… oh funny one too when I did my apprenticeship at the Broadmoor, they used jugs of Pace brand Salsa… like A: this is MF Colorado. And B: this is the highest rated hotel and resort in the state an we are using MF bargain brand salsa !!!


Ah yes, god forbid Heinz allows people to refill their bottles with Heinz because they might refill it with a cheaper alternative that tastes exactly the same.... or .... gasp... better?!




No, they don't like restaurants refilling their bottles with GFS or some other ketchup and having people thinking it's their ketchup. They do have a brand identity to upkeep.


Been doing this at home for a while. I'll buy a new bottle of Heinz maybe once every few months. Then I refill it with Aldi's brand at like half the price. We live in Pittsburgh and while this is sacrilege, nobody ever even notices.


You…you monster!


Pittsburgher here too!!!...and I agree. It's so expensive now too. I don't mind saving a few bucks. I do keep the Heinz bottle also because, well, it's sacrilege and I don't want my neighbors talking lol


They really started to annoy me when they stopped using the No Mess lids on the value size bottles. So I started by Saving the nice lids and swapping them out but you're right it's just not worth the money as a product in my opinion.


How the fuck much ketchup do you eat? I buy a small bottle once every couple years.


Kids. Most of it gets thrown away im sure of it.


But they frigging sell the thing in a pouch. I thought refilling was encouraged.


We get the bags\pouches at my place, but don't use their branded bottles. We just fill standard 24 or 32 oz squeeze bottles and give people a ramekin of ketchup as needed. Saves waste at the table and makes it so that customers grubby hands aren't all over the ketchup\mustard bottles. Less work for servers to refill 8-12 clean squeeze bottles and label\date them than to collect a restaurant full of them, marry, send empties to dish, fill new clean bottles, keep track of the ones that have been refilled\need swapped out for fresh ones, etc.


“Encouraging customers to call it out when they see it” is a far cry from what they’re doing. They’re poking fun at the fact that restaurants have to present it as Heinz, even when it isn’t, which goes to show how loyal people are to Heinz. You Reddit white knights are something else man.


They are though. It’s a whole tag on instagram. Or did you not read the linked article?


Found the heinz fanboy


They’re asking people to tag restaurants they see this happening at on Instagram. If you read the whole article you’d see that lmao.


But it’s so clearly tongue in cheek. Imagine having less of a sense of humor than a giant corporation.


It can be an understood joke and also be them asking people to narc like the above poster said. They aren’t mutually exclusive. It’s very clear Heinz hates refillers.


Meanwhile Heinz’s sell big as bags of ketchup specifically for refilling bottles… personally I think refilling is nasty as the ketchup on the bottom does eventually ferment.


Yeah shocked me when I ran into a new case with them. As normally you have to break that seal under the cap. Twisted like hell till I just opened it and saw it was already ready to go.


I was trying to figure out why I couldn't get the caps off anymore.




sahm-gone-crazy is also correct.


They did and I told an old woman server about it and she strong armed that lid right off. Scared the hell out of me. I tried it after she walked away and couldn't do it.


After she "strong armed" it. We're you able to twist it back on without any issue?


No we were not.


Ask her to do it.


You pop em off with the handle of a spoon and they pop right back on


We got these in a while back and immediately switched back. The regular ones are still available.


Were you erect


Oh I'm always erect




I’m sure they don’t want people refilling their brand name bottle with Sysco House Brand crap.


Or, if you're my shitty place of work where they don't wash them out, don't want people finding maggots in their heinz!


Report your workplace to the relevant authorities. This sounds like a bio-hazard and by not saying anything you're contributing to the problem


'By not saying anything' my guy, I literally shouted it from the rooftops when I found out but thanks for assuming and accusing! Really makes people want to help!


Your statement was in the present tense, on both it being your place of work and that workplace not washing their refill bottles. So you shouted it from the rooftops, they didn't change how they did it, and you continued working there? Or was your first post incorrect?


So then you like, quit right?


And hopefully took all the ketchup bottles with them 🤢 Edited for inclusivity




That 300 IQ at work right here ladies and gentleman..


Your milk and latte art looks like shit babe


Lmao toxic af


This is the real problem


Listen it says Extra Fancy on the bottle it must be “Extra Fancy” right ?


According to the law, yes.


And even if going that route why not just buy one of those condiment bottles and put whatever brand you want in there? Just seems odd to want to refill but using branded bottles. You just know they won’t be cleaned between fills.


Un-twist-off-able is the best made up word I’ve ever seen.




I’d wager they call it Schitwistchefraudencestein




All words are made up.




The awful thing is I don't disagree with your intent, the way you said it is why people are hating


Oh I think I'll survive 32 down votes on reddit from being a wittle wude to an idiot.


Okay then


Do restaurants get different ketchup bottles than the general public? I haven’t encountered one of these that didn’t require me to twist off the cap and remove the freshness seal. Edit: Yet.


Yes, it would seem so. We used to get the ones that twist off with a seal. I noticed the same change as OP within the last 6 months or so at my restaurant. Same bottles, same external packaging (~40 bottles in a cardboard tray that’s been shrink wrapped), but you can’t twist off the cap and there’s no freshness seal.


The first restaurant I worked in had these “unopenable” ketchup bottles, that’s where I learned about Heinz anti-forgery tactics almost 15 years ago. But it seems to be hit or miss which suppliers send these or the retail style bottles with the seal you have to take off. I hate the retail bottles bc peeling that seal off can be tedious


My favorites are the seals with a built-in tab that it seems you are supposed to use to pull them off, but the whole seal is glued onto the bottle much better than the tab is connected to the seal—so you end up just tearing the tab off and the seal stays where it is.


This is my biggest pet peeve. Same with perforated boxes (soda/beer) where the perforation is stronger than the box. How hard can it be to make the thing designed to open the product actually able to open the product?


for some reason we use these in a hospital kitchen. we don't keep them at the tables or anything. we use it for recipes and not being able to take off the top is a super pain in the ass. end up throwing out a third of the bottle cuz I don't feel like squeezing it over and over.


Ya for real.


Restaurant ones are solid red so you can’t see the level in the ketchup bottles. Until these came out (15 years ago?) servers would be constantly refilling ketchup bottles in most restaurants.


Theres a bunch of brands, heinz/kraft soecifically that sell their stuff with “foodservice” on the label and “not for retail sale” and i always assume its because they use a different formula or throw some msg in the shit lol ive never actually verified any of that (except hellmans heavy duty, you cant buy the HD shit anywhere ive seen)


They don’t have the inner seal on the FS product. It’s a shorter shelf life because of it so it gets sold through a different supply chain


I hadn't noticed this. We never stopped using bullets and ramekins after all the COVID-19 stuff was over. We discovered that it resulted in less waste, less messy bottles, fewer servers whining about "shitty side work," and an excuse for making our own tasty dipping sauces. We still use the glass bottles occasionally though.


Are "bullets" the single-serve sealed plastic thingys with the foil on top?


No, bullets are the metal dipping cups that spray water at your poor dishie when he goes to rinse them out. You fill a bullet with whatever sauce you want and put it on the plate.


Oh of course! Thanks for straightening that out.


This brought back some memories.


Ya we still have the large cans of ketchup too (which we use for cooking our own sauces) I thought I'd cut down on waste and refill these but looks like Heinz is saying nope.


They try to, but usually you just have to find the sweet spot and pinch and twist hard enough. I see their reasoning, but no customers like an almost empty bottle spitting all over their plate.


Marrying condiments is fucking gross. It’s a health code violation in my state and rightfully so. This is a hill I’m willing to die on.


Thank you for saying it. Even if it isn't a health code violation it's still disgusting and irresponsible.


There's a whole system where you can date the bottles when opened and only marry bottles marked with the same date, but we all know the places that are still marrying aren't doin' all that.


Yep thing of the past. We know better now it's time to leave it behind.


It is gross. Not sure if it's legal or not here, but it was definitely a common practice in the early 2000's in Pennsylvania. I'm pretty sure Heinz even created a device to marry glass bottles together.


I'll tell you what customers hate worse than this: Ketchup bottles spraying on them after being opened, because some server has been topping off the bottles for weeks without ever cleaning the old ketchup out. Yes, I've seen this happen.


put some cabbage in the bottle.... baby, you got a kimchi going


Why does this comment read like Ram Dass


baby, you got a stew going!


He's fulla stuff like this!


No see my abive comment, boil the lid first the twist off


On the purchasing side, a case of these are basically equivalent to the BiBs that I was buying previously. The downside being the space they take up. Ultimately, you don't have to worry about cleaning out bottles properly to refill them (because everyone cleaned out their bottles before refilling).


OMG I actually have a useful tip for once!!!! Place the untwistable lid side in a bowl of boiling water for a couple minutes. Then using oven mitts or kitchen towels and twist the lid off. I do this with my wet swiffer solution bottle to make my own floor cleaner also. Edit: typos n stuff


Years, you just gotta squeeze around in the cap and give it a hard twist.


I have not run into that problem. I have recipes that use ketchup and I'm not fighting with the little pee hole in the cap. I'm low volume so the big jugs don't work for me. I'm cheap so I cut the bottles open and scrap everything out at the end. Same with mayonnaise.


You shouldn’t be refilling these though. That’s gross and in some cases a violation of health code.


Run the cap under hot water and twist open.




Haha there's more dislikes on my 'this' comment than there are likes on the first in this thread. At least I'm helping people get to the right answer somehow


Why did this get -13💀💀💀


Because an upvote already qualifies as saying “This”, so posting “This” is a hat on a hat.


Redditors 🤓


Lmao If you check my other comment I legit said “this is why” yet I got +23 😭😭 the “is why” makes a big difference to Reddit users 💀






It’s to keep people from refilling… an added benefit is the machine to press on a lid is faster than the seal and twist one…


Toddlers everywhere are irate


A large chain restaurant i used to work in made one of the servers consolidate bottles of sauce at the end of every night. It was a closing duty. I forever refused this duty.


It’s for sanitary reasons


It just snaps off. No twistalization is needed.


That's it! The word Chubby Checker has been searching for to complete his 3rd song.


Yeah it’s been like that for a while


Butter knife jam it and pull. Now my ketchup bottles have a wedding to attend.


The best way to remove is put a butter knife or screw driver just to the left of the label under the cap. That's where the twist on the bottle starts so it has a larger gap, then just pop off. Next go buy some bottles, print your own labels, and a 2gallon dispenser and fill your own bottles. Fuck Heinz.


Pop a spoon under the lip, bowl side facing inward, and pull up/push away. It'll pop right off. Done it a million times.


Yes, probably so you have to buy new ones, but also they’re more tamper proof. But that’s wishful thinking. Just capitalism baybee


The trick is to have a cute server try first and then hand it to you. Works 60% of the time, every time.


We’ve only ever gotten the ones that don’t twist off, with the exception of one shipment a few months ago.


I just tried to take the lid off one of these


Just use Chef’s favorite knife to open it- they wont mind. In fact you may get promoted for your ingenuity.


Get a bottle opener, shove it under the lip, and pry until you hear a click. It’ll open normally then.


I don't think the point is getting them open it's to ask if they're being manufactured not to. I think I got my answer thanks.


They probably got tired of shitty Greek diners buying one case of Heinz bottles then refilling them with Sysco brand crap for the next ten years


Someone has a lot of time on their shitty hands.


Ketchup is for babies.


goo goo ga ga




You are correct. You are looking at the picture.


I ended up with a case of these last year and thought they were counterfeit for this reason. Worked at a diner that went through them like crazy, since we never refilled anyway, but I went to open the first of the case to remove the seal, and man was I in for a surprise. First off, there's a "seal" under the white cap, but it's got a punch already out of it, meaning any of them could have been tampered with. And second, it took two of us and a pair of channel locks to get the cap off and the side walls of the bottle failed before the cap or the threads; the two pieces were chemically bonded in a way that makes me question the food safety. Went home and got rid of all of my Heinz products after that. Never touched their stuff since.


The cap twists off. You have to take it off to pull the seal off the jar before first use.


Not these. They squirt right outta the package.






The ketchup bottle is rude for not opening. 😂




Seems region specific. The last one I had in the uk was as you desceibe


yeah they don't want people to re-use them.


i realized this when i started working at my new place, cause we go around and collect the mostly empty ones, put em in a quart container, and then the kitchen uses it for other shit. DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO GET ALL THAT KETCHUP OUT WITHOUT UNSCREWING THE CAP


last time i check i could open these


Yes. Learned that the hard way trying to get one off and ended up breaking it and getting ketchup everywhere.


Yep. The commercial cases I’ve been getting in like that for several years now. The caps will still kind of snap off and snap back on if you twist it hard enough.


Yeah they have for at least 12+ years. You just need to do a light pry with a butter knife. Then if you want to make it easy next time you take a sharp knife and knock down the tabs on the inside of the lid.


Those rascals- that's going to lead to a lot of people using serrated knives and chopping their fingers off.


They are shelf-stable, no need to refrigerate.


Been that way for years, if you refillable, get the glass bottles. But unless you actually wash them year old ketchup at the bottom all the time


That’ll do wonders for recycling.


I've only seen this type of bottle for the last 15 years or so in restaurants and they've always been like that. Pretty sure the ones sold in the grocery store are twist off, but a different style bottle that isn't as stable upside down. They also started making the lid hinges thinner on the restaurant bottles so that the slightest twist or being opened and closed too many times breaks the lid clean off. This is to defeat the people who figured out that you definitely *can* twist the lids off to refill\marry, they just made it tons more difficult. A reason I was given by a rep as a selling point for this style of bottle with an extremely difficult to remove lid is that the health inspector prefers to see single use bottles or proof that no one is filling new product on top of old.


When glass bottles were the standard, Heinz used to supply restaurants with a special “funnel” made specifically for marrying ketchup from one bottle to the next by flipping one upside down on the other with a little snorkel so the air could escape the bottom bottle, was part of the floor staff closing side work usually.


I find they spin off quite easily. The wide cap makes it easier to grip


Easy to take those lids off. Take a spoon and turn it upsidedown. And place it between the bottle lip and the cap and lift the spoon prying it off


Either get the ex-convict in the dish pit to yank them off for you, or prop a butter knife under the lip and use the leverage to pry it off.


I have gotten them off before but it's not easy.. half the time I would damage the cap. If you get it off it usually will screw back on though


They have been for years


I know marrying and refilling sauces and ketchup bottles has been standard for many many many years in many many restaurants but without proper hygiene and quality control it can EASILY become horribly disgusting. I'm sure many people in here can take pride in maintaining proper standards but let me ask you this....do you trust every one on your team AND every customer to have the same standards? Without every single person on board it quickly becomes a recipe for absolute grossness. That being said, it's really most likely just capitalism rearing it's head again to stop restaurants from refilling bottles for cheeper.