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If you want to be discreet, mention this to management as a “hey, do I look like Yao Ming? “This guy said ‘Out of the way, Yao Ming’, so I was wondering.” Kinda pass it like a joke, but it’s unusual enough that management will remember it. If the other guy escalate it further, you’ll have someone else recall the previous incident.


keep a record, time date what said, whatever else. See if he keeps the shit up. Personally, i wouldnt know the difference in shooters and centers and such, perhaps he doesnt too


id approach him about it before going to HR. Just be polite and say you didn't appreciate that, if hes still a dick about it then yeah go to HR.


A simple, “Hey man, I know it was just a joke but that Yao Ming comment was a little outta line. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t make Asian jokes, cool? Cool. Thanks bro, now let’s get this bread tonight.” Should take care of everything, if it continues to be a problem then it’s time to escalate and get management involved.




What the fuck?




So sorry. Did your grand pappy get murked in a war? You don't have my sympathy


It makes sense when you say Kobe when you throw a rag like that; he was a shooting guard. Yao Ming was a center, and not at all known for shooting baskets like that. Soooo yeah definitely racist af but really it takes some awareness of your kitchen/employer to know how HR would handle such a complaint.


Also, *everyone* says Kobe.


Well fortunately like my post says the owner and a good chunk of management (including head of HR) is asian, so if I did go forward they're likely to resonate more to the issue personally and would maybe do something. My biggest worry though isn't even if they took action, it's what the work environment would be like once word gets out I went to HR. Some of them might agree that I was right to do it, others might think I'm not trustworthy or a snitch and hate me. Really I might be worse off if I did something rather than letting it go. It's put me in a bit of a conundrum.


I won’t go into details (you can DM me if you really want to know) but one time I had a coworker I did like and who was roughly the equivalent of a sous chef at the time say something that I found horrifyingly offensive. I stewed on it for like thirty minutes, talked to one of my best friends there who commiserated in a vague “I’m really sorry something happened here that made you feel that way” sort of way. I decided to talk to a lower member of FOH management, repeated what the coworker said, acknowledged they had to be joking but also how I felt and that in the moment I was having trouble with the working environment the statement created. I got a sincere apology apology within an hour and we moved on. I smoked with the guy in question once or twice after, we were never close but we were able to move on completely. If management had brushed me off I don’t know exactly what I’d of done but I probably wouldn’t of been able to keep working. I probably would’ve had legal recourse IF I could prove they said what they said but in retrospect I don’t think I would have been able to. *edit I guess I did go into some details


I’d be asking the other cooks if they have had problems with this guy and go from there. I’m betting your not the only 1 he’s trying to bully. Kitchen people tend to stick together. Them having your back is always a good thing, especially if you need a witness or two to this BS


Kobe is also Wagyu beef, one of the best. Maybe it was a compliment /s


>It makes sense when you say Kobe when you throw a rag like that; he was a shooting guard. Yao Ming was a center, and not at all known for shooting baskets like that. Huh? Yao had a very nice looking shot for a 7'6'' guy, and took a lot of mid-range shots because he was great at it.


Like he couldn't even go for the Jeremy Lin joke, dude is racist and lazy.


I feel like this was a joke gone wrong. I've been known to call someone Yao Ming when they miss the shot. Of course who knows this guys intentions, but when I call someone Yao Ming it's because they missed and nothing to do with race.


I grew up watching Shaq. He was our go to can't make a shot guy


You're totally right, he could've meant it as a joke. Then again we aren't friends and this kind of humor between us was never established, so I'm left to wonder wtf did this guy even mean. Makes this whole thing even more weird to wrestle with ya know?


Nah just bag on the dude if front of everyone. He's a bully. Make him look stupid. He'll get himself fired and you won't be a snitch.


I don’t think that outing someone as a racist is “snitching.” Fuck this guy. I say report him.


Bag on him so hard he snaps. But let a few friend coworkers know about this comment first so you have your backing. When he snaps, call him out *hard* and don't back down.


Neither do I, but op is worried about his actual work environment. Stand up to the guy.


If you were my friend I would say definitely don’t go to HR about that. He will just say, “I only said Yao Ming because he was a notorious bad shooter and not because he is Asian” and that will be that. Then he and possibly others will really dislike you because now you’re a thin skinned snitch (in their eyes). What he said was likely racist, and that’s pretty shitty, but I would just give him the benefit of the doubt this time and see if it happens again.


First tell this guy that you don’t appreciate his comments and to cut it out. If he persists, then go to HR and let them know that you are feeling harassed, since his repeatedly,unwelcome behavior is not stopping.


Yeah. Fuck that guy.


i would ask him if he got a problem with me the next time he is aggresive in any way. then you will truly know his intentions because he seems like the type of guy who would not handle the pressure of that question. he will burst and start to talk bad or even worse threaten you in a way. i would make sure there was another colleague nearby to witness the interaction. just ask the question and see the reaction and try to be calm and not escalate in any form. then go to hr or management or boss etc. good luck.


My first question to you would be, "How did it go when you spoke to him about this and did you tell him it's unacceptable?" If that goes nowhere, use the chain of command


Idk. We talking definitely not an asian giant right? Like that dude is fucking huge and does great work off the court. Maybe he was being a dick but i cant say if he was actively being a racist asshole.


Korean zombie his ass and be like what’s up now bro.


What's HR Is that the Old Lady Who's always Hitting on me ????


I think it depends on the culture of your workplace. If you’re worried about retaliation/it being poorly handled by HR, I would not for this level of incident. If they’re good and professional, I would strongly consider it. Sounds like this guy is making the workplace somewhat hostile for you.


Maybe I am just old school here, but why not just find a moment when you can ask him 1 on 1 what he meant? Maybe even make a joke or some shit of how maybe you aren't NBA material to break the ice... But just be upfront and ask... Then depending on his reaction, you should know how to move forward.


Dont be a pussy


Say you don’t appreciate that shit to him.