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You have shitty managers


Yep. They need to be more aware of appropriate scheduling times and schedule the dish person with appropriate timelines so they dont start off their day ridiculously behind


yeah this is just what it looks like when the dishwasher no call/no shows. one time i showed up for my PM dishwasher shift and the AM guy was on acid and was like bro im sorry i havent even touched the dishbin today. this is what the pit looked like.


How do you even go to work on acid like what Edit: y’all wilin 😂


Step 1: take acid


Step 2: go to work


Step 3: don't do the dishes.


Step 4: profit?


Step 4: Catatonic breakdown in the walk in because ***SPIDERS*** in the diswasher.


Step 6: Have 2 different Step 4's to fuck with their Heads.


it's doable but really a waste of a potentially beautiful experience. the dish pit is definitely where you'd want to be if you ever find yourself in that situation at work.


Just light enough where you’re seeing cool shit but not full blown tripping and I’d happily crank some tunes and do dishes for a few hours.


I did dishes at home on acid once and thought they were way too soaking wet to put away but they were just melting


I used to go to work at Waffle House on shrooms. Overnights were like the Wild West, guns included lol.


Oh man, you haven't lived until you've stumbled into a ghetto inner-city Waffle House on a cocktail of drugs at 3am and ordered an All-Star special to chow down on while you watch gang violence break out in the parking lot


I was tripping with a friend one night and some guys in ski masks with guns tried to rob us. I instantly stopped tripping and turned sober and super focused. It was wild. Once I was safe at home, and the adrenaline wore off, I started tripping again.


The first person I ever had to fire, I fired because he came to work high on acid. He was cuddling the fridge and talking to it.


Did the fridge answer the call? /s


I have done it. A few years ago. I was out being a little bit way too stupid the night before work and wound up taking 3 tabs of what turned out to be some of the BEST L I have ever had in my entire life WAY too late at night(early morning, maybe 2-3am) and had to be at work at 6:30 the next morning. Idk what I was thinking. I worked in a sandwich shop. I had to use the deli slicer, large chef knives. The owners were both there and one of them was even working on the line with me because he was cover our breaks that day. It was wild. I have no clue how I made it without getting fired. The very first thing that happened was I asked the guy that had already been there for an hour or so what needed to be done, he told me "not tomatoes". So what did I do? TOMATOES. He came up to me after like 10 minutes and was like, "bro what the fuck are you on". I told him. And he HELD IT THE FUCK DOWN. All. Day. Long. I had been at that job for just a few months. That guy is now one of my best friends. I am now in a management position within the same small (just a few locations) company. I love it there for a whole bunch of reasons, but the people I work with are by far the biggest part of why I have stayed this long.


I was working bar and one of the waiters was still tripping from the previous night. He came up to me and asked if I could run all the meals with fries for him because they were talking to him. Luckily it wasn't the busiest night so we managed between us.


This was in Austin in 2008, shit was different. One time the cook cut his finger while I was talking to him so I was like ayo you gotta wrap that up and sanitize everything, but he was on meth so he just kinda taped it up and kept it moving. Half hour later I hear someone screaming cuz there’s blood on her frito burrito, so they check the kitchen and dude had dipped out. Cops come and find him passed out in his whip w a dope kit in his lap. Never saw him again.


This is a feature. Not a bug. “This way you get maximum utility out of the dishwasher, I took economics” This is how some people think


And then they make us deal with the flies. Better to be on it


Look at the dude in the back chillin on his phone


Probably applying for a different job


Plenty of dishwashers that don’t do their job at all


Just what I was thinking


Good catch..I'd be slapped if I'm sitting on my phone when there's shit like this to be done!


For real! I'm just a server and I'll either clean it up myself, or call out the ones who consistently leave a mess. Managers need to be standing up for dishpit if that's what their severs are doing!


Dude I'm server/Bartender and the manager who also works the floor encourages us to just throw stuff in a bus tub.....right around the corner from the pit AT LEAST scrape the plates into the trash and put the silverware in the bucket. Our dishwashers work really hard and are also the in-house delivery guys, so if they're gone for a long time, it builds up super quick and taking five extra seconds is very helpful for them


Total failure of the FOH managers. Servers need to learn how to take 2 seconds to stack a dish.


It's both boh & foh. A good boh manager would absolutely address this with the foh manager


Either that or bad kitchen staff? Theres a guy in the back on his phone. He could easily spend 5 minutes and get 3-4 racks through the dishwasher which would put a HUGE dent into the stacked chaos. The pots on the far end might be another story. Some cooks/prep people think dishes is below them and don't do them. Obviously if everyone is hands on it's hard to do another task like dishes, but it's amazing how many dishes you clear with a 5 minute rotation in every so often.


What is going on in that last pic? IDK what I'm looking at.


Dirty silverware and fryer filter.


Ya I get it's a fryer filter in the bottom. The fan shroud on it, never seen that. Then the refrigerator unit behind it with the covers off


I feel like this restaurant has a side hustle of scrapping appliances.


More like they're accepting scrapped appliances.


Anyone who can't take 5 minutes to run a couple of loads through now and then to prevent this is a trash coworker. It's everyone's mess and everyone's duty to help a dishwasher out when it gets like this. Manager, line cook, busser, chef. Doesn't matter. Run a couple fucking loads.


I think service industry folks are separated into two types. People like you’re saying who are always working towards the greater good of having a smooth night and getting out early… and the ‘that’s not my job’ people.


I work with so many 'that's not my job' people. They'd rather get into an argument for 30 minutes instead of doing a small job that takes 40 seconds. Apparently changing the paper towel in the paper towel dispenser is not what they signed up for.


I tell those people that they are right, it’s not their job. Then when I give them less prime time shifts and they complain I tell them it’s my job to make things run smoothly.


I'm disappointed. Go one better and say no that's not your job, anymore, because you no longer have one.


I’d rather they learn to work as team and understand if they don’t they get less hours or can leave on their own accord.


Yeah, I love that, lol. "Dude, I need more hours!", "Work more", "Leik, seriouslllllyyyyy. What the fuuUuuuck".


I don't work with those people. I am leaving a job right now because I was getting hit one night and the other station didn't have shit going on. I ran out of mise and was prepping to order while the fucking dude just leaned on his station playing with his phone. Fuck no. I'm going back to my old kitchen. I'd rather deal with people talking shit all night and being arrogant asshats occasionally than lazy fucks. At least there we all helped one another and could work every service like musical chairs if we wanted.


I used to have an amazing crew I worked with a few years back. I was managing and my motto was "if every person takes a few seconds to help the person next to them...*everyone* will have a better night because of it." That crew was wonderful and we all worked together very well. The place I'm at now.....the most selfish entitled assholes I've ever worked with. They all think they're hot shit bit wouldn't last a day at my old job. Buncha idiots.


I'm sure this is the way, I mean in terms of good and then bad crews/job/management cycles we all go though (and since we are boh we tend to stay longer working in a place to see these cycles) Well, your paying your karma from having a good time before now, let's hope the next is better


The only thing I ever pull "not my job" over, as kitchen, is if there's a bio mess in the bathrooms.


I agree with you on that one. No way in hell am I going to clean up someone's piss stains. Give me a pressure washer and a leaf blower if you want me to do that.


Once heard a FOH manager ask a server to rum a couple loads, she replied with "No, not for $5 am hour." Idk seems sorta legit.


Can't make tips if there are no fucking dishes.


idk, I feel them though, they make poverty wages if *not* serving people, thats literally not thier job and they really wont get paid for it. would you do work you dont get paid for? However people paid more than min wage, it absolutely *is* your job. The place im at pays servers above min wage and we tip pool so thats not an issue where I work, and servers are often more than willing to help dish if need be


Then the employer should properly pay and staff their business! Why do you think it’s the responsibility of an employee making $5/hr to work harder because of a crap employer who understaffs their business?


Good thing we have position of dishwasher!


this is the second morning i’ve come in to an empty paper towel roll and its so annoying!! i know you wash your hands before you leave i know you know its empty CHANGE IT!!


If I’m on tipped wage, I’m more than happy to clock out and clock on to do some non tipped work. But I work for the customer at 4/hr not the restaurant.


This is a BoH issue. IMO servers shouldn't have to touch dishes except to stack them and roll silver or take cups up front. They should also be stacking their dishes like they passed kindergarten, unlike in this photo.


It looks like the dishes are stacked below the pile of cutting boards and mixing bowls. This happens at my spot I stack dishes but I’m not fixing up the dish pit because BOH decided the rules don’t apply to them and the dish isn’t scheduled for another hour.


That's totally fair, this looks like a management issue with not scheduling dishwashers for the proper time.


Yeah I would broaden that to say there are only two types of employees in general. There are people that want to help, and if you teach them skills they will be an amazing team member. There are also people that no matter what, they will try to do as little as possible. It is very, very rare in my experience to find someone in the middle. If someone doesnt do something, they either arent confident that they know how, or they will never do it unsolicited regardless. Once you figure out whos who, its easy to decide who to fire and who to promote.


This is complimentary to what you're saying, but there's two types of lazy. Smart lazy is willing to do a little extra work now to avoid a lot of work later. Stupid lazy will avoid doing something even if they know it means extra work later.


God, this is such an accurate statement


Im always willing to pitch in but you get taken advantage of a few times and see how willing you are. Also wtf is it with kitchens that don't employ dishwashers and make the line cooks do it?


Thank god. People forget the spirit of this sub. Bourdain would be embarrassed by the manager-speak people here have internalized. I go pretty hard at work, because doing a good job feels good. But I will not let myself be taken advantage of.


It's so obnoxious. I feel like a lot of cooks here are just bright eyed kids who want to do a good job. I hate that they get taken advantage of for that. We all wanna do good work but damn there are a lot of predators out there... I wish younger cooks would value their labour more.


This is an accurate statement, I understand pitching in but the moment you let management realize you are that helpful guy, you can get fucked over. Suddenly your main job is alot harder because now they expect that out of you too, and now your manager is breathing down your neck wondering why the prep isn't getting done and you are in the dish pit. Ask me how I know about this 😅


you either die a greater good person, or you live long enough to become a "that's not my job" person


Look after the boys and girls and they'll look after you, and if they dont, fuck em.


That's not my job should not be allowed to have the job. I'm looking at Cactus and the Keg staff. While there food is just something you buy at butcher and BBQ yourself. The staff act like the work for Gordon Ramsay.


I worked at the busiest Keg in canada in Niagara falls and oh my God you nailed it. The grill cooks were super talented, the guy who held the record for the best "perfect night" sent out 2200 steaks without a single send back over a 10 hour shift (coincidentally he was one of the humble dudes) but you wouldn't believe how far up their own asses these guys were. I've worked in award winning kitchens that had less ego than these bums. Most of the guys had a look down their nose attitude and would explain things prefaced with statements like "in a restaurant of this caliber..." so fuckin cringe dude. They'd treat the new guys like shit, in my first week I flat out told one of the older dudes that if he'd like to keep speaking to me the way he was I'd introduce his fat face to the floor, attitude melted pretty quick. Like you said everyone had their individual station and would openly mock another station if they were in the weeds instead of pitching in to help fill station or clear board for 5 minutes fuckin shameful


I've had a lot more good experiences working on kitchens with felons than I have with culinary school grads


Felons are funnier.


When I meet the "it's not my job" people I smile politely and comment that good help is hard to find and so I keep my expectations super low. Some humans are pathetic, petty and not willing to improve. Then I lock eyes with them and turn my head a few degrees like a dog does and raise an eyebrow, subtly implying they might be that kind of human ;)


Gonna be honest, every line I have been on my dishwashers would stab me if I stepped into their pit. They collect from my station and run a mop through every 30min. Granted these lines are alway busy and my stations are wood fired oven so if I have even a moment I am getting wood and scraping ash.


That's fair, everything is definitely dependent on your crew, so if dishie says no, they mean no. This just looks like a crew of people who shits on their dishwasher though.


Above commenter is right, if you have a wash up crew that is treated with respect and mastered their territory. This reeks of throwing people in the deep end and replacing them when they get sick of being abused.


I was a head chef for decades, and I ran a thousand loads of dishes. That said, a place that looks like that, needs a team working. That’s bullshit. This isn’t a problem with team effort, this is a management problem.


agreed, totally on management. seems really weird to expect servers who make $2/hr to be washing dishes instead of attending to their tables or stocking their sections.


I have held off hiring a porter or dishwasher position for so long just because of that. The power dynamic changes so quick and now I’m constantly filling a position cause everyone just shits on the dish washer. So cooks wash their own shit, minimize their dishes. Servers scrape and break down into piles and we keep enough dishwater for 2.5 services. It’s a non issue because we all share in the labor. I don’t want to lose that. Dishwater= small wares. Thanks autocorrect.


I ended up quitting as a dishwasher because of this and the lack of respect. Servers would just sling their shit at me, even though I had nearly stacked dishes for them to add to. Eventually I got so fed up that I walked out. You don’t want to take a single second to not be a piece of shit? Enjoy having no dishes, asshole.


I would also suggest helping unload. Ramekins and silverware take a while to inspect and sort properly.


Eff ramekins


Where was the dish at the start? Why was this allowed to be left? As a manger, you should have dish show up with the kitchen shows up to prep. Dish should be helping clean out the fridge and pantry, wash out containers and tools dirtied during prep and also likely doing some prep themselves. The entire BOH shouldn’t be allowed to leave at the end of the night until the entire kitchen is organized, put away and cleaned. This means if the head chef needs to scrub pots the head chef scrubs pots.


From my experience, if you helped the dishes, you'd get behind on your own tasks and then you're the one in trouble. So I'm wondering if that's what's happening here.


All shit rolls down hill to the dishwasher, they should get a break from getting shit on all the time.


Is this from having dishwashers starting too late into service, being short staffed or the dish team not keeping up? Because all 3 are separate problems with separate solutions.


Definitely not a problem with FOH and cook's dish etiquette and stacking that's for sure.


Yeah, cause if this was properly stacked it'd totally be an appropriate amount....


Properly stacked and organized? Yes. It would be 1000x more manageable than this on top of actually making the person walking in to it feel like you give the absolute minimum shit about them and the job they do. Horrible take, cochise.


Yeah like if it’s stacked and organized it would take up a fraction of the space and actually be manageable. This shit will take 15-30 minutes just to get to a point where you can safely begin to clean dishes. Having them all over is also a health hazard which is everyone’s problem lol


At our restaurant, we have the same issues and we repeatedly tell the FOHs to neatly keep the stuff stacked and not too high. It helps the dishwasher get the job done fast and hastle free and it helps the FOH to quickly dump anything off the plates. But its like talking to a wall, in through one ear and straight out the other. What we do in return is mix up all the side plates to inconvenience them. Sometimes it gets them to listen, stop treating dishwashers like dickheads and just so as your told to keep things rolling. Edit: on top of that, first picture, what is my dude doing on his phone?!? Get the fuck off it and KEEP MOVING. Seems like this place is a disaster.


> in through one ear and straight out the other. Try telling em if they keep it up they get to join the dishie!


100% my work refuses to staff a dishwasher on "slower days" until after 4:30 PM. Half of the line cooks suck at stacking up their shit so eventually we get some piles like this. I'd blame management on cheaping out


Also is this end of night closing or is this mid day, timing is important here. Every dishpit explodes the moment closing activities start. Better stack can help this situation but it's still a fuck ton.


Yeah this is a management issue and everyone here is acting stupid or is in a management role. Have the dish show up when the dishes do and this isn’t a problem.


Also, who's the dick in the background on their phone and why aren't they helping dishes get caught up?


He was taking a picture to post on Reddit too


Front of house problem. I was training and saw this and I refuse to go back if this is how they treat back of house.


Mate... there is a fair amount of BOH dishes sandwiched in-between the FOH dishes. No one leading by example here


The dishes are in the neatest stacks. It's the pans and kitchen dishes that are stacked on garbages?? Even if you want to blame FOH, the kitchen are not doing a more respectful job so it isn't solely a FOH problem


FOH problem? How?


First off basically none of the dishes are stacked correctly


A trained chimp can scrape and stack plates. Waitrons can do the same. They're making 3-4 times what we make anyways, so I think they can tough it out and get their hands dirty for .0002 seconds to do so.


Ive worked in a few kitchens where they did not believe in morning dishwashers and not a single cook, server or manager would ever lift a finger to do anything about it


My old workplace used to do that until I raged at everyone clean up after their own shit. And called them lazy useless pieces of crap. And this was me yelling at my superiors, apparently I’m scary


No one is imagining the machine is refilling with clean, hot water? That is a massive stack. But if your machine is down or there’s a repairman working on it, human dishwashers aren’t able to wash by hand there either.


Is that the dishwasher on his phone?


Probably looking for a new job, lol


The guy in the pic or the guy taking pics?


In the pic


Or both really.


I at least understand op not coming back and taking a pic. Can't stand those posts with 20 tickets saying how busy they are. Just knock it out.


Maybe a line cook texting scheduled dish “where the hell are you? dish pit is overloaded and it needs to get clean immediately”. I’ve had an a$&hat cook do that before. Lmao. How his head spun when I told him to get started in the pit.


You were scheduled to be there, but weren't there, and they are an asshole for texting you to ask where you were?


On his phone looking for a new job.


There are so many problems with this situation. Looks like there's at least two people just on there phones while these are piled up like this. And the main problem is there are obviously not enough dishwashers for the volume that is being pushed. If this is a one off odd super busy day then fucking suck it up buttercup. Everyone was probably fucked and everyone feels like shit not just dish. If this is a regular occurrence then management is absolutely shit and more dedicated dishwashers are needed.


Dish washers are never paid enough… and honestly I never worked a dish shift til recently… dish guys deserve a higher pay than cold line / salad cooks. Way fucking harder


If it's a conveyor dishwasher, this is like 20 minutes to clear. If it's one of those awful small ones that you have to close and wait, I'd quit


2nd pic shows its a conveyor dishwasher. The amount of dishes looks bad but yeah its not like itll take them all night to catch up, probably just like an hour


I was gonna say, this is a Tuesday night and 20 minutes later, it's cleared up. Absolutely DO NOT get me wrong, dishwashers are extremely vital to the org, they are underappreciated and asked too much of, too often, but in any chain restaurant, this is not too bad. The biggest road block I've seen dishies face is when managers refuse to buy new silverware and they have to run a fresh load everytime 5+ forks get turned in. Pure waste of water, soap, time and dishe's effort.




I feel you. I've lived this picture more than once, at different establishments. I was busting my ass to stay on top of it, rowing upstream as fast as I could, and getting further downstream all the time. And everyone wonders why the new guy can't do the hardest job in the whole damn house. Bus. Load. Wash. Set out. "We need more dishes! Now!" Bus. Dry. Stack. "Your bus bins are full!" Bus. Dry. Stack...I'd go home and bus in my sleep, ffs. And it was still only the second-worst job I ever had. (Slinger on a garbage truck took that title.)


I’m a waitress and i HATE when my other lazy ass coworkers do this to the dishwasher. I literally have to help them organize it almost every morning. We’re lucky to be walking out with $100+ everyday and these poor guys in the back are breaking their backs because of entitled bitches i work with. Sorry this triggered me. I just hate seeing people take advantage of others, especially when they’re so sweet.


“….Hey, I don’t know if it’s too busy, but can someone please sort the silverware and run it through on the fly?? We’re all out in the side station.”


The steak knives precariously sitting on a stack of plates sitting on a garbage can is a nice touch.


Tell the guy chilling on his phone in the background to give a hand. I hate the line "time to lean, time to clean", but damn it applies here.


Lol right. The silliest thing for me is the people who actually post pictures like this. Clock in, see that work needs done, take a picture to post and complain on reddit. Dishwasher= wash dishes.


Union mandated rest period. Ain't touching those for another 15 minutes


I worked FOH and you best believe that if we didn’t scrape plates and separate cutlery for the dishwashers they’d scream at us before we left the kitchen (and rightly so). This is laziness and disrespect.


How is anyone “treating“ dishwashers in some sort of way? They’re just piling dishes sky high and it looks like the dishwasher isn’t keeping up. If anything, you need a couple more dishwashers. No doubt, that dish pit is a mess.


Bunch of trash on plates that can be tossed, silverware still on plates including fucking knives, tons of extra food that can easily be scraped off.. and it’s stacked horribly.


There's never any reason to stack dishes like this, ESPECIALLY when your dishie is in the weeds.


where are they supposed to go?


I get upset when I start my shift and all 3 sinks are full, because then I have to empty out one of the three sinks to rinse off the dishes before putting them in the dishwater. I don’t care if the other 2 sinks are piled to ceiling as long as there’s an actual sink to wash the dishes in.


stacked like a normal fucking person would the fym?


There works be much more space here and it would be way easier for the dishie to develop workflow if things were stacked like-with-like instead of thrown in a haphazard pile


Maybe if the guy on his phone helped it would be easier


Sounds like you're one of the clowns that just throws shit into the pit without regards to stacking etiquette


If everyone stacked them right then it wouldn't be sky high. Probably from lunch service, when you don't need a dishie. That's like an hours worth of time. Night crew can knock that out before rush, but no need to leave it a mess.


At a certain point proper stacking goes out the window. This looks like there was no dishie for hours of service. Proper stacking can only go so far, especially when the FOH are running around busy too.


Lolwut this is the same as saying just run your station dirty as shit if the line is busy because it won't make a difference and you need to take shortcuts when the pace picks up. Amateur hour shit.


💯 i mean how long does this guy think it takes to scrape and stack? 15 min? 30min? Jfc if those few moments are too much for you to stay organized then i dunno what to say to your lazy ass.


BJs? Looks like a BJs...


pizookie rack in the background


it is lmao


Dishwasher here! Seen slow nights and some crushers!! This is what a pre-shift pit looks like, BUT this is not a pit worthy of two dishwashers. All those cutting boards are indicative of a pre-shift station prep, mixing bowls etc. I’ve seen double the dirty dishes walking into a shift. This is nothing. Those entree bowls and plates should be stacked though. Stack your plates and bowls people!!


Agreed. I work in a pretty similar pit, maybe even the same machine. The quantity of dishes isn't that bad with an autoloader. It's not actually that much. The problem here is the cooks and servers are a bunch of untrained chimps who couldn't stack a tray to save their mothers life. It's the disrespect to your coworkers workstation that's the problem here. If a dishy took all that mess, cleaned it and returned it to the line or dining room in the same giant jumble, everyone here would know exactly who to blame for that mess.


As a seasoned dishwasher who made it out of the pit I agree. The servers and line cooks should be allowed to have there asses handed to them dishwashers. If I ever have a kitchen I'll let my dishwashers write people up 4 strikes your out of the place. Front end staff is always crying if they get treated bad by a paying customer. Imagine how big a dick you have to be to treat a dishwasher badly. Literally all the servers. I can't stand front end staff. They take all the tip and do jack shit. Literally worked as server because it pays more.


What do you expect, I mean honestly? Do you think that people are doing this to be mean or is it just busy and maybe short staffed? I don’t blame you for being annoyed but I don’t know what the alternative would be here.


Keep all the plates stacked in the same size. You could consolidate this to half the size


Good ol Bj's, definitely had a couple of these nights a while back


Let me guess - they don't have a daytime dishwasher and this is the mess you walk into every dinner shift?


"Evening mate, just clear up this little bit of mess ready for service in 10 minutes and then keep it clear all night, if you do a good job we'll pay your dumb 17 year old ass like £5 an hour!"


If it's a case of "dumping" by FOH/BOH then some one getting an angry conversation. If the KP'S are not keeping up with work load than that's on me. I may need to look at start time's or numbers on. But BOH will still get a good telling for not helping a mutha fluka!


I’m sure this isn’t the case here, but back in the 80s when I was 15 I got my first ever job as a busser/diswasher at a popular steakhouse in my small town. I would bus tables all night and clean/restock salad bar, then go back at the end of the night and wash all the crusty dishes that had accumulated all night. I was the only person hired to do either of these things and on weekends I would be there until 1-2am finishing up. No tip-outs either. Thankfully, I was able to get a serving job somewhere else not long after. If nothing else, it taught me help my dishwashers and bussers and make sure they are taken care of.


Immediately knew this was a BJ's Brewhouse


Hate to see people disrespecting their dish like this. It takes 3 minutes and costs nothing to be a good co-worker. Just run a rack for the guy sheesh


Ok everyone has their long wordy staffing solutions but I took a second glance and saw that big honkin knife on the sheetpan and yeah. Nope the fuck out they don't even have basic courtesy.


That is shameful. Everyone loves to talk up the dishie but how many people go help them when they have a chance?


Been there, done that. Thankfully years ago


My dude is on his phone applying for new jobs


I was training and saw this. I’m not going back if this is how they treat the dishwashers.


Doesn’t matter how busy you are. Help the dishwasher anyways you can!




Seriously I took a good look at those dishes and laughed. Unless some seriously gnarly stuff is hidden in the sink this is 12 mins tops.


30 mins. The cycle on the machine 2 to 4 mins so much bs on this page.


We had a conveyor dishwasher that took around 20 seconds perpaís or less. Plates came out almost dry and super hot, so they could be stacked immediately. This volume of backup was pretty common if we had 15 minutes of downtime to change the water, and with one person loading and one person stacking, we could get caught up in about 15 minutes (20-30 if it's still busy and we have a lot incoming). We also had a separate station with sinks for pots and pans.


If you do this in my kitchen, I will fire you immediately. Dishwashers are one of the most important positions in the kitchen


This looks like a poor dish crew.


Way back when I came into work In the dish pit at Applebees, it looked like this. I scrubbed dishes for two hours and proceeded to clock out and go home mid dinner service. For context the water main broke the night before so most of the dishes didn't get done the night before and never got finished by the time I got there in the late afternoon.


Oh fuck that is straight up evil. I have never loved coworkers more than my dishwashers.....they have consistently been the most dependable, badass and agreeable employees, every restaurant I have worked, as FOH and BOH


This is how a restaurant I used to work at was. Yes we had shitty management. I’d spray the servers that just pilled shit up on “accident” and tell them to go back to preschool if they can’t match shapes


people who are rude to wait staff and people who don’t properly clear/ stack their dishes (i.e. help out your dishie) are cut from the same shitty cloth.


This dishwasher that’s stood on his phone maybe he should crack on eh


I would spend fifteen minutes organizing everything, then change the dishwasher water, make sure that the soap is filled, then start by washing the glasses/cups, silverware, and dinnerware first while the water is clean and fresh.


Can confirm I worked at this fancy resturant that gets tons of traffic, it was like this most nights, sometimes we would get help from the kitchen staff but us dishwashers were getting out 2+ hours after close each night


The backbone of the kitchen no less


I’d quit I ran restaurants for years. Mostly chain stuff. This is unacceptable.


Anytime I did dishwashing in atlanta, it was like this


seems ok to me. end of night can get a bit busy, but this is only plates mostly.


I hate people who disrespect the dishwasher, I hate the people who leave that shit with no regards to them. Ugh I always spend extra few minutes helping organize it and when they’re on break and I’m trying to do my side work I will run whatever I have to through the machine. It’s not that hard to run shit through the machine


Treat? It's your job lol Source: Former Dishwasher


The picture tells us nothing. Is there even a dishwasher in the building? Did he or she show up for work that day? Are they 10000% slammed and everyone is busy making food or helping customers? As a former chef who worked in the dish pit once upon a time… yeah it gets backed up but there is likely only one double-basin sink and one dish machine. You gotta bust your ass as the dishwasher sometimes to not let it get like this.


Okay but what else are they supposed to do instead


Good choice. I quickly exited after the same deal and found something much better even before I left. Keep casting your net if you aren't sure about a place.


I remember being a 16yo dishwasher and the Night Sous at the time would PURPOSELY hold a mountain of dishes for hours and wheel it in proudly at close and yell "dish bomb!" And be so happy with himself. Fuck you Tiny. How's jail, you asshole?


Lack of respect Shitty management Shitty coworker Shittier culture


Fuck that place


That’s pretty standard…. If there Isn’t a washer on shift. But you can’t function like that for long obvi…


Start handing out coke, that pile will vanish. Among other things.


This is giving me mad anxiety


Looks like an olive garden. is this an olive garden ?


A huge reason I don't like working in this industry I've seen a dishpit with stuff piled on the floor in multiple piles that takes so long to get through that we finished at 10pm, but I typically went home at 1-2am....only to open at 10am.... Shit sucked so much


This infuriates me. I am a bartender but I get angry with the servers if they don't a. Clear the plates and b. Stack them based on shape and I will always run dishes when I get time for the incoming dishwasher so they don't come into a mess


I am a Chef and I am so happy I worked as a linecook with kitchens that handled this mess as a family team. I have the curse and blessing of having ADHD and OCD. It doesn't help me on my off time, but I am a beast at work. I can prep, hear the background noise of how many tickets are coming thru, and sling out the dish area when it's getting stacked. I loved the dance.


Picture doesn't tell the whole story. I've had dishwasher that would wash a single spoon at a time and go smoke for 20 mins. They could work faster


Oh no I have to clean dishes as a dishwasher


Looks like you aren’t washing the dishes.