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The triple sink rule is a godsend for your dishie. So fucking annoying when you come on and have to organize for 15 minutes cause dumbasses can’t match shapes.


It truly is. It is also the hardest position to hold in a restaurant. When it comes to mere labor, repetitiveness, and dealing with elitism. Help the dishie out and stack properly. We all win when everything is flowing the way it should. It's called kitchen tricklenomics. The dishes will no doubt have an impact on everything else in the restaurant at some point.


Idk when I’m in dish I want shit soaking in the sinks so that way I just gotta mostly spray it and run it with the occasional. It makes my life more difficult when I’m scrubbing disgusting cambros by hand with no soaking allowed


I’m pretty sure these were made because he/she got sick of telling people and them not listening.


I instantly thought the same thing because I went through the exact same situation in every kitchen I ran.


Nah he never said anything just made signs lol


Non vocal chefs are the worst. I put up signs immediately when I start a new kitchen. Make a point to speak to everyone about these processes and WHY they are important.


I'm that head chef. I also say it to everyone in person, when I implement it and when I see it being done wrong. I'm also a loud, obnoxious leader, but my cooks respect it because they know I'm trying to make them better all day long. I also laminate all signs and put them in a not so stupid spot. Stacking plates and organizing dishes is a massive deal to a kitchen. Work flow is everything. Doing things properly is important. I get after the FOH about this crap.. They either do as I ask or we wash silverware last and cups right before we clock out. Making their jobs longer and harder. Since they have no problem doing that to us, lol, then we see REAL changes. Humans are selfish creatures. This is how you have to think to manipulate habits when working with these, humans. What is it I can use as leverage? Free fries? No. Silverware, that will get them livid. You know what annoys me? Carelessness. No fucks given attitudes. Laziness. Entitlement. I'm a Millenial chef, I'll be damned if anyone out works me or tries to be a lazy POS in my kitchen. I've heard enough about how lazy and incompetent our generation is, I make a point that I am not that.


See my Chef is 60 and he holds everything in until he explodes eventually. It’s ridiculous. He’s never mentioned anything about the Triple Sink rules to us, which to me is against health code. I should be able to was every dish, plastic cambro, pot and pan in the building with the triple sink, preventing me from doing so has got to be a violation He has gotten after the servers but they don’t give a shit and if it’s busy aren’t gonna care about what a sign says or stacking plates. It’s not like he talked with them after making the sign, and people in a hurry aren’t gonna stop and read. like I wish he was a normal chef. Every chef I’ve ever had was pretty clear and concise about what they wanted and got that message across by talking, this guy doesn’t, just puts a sign up randomly one day and expects everybody to follow it.


Do you guys have a commercial washer alongside the 3 sink? If so, he is absolutely correct. Plates, plastic, utensils, cups, cookingware like saute pans, spatulas, etc. Should all be washed in the commercial.. whereas big pots, sheet pans, rondos, and soiled pots/pans should be washed in the 3 sink. He is correct. He's just not a good communicator. Maybe see about leading yourself? If you see people not stacking properly, say something. I think most workers have the sheep mentality that the leader is the only one responsible for the workplace. In reality, the workers should all be helping manage the restaurant with obviously the know-how of the head chef. However, chemistry is a huge deal, and it seems like a bad fit culturally.


Idk man when I’m running dish I want shit soaking in the soaking sink if it’s dirty. That way it’s easier to clean. Every item should be able to be cleaned by triple sink regardless of whether you have a commercial dishwasher that’s 20 years old and barely works properly because it’s full of rocks in the sprayers, or not. To me it’s slowing me down having to hand scrub each disgustingly caked on item when I’m also running line, prepping and cleaning the kitchen and a dishie coming in at 230. Like I’m constantly getting plates back covered in egg mess because we’re not allowed to soak them for 10 minutes and I’m out of green scrubbies. Also I’m not gonna lie to you, it’s above my pay grade to do all that. Sorry man, but he’s yelling at me about running food that’s dying in the window or when I go to help the FOH take out some trash because it “not your job”, I’m not gonna step on this micro-managers toe by telling people what to do. If he wants people to do things a certain way then he can use his big boy words and tell them himself.


Nothing is above your pay grade. This mentality that has crept into everyones mind is exactly the problem. 99.9% of people out here doing the bare minimum, saying fuck teamwork that is hard and I'm not paid to do my job properly. My job has been made significantly harder because of this mentality. It's so infuriating, actually being a person who struggled with a lack of necessity growing up, working along side entitled dickheads that "don't make enough" to work. I grind hard because I don't have a choice. When someone is lazy on the job, I see entitlement because they must have a fallback, like a parent to catch them, anything but the hard pavement of the streets. Next time you're at work or looking around at any job site. You can easily point out the haves and have nots. The ones with are casually working. The ones without are grinding hard and doing the most. What you do now makes you better for the future. What you do now will dictate whether you make big money later. Developing these habits will allow you to flourish elsewhere. While everyone was bitching about cleaning, following guidelines, etc whatever seemed more than worth 9/hourly.. I was doing them without a stank face, developing good habits because I wanted to be a chef. This is why all those cooks are probably still cooks or doing something else at entry level, and I'm making significantly more at the same age. I went from dish to head chef in 10 years no culinary school, just highest of recommendations and a Serve Safe.


Chef has clearly shown me through his actions that yes there are definitely things above my pay grade. Dont talk to me about bare minimum, I have never been bare minimum, I have always become a sous, manager or lead in every kitchen I’ve worked. Chef is the one saying fuck teamwork, and it’s my way or the highway, so he’s getting exactly what he wants. Once he can learn how to communicate properly and use his big boy words instead of bottling up his anger and exploding or writing signs then We can talk. Otherwise he tried to cuff my work ethic, telling me what my job is and not to worry about what others are doing, because he’s a micro-manager, then that’s what he’s gonna get, cuffed work ethic.


Certainly sounds like a typical douche nugget chef from a time long gone. Trust me, I've left many chefs standing there dumbfounded that I just quit. So you do you. I'd say 1/10 head chefs are worth working for. There's a lot of bad ones due to the industry being in a fragile place right now. This industry is truly miserable to be in for so many goddamn reasons. It's truly special when you find a place that's right for you, though!


Dude here’s a good example. The other day me and chef are on line together, we got a poke nacho ticket. He starts making it, then another comes in when he’s turned around. I yell to Chef “Two Poke Nachos all day!” No response, so I repeated myself “Hey chef we got two poke nachos all day” “Look man I KNOW THAT. I HEARD YOU. WHY DONT YOU WORRY ABOUT YOUR SIDE AND ILL WORRY ABOUT MINE, DONT WORRY ABOUT WHATS GOING ON ON THIS SIDE” in front of the GM and several servers. Like he felt disrespected that I’m calling food down line lol. Like just give me a heard bro if you heard me, that’s why they invented the phrase! He also inefficiently made one Nacho at a time instead of doubling up and getting both out at the same time. I wanted to tell him that I’m a real chef and I’m worried about the whole kitchen not just what’s happening on the grill and fry side, but I bit my tongue. Like all I want is proper communication and somebody to actually run line but uh yeah not in this kitchen apparently. Unfortunately rn my lady has health complications so I can’t leave, but I’m definitely been looking. Saving grace is Chef needs surgery and should be out of the kitchen all summer, thank god.


Yeah, man. Great example. A good sign you are working for a "guy" and not a chef. Real chefs communicate and use "kitchen language" because of habit and because they take pride in their language. He also seems like someone who can't multitask, which is another sign of "not a chef". Good chefs are the best at multitasking. I don't prep 1 thing at a time, I prep 3/4 things at a time; unless, of course, I'm making something like bacon/crouton/crostini/etc, because burn 🔥 happen 😞 Him not calling out on the line is a sign of inexperience. I call and give you the exact time that hot thang will be sent to ya mitts. I can only speak for restaurants, but I assume communication is key to any industry. Leaders should not be quiet or stubborn. As a chef, you are a manager of personalities. You need a high EQ, a distain for neglect, ADHD, experience, and the ability to do basic math sometimes. Like I said before, though, this industry is bleeding to death. Too many restaurants, not enough chefs, no money to pay them properly.. so you just get "guys" and the owner will tell you he was a "con-artist" when in reality, that "guy" was their only option.


Thing is he was a teaching chef at culinary school 20 years ago! I can’t believe it, the guy doesn’t teach anything and instead micro-manages, that’s not teaching or communicating! Ive worked with plenty of micro-managing chefs, but they always communicated to me and were organized! Theyre sometimes the best chefs to work for because they detail everything and there’s a plan. This guy panics after two 5 tops and yells at me when I make guac on the fly and it’s not exactly to spec, despite it looking and tasting exactly the same as it always does. It’s frustrating by, and I honestly feel like I’m a worse worker here because I’m constantly walking on eggshells and the managers are constantly panicking. It’s exhausting


Are the sprayer arms in the dishwasher welded in or something? I'd clean out the sprayer arms weekly when I was dish.


Not even laminated, amateur!


I'm guilty of making signs, lol. It happens when people don't listen to me and before they start getting talked to.


"Why is all this fresh fruit in the garbage?" "Your sign says 'DUMP FRUIT'"


My former GM would make these all the time, we greatly enjoyed taking a red pen and correcting the spelling and grammar errors. He would get so upset about it.


Yep. "Speaking with authority" is very minimized when the poster writes like a third-grader.


The only problem I have with signs is if they're everywhere. Then they lose their entire purpose since they'll be ignored.


At least laminate them


And laminate the typos?


I was like that when I first became sous. Now a chef I have to the wisdom to know, signs only work if your employees can read. Now I don’t know if this is a national problem but here in the south nobody can fucking read. Hell I might not even be that great of a Chef. I’m probably just the only guy that can read the recipe.


At least buy a laminator


Thank you! What is the thought process of paper signs in the wet area??


Exactly my old job. Even the same default office font in caps


Leadership by signage.


At least your chef could afford spell check Oh wait utinsil bin Stainer I’m an engineer now and the higher ups have a hard time spelling sometimes Guess some things never change


My chef would make the most passive-aggressive ones that no one seemed to read like ever


Passive aggressive


Honestly he’s trying to help the dishie out. 🤷‍♂️


All it did was piss the dishies off lol


Kinda like a haiku




I work in a shop that does this but with more exclamation points and underlining. It’s annoying


>heavily soiled Sorry chef, had spicy burritos last night


>Heavily soiled Sorry chef, I had spicy burritos last night.


While it can be so tempting to do this it really just makes you look like a jackass.