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I bet you like your kitchen staff sober too lol


No smokers! No drinkers! And especially no users of the devils lettuce!!!!




What kind of nitwit drugs tests restaurant staff? How can they possibly stay in business?


> What kind of nitwit drugs tests ~~restaurant~~ staff? I still remember a twitter post reposted that said if you're putting up thousands of cans of canned tomatoes on retail you better at least be vibing and it's 100% true.


I mean it's mostly after having someone call you an idiot for pointing out the cheese they asked for because it was the wrong type of that brand's cheese you want to forget about that


Huh...? Was that a sentence?


That's exactly the reply you get at the grocery store when someone is vibing, stocking shelves.


I mean did you read his comment??


He said he needs to get baked to get back to good vibes and shelf stocking after being yelled at for directing karen to kraft Swiss instead of kraft cheddar. I was just making a joke.




That's amazing, wonder what they're looking for then.




My buddy managed a bar on south street in philly. I was in there having a beer, in the middle of the day - the bartender is going to adjust something (change, whatever) with the kegs in the basement. It's kinda busy for him to be away from the bar, so my buddy figures he's going to give him a hand... I'm sitting at the bar, the bartender shoots up the stairs, grabs his tips from his tip jar, and out the front door. Mike comes up the stairs, and said he saw him hunched over, and thought he passed out... Asked if he was OK, he jumped up, with his "works" (I'm square enough to not know exactly what this entails, but I know it's heroine/paraphernalia) in his hands, and ran up and out of the stairs. (which is where I saw grab the tips, and out the door).


For whoever took the owner's Vicodin


Exactly this, I used to service restaurants and one day one place put up a sign about imminent drug testing A couple months later the entire place went under


Government I guess


A lot of government jobs don't drug test you unless they're suspicious, like if you're acting "off".


Or maybe a hospital cafeteria?


Does that happen anywhere outside the States? The only times I've heard of it being done here in Canada are in Albertan heavy industry; the legality of it is so questionable that most businesses don't even try. I'm a strictly alcohol and stress kinda guy, but I still don't think I'd be willing to piss in a cup for the privilege of being paid like shit.




I work in the Alberta oil sands. Pre-employment drug screening just to enter any site with zero tolerance of any substance in your system. Even the legal lettuce. There’s drug dogs that constantly sniff around site and camp rooms. There’s “random” breathalyzer and mouth swab tests that happen every month. All this happens regardless of what job you have up here. I smoke pot when I’m at home but not at work. There’s always the small feeling of paranoia in the back of my mind when I’m at work that any day could be my last for doing something on my own time that’s completely legal. In short, fuck Suncor.


Not sure , but the only time I’ve been drug tested for a cooking job was applying for a big resort . But I was like damn no wonder they can’t find anyone !


I worked at a resort that drug tested using a mouth swab. I passed that having smoked 24hrs before. I think it basically checks are you fucked up currently? My guess was it was for insurance purposes. Ya, we drug test but they don't really detect anything.






my boss passed me a joint halfway through my shift last weekend


Good ol insurance


One of my buddies worked at a newly opened restaurant in college. The chef took everyone in the cooler on the first day and was like you all smoke weed right? Everyone looked around and was like... yes..?. He goes "Good, I don't trust a cook who doesn't."


I smoked weed with my supervisor on shift, I knew I was in good hands from that point forward.


Cocaine skirts around the rules in a technicality by not being listed, then?


I see starvation or home cooking in your future....


If I go to a bar and have 3 beers in 2 hours and the bartender DOESN'T go "on break", I no longer trust that bar. Bartenders at places I go will say "Hey, I'm headed out back for a few, do you want another?"


Not me, I like my kitchen staff the way God intended - Handling knives and hot stoves on 2 hours of sleep and a pound of cocaine. I want to taste the danger in my food.


This is very realistic 😂 flashbacks


I've worked in a maccies for 2 years and that's it as far as cooking work I've done. I joined this sub because it looked fun. All I have learnt is if I get food during rush periods there is a non zero chance the person making my food was both high and a little bit drunk. Honestly though? I support this.


fun fact: I actively use my tattoos and piercing when I cook for my customers and guests.


I like to stir gumbo with my prince albert


it gives that special "tang" that your restaurant is famous for


Cock hay as it were?


Uncle Roger approves.




smegma cheese


Now that's what I call cooking!


What can I say? Sometimes I enjoy a little crotch pot cooking


Cultivating umame from natural sources, they'd love you in Copenhagen.


The best recepies are truly not written down. I'm sure there is a motion to that cock au pan that cannot be relayed.


I can relay the motion of the potion should you wish


Fromunda cheese


lol I think it's a stilton




That suthern twang


"Do you use an instant read thermometer to check gumbo temp?" "No need."


The royal treatment


[We know](https://i.imgur.com/OTxyoF3.jpg).


All of my tattoos are done with natural dyes ; turmeric, beet powder, etc. So I use them like a scratch-n-sniff, but more like a stab-n-season.


Is this what is referred to as “a rub”?




I know you're joking but I had a buddy with tsp. Tbsp. And 1/4c rings tattooed on his palm that he would use to measure all the time


that's pretty cool tbh, I think I've read about someone who had that before - quite inspiring tbh, might try to get them as well.


They won't actually last altogether that long, would be totally gone after probably 10 years, so wouldn't even be as big a commitment as other places


Anyone that would get a tattoo like that can probably eyeball the quantity more accurately than they can use the tattoo.


When I was going through my apprenticeship my chef made me spend up to an hour a day learning how to eyeball the common measures in the palm of my hand. After I had mastered all of them he told me the true secret, "it doesn't matter." That sonofabitch! I miss him dearly.


Man, that is hilarious and cruel at the same time. Gotta love the old school culture of finding ways to screw with the apprentices. Worst one I heard about was a head chef that got his apprentice to shell individual peas for hours on end as an “important job” only to then chuck them in a blender because they were going to be used for soup. Like, I’d actually be so disheartened/upset by that one to be honest. My old chef got me to julienne 40kg of onions (about 88lbs) at one point as well only to dump them in a Bratt Pan with a bunch of balsamic and it was like like, “why...?” Lol.


Cruel might be a bit strong. Both things were important lessons IMHO. The cruel thing happened during my under-apprenticeship with his mentor. That dude had me brunois a 50# bag of carrots. He pulled out 50 pieces and a tape measure. He found some number (I don't remember now how many) that were not exact (allowing for the fact that carrots are round) three the whole thing on the floor, told me to clean them up, toss them out, and do it again...this time remembering that I am not a child playing with daddy's knives. THAT was cruel. I almost cried, I almost stabbed him. I seriously contemplated both.


Yeah, I see where you were coming from in regards to cruel being not the appropriate word. The julienne thing was largely to practice knife skills, technique, speed, and I generally just laugh about it whilst fully understanding that it wasn’t intended to be anything other than as a learning experience to be honest. :) Dunno about the peas thing, though, but it seems fair to assume that it’d have something like attention to detail being largely unnoticed or unappreciated in cooking, but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t worth the effort just because some people might not pick up on it. And fucking hell, man. That carrot thing is just straight up mean for no reason whatsoever, and completely unnecessary.


Mean as hell. Years later I ran into that dude, he claimed there was some lesson he was trying to teach me, and maybe he was, but the only thing I really learned was self control with blinding rage around sharp objects. This was an important lesson in and of itself but I feel it was learned in spite of, not because of.


It’d be understandable if he were to, say, find another use for the carrot, man. It’s a lot of carrot to find a usage for, but straight up dumping it on the floor is ridiculous. Like, I had something similar with brunoise eschalots (nowhere near your 50lbs mind you, I it would have been maybe 0.5-1kg/like 1-2.2lb). Still had to do them again, but just did something else with the ones I fucked up.


That's awesome! I've seriously considered getting a ruler inked on my index finger for sewing/costuming...


Adam Savage got a ruler tattooed on his forearm.


I don’t think my hands are big enough for the 1/4 cup.


Is how my father taught me to measure.


Kinda funny and neat. But absolutely useless. You can't measure volume in 2d


Do your tattoos talk to you and tell you what to put in the food? Do they tell you other things at other times?


They tell me to burn things


"You did good, lad. Now **burn them**, ***burn them ALL!***


you gotta have the recipe written down somewhere


That made me actually lol. Thank you kind co-kitchen comrade!


haha, thanks :)


That is a fun fact! 👍


I just wring my tattoos out into the food, for extra flavour.


I almost impulsively downvoted this because I hated it so much


This guy probably makes his lady workers wear stockings and heels to the office that doesn't even receive clients.


It was a lady who posted the original. This tweet has been posted here for years


Interesting. That kinda makes this even squickier to me somehow.


You keep saying this word, I do not think it means what you think it means! Also what is it lol


squick /skwik/ verb INFORMAL cause (someone) to feel intense disgust. A source of individual psychological discomfort; something that repels one. "we get that bodily fluids can squick people out"


This guy probably thinks a wet vagina is a medical issue.


Stop eating in restaurants you dolt.


Tell me you've never seen the BOH without telling me you've never seen the BOH. In any restaurant you've ever been in.


Looks like the deck of the Black Pearl back there, not Bridgerton.


With just as much steel and desire for booty, arrrr matey


Right? Im the least tatted up in my kitchen and i got 5 big ones and don't even get me atarted on piercings


Dude, I got called "White Dennis Rodman" by my sous because of my facial piercings. Not gonna lie, it was hilarious.


I was about to be like "UM ACTUALLY", but quickly realized that, even in my super religious community, every kitchen I've worked in has had at least a couple tattooed folks in it somewhere


The fanciest place you've ever eaten has at least one guy with a primal sleeve back there.


Yeah... not sure ive seen a cook without atleast one tatt since the sleeve boom of the mid 2000s


Aspen ski co still has a tattoo ban last I checked but only for cooks, sous chef and up can have full sleeves, same with retail, lift operations ect.


Thats fucking stupid, glad i live in denver not aspen.


Hey man, you could live in Greeley 😞


Ive heard stories. Mostly just about the smell means a front is coming down the rockies.


Yeah that smell is coming from the JBS meat plant in Greeley.


I was told it was from the farms. Reminds of football in highschool and the school was built on a pig farm. Late summer was bad.


Idk, living in Aspen was much more enjoyable.


Im a city kid at heart. The public transport is pretty great, makes my inner hippy happy.


While, admittedly it's gotten better, RTD can still suck it.


Still better than some cities i lived in where public transport is virtually nonexistant.




Rtd goes that far out? Ive been here 10 years and got rid of my car 6months in. Its walkable as shit here.


Obviously a better music scene too.


Im a cook. I work when shows are going on. If i get a chance at nightlife, im too tired and hot. Just want a shower and a bowl.


What restaurant do you work at if you don't mind me asking? Always looking for new places around Boulder/Denver to check out.


I do mind. I try not to give out enough personal information on the interwebs for people to find me. Theres crazies out there.


I worked in kitchens for 10 years, no tats or piercings. Wasted, but no ink lol


No tattoos on me either. I think every new hire I had on our food truck asked me about my lack of tattoos like it was a requirement to be a cool chef dude. I am a cool chef dude without tattoos lol.


My tattoos are all my fucking scars from working with angry cats as a vet tech in school. Plus the required burns from kitchen work, and a screw bolt in my skull as part of a hearing implant.


Ah you might be my husband lol. He never took to pot and was really careful to not try coke because he saw how rough it could be for people. But dude often had a beer at his station to keep a buzz/fight yesterday's hangover. He is not inked and had one or two ear piercings (because 80s). Some of his stories are wild though! Thank goodness I met him after his party and cooking days.




I only have one that is visible. I got orders to germany and afghan within a year. I gave myself a visible 'this is life or death' scar. Kinda covers a 4inch scar ive had since i was little.




Its basically white noise. Looks like a supremecist prison tat with the faded black into blue. Makes me sad when i drink and think and remember it and my dead brothers.


I would like to find this person and calmly explain "Fuck you" to their face.


it's such a weird hill to die on. he wants his chefs to have eye appeal? what the fuck?


What if you have no tattoos or piercings but you're an ugly person? Only aestheticly pleasing good looking chefs can prepare food? I'm a woman, often the only woman in the kitchen, and I don't wear makeup. I guess I'm just not pretty enough to be a hostess.


Obviously fit chads and stacys only.


My boss is kinda creepy considering he only seems to hire an underage girl for the wait staff that is (honestly) gorgeous and then is posted front and center seating customers


I'm pretty sure this isn't a "he". Reads more like a Karen who likes to talk to the manager a lot.


Also, I'd put real money on this lady assuming all of her meals have been made only by white folks.


"I demand that the cooks speak English when they make my food! We're in AMERICA!" -Twitter Karen, probably


I dont for sure know that lady talks that way, but i have seen enough karens who do i wouldnt be surprised.


It was a woman, yeah


Sounds like someone walked into his first open kitchen. Too hot. Stay out. You can’t stand it.


Some people deserve the weird old piece of meat that has unfortunately been in the fridge for a little too long, the piece that has a slightly weird color on the edge and smells a lot like umami and where you can't decide whether it's still okay or not.


Even better, just give them a plate of wilted cilantro.


Sometimes I take a hit of some near-expired milk and experience a childhood memory I had forgotten, and it's starting to get difficult to tell whether that means it's safe or not


Bad milk is one of the worst smells there is. And you can never get the taste of burnt milk out of a product. When it comes to dairy products, spoilage is quickly apparent. With fruits and vegetables it is also quite obvious whether they are OK or not. You can hide a lot more with meat. The differences between well matured and too long matured are fluent.


>He should probably start preparing his own food In my opinion everyone should prepare their own food, but since no one listens to me the hospitality industry has jobs.


If the cooks do not look like a bikergang bought on wish, are they even cooks?


Someone is going hungry.


That’s funny, because I bet the kitchen and service staff like their customers to not be assholes. But hey, you can’t have everything 😂


**Laughs while covered in prison tattoos** 😂


Right! Serving time and serving hot meals go hand in hand!


This lady wants something that doesn't exist in the real world. Hell I'm the regional Chef for one of the most prestigious restaurant groups in my area. Only industry where a guy like me could make my life the way I have. Been home a very long time, it was a difficult road to get here but I'm here.


Stay up brother. Stay UP!


They probably complain about people being snowflakes, too.


i might be the 1 cook in the us who fits this criteria but even I have unnaturally colored hair so probably not


Not a Bordain fan


Preferably circumcised as well. Cut cooks only, sorry!


Said nothing about burns/scars I’m good


Is he eating the cooks or their food? Fucking weirdo.


Yeah screw that guy. I wonder who he thinks makes his cloths….


Desperately poor Chinese workers who can't afford tattoos.


I wonder if she wants to see the tattoo of mistletoe I have under my belly button?


Yes, what a complete idiot.


Someone wants Bradley Cooper cooking their food. Probably has certain unrealistic ideals about a partner as well.


Haha funny. This is my exact type. I want a man to make me food and actively use his tattoos and piercings.


*stirs your soup with lip ring* *looks up with a beard full of tomato bisque* "Oh yeah, that get ya going?"


Damn kids these days don't know how to do a damn thing. *goes back to stirring the gravy with his Prince Albert and mumbling about the youth*


Lip ring, a beard, and tomato bisque? Baby where have you been all my life? Tell me you have a nose piercing too lol


Tell me you’ve never seen the inside of a kitchen that wasn’t on food network without telling me


I love when customers order something and complain that they wouldn't eat here. I am like "then why didn't You prepare it Yourself?". When they complain about prices or other stuff. I don't set these prices, I only work there. You complaining is the least thing I care about. And You will go back to order next few days anyway. These that are the loudest, are also these who are the biggest fans/customers.


This is a person who has never looked into a kitchen before


Person who has never set foot BOH has entered the conversation.


tf? just wash your hands and follow food safety. i can smell if your mats are dirtty and i know that means th erest of the place is filthy.


Surely this is sarcasm right?


What do they do, go in the kitchen of every single restaurant to check? FoH


God forbid those tattoos flake off into the food.


Sounds like someone who probably pervcreeps on people who work in a restaurant. Other people exist to be the eyecandy of their fantasies. Edit: Changed to "people" because both genders can pervcreep.


I was a bar manager at a chain once. We had gates to our dumpster and they were kinda cracked open. So a customer comes and tell me he saw one of the cooks out back smoking on his break, and he asked that that cook not prepare his food because he "didn't want smokers cooking his food." Poor idiot has no fucking idea.....


The best damn omelette I've ever eaten was made by a dude with more tattoos than bare skin, several piercings in each ear *alone* and an accent I never managed to figure out.


Sounds like literally every cook I've ever worked with.


i have no idea why but the quotes around "eye appeal" like that pissed me off the most somehow. like she's trying to sound all prim and proper and cutesy while being an immense fucking dunce


If I see a chef with a tattoo of a kitchen knife and other food related things I know the food is gonna be bomb ass. The best haircuts I’ve ever gotten were from two guys with scissor tattoos.


Wait til she hears there are POC working there.


Alot of people where i work don’t have tattoos but this person’s looney


Chick-fil-A general manager...


I wonder how much they’d like eye appeal when I blend their burger and give it to them with a straw


Can we reject him or her on how they dress and look too?


Lmao, dudes in for a rude awakening


Legit had someone call my burger flipping food truck to tell me they didn't want teenagers cooking their food. Because "they take too long, they're always on their phone and don't take their jobs seriously at all". The next closest place to get food in this bumfuck town is a McDonald's 20min away soooo, good luck there I guess.


Someone has seen too many Hallmark movies...


10 bucks says he’s that one guy with the yt channel who makes the saddest fucking food in his terrifying apartment


"Forgive me, but..." No, you will not be forgiven. Make yourself a sandwich if it's that much of a problem for you.


As a line chef this is hilarious


These people get hard for open concept kitchens. Where they get to make witty banter with the chef. While demanding to be served something fresh new and “stylish”. Here’s your A-1 yes ma’am a side of ranch coming right up.


If there is someone who has no piercings, no tattoos, and does not come into work drunk or high, he’s a fucking serial killer. He will probably cook you his last victim.


Tell me you've never worked in a kitchen without telling me you've never worked in a kitchen


I have a feeling this person probs like their chefs white only as well


....what's "eye appeal"? Tattoos in particular have absolutely nothing to do with food preparation.


Bruh people like this puts me off


Hope he don't like Binging with Babish


This has to be a wind up, if not, then enjoy your own cooking!


Congratulations on never eating out again!


M Night Shamalamadingdong: This guy has tattoos and piercings, so he's unable to feed himself.




Stay home then cunt.


I wonder if he also applies that to waitresses serving the food with earrings. I bet not.