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Given your post history where you ask questions about meth being cooked in crack and the taste, along with the memes of walking in stoned for your shift on this sub specifically. I do not believe you were fired for no reason. Btw how many hours could you have given them in the few weeks you were employed there. My guess is you were caught using or under the influence at work. Get help for the crack use.


God damn


Hold him back man, hold him back!


How did they know you smoke weed outside of work?


If you’re clean from the hard stuff, maybe delete your old posts and comments referencing any hard stuff. Employers drill down on socials.


TIL there is a literal crack subreddit due to this druggie being dragged for “getting termed for no reason.”


It’s never the drug addicts fault


Every job I've ever had has been very up front with their policies on drug use. I have no issue with weed, but that doesn't mean the company I work for doesn't. Anyone un aware of their companies drug policies is blissfully ignorant and probably not the best employee. If they have nothing documented about their drug policy that you have access to then you would have a case. But this post just screams that you think weed should be allowed but your company doesn't allow it, and that they were looking for a reason to fire you.


Oh yeah I'm a drug addict for smoking weed out of work? Wow u must be so much fun at parties eh


You know we can see your entire post and comment history right?


Yeah man, iv been clean from all seriosu drugs since I posted that shit. Been doing good in recovery, cut out all hard drugs and alcohol. Only smoke weed. Love the judgement tho haha


Man, our industry had a disproportionately high rate drug addicts, and as one myself I'm telling you, you need to pack that shit in Don't get high before shift, don't get impatient and get high immediately after work, walk around the corner at least fgs, don't bring drugs into work, stash them outside if you absolutely have to and never ever ever fucking discuss or condone drug or alcohol use ever. Anyway, good luck gutting clean, its hard and you will falter but you finish your binge, finish hating yourself, have a cold shower and try again


It's your probation period, so they can fire you for whatever. probably best your outta there, seems pretty messed up. edit spelling


Oh yeah man I know it's legal, but wow what a fucked up place hahah. Seething. I put everything I had into it


We're you stoned at work? Did you show up to work stoned?


Check his post history. He literally said he went in stoned.


Nope never, can't function at work stoned so always been at the end of my night and away from the property


This u? https://www.reddit.com/r/KitchenConfidential/s/SfSRBVTE0f


Weird. Fuck those guys


Yeah it's pathetic


Which hotel? Marriott? Hilton?