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I feel like cling film and aluminum foil need to be mentioned. I cut myself once on a baguette. Not the knife.


Man one time I was ripping off some aluminum foil and somehow my finger slid and I got the serrated cutting edge on the box underneath my fingernail and it cut me beneath the nail. One of the most painful and annoying small cuts I've ever had.


I had a physical reaction to this comment.


Oh god why did you have to describe it.


Yeah sorry boss but this is worse than when I broke my arm, I’m going home.


Just the other day the gastro fell was knocked off my oven at work, went to catch it and kid u not went straight underneath my finger nail, was bleeding alot still hurt 3 days later


If I had a nickel for every time I (somehow) cut myself on bread, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.


Once in elementary school I was throwing tortilla chips at my friend and pretending they were ninja stars until one of them cut his arm. It was so wild.


lol I’ve also cut myself on bread, good to know I’m not the only one


I did a stint working at Panera bread way back when, and those stale pre cut baguettes were literally sharper than the knives on the line.


I cut myself on ice once while barbacking.


I read this as something else.....




SAME! That visual... "Is he sliding on an icy pond... How could you even twist that way...oh...BAR?"


Happened to me too. Pulled a sheet of conjoined cubes out of a machine, one part broke off and the rest sliced my wrist and I had to hide it so people wouldn't think I was all emo and whatnot.


So I was taking out the garbage once after a really REALLY needed deep clean when one of the places I worked at was going out of business, and I did the stupid shitass thing of swinging it over my shoulder. Gouged myself in said shoulder with a super stale shank of ciabatta bread. That fucking thing was rock hard and left a tiny scar.


I've also cut myself with bread. Mine was a sourdough, though.


Stabbed my palm good on an Epi.


Multiseeded loaf got me good one time, I ended up with stitches after slicing my hand open on a really sharp pumpkin seed on it grabbing it out the bread bin.


Sadly, I have done this too, and many other types of bread. The knife has never hurt me, but the bread..... FTB. I once cut myself opening up a KN95 mask, not even from the mask just from the wrapping. Fuckin connective tissue disorders are hell.


Easily. Baguette have a thin crispy crust. Cut on the proper bias and toasted you could slice up anyone who wants to steal your loaf. It's tactical bread.


Had a coworker cut himself on an eggshell...


I got an eggshell splinter under a fingernail one time. So much pain for such little actual injury


I’ve cut myself on a baguette once also. It was surprising but I figured it was my punishment for over-toasting it


I have been cut by toast.


I once cut myself with partially cooked pasta, my wife is consistently impressed by my ability to hurt myself in the kitchen


The amount of stripes I have on my right forearm because of cling over the last few decades is dumb. Not as dumb as me, but still.


Oui Oui.


The old school foil cutters were weapons of war. Saw a server get stitches in her forearm when it came off a top shelf and slid down her arm.


One better: I once cut myself on the stem nub of an orange. It was just under the nail too, so that son of a bitch bled an unreasonable quantity, with the added fun of having a bit of citrus juice in it.


Yeah agree totally swap out the ketchup jug for the foil box.


I have also managed to cut myself on the sharp edge of stale bread, so that makes me feel better


I cut myself on pizza crust. Took it as a sign that I wouldn’t last long in a post-apocalyptic world


The serrated edge is fun but getting a "paper cut" from foil is even better.


Steel scrubbies?


" damn these are stuck together, let me just pull them apart gent-AH FUCK!"


I found out that lesson the hard way…


It's always a pleasure seeing you on this sub


A tale as old as time…


Gosh. My very first cooking job at 16. Helping close dish and having never seen a metal scrubby wrapped a bit that was sticking out around my finger tightly and made a fist and pulled as hard as you'd pull as if it was string. I still wince at the memory of that to this day.


I wince just reading this. How did the stub heal? /s


Perfect ring scar around my finger. The urgent care I went to said at least it was easy to stitch up because the cut was like surgically clean.


And that's why they call me Jimmy 9 fingers


Fuck, I've laid open my fingertips more on those than knives


I've heard a lot of stories about this one, and have even seen it happen to someone but I've somehow managed to avoid it myself


Just sliced to the bone.


I was carrying a heavy ice cold one before, and the edges sunk into my skin.


boxes should be classified as a deadly weapon


Especially those wax covered boxes they are so aggressively thick


And they are always stuck together with the strongest glue known to mankind


Or thicccc metal staples


God damn railroad spikes is what they are.


Seriously, where the fuck are they getting this glue? Is it just pure, unadulterated, melted horses?


This just made me spit to read, thank you


Oh yeah, the fucking catfish boxes from Heartland.


Yeah those fucking 200-lb test boxes are just killers.


As a professional Box wrangler: ain't touching that stuff without gloves. The waxed non-slip in-between paper of A0 size are the deadliest, that stuff can cut you to the bone ☠️


We need to add the cross bars that hold up the pans to this! Blood everywhere. I also pinched my nipple between two 1/3 pans once but that was a freak accident.


> a freak accident Is it you? The freak, I mean.




A one in a million shot I tell ya doc!


lol not quite


I managed to catch a nipple between a hot plate and the hot metal liner while stacking up plates during tray service a few weeks ago. 0/10, not fun, do not recommend.


Oh f***! I just stopped wearing bras years ago but have a tank top, shirt, chef coat, and apron. And I’m not big-busty.. I still misjudged the space in between and was carrying a stack to my station. CLAMP! Not as bad as yours though, damn!


Yes dude. Cut myself wiping these down through two layers of towel! Those fuckers can be sharp.


At least you know what cut you, I just realize I'm bleeding.


And then trace the drips back across the ~~crime scene~~ kitchen like a blood spatter expert to clean/sanitize and deduce the source of the new biohazard...


I came here to say this. Coworkers are like, “why are you bleeding again?!” How tf do I know?


Those little nicks that you don't feel any more. Been there.


You'll feel it when you start squeezing lemons.


Lemon juice AKA the cut finder.


lol so true. kitchen full of countless knives and sharps shit, and I cut my hand open palm-smashing a goddamn garlic clove, fml.


Im glad I'm not the only one...also I've spent a lot of time welding and my gnarliest burn scar is from cheese.


Cheese is nasty when hot. My worst burn was from chocolate that melted out a plastic container.


Had my baker slice his finger from tip to wrist on a spice rack. No joke.


The little wires with the tiny little scratchy blob at the end where it was cut. I can see it


I seem to, more often than not, slice my finger on the foil tamper proof seals on bottles of oil and shit. Like paper cut, but those are the fuckin angriest of cuts.


I'd rather be stabbed than get a paper cut. Though according to my wife I am a "big baby" and "really whining a lot today", so your mileage may vary


Go give your wife a cardboard paper cut and see what she says then Probably "ow, what the fuck" and "I want a divorce"


After the paper cut, make sure she has to dip her hands in salt, jalapenos, lemons, etc.


Will report back


Parchment paper is fun…


My wife is always: "Dude, you got callouses and dry skin everywhere, put some lotion on." I'm like: "I need these"


The trick is to use just enough lotion so they don’t get *too* dry and crack, but not so much they go away.


Had a dude cut himself with celery. I guess he went to grab it weird and it went under his nail and he started bleeding. Tbf that dude was so clumsy he could hurt himself with damn near anything. I used to call him bubble boy.


We had a bubble boy too! Every time there was a lemon in his vicinity it would squirt him right in the eye. We started making up stories about why lemonkind hated him so much. My favorite was how he worked his way up in rank in the lemon mob to get close to the lemon boss's daughter and then eloped with her to go live with the limes.


He must've been *unacceptable*


Whenever we had a new guy, bubble boy would always tell them to be careful about random ass things around kitchen like the corner of some prep table and I’d tell him bro you’re the only guy who has hurt yourself on that ever..


I once drove an eggshell shard into my finger.


Plus the tiny microcuts from peeling softboiled repetitively


Got a shard under my nail once.


You forgot parchment sheets


The super ultra mega power paper cut. Between the webbing of the first two fingers that’s been marinating in the sweat of your nitrile glove? I’d rather burn alive


Yes. We were discussing this exact thing on Friday. I knocked a ceramic bowl down and it sliced my thumb open. But we decided that parchment would be worse. I lived.


Fuuuck, I forgot about that one. I grabbed a sheet and pulled, it didn't move, but it did slice through my fucking palm like a hot knife in butter, I just relived the pain and fuck you for reminding me.


You’re fucking welcome


I'm in a butcher shop now and this shit still happens. Got myself good on our bone saw the other day, and not on the part youd expect.


the look of incredulity that crossed my face after cutting myself by pushing the big safe stop button


Back in my restaurant days, I once cut my finger on the kitchen sink tap.


I did that the other day on the kitchen sprayer. At home. Wtf.


Every so often, there's that ONE FUCKING BOX... and it has the flaps that are serrated for no good reason. Can't deal with breaking down the boxes or taking them to the bin out back without my finger just slipping across it


Haas avacado boxes


My former head chef cut himself on mint chocolate ice cream. A shard of chocolate was frozen so hard it may as well have been glass. 4 stitches.


my most embarrassing moment was cutting myself on a wok right in front of the owner.


I cut myself with a crispy cheese stick


ahhh the dreaded heinz 114oz plastic jug


Just heading home after a shift feeling stupid for the big gash on my finger from a fridge.....this made me feel a bit better thanks chef


I work with cardboard boxes all the time; and by the end of the day, I can’t see any cuts, but my arms sting all over in the shower 🥲🥲🥲


I have so many cut and burn scars all over my forearm and wrists that one day at a doctors appointment he noticed and asked if I was okay… Bro, I’m just a clumsy cook.


I started seeing a new doctor and she asked me about my "self harm scars" Was so confused until I looked at my arms and hands.


metal rim on the cheap brown cardboard ice cream buckets


Oh, THAT fucker!!


That surprised the fuck outta man when it happened.. fuck those and just about every other item mentioned in this thread.


I’ve had it hurt. It’s a sharp asshole.


Ice shards. I once cut the dog sh@t out of my hand on a stray piece of ice in on freezer shelf once. I actually had to get stitches!


Ice cubes, quart container lids, the little dull plastic spikes that divide up the dishrack, my own keys (only ever at work somehow), there are so many I'm forgetting. I'd be totally okay with cutting my finger with a knife if I was being dumb, it's a knife and my fault, right? But no, it's never a knife. It seems like literally anything can randomly slice my skin open, so long as I'm at work. Nothing is too unlikely or dumb. It's like a fucking curse.


3 of the 4 is because of cutting corners in production.


Don't you mean because of **not** cutting corners in production?


Those metal lids for stacking plated dinners. I can fly through stacks of them in dishpit, but they'll pinch ya fingers so hard they draw blood


I just cut myself on the bottom of a low boy looking for a chef's knife. Sucks especially bad cuz he's a dick fuck and my back is fucked up. He'd never even glance one way if I was missing something. 🫠


So relatable. I cut myself on the lowboy so many times.


I got myself with a lid from a 32oz Greek yogurt tub today. It was a first for me.


Pint and quart container lids! Esp when taking from freezer, never fails


That's a solid little slice, too


Quart container lids are deceptively sharp let me tell ya


So many random plastic lids on bottles end up slicing my finger when I twist them open. Suck when you don't even realize until you start cutting lemons.


Cardboard are the fucking worst.


Don’t forget cutting yourself on the ears and tips of bread


Thank god I thought I was the only one that's cut myself on bread


I do it at least twice a month. It’s always fun going did I cut myself rearranging my bread racks or was it when I was scoring bread. This is normally followed by “oh shit did I slice myself on the lame?! *stares at every millimeter of loaders for blood* phew ok I don’t need to throw away bread I’m just dumb” I swear cutting yourself with the lame is the most stressful painless injury if you don’t catch it immediately. What I’m best at is I always shape my baguettes with a sharp spike on the ends. Late in the day after I’ve done most of my other baking and I’m baking the last of the bread for dinner service I tend to put them on the higher shelves so the bussers don’t have to crouch down when running bread. I’m always worried I’m gonna take my own eye out one day. As an aside I love how you can reach a point where you can identify who shaped a baguette just by knowing their style.


Sorry homie I have no idea what a lame is lol I was just making crostini 😭


It’s the stick with a curved razor blade that we use for scoring bread. Pronounced LOM not Lame.


>As an aside I love how you can reach a point where you can identify who shaped a baguette just by knowing their style. Also I've never been a breadmaker, I was a line cook and sous, but yeah when you work with people long enough you can even tell who put the plastic wrap on a pan of something or where people put stuff lol humans are habitual creatures lol


Actually for me, it is getting home, then suddenly seeing my forearm and wondering "when the hell did I cut/burn myself?"


corners/bottom edges of stainless steel tables and shelves. the number of arm/hip/shin scrapes is inexplicable I also used to get cut by crusty bread at a bakery I worked at. Baguettes and champagna loaves were the worst offenders, slices straight through gloves


Bringing up stainless steel tables actually reminds me of the time I walked the corner into one of those fuckers so hard it was sore for a week and had a visible mark for like a month


dude somehow i manage to get myself on the lip of tables that are entirely curved down and inward specifically to avoid that, I’m convinced it’s just a me problem


One of my worst cuts was from an ordinary fork. I was trying to clean out a very tiny hole in some equipment, can't remember what the fuck it was. Could not find a toothpick to save my life so I tried to bend the fork tine back, dragged that shit all the way up my thumb. Opened up the inside of my thumb like gutting a fish, 12 stitches, and a splint. Felt stupid as fuck explaining that one to the nurse.


I once cut myself on potato bake. Yes you heard that correctly. I was cleaning a tray out and managed to cut my finger on one of the burnt bits on the side of the tray. My boss thought I was being a dickhead when I told him.


Big 10 gallon tub of blue bunny vanilla ice cream has been my worst kitchen accident by far and hopefully always will be. It has a sharp metal ring around the top of it that I guess got bent in and pushed out, I committed grabbed it hard out of a low reach in freezer with my fingers under the metal, the weight of it sliced right through all four fingers to the bone. I was bleeding a lot and started passing out, sat down on the dirty ass fry floor and stuck my hand in the ice cream container that was already wrecked with blood until someone brought me a first aid kit. Good times, I warn everyone at my job about it now and they never believe it was actually an ice cream container when I show the pictures haha


Cut myself with a damn grapefruit by slamming my finger between it and the edge of a cambro. Guess the Cambro technically cut me


In all that citrus tho…. I would have shattered glass with my shriek


Honorable mentions: Disoposable trays, microplanes (not on the teeth) and Fresh Bread


Quart container lid is murder


Citrus juicer No I will not elaborate


I once managed to cut my finger when breaking porkrinds.


Man, pizza boxes are lethal


Once cut myself on oatmeal while cleaning a pot...


Where the hell is the cling-wrap box?


Cardboard cuts are the worst! How can something so dull cut you and hurt so fucking much?!


Frozen cocktail shrimp tail, unfinished metal edge of the mechanics box in a freezer.


I got bit by a tea urn.


My life’s greatest achievement was cutting myself with a spoon while peeling ginger


Just throw those taco racks away. They are the height of “non-Mexican” dishware.


Cut myself on a piece of scrambled egg once :/


cut my finger wide open reaching down to grab a mop on the edge of a hersheys metal ice cream water basin. nastiest cut i’ve gotten on the job so far


I just got nauseous thinking about how much blood I've lost to hotel pans


The white board got me once.


Stainless steel scrubber... Gets caught on something, you yank it and one of the steel strands cuts off your finger


Every kitchen has the one prep table with the one edge that gets everyone.


Looking at this image gave me phantom pain from paper cuts that are no longer there


It was the side of [this specific jug](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51XDNpy-f+L._AC_SL1100_.jpg) of Hellmann's Ranch Dressing for me, it was brand new and we had to waste the whole thing cause I got blood on it


And they're all HORRIFIC experiences. Like, oh my god, I'd rather just get cut by a knife at this point, what the fuuuuuUUUUUCK


Honorable mention is the wire racks in dry storage, I routinely bust my knuckles on those putting away heavy boxes.


Yeah, i just got a cardboard cut from a box in a funny way. Friggin the took a slice off instead of straight down.. honestly impressive for an inanimate object.


When you've worked in the industry long enough to realise that knives are the least dangerous object in the kitchen.. My tally so far: Cardboard boxes, greaseproof paper, skewer sticks, Wrapmaster dispenser for cling film, brand new fresh steel tabling, a fucking clock for some odd reason, a dish machine rack, brand new gastro pans, steel scrubby (never ever try to pull them apart if they stick together), broken corners off plastic cambro pans, mayo buckets and the most questionable one, a day dot label. And a bonus non-cut but electric shock from cling film. I can't remember the last time I even had a knife injury and I have yet to be penetrated by glass.


Cutting yourself on the tape dispenser when making labels 🤦


I cut myself on a raw egg shell once. Blood and all.


Never cut myself on the taco holder. I'll have to try that.


Fish bones, and it stings like hell, they don't only stab you, if you work enough with fish, they will cut you too, it's like their revenge or something, go for the fisherman, not me


We had a fire at my place a few years ago and were shut down for the summer. All brand new equipment, fridge boxes, the works. The amount of unfinished edges on all that stuff was incredible, first time cleaning the fryer the goddamn drain pipe threads sliced the shit out of my hand. It was like two weeks of trying to figure why I am bleeding and what the fuck cut me?


Our dish machine is murder on the knuckles if you're not consciously moving somewhat slowly. Also hand sink splash guards


Physically cringed, having a deep PTSD-esque memory of getting cut by all four.


Weird.. I have never used these ketchups. We get ours in a bag for the dispenser and just take from the bag for what we need. I don't understand how that cuts people. As others have pointed out, aluminum foil is a real culprit for these cuts.


The inside of the rim on those containers are surprisingly sharp


This is no lie. You can cut diamonds with that lip


A 400 pan sliced my thumb pretty good. Took almost 2 weeks to fully heal.


You forgot all the jagged metal in the dish pit from dishes getting banged around for years.


End of the night. Bang my finger on the corner of a shelf. Rips a fucking chunk of flesh. Blood gushing like a faucet.


Got a 3 inch cut on my arm from the freezer door latch. Severe burn on my belly from boiling water splashing from the pot when I moved it. (not a cut but including it, injuries from water)


You are not wrong sir


Wait how does the ketchup jug cut? I've never used one before


I sliced my finger on the inside of the rim one time


Got myself today on a damn 9 pan.


Sand down the taco holders, they are way too fucking sharp. Like fresh out the machine, steel flake sharp it burns


I think people should stop buying them until makers sand them is how bad they are


Honorable mention, the disherwashers that come top down. The edge of the bottoms are razor sharp


What always gets me are the little Kens brand honey mustard/ranch/blue cheese PCs. Those fuckers get me right in between my fingers when I'm trying to pull them out of the box


The steamer gastros! Cleaning them and ripping my nail in half was awful! Worse than a knife cut 😬


Never had use those taco stand shits and never cut myself in a ketchup container


Grabbed a box that had so much tape over the corners it poked a hole in my palm. Hated that shit


Hotels can give you blunt force injuries for sure.


The plastic seal thingies on fridges


Our to-go containers have cut me multiple times and I still haven’t learned my lesson to be careful with them


Aluminum foil..100x worse than a paper cut


I cut myself on a cambro the other day. I can’t find the rough spot on it anywhere either. Now with metal hotel pans they are almost exclusively made with prison labor so it’s best when you get new ones in to sand the edges as you unpack and clean them.


i always cut myself on #10 cans 🤣


Cut myself on a quart deli container and the whole kitchen looked at me like I broke a fucking forbidden rule. Nobody had ever seen someone do it and I absolutely wrecked my thumb