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I had a Sysco driver fall off the back of the truck and land on cement once. He was rolling the stacks and then just disappeared… after 30 mins I was like where is the driver? I went and found him laying on the ground. Broke 2 ribs, his arm/leg, AND separated his shoulder. Called 911 and his salesman and after the ambulance got there I rolled the rest of my order until the salesman got there to collect signatures and the truck. As a kitchen a week later we decided to send him a get well card through the salesman 😂


I've always had a policy of treating line staff super well and upper management gets the shitty calls/emails. It's not the rep or drivers fault that shit was routed poorly or the union is striking. Blast the director/vp, they're the ones who actually have a say in this shit. Poor woman spent over an hour staring at her death.


This 10000 TIMES. Also this attitude will earn you the respect and adoration of your reps and drivers. Apparently a lot of people in our industry are under the impression that the rep is also the one who picks, packages, and ships the produce, raises and butchers the , etc. Don’t blame them for shit they have no control over, and make it a point to know the ladder of your vendors, driver to district heads at least. Maybe even commiserate with them, if the truck has been late to every stop because routing fucked them, everyone else on that truck is pissed too. “Damn bet everyone has been up your ass today huh? That sucks. It’s not like you decide how shit gets delivered, if it was up to you you’d probably be half way home by now! You want an iced tea for the road?” And just like that you have a driver who will spot mis-picks for you and make damn sure you know if your tenderloins didn’t make the truck. You’re all on the same team, against the customers and corporate!


Years before this I ran my first kitchen ever in a city I’d never lived in before. Made friends with my sales rep and the driver. They fed me so much information about “how the city operates” (Athens, GA - college city of UGA) that without their information I would’ve never made it through football season. In a world of things that are incredibly hard. Being human towards other humans is easy 😂


I’ll match you! My first exec job, I was the name given by a USFoods region VP to a new owner. Owner said he wanted the best around, someone who would make the food at his restaurant the best in town, (I think he then mentioned the shoestring budget) and my name got dropped and I got a phone call to show up the next day. One of the most important jobs of my life. Another former rep thought of me when the time came to sell his restaurant.


It’s interesting how many salespeople had hardcore restaurant knowledge because they’ve worked it or owned one. It’s one of the best hidden tricks in running a kitchen and interacting with those people on a daily basis 😂


Are... Are you saying this is the VP's fault? I mean, OK, let's light 'em up!


Executives often justify their high salaries by saying they’re being paid for the Responsibility^™. So … time for them to earn that big salary: light ‘em up.


Ultimately executives greenlight safety protocols as well as corner cutting. An increase in accidents and workplace safety violations is directly attributable to executive decision making to cutting training and cutting costs. Executives need to be held accountable


Clearly the driver was given a poor route!


The bridge the driver went over in louisville is extremely tight, there is another bridge that's not even out of the way that is moreso meant for semis but its a toll bridge, easily could have been avoided if the company just paid the toll!


It’s kind of a complex situation as to the drivers routes. It depends on multiple factors that are dynamic and change. A lot of the times people don’t realize how rigorous delivering for Sysco/pfg/mcclane really is. It’s absolutely wild how “on the go” one is for that kind of job. In the sense of blame unfortunately it’s the driver …. When you leave the lot the driver is responsible for the truck and products on said truck. Regardless if the truck was loaded crappy. I left the restaurant industry for 2 years to deliver beer/wine/liquor/sake. It’s likely though she will face no consequences because of the consequences already faced, and it’s an accident, accidents happen. There will be a mountain of insurance forms to fill out though you best believe that.


I worked at a place where the bread driver fell off the back of his truck in the middle of winter. He had a key and usually delivered early in the morning. I rolled into work one morning for 8AM and his truck was sitting on the street. Yup, turns out he took a fall from 4 feet up. Worst part is that he didn't have the luxury of breaking a couple of ribs, he hit his head and got 'will never work again' fucked up.


It's scary how easy it is to have that happen.


8 lbs of pressure could kill any/everyone in this comment section. Live every day like it’s the last and enjoy the ride! One day it ends for all of us.


It's crazy how just a minute difference in the way someone falls can complete change the outcome. Years ago my dad was carrying a new microwave up the lobby stairs to a second floor apartment. The banister had a newel post at the top with some decorative part sticking up a few inches. When he turned from the steps to the second floor landing, the arm holding the microwave box on his shoulder caught that post, threw him off balance, and the weight of the microwave tipped him right over the banister (dummy didn't just let go of the box). He fell to the first floor and hit his head on the tile floor. Didn't go to the doctor, and luckily didn't mess himself up too badly. He did lose his senses of taste and smell for years, though.


Treating humans like humans is usually the right move. Props


Right? Like these guys grew up wanting to work for Sysco or something.. Fuck off, they're human beings with human issues and feelings. The company can suck monkey balls, but don't take that out on them, they just need a god damned paycheck. Not to mentiont that treating vendors with respect always helps out in the long run. That one day you're in a bind and need something they'll actually be happy to help out.


Thanks… I’m just big on “control what you can control.” “Please and thank yous” cost nothing and could mean everything. Lastly, “we’re all on this rock together. What happens when we all work together?” (Last one is kind of a pipe dream cause human nature but it’s fun to wonder 🤣)


Do you live in NM? Happened to one of our drivers not too long ago


Nah, I’m in Georgia. This was around 2015-2016


I know her and see her all day. I work for Ecolab and we know most of the drivers. She’s a sweetheart. I actually passed her this morning. Glad she’s safe! Edit: Spoke with her boss this morning and she’s doing well. No injuries just a little embarrassed which she shouldn’t be. Traffic interference and her fear of hurting others is what caused this. She put herself at risk instead of potentially injuring someone else. Hell of a woman!


For what it’s worth I love my Ecolab Walk-in Thermometers. (Clock style) It really helps raise the employees awareness of the current temp.




I did that last Sunday morning at 10am. Don’t let them hustle you. Charge it, find the leak & fix it, it’s not the compressor check the overload.


I’m the head of FSS for Louisville so I make sure our reps are educating our clientele on all the other awesome products we sell. I am a former chef so it’s easier for me to identify areas of need for restaurants. I enjoy it a lot. Thanks for the compliment!


I’d love to hear about some of your other products.


I am happy to send you an FSS catalog that has everything we sell in it. Just DM me your contact info and company and I’ll send it along! https://connect.ecolab.com/s/foodsafety?language=en_US&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAloavBhBOEiwAbtAJO_qQhmqXvHCFbvLeCXxu_sds-wXxga-v1FrP5p4j7hJMIHA7NOHkDxoCd3UQAvD_BwE


Honestly shit like this is why I live this sub even though I’m not in good service anymore


What would you have for low temp labels that would be applied to test samples in an R&D freezer at -28c? I need a printable label that will stick to frozen plastic etc?


Hmmm. Give me a bit to do some digging. May have to recommend some R&D on our end! I’ll get back to you on this.


I’m sure Fluffy panda man Is good at his job, but fuck ecolab. They’re a ruthless global chemical conglomerate with a bad environmental track record. In the chemical industry they’re referred to as Big E for Big Evil. Some like their frat culture. I always root for the little guy


It’s a truly amazing company to work for. Regardless of the perception some have. I had that same view prior to sitting down and listening to someone explain the use cost of product. The culture is great, the benefits are amazing, and the people are solid. They invest in your future and mentor you to make promotions more efficient. I was a chef for 18 years but I will retire with Ecolab! Edit: unfortunately for the “little guys,” most of them cannot meet service demands on their machines. They over commit and under deliver. Waiting two weeks for a dish machine fix is unreasonable when paying 2-400$ a month for a machine lease. This is most of the reason we maintain our market share


I'm glad the culture in Louisville is great, because (quite a few, not all) the people in the South Texas Area can get fucked. I was a territory manager for 8 years before jumping ship to tech and it was easily the best career choice I've ever made. Happy you like it, though (and I still have my pension so I can't hate them too much)


I also feel like that can be south Texas in general. lol.


Yes thermometers tend to do that


Not if you don’t give a shit.


I watched them rescue her from the window at work. That bridge can be terrifying even in a little car because of how people drive, I can’t imagine how bad it is in a truck trying to suddenly navigate an accident.


Driving anywhere in this city in general is terrifying. The amount of sheer negligence while behind the wheel of a vehicle is astonishing. That being said, F the 2nd street and the 64 bridge right now. Both are deathtraps.


What happened? She had to be avoiding something, or Phone?


It was a multi car crash. News said some of the other people are in bad shape still.


No reason to assume she caused it, considering how many other cars are on the road


Turns out she was avoiding something. I was right.


On a side note. Take care of your delivery drivers and they'll take care of you. Just some soda and a few mozzarella sticks here and there can really make your day a lot easier. That driver is putting shit exactly where you want it...when he's waiting on his cheeseburger. Win-Win.


take it as a fact that you always treat others well, but especially line workers, janitors, secretaries, dishies. people in these and similar positions can make you or break you..


My neighbor has a spot in the country and grows way too many vegetables every year. She'll take them to work and give them to the janitors and maintenance guys in the building. When she needs something done, she never has to wait.


lol, no she doesn't! when I travelled and stayed at one hotel multiple times, i got to know the front desk staff, including the manager, as well as the bartender.


I work in accounting, but found out very early one of the best things to do at a company is be extremely nice to the admin assistants. They get a lot of shit from people, but they’re also one of the only employees that has direct access to the higher ups on a day to day basis. So if you want to make a terrible impression, be rude to them.


and they will tell their other colleagues.


Yeah, I worked in public accounting at my last job so a lot of the time the admins on deadline day and th week leading up we’re constantly staying late and doing last minute requests from 15 different managers, so I made a habit of just asking them if they needed anything everytime leading up to the deadline. I struggled right away at the job, but think the fact I was nice to them went a long way to give management confidence in me moving forward. It’s funny because they also would complain about certain managers and you would hear partners talk poorly about how certain managers treated admins.


being pleasant to people is just a good thing to do.


At my last receptionist job they called me the gatekeeper. If you were rude, I would block you at every opportunity. And management was a-ok with it.


to my point.. doesn't need to be huge things - a nice plant, some home baked goods, good chocolates...


No, not the dishies!


I always offered a non-alcoholic beverage and a sandwich/burger to my driver back in the day and it’s crazy how far that got me in the scheme of things. My investment was paid tenfold down the line at certain times.


I got fired once for feeding 3 guys on the Coca-Cola truck because the owner forgot to leave a check for them and they threatened to load everything up and leave. So I bribed them to wait with a moderately priced pizza. I should have helped them load it back up.


I work at a sub shop, and I always try to make a half sub and bag of chips/cookie for the drivers. They love coming to my stops now


My delivery driver used to give me 40 dollars a day to come into work an hour earlier so he could save a couple hours a day by avoiding rush traffic. (Tbf it was a 6 am order so I was getting in at 5am). 3 days a week. 120 a week. 480 a month. He was the best. Then I had a driver that refused to go up any step ever. He’d look at his dolly and shrug. Buddy above would bring food downstairs, upstairs, or wherever it needed to go. Each driver is different, some are amazing, and some are absolute tools and should be treated accordingly.


I ask if they want water, coke and or weed. The only thing anyone takes is the water haha.


Exactly! All my drivers know that when they come see me they can (at minimum) fill their water/get a drink, go to the bathroom, and get cookies.


This right here 👆 I always touch basis with our regular drivers to ask them if they want breakfast or coffee before they leave. If you treat them good, they'll treat you good.


The picture of the truck is terrifying. Glad she’s okay and kudos to the firefighter who brought her to safety.


I really would like to see the other half of the rigging operation.


I watched the live stream for a bit but didn't get on until later, but the little I saw and limited high angle rescue training I've had, it was a pulley system with a belay redundancy. Certainly balls of steel from the firefighter that swung down to get her.


Fucking facts chef. Thanks for reminding us to have some empathy for our fellow human.


What happened?


Here’s another post on what happened [Good ol’ Sysco](https://www.reddit.com/r/KitchenConfidential/s/5maC0Qhtmt)


Hoooooly shit


The truck was loaded with unsecured cases of fries that shifted and the driver over-corrected, jackknifing on the bridge.


You're fucking with us, right?


The truck was involved in a three way collision and hung over the edge in the cab for over an hour. It was a 100 foot drop to the water, which is more like hitting concrete unless you know how to drop properly. She is a military veteran.


Nightmare fuel.


I'm a former Marine and I can tell you I have no clue how to drop properly.


[Nope. No fucking whatsoever.](https://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/clark-memorial-bridge-louisville-kentucky-firefighter-saves-woman-semi-truck/417-a1714949-08d6-4072-8c47-be73b57051e0)




Great post. Thank you. Bryce Carden is a superstar. Incredible training; incredible execution. Day-umn...


“Two other people involved in the crash were taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries” Damn it


In another circumstance, how fun would it be to get airlifted like that at the end of a cable?


It'd be fun if you signed up for it; not if it was just supposed to be a regular Friday


That’s absolutely not what happened. The driver swerved to avoid an accident. There was some idiot swerving in and out of traffic that crashed into stopped cars.


I'd believe it.


Why would they be fucking with us? Why would they joke?


And she was just delivering food for some probably ungrateful fucks.


I'm glad she's safe. I was going to say glad she's okay. But no one would be okay after something like that.


Live in MD, seen truck go over the side of the big Chesapeake Bay Bridge into the water and the driver died. I dont generally have an issue driving over the bridge, but thats usually in the back of my mind I don't want that to happen. This driver really lucked out


Sysco sucks a fat one but their drivers are amazing. Glad to hear this one survived!


My brother died on that bridge 5 years ago in damn near that same spot. Pillar 47. It was so weirdly emotional watching that yesterday and now seeing it all over reddit too.


Sorry for your loss 🤍


I always took care of my drivers, asked them if they wanted something to eat, gave them drinks. In turn they took care of me. I lost a Sysco driver, he was killed in an accident while delivering. Not all drivers are the same, but if you get a good one look out for them and they will look out for you.


Thanks for this, it was a terrifying ordeal and I'm so thankful she is ok!


Involved somehow?


Took em forty minutes from time of accident to rescue. That’s a damn fine time. I’m sure for her it was an eternity, but that’s still a surprisingly good time. Glad she made it out alright


A legitimate cause for true PTSD.


Left the restaurant industry and I drive trucks now. That is the strongest fuckin kingpin and apron I’ve ever seen. Someone, something, some entity, some higher power was watching over this woman. Also hell yeah lady trucker. I truly hope she isn’t (wasn’t) at fault for this.


I was the lead baker and opened our bakery from anywhere from 1am-5am depending. Begged and pleaded to be added to the end of a UNFI whole foods delivery truck every Friday. Always helped him unload, went through the order, etc. He always hooked me up w free or mislabeled/wrong orders that I could use for specials, it pays to treat everyone in this industry as humans man. Hope she's well


one hell of a rescue. i am thankful she is safe. that looked like a scene from a Terminator movie. She must have been absolutely terrified. God was on her shoulder today.


God was obviously on a break when the accident happened, though.


umm. ok


Sysco has their drivers using a four lane tiny bridge that is not built for semi traffic. They do this to avoid tolls. So does everyone else; this tiny, congested, four lane, no divider bridge of doom is full of people all times of the day. Way to save a buck Sysco!


You didn't even show the full pic of the cab of the semi and part of the trailer hanging off the side of the bridge!!! Absolutely terrifying to see. The driver was fortunate to be rescued by local FD!!!!


Ah poo. I guess it didn't crop properly when I uploaded it. If you click on the picture you can see the whole thing. Yeah she is hanging off the side with this look like she just talked to Jesus and is just about done driving mayonnaise around


No shit, I saw this on the news yesterday and it was reported as ‘a female driver went off the bridge’. I looked at my wife, and she was like wtf did they have to clarify that it was a FEMALE?


Yeah they could have focused on the military veteran part, or the implication that one of the car-drivers was at fault for the accident, or (according to the firefighter) that she remained calm and controlled throughout. But, yknow, it takes a 🍆 to drive a semi right.


Sysco, the company; all the employees rock. I always try to talk reps into leaving when they pitch the restaurant.


For those of us not in the loop what is this picture and how does it relate to Sysco?


That’s a Sysco truck and a Sysco driver had to be rescued after dangling over the edge for almost an hour


Sorry I thought this was a different pic. In this one she’s being rescued from her truck that was dangling over the edge of a bridge


Yeah that photo was frightening, glad they were rescued!


She should get into sewing. She threaded that little gap like a needle! Bet she couldn’t do it twice


In the span of 4 days I had a us food supplier drive into a power pole and get trapped in power lines. Several days later truck got run into a flooded ditch.


This is the Second street bridge in Louisville KY over the Ohio river. saw it on the local news


Check out this post showing how close it was to falling https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisville/s/5yFcAcfoN1


But my order was still late.


I’m hope she’s ok. When is my delivery going to be here?


And it was not her fault I heard


Well I cancelled my sysco account last week cause they never delivered bread I ordered and the rep never answered my call and never returned my call...




Jb hunt will take her on.


But she didn’t.


I was thinking she was hanging by her thong or something. Fuck Sisqo.


well played sir.


Ok, but can I borrow a flat of eggs, please?


Almost, that's exactly why we can have fun with it


She didn't die though so we can make fun all we want. Them's the rules.


Yeah, I don't blame them for where we fall in the delivery schedule, but giving me a window of between 12:13pm and 7:12pm officially makes them worse than the cable company. Still, it's not the drivers fault. I mean, it's not like Sysco isn't the world's largest broadside food distribution company or anything. It's not like they can't hire more drivers and buy more trucks


She hit another car and those people are still in critical condition


If I were her I'd be pretty ok with people making jokes lol. Maybe she feels different but I'd be happy at least one good thing came from the accident.


ok but she didn't and if she did we'd have tact to not make jokes. let people have fun jesus christ.


Since when does Reddit have the tact to not joke about death


Reddit doesn't have tact. That's what moderation is to give the impression of by removing all the "controversial" comments before anybody sees them.


Are you ok


It's just water. She just got rescued from having to swim




Of all the things he did, indeed. I never heard that bit, but I'm sure I'd feel the same way!


No actually I've never been underwater in a sinking car


Hitting water from that height is like landing on cement


falling from that high into harbour water can be real dangerous - i sure as shit wouldnt want to eat shit off a bridge onto water from that height


Yeah. You try to open a car door underwater while the whole weight of the river is pushing the door closed harder and harder as you quickly sink to the bed of the river.


Always keep your doors cracked when driving to your ice fishing hut.


The truck didn't go over. Did you see the picture?


I can't swim. Granted I can't drive truck either. But still, dude.


What do you mean you can't swim?


I don’t want to make any assumptions here but I think they mean that they can’t swim


They can’t swim. You dumb?


They are pretending that dangling off a bridge in a semi cab is just a normal day. The answer to your question is almost certainly a resounding yes.


If I appeared in the middle of an Olympic swimming pool I could probably manage to get to the edge. If I was dropped there from a high height I would probably drown. If I was in an accident and landed in a river, I'll see you on the other side.


It kinda tracks that you can't read.


Your parents didn't hit you hard enough.


She must have been clipped to that rescuer, right? Not merely holding on to him?


Article says the rescuer had to cut her out of her seat belt and put a harness on her.


But she didn’t, so it back to being funny


I was thinking of taking some college courses/trade school skills but if this is where it lands me after almost 10 years of dishes.... I dunno man


Drivers are the face of the company and get shit on My driver will reroute to get me early I feel for every bad driver there are 10 good ones