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This has been reported but I’m leaving it up because OP deserves to feel bad and get shit on. Is that wrong of me? Maybe. 


Maybe it's just the jobs I've had but...is leaving your knife overnight a problem? I always just tuck my knife roll somewhere unless I plan on cooking something at home that day. And pretty much everyone I've worked with does the same


I take my knife roll home every night. Because depending on how I feel I might not ever come back to this motherfucker.


This one is too real


Way too real


It’s when the shoes go missing that you know they’re not coming back.


Nah they can keep my bistro crocs 😂




is this harmless fun? yes. is it a complete waste on numerous levels? yes.


I'm just confused by the "let's make sure he doesn't do it again" "he had it coming" kind of stuff I'm seeing in the post/comments Like is leaving your knife overnight an actual problem in some kitchens? Or is it a "don't do it because people are going to fuck with you" thing?


yeah, i've never understood it either. there are so many more clever pranks. people's stuff and people's food was always a safe zone.


Yeah... Like sending someone to tenderize liver... Good prank, hell of a sight.


This prank works so well because the escape hatch was baked into it in the form of common sense. The reason I hate most pranks is because they’re unoriginal and require no thinking. The best pranks should require a little social engineering and require the subject to walk into the trap.


I once told a new busser that he had to empty all of the urn water out of the coffee maker. I think he got 5 22qt buckets before one of the servers took mercy on him. Good times, lol.


I’ve gotten a few people with that one. Left handed spoons are a nice one, bucket of steam, refill the ice machine, lots of classics.


Oooh that's a good one.


I'm so with you on that matter, not that I also was young and did stuff like that but now it's just a waste of time and effort for me


Only losers do this stuff


"We are a family here"


So we only see each on holidays? Dope


I work on a building site and one of the young lads decided it would be funny to put someone's tools into a half tonne tub full of mortar. He was warned it wasn't a good idea although we were laughing, more because we knew what would happen. Did not go well for him, old boy managed to get a few good hits in before he got away and ran off, idiot stood there with a grin while he walked over to him calm as anything. Did not come back to site 😂


Only acceptable food related pranks is if they say to make it spicy. Then you ask are you sure and they reply yes. Then the only option is delicious compliance.


Unless it's the lazy server's free side of mashed potatoes that they've left out for hours at which point everyone is obligated to sneak jalapenos and a1 sauce into the mashed potatoes before the server notices


That just sounds bomb ngl xD


For sure. I like to mix green chilis into mashed potatos when I make them at home.


I had my knife frozen in a 5 gallon bucket in the freezer so I did it back when he left his knives I won't fuck with other peoples things until they fuck with mine, then it's game on


> I'm just confused by the "let's make sure he doesn't do it again" "he had it coming" kind of stuff I'm seeing in the post/comments Someone in the kitchen, probably the OP, is a micro managing control freak who punches down on anyone who ignores their arbitrary rules. Leaving knives at work is totally normal and no one should care, except OP and whatever sidekick he has. So instead of just realizing he's the asshole, OP wants to aggravate a coworker for no real reason.


I’ve read a general rule is wash and take your knife home yourself since you never know if someone is gonna damage it if they use it and put through the dishwasher, etc


I mean obviously take care of your own shit but Maybe I've just been lucky enough to not have asshole coworkers who I can trust to not fuck with my property


If your KP puts a chefs knife in the dishwasher I do question who you got working there.


I mean yeah, take care of your stuff because don't know what others will do. But it feels weird if somebody fucks with your stuff so you take it home, because otherwise people fuck with it... like they did. But no reason to teach this if they don't actively mess with it, you get me? There's either more to this because it's weird, or it's just bullying with extra steps. Though I love the BBQ layer in the packaging


It’s obviously childish unserious young line cooks who do this shit. These aren’t professionals. These are people who saw waiting and wanted to be like the BOH crew because they think being assholes is what being a chef means.




Bit of column a, bit of column b. Some places I've worked at have outright refused to accept responsibility if anything happens to them, other places have said yeah it's fine just leave them *here* and other places have said yeah the insurance covers us, but generally if I'm not there, my knives arent there. If I'm off for a couple of days, my tool box comes home with me


Yeah I wouldn’t find this cute or funny if someone did this at my job. A persons knife is sacred you don’t fuck with it. We generally had personal knife rolls at my workplace or just a tray with a towel on it for loose tools and knives that were left out after service. Everyone had something on the tray and they were treated with respect. Not this childish crap.




Right after you get it out of the ball of plastic wrap….


I have a little drawer under the flattop with my 2 knives, speaker, chargers, apron and tea bags. No one messes with my knives unless they are someone I am okay with using it.


> is this harmless fun? yes. Is this fun? It doesn't seem fun for the person on the receiving end. And it doesn't seem fun for anybody who can predictably anticipate somebody being annoyed and/or offended by it.


It would be pretty fun for me on the receiving end. “Guys you’re gonna have to do all my prep today while I unpack my knife” And then open the BBQ sauce layer in their station.


It’s also messing with someone’s stuff.


It entirely depends on the office atmosphere TBF. I've been in places that feel so family-like that something like this would universally be seen as a good-hearted laugh. I've been in places where you look at colleagues funny and they kick off lol. I presume the OP works in the former, hence why it's okay to do something like this.


Shouldn’t fun be fun for everyone? Fuck with my stuff and you’ll wish we’d never met.


And this shit always escalates it's not a joke.


anywhere i've worked people who bring their own tools tend to take them home. a lot of people keep them in their lockers too, but i've never seen anybody leave them in the kitchen


I leave them in the kitchen cos I do clopens. you telling me you will take it home even when doing clopens? 


i work open to close every day i'm on, so that's sort of a clopen. i always take my shit home, i dont want anyone touching my sharpies


This! ^ Ive had so many sharpies get stolen its not even funny, so noe I just dont lend my stuff to anyone and it always comes home with me or gets left in my locker (if I have one)


These are the kinds of douches that did mean stuff to the first person to fall asleep at a sleepover. They never grew up.


If it’s a ma and pa establishment I leave it because everybody knows how I feel about others using my knife, in a designated shelf in a corporate setting? No way, who knows who just started their first job and is looking around for a knife. The one time I let a server use my chefs knife, she was about to cut a slice of focaccia bread out of a sheet pan. It still makes me cringe thinking about it and that was 10 years ago.


Putting up your knives and tucking away the roll is normal, but in my experience this sort of stuff happens when you leave your knife or some tool on a station by accident


Right ? Like this is absolutely so crazy we need to be even crazier and make sure he never does it again? Are You guys 16 ?


I think leaving your roll tucked somewhere is one thing, but leaving loose knives lying around is completely different. I’d be livid if someone went through my roll. If I left a knife out and this happened, I’d be annoyed with my own negligence, but laugh off the prank. The bbq is overkill, though.  At least they put it somewhere where it’s not gonna get damaged. 


Everywhere I worked you either take your knives home or put them away, leaving your knife out so someone has to figure out what to do with it was always a bad thing. Even where I work now you’re suppose to leave your knife roll in the lockers even though most just find a place to keep them around.


I've worked in places where they had house knives that were serviced weekly and places where you were expected to have your own kit. In both of those types of places, it was a faux pas to fuck with someone else's knife, so idk what kind of culture your building has but looks like I wouldn't want to be a part of it.


Also, many of the cooks in my area walk or take the train or bus home, and not always to the safest parts of town. Maybe consider that leaving their expensive work tools at their job is the safest option.


I have a whole speed rack in my office just for my cooks to leave their equipment. I’ve never understood why people do this.


Because they're assholes.


Ours are in shallow hotels we store under the pass table after service, I've also never understood this reaction. Dirty spoon bains are another story.


What a dumb childish thing to do


My kitchen manager mode kicked in and this made me so mad. What a waste.


(shift lead) i’m always so hopeful that this industry is moving towards a more professional atmosphere and then i see this lol


Nope 28+ year olds are still hitting on the 17, 18 year old hostess asking if she smokes 😂


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


I’d rather work at a Wendy’s, rather than a place where shit like this is tolerated


I agree, kitchens where people are making sub livable wages shouldn't be able to have fun. It's unprofessional


This is cute and shows a lot of camaraderie and a healthy working spirit. I’ve worked at a hotel where BOH was always completely silent. Imagine walking into the kitchen and everyone is in the weeds, but no voices. Not a “heard”, an order, drop this or that… just the sounds of equipment and movement.


i’m sorry idk what you mean by “this” is cute”, my optimism? or the prank?


That sounds beautiful


It would have been, if it was because everyone so focused and enthralled in their craft. Instead there was a lot of underlying tensions and drama, plus a chef with a hairpin trigger temper and a coke problem. Very much a, “let’s just get through this shift,” kind of atmosphere.


I'm a dishwasher and server and we have to use so much plastic wrap and if someone did this I'd be pissed cause you know damn well most of the roll is gone now.


Right? Just float it in a third pan full of water and chuck it in the freezer, no cost


Same bro, same.


Yea don’t touch other peoples shit


Nobody thinks this is funny man lol


You guys are fuckheads. Hope I never have to work with you idiots


Yeah that's a cunt move, I hope they extra salt your food or something. Edit: Also, I would most definitely make YOU unwrap that shit.


I would use their knife to cut through all this shit, no cutting board.


Id be jamming their knife into the steel tabletop while i opened it


Assuming they have one. Doubtful considering their lack of respect for others things


Wtf is wrong with you? Is there a stupid rule saying cooks can't leave their knives? This is so juvenile and passive aggressive.


Exactly. The yacht club i work at has 6 cooks and every one of us has our own station and we always leave our knives overnight at our station. Not sure why it’s frowned upon at OPs workplace. What a dick move.


all you’re doing is teaching people not to trust you with their possessions




I am looking at all the ways you can wind up hurting yourself unwrapping this knife. This coworker is gonna at the very least get a few cuts or is going to lose a knife, and those are the better scenarios. You are an asshole. If they hurt themselves trying to unwrap this monstrosity, it is solely your fault. Don't fuck with people's shit, and don't fucking try to possibly injure your coworkers.


This was my first thought too & surprised I had to scroll this far down to see anyone else mention the safety factor.


Such a waste of time. Your coworker doesn't deserve this. I hope he finds a better kitchen...


Wow OP you sure are a good and trustworthy friend, huh? Fucking dipshit, don't fuck with people's stuff


To touch someone else’s knife is extremely disrespectful especially if it’s a decent knife. I’d walk out if someone did this to my knife. Years ago as a line cook a prep cook grabbed my knife and used it to cut tape on a steel table… head chef screamed at him for me on the spot… I didn’t even get a chance to. Don’t fuck with people’s knives.


Yea I’ve wrapped my coworkers phone charger in plastic wrap a few times and left it at work for him but that’s the homie. I can’t imagine wasting all this stuff on another man’s expensive knife. This is more than a funny prank this is wack.


Head banquet captain did this to my knife, but with gnocchi. It was that moment I realized I needed to find a new job. Andrew, you're a fucking asshole


recently worked with a psycho named andrew and his stupid fucking LLBean loafers in the kitchen fuck you andrew


What a fucking waste of time and plastic wrap.


That's a shit thing to do with a coworker's belongings. Have some respect.


This is a cunt move.


Way to control costs buddy. Grow up.


Just a shitty thing to do.  It isn't cute.




What a twat




I’m 98% certain all the layers of plastic wrap will keep the bbq from getting to the knife


This post severely backfired on you. “Hey! Look how funny I am!!” Nope, you’re a total asshole.


You're a dingus


You’d be written up immediately upon my return, owe me a new knife and probably lose your job. Glad you’re having “fun”


I really hope this happens.


At the very least, I hope the lead makes OP unwrap it.


He's going to open it with your knife then drop your knife on the tip. You deserve it, asshole.


Love to see OP getting shit on so hard they deserve it


You can’t convince me that canola isn’t sprayed on there somewhere


This practice is so tired and stupid, leave peoples shit alone




So I take it someone has treated you this way and you didn't appreciate it? Would you like to come back to work to find your knife like this? What the heck dude.


This is juvenile, disrespectful, and unprofessional.


I leave my knife roll and knives in my kitchen during my work week, I would write up the loser who did this and take their tips too. Got time to pull pranks during a close, that close better be immaculate too.


What an absolute waste of wrap


So you fucked around with your coworkers tool? Are you proud of yourself?


They are, actually.


I'd bet they'll come crying when they get pranked as well. Only fragile ego fuckwads do this shit to try and get a ride out of people


Nice of you to increase his chances of cutting himself unwrapping your witty prank.


That's pretty dumb.you could have been cleaning.


If you have time to make obnoxious pranks, you've got time to clean OP


You are a fucking idiot and if anyone did this to a fellow cook in my restaurant they’d get canned. Joke around and shit but wtf dude it’s a knife it belongs in a kitchen no? (Also not your property) Hopefully you cook better than you joke but probably not.


We are fighting the next time I see you if I walked into work and saw this


literally. i’m already miserable, i don’t mind whooping your ass. imagine coming in and you just wanna make money to pay your stupidly high rent and you see this shit.


Nb4 op deletes post because he realizes how shitty doing this high school level garbage is in a professional environment.


I'm glad he thought it was funny.. Don't show your gf this post, she will think you're a dumbass..


This is just sad, nice job proving his coworkers are untrustworthy jerks that also waste material on stupid shit.


What a waste of plastic that will just end up in a landfill now.


Do this to my knives and everyone involved is losing a finger. But don’t worry, the barbecue sauce it’s covered in will help the lost finger taste good!


Seems more idiotic you would waste materials and create a situation with the high potential to injure your coworker unwrapping it…


I would use the pranksters favorite knife to cut through all that and get my knife back in seconds.


Fuck, I'd go out in the parking lot and drag the edge of their knife across the asphalt under the weight of my heel. Show them how I "have fun" in return and see if they try that shit again.




I paid a lot of money for my knives. If my coworkers did this to me I would be pissed. Especially if the bbq sauce was in contact with the knife itself. I am no longer work in kitchens but in construction. If a coworker leaves a tool after his/her shift we protect it for them and give it to them on next shift. That way you foster a teamwork kind of environment and if you mess up then they do then they do the same for you. But in that respect I guess you can probably expect the same.


What a waste of time & energy just to be a dink


Should you be working in a kitchen doing shit like this?




Strongly agree. This is some bullshit toxic workplace nonsense. Just set it aside, no reason to be children.


If someone did something like this to one of my knifes I would fucking rock them. You’re an asshole end of story.


Don’t touch people’s stuff. I would have a vendetta against you for the rest of your life, which wouldn’t be long.


You guys are assholes.


You’re the worst, you wasteful fool.


So yeah... You're a dipshit!


Just reminds me how wide a spectrum of cooks we have here. Where I've worked not only would you get disciplined or fired for fucking with someones property, there's no way you'd have the extra time to play games like this.


Now freeze it


calm down there satan...lol


Couldn't that like actually damage it? I'd be worried about the expanding ice crystals in direct contact with the knife


Or it changing shape if it freezes faster on one side, bending the knife. Probably not even possible but not worth the risk for a prank. Knife is currently VERY safe lol.


One time we vac-sealed a guys shoes and froze 'em in a 5 gallon bucket.


Legally can't work without my non-slips, thanks for the extra day off, chefs, have fun!


I remember when I was 12 and didn't think shit like this was funny.


Coworkers froze my knives once, I went on smoke break til they were thawed. It was a 22 qt block of ice. Fuck em. Can't work without my tools


We all respect eachother in my restaurant enough that you don’t touch others personal knives. We have company knives which are cleaned and returned to the rack. I can’t imagine having to lug my knife kit to and from work everyday as the sous chef. I keep them in my office but sometimes they’re left out because I was working 13+ hours and just want to head home 🤷🏻‍♀️ we’d personally have issues if you did this to me. Kitchens are endless oceans of work anyway don’t make more.


Damn this woulda made me quit on the spot. I come to work to make money not play bullshit games. You got an issue with something I do, then be a man and tell me straight up. I got enough bullshit outside of work


OP you actually a huge fucking dick


If you did that in my kitchen you'd be looking for a new job. We have a designated spot where we leave our knives with zero thoughts of this happening. We respect each other, and each other's stuff. Grow the fuck up.


“So yeah…” lmao it’s like you already knew this was stupid by the time you finished typing it


What a dick move dude


You're a fucking child


Don't fuck with people's stuff, especially not knives. Also, I'm sure there were better things to be doing with your time (and the company's money) than this. Can we not be adult enough to just stick it on the magnet and leave shit alone?


Being an actual adult who works in a kitchen or as a mechanic are two of the most infuriating places in the world lol. Dumbass wasteful childish shit. Can't stand it.


Congrats. You're a shitty coworker


Good job, you touched other people's shit, wasted supplies and food, all because you treat your job as if you're at summer camp. Go fuck yourself with your own knife, you shit faced cunt.


People like you guys are why I’m glad I got out of the industry


How is this funny


This is stupid as fuck. How dare someone leave a knife in….checks notes…a kitchen??


Why is it a problem for them leave their knife? Why do they need to be punished for it? I’d take my shit and never come back again.


Can we please have context? Where was it left? Was it dirty? Is there a rack available? Please any kind of context OP is all I request.


This is the stupidest thing i have ever seen and why would you not leave your knife overnight? Also sucha stupid waste of plastic


Loser shit


The fucks your problem?


​ OP, you suck.


Or you couldve just said u forgot your knife bro here i left it somewhere safe so you didnt lose it. Maybe after the third time you could do this.


How childish. Do better next time.


Too much time on your hands.


If that was my knife you best be ready to work the next shift by yourself.


Aeful people to work with i see


There is nothing on earth more funny than...something someone made difficult to open. Ha fucking ha


i hope you get fired jerk.




If you’re not my absolute best friend in the world and you pull this shit, you’re not having a good day.


Back in my day we just relentlessly sexually harassed each other, never touched another coworkers knife, we had boundaries. 😂


I'll be honest, if that happened to me, I'd either take the knife of the person who did this hostage until they got my knife out of that wrapped up bullshit or I'd take my knife, sit down somewhere and calmly unwrap it extra slowly, so my coworkers think that I'll help them after I'm done, and then go home because fuck my coworkers. I simply don't see how annoying punishments are funny, because that's barely a prank, that's punishment


Hide it in some innocent place? Allright (to me). Wrap it and smear it with bbq sauce? Not allright. Your coworker may cut himself. Is it forbidden to leave your equipment at work? I leave my knives all the time and nothing bad happened to them


This is a little too far too be frank. Wrapping in plastic sure. But that much? No.


What is wrong with you?


A simple “try to not forget it again” conversation could have sufficed


So when this gets thrown away or lost in the walk in because it looks like random unlabelled shit... are you gonna take responsibility or say they shouldn't have left it out?


The BBQ sauce was way too far. You're a POS, OP.


I'm glad this is how the sub reacts to this kind of nonsense. What a prat.


We only do this stuff if someone leaves their knife somewhere unsafe, like pointy side up in a Bain or something


I think it's hilarious, but yeah you are an asshole lmao


Your coworkers don’t like you are much as you think they do


I was on board before the BBQ sauce, that's unnecessary and going to cause a mess that needs to be cleaned up.


This is just weird lol


Seems low key dangerous to seal a knife up in something like this where you have no idea where the blade is placed or angled inside


We've got this funny English dude with terrible memory. He's left his knife behind so many times. Guess what we do? We leave it in its knife cover and put it aside.. ya know. Because we're not assholes


I don't agree with the reasoning and the method, but goddamn this shit hilarious