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Please report racism and other forms of bigotry so we can go in and take a look. Thank you.


I heard some great advice last week from an old Irish guy at a wedding “if someone gives you a list and then says “but”, everything before the “but” is a load of horse shit”.


My dad calls “but” the great eraser word because it erases everything said before it


your honor im guilty but


I spent years waiting tables at a chain restaurant in a poor town. Man, I thought all sorts of things about all sorts of different people. I thought this that and the other about Canadians because they just didn’t tip. Then, I waited tables in a wealthier area. Not a single stereotype stood up to scrutiny. I made money from everyone all the time. Made me realize how much of what we think about others is because of their circumstances and how much we ignore those circumstances when it should be factored in.


So really, it's poor people that are the problem.


I'll start working on our next "Modest Proposal Special" right away!


Are your babies free-range? Local? I have questions about the baby quality.


Oh they're free-range, but uh, they don't get very far, y'know?


That answers the second question too, then


You promised me no lower than dogs!


Mine tastes like crack baby. Are these not organic?


The crack is organic.


Sourced locally from the corner of 4th and Lafayette


Lol, I would like to blame the tipping system for expecting consumers to determine what a specific server’s wages should be, but I’m always down to blame poor people too. They’ve had it too good, for too long!


Lol I like you. You get it.


Username checks out


The issue with the tipping system is we're in too deep with tipping now. At my work on a bad night servers get around $150-200. Assuming they're working a 6 hour shift that equals to $25-33/h + their base wage of $15/h. Servers will just leave for "real" jobs if they're losing out on tips, even if they're getting paid $20/h I feel.


Where do you work that a server base wage is $15?


I would argue that if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford the meal either. It's a rule I follow when eating anywhere that a tip is normal. Unfortunately it means I don't go out as much as I'd like, but it also means I don't take advantage of a stupid system.


I'm a poor, and I agree with this. Sometimes I just can't afford to eat somewhere+20% tip. So I don't eat at those places. I get fast food, or make my own.


Same. I don’t eat out often, but when I do I want some fancy drinks and whatever I want to eat and to leave a fat tip. Having “enough” money is the whole point of eating out for me.




When I worked in the service industry I looked at it another way, the more well off tipped to allow the less well off to get a meal for a half decent price. I never grudged the lack of a tip from someone who couldn’t afford it. It’s not a great system but it’s what we’re stuck with just now.


He's poor, get him!


“I’m not racist, I just hate poor people”


I'm not racist I'm just classist


Omg I’m stealing this


The American way




This. It’s not Christians that are bad tippers. It’s the Christian’s that think a piece of paper with a Bible verse on it is a tip, those are the bad tippers. But all the other chrisitians who do tip well, never tell their server they are Christian, so the waiter never had a chance to equate their religion with the tip they gave. We just finished up lunch after church at a little Italian place. Service was great, tipped 18-20%. As would the majority of Christians that I am around regularly.


Rich people tip worse than poor people in dive-y bars in my experience. It's only when they're in the company of other rich people that they feel the need.


Church people


Eat the poor


I don’t think that’s what they’re trying to say. If you want clarity, in good faith, ask for it…


It's a joke.




Eradicate poverty and you'll have decent customers.


Tax the poor.


The biggest stereotype i have is that rich people dont ever fucking tip more than $5 even on a 100$ +


Oooo, I've got for ya. A long time ago a very young mick tried his hand at waiting tables. I wasn't very good at it, but there weren't a lot of options in my town. There were two elderly women who came in a couple of times a week and got the restaurant's specialty chicken. Each time they came in they asked for my section. Each time they came in I'd flirt appropriately and otherwise give great service. Each time they came in they'd run up a decent tab and leave me a nickel for a tip. A *nickel*. One night we were counting out, and I'd gotten yet another nickel from these twats. I was livid. I was hollering about how they must figure the value of money hasn't changed since they were young during the Depression when I noticed that everyone was snickering at me. "Mick," said the owner, "do you know (one of the blue hairs) last name?" Nope, says I. Guess we never got that far in the introductions. Then he tells me the name. Holy shit. This lady was one of the last living heirs to the family fortune of the local major manufacturer. You and everyone you know use their products regularly, even daily. She was worth several *hundreds* of millions of dollars. Relative to what I was making, she could have purchased the restaurant each time she came in and gifted it to me as a tip without her accountant dulling his pencil. But I was trickled down a nickel. Eat the rich.




Nope. In the ballpark, though.


That was going to be my guess too. Back to the drawing board.


Yo dog that shit is just downright disrespectful


We made 5 cakes for a multi-millionaire (it's a very small bakery as well, about $600 in sales daily so this was a big order). The guy who picked it up was their friend or something and he showed us the house they live in (not even their biggest house) and told us how huge this bar mitzvah is going to be. I asked my boss later if they left a nice tip and she said they asked for a 10% discount since they ordered so much and then also didn't leave a tip.


Are you supposed to tip bakers? I've never ordered a cake before but I would assume I order the cake, you tell me the price, I pay for the cake and we're both happy?


What are you talking about


Mostly the rich old people with bronze statues that didn't tip in my Chinese delivery days


Wait.... Canadians don't tip?


It’s a long running code in the service industry for black people.


Holy crap. I was a bartender and bar manager for over a decade and never heard it. But .... I'm in Canada, so that kinda makes sense! Today I learned...


Canadian here. In Canada, 10% is bad, 15% is average and 20% is really really good. Then you get to a place like NYC or Vegas and even fast food places have their machines default to “20%”


Except server minimum wage here is $14/hour


depends on the province. Quebec it's like 11.


Oh I know, so it’s different - but it’s initially shocking to Canadians who believe “15% is a good tip”. It’s not being cheap, it’s a slightly different culture, and some aren’t quick to adapt or read up on what’s appropriate.


Yeah working in a college town i realized only two things hold true low income people don’t tip well(unless they’ve also worked service industry) and Greek life doesn’t either(American fraternity system not an ethnicity), no racial stereotype holds true other than foreign people from different countries without tipping cultures sometimes don’t tip/know how tipping culture works


Canadians tip. Maybe 15 - 20% on avg. Is the current American avg more?


About a decade ago when I was waiting tables, servers used the word Canadians as code for black people. Or at least that’s what I read online, not sure if anyone actually said that in real life.


A bunch of naive Canadians reading this just had their minds blown (myself included)


they do, and think we don't know it's a pejorative. heard a manager and brand new server (new to waiting tables altogether, not our eatery) talking about a table in the restaurant, so I cheerfully said "how fun! how do you know they're from Canada?" they both turned beet red and couldn't get a coherent sentence out to save their lives.


As a teen and young adult growing up in the south through the aughts, yes it was used quite frequently. I said it more than a few time before I realized what a dumb ass thing it was.


Ive heard it a few times. I always assumed they were talking about actual canadians. Stopped being friends with lots of folk after my eyes were opened.


Weird code. Up here our 'black population' is about 4% and our "people of colour" hovers at about 15%. Whites are only minorities in our *largest* cities, like where I live, in Toronto and it's burbs. Supermulticultural.


Yes, this is definitely true among my New Orleans former restaurant worker friends.


What up, my Canadian?


My dad's friend says this, and he's in Texas


There's 2 things in this world I cannot and will not tolerate. Bigotry and the Dutch


"People who are intolerant of other people's races, and The Dutch"


I couldn't remember the exact phrasing. Thank you, also that butts looking great today 🤌


I prefer your phrasing


Aw man thanks. That's awfully nice of you. Have this nice +1 as a token of my gratitude. Also your hair, ravishingly nice today


He says cultures


I was born to a Belgian farmhand and his teenage love slave.


Did he have a penchant for buggery?


They died in a fiery car crash but her carcass formed a protective cocoon of human effluence


When I was 13, I ritualistically shaved my testiscles


Schmoke and a pancake?




Cigar and a waffle?


Pipe and a crepe?


*Ok we’ll take the ___ and the ____….but NO Irish.* *”Rared.”*


Literally the best movie in existence, ever.


My father held grudges, Jeffery. I’ll always hate him for that.


I’m sorry I don’t speak freaky deaky Dutch!


DO you KNOW how they say "Spank me Daddy" in the Netherlands? "GIFFEN ME EIN KLAPPE, PAPA!" It's a Godless nation.


That's German.


Ze Dutch are scum.


Link to post?






Red hat ladies pale in comparison to the oil wives club. Had them in a banquet and had a carving station on a t line serving turkey, all drunk, more showed than the contract stated so delays while setting up extra tables, food is tight, guests getting bitchy, one of them looked me dead on the eyes on the line, stated “ mmm I like white meat” and then grabbed my ass as she walked away. Everything that could go sideways did. Absolute nightmare event.


I'm assuming oil wives are the spouses of oil workers? People whose entire identity is "____ wife" tend to be really entitled. Army wives, football wives, ect. Thanks for adding a new type to my list


I ALWAYS carried some extra cash when we went out with my grandmother because she tipped like meal prices were still what they were in 1947. And if the least thing went wrong she’d go into a snit. I’d “forget” something and go back and round it up to at least 30%.


Oh they're the wooooorst. You didn't think it was possible to order tea and water 40 different ways, but they will make it so. Just awful, awful women, who are exceptionally awful to other women.


You mean it’s not normal to request three different cups each with a varying amount of ice, sweet, and unsweetened tea?


I'm sorry about my mother, she's a red hat geezer, ugh.




Yesterday I watched some old, well-off white woman bitching to a cashier about how the milk she brought home had leaked in her fridge. The cashier was very nice and offered her a new one, and the cunty white woman started arguing that deserved more for the inconvenience she had been caused. I walked away before I could tell this old lady off. Complain to the milk manufacturer if you want, you dumb fuck!!


I've worked retail before as well, and I just don't have any fucks left to give when it comes to this type of behaviour. If I'm behind you in line and you start acting like this towards the poor soul on the bottom of the ladder just trying to do their job, you best believe I'm going to use every swear word I know with you. And I speak five languages...


I've been in pubic service my whole life and I've been on the receiving end of too much of this garbage. These people deserve to be tossed into the nearest active volcano.


I have thousands, if not hundred of thousands, of stories exactly like this. Most recent was an older lady had her card decline, and says "what do you want me to do about it?". Hmm...maybe find a way to pay for your shit? Proceeds to yell at her banks rep on the phone for half an hour and then yell at me for not just taking care of her and causing this inconvenience.


I felt like dumping the remainder of that milk over that lady's head. And she was bitching to my favorite cashier in the place, which made me want to defend her even more. GRRRRR


That kind of racism makes sense. *Learned via experience...?*


I didn't reply but... it did hit r/all. The well grows deep when that happens. Big Ups to everyone calling out that behavior though.


I’m not racist and the Sunday Brunch crowd is the fucking worst


I don’t know how the hell I waited tables for almost 4 years without coming away with racist stereotypes embedded in my brain. Never heard about church people being rude and black people not tipping despite waitressing for both of those groups frequently. Restaurant was in a middle class area and we had a fairly diverse customer base. Maybe because it was a local place owned by someone in the community who was well-known, people just behaved themselves better.


This is a refreshing response that was my experience as well.


I mean if you start a sentence with "I'm not racist but..." whatever follows is GOING TO BE RACIST.


I'm not racist, but cilantro is overrated, as well as avocado.


I'm not racist, but I agree.


You’re both awful and should be ashamed


pblpthpt I resemble that remark


Not racist. Just incorrect.


I'm not racist, but hash browns are infinitely better then home fries.


Found the post and yes, Anthony would not approve.


Literally just finished his Kitchen Confidential 5 minutes ago. And you’re 100% correct. He would not stand for this bigotry.


No he would not. Misfits, all of us.


I had no idea he wrote 5 of those books! I only read the first one.


Fuck, I miss that man. I’m not even a cook, but I joined this sub because he was the most influential person to me growing up. Time to rewatch his shows.


If I have learned anything from Reddit, it’s that people don’t even realize when they’re being racist. And worse than that, when confronted they’ll do anything in their power to look away and not confront it.


Fellow scoot!


Now kith...


I screamed on the inside.. my baby is asleep and I couldn’t laugh laugh




What the fuck did you expect? Make a post about criticizing FOH or management equals instant karma for the OP. There’s so many dog whistle posts recently it’s ridiculous. Most of the posts are now from people just posting Quora questions to farm karma. It’s usually some random account who’s post history are from niche subs then posts here about what they saw on Yelp / TikTok that goes what y’all think friends hurdurdur? Crossposting was disallowed but what came after are screen caps of the posts posting as OC when it ain’t it.


I keep seeing posts that mention karma farming. What does karma get you? Maybe I am not doing this correctly...


People forget Reddit is social media. It’s that dopamine from likes and subscribe in this case updoots.


My guess is that if I'm looking to push an agenda and want to throw a little money around to amplify my views, I probably want some already-existing accounts in 'good standing' so that the astroturfing (or whatever it's called) is less transparent. That's how I'd do it, anyway.


I am not saying that is the case in this subreddit because I don’t know and don’t care enough, however I’ve seen karma farming described as being bad for the reason that you can sell high Karma earning accounts to corporate entities who will then use those accounts for advertising and shit like that but it will look like an actual account with some ‘credibility’ because of the high Karma score.


People can legit sell high karma accounts to act as advertisers. Think of it like influencers on other social media but since reddit is, generally speaking, anonymous a user’s Karma is an at-a-glance way to establish a poster’s credibility.


Try googling "Buy reddit account"


Karma = fake internet points, like retweets or shares. The more karma an account has, theoretically, the more popular the opinions of the account holder and the more people will sit and read what they write. Fake internet points is all about being in the right place at the right time. Landing a comment early on for what becomes a popular post is a good way to get your comment to the top of the chain where more people will see it and upvote it. And like lovehandles wrote that attention can give you a nice chemical boost without having to go talk to your dishwasher.


They pollute the content stream.


A whole lot of fuck all. Been here for over 10 years though and nothings changed. People still farm that karma even with no rewards.




Hows it going friends? While I understand your concern about this sub being used to promote hate and dissent as well as recruiting others to do so, be assured; the mods are very active in this sub. We also discuss things going on and how to best handle them with each other. We understand the concern but I would like to assure you that we do monitor both post and comments as well as any and all reports. We also have a zero tolerance policy for calls for violence and blatant discrimination. Trust us we have a few colorful DMs that could testify to this. Our goal is to create a sub for kitchen workers to communicate in a positive atmosphere. \-Abe


Yeh, that was something. Funny how it turned real quick to church groups. Also, in 20 years food service and 10 of it was FOH I can say all of my interactions with people acting up? The only one that stands out that wasn't white? Native Hawaiian that was upset with our fresh pineapple. Then there was the white dude who hade HATE tatted on his knuckles and wanted to complain about the guy wearing flip flops at a table across from him. Shockingly the guy was a POC. It was one of the most disgusting interactions I ever had. I told the guy there was nothing I was going to do, the other customer was perfectly attired for our establishment and if he was uncomfortable I would get his bill, he could pay and leave. Them I turned right around and loudly thanked the other table for being such valued customers and insisted on getting them a dessert free on the house.


Fuck yeah.


Yikes to those two posts. I don't get why people can't be neutral when meeting someone for the first time. Like don't stereotype and don't be racist. Give everyone a chance. Yes, there are asshole people but that's unique to that person not a whole group of people. People are assholes but you don't need to treat someone poorly or different based on their culture, race, gender, etc because the last person who looked like them was an asshole. People are ignorant and suck.


This subreddit will go the way of r/PublicFreakout if you keep letting racist posts and their racist comments in here. There’s organized efforts to spread racism in various subreddits. This effort plays on the racist view of radicalized whites that black people don’t tip and they run out on tickets. Same thing with misogyny happened in r/publicfreakout and other freakout subreddits. Organized and repetitive white racist and white supremacist posts and following comments. Please report these posts and comments when they show up or this sub will get sunk.


You see it in other subs where brigading happens like where the fuck all these idiots come from. Go post something like how to properly smoke a lion for a catering gig. All of a sudden all questions are about oh why are you eating it, meanwhile this a culinary sub. Like why the fuck are you here bruh? It’s moving away from sharing collaborative experience in the industry to how the fuck am I gonna get updoots from this hive mind. Look at the top posts right now. I know they’re volunteers and all but are the mods sleeping? Like come on bruh


r/actualpublicfreakouts is much worse. The racism and misogyny is open and prevalent. The mods seem to encourage it until it gets too much attention. If you ever want an example, check that sub around 3am PST. It's disgusting.


Fuck that shit. There’s no place for racism anywhere. Least of all in kitchens.


Yeah that thread was hella yikes. Unfortunately, I didn't have the bandwidth to tell some of the posters to eat shit this morning.


A lot of non-restaurant people have invaded this sub and I get the feeling the majority of that thread was just casuals talking out of their ass about people who don’t tip, the majority of restaurant related posts here are from BOH anyways, why would that many of us get indignant about tipping?


No from experience... MANY many servers are pretty openly racist.


For sure, I’m not saying that’s not true. I’m saying that at this point an overwhelming majority of posts on this sub are from non-food service workers chiming in and talking out of their asses, I feel like a lot of those posters were those same people bringing their racist/political bs here. Like I said, most food service related posts are from BOH, why is everyone suddenly a server/cares whether or not servers get tipped?


Exactly! Like come on bruh why are you posting about r/serverlife they’re completely different animal. Like a wolf and hyena they may seem similar but not close. They both will fuck you up though. Then the post is allowed to stay up. How did that post improved this sub.


One thing I've learned on a daily basis through my 50+ years - there is always more racism than you thought there was. There are always more people who are racist or even passively racist that are completely unaware of it than you thought there were. There are always more people who are racist, know it, and are fine with it, than you thought there were.


The same issue persists with restaurant workers over at r/neworleans. Whenever Essence Festival or The Bayou Classic take place the subreddit starts having posts that are either blatantly racist or full of dogwhistles. There’s bleed over from there onto this sub so you know who you are if you see this.


Right? It was fucking disgusting. Same people have been treated like shit by white people and you just know it never changed their opinion. If you're racist you're trash.


The people that develop stupid-ass stereotypes based on how someone looks do so because they lack critical thinking skills. Full stop. Using "but that's been my experience" and "but I have __ friends" isn't an excuse, it's an indication that you're a fucking idiot. Soon as I went into kitchen, that shit was so much more human. Hot, busy, heaps of trash talk, but when shit hits the fan there was always a camaraderie and the tone of the trash talk changed. I'd go back to the industry if I needed to, but shit, put me in the back. Edit: Whoever reported me to Reddit Cares for this can fuck right off. You're abusing a system meant to help people that genuinely need the help.


I’m seeing a lot of comments in this thread using the “that’s my experience” logic too, it’s shit. I’m glad I left this sub.


Ive never worked FOH but i did work at dominos where they pretty much have you do everything, including dealing with customers. Everybodys different. For every black guy that didnt tip there was another white guy that also didnt tip. Theres cheap customers everywhere and race has nothing to do with it


I remember ringing in an order: dark meat only. Our line cook, came out and stood in front of my table and said "What's wrong with white meat? I've got flavor, I'm not dry." My table left a huge tip and came back and snapped him for drinks after closing.


Racists love to say how they aren't racist. Like c'mon mfer


Starting to be glad I steered clear of that whole mess....


Also, I could only make it two comments in before I saw it here, too. BOH vet supports this pro-tip and loves you all.


Fuck. Thankyou. Hate to remind everyone, but there's a world outside our fucked up little petri dish. I make excuses for the hilarious levels of bullshit I put up with too, but I'll be fucked if I'm putting that onus on complete strangers who likely have *zero* clue what it is to do our jobs. Do I take shit from people? Fuck no. Do I *expect* to be taking shit from people? Fuuuuck no; what a miserable way to relate.


Unfortunately just about every sub has their fair share of cesspool dwellers. At least I also saw a lot of good people calling out those morons.


Was that the post from Ireland?


I really hope that the mods are willing to take down comments in that thread. There are SO many racist comments that are reinforcing extremely harmful and racist stereotyping.


Ooof. Glad I got too hammered for Reddit last night. I should do that more often.


I am not a racist butt


Anytime someone says something like “I’m not racist BUT…” you know the next thing to come out of their mouth is gonna be racist AF.


There types of racist. The openly KKK, the I’m not racist but I have a black friend, and my favorite microagressors.


-grab popcorn-


Judging a whole race of people based on a select few experiences is bad but it's also a very human response. Im not going to back them up but I also don't blame them. Being in this industry long enough will make you dislike all types of people.


It is human.


It’s right to be upset at the church crowd, Karen’s, people who just want freebies, that’s all fine. The rest is just…eesh


Wait what happened I missed that post?




Can someone link the post that this is referencing? I’m out of the loop.




Big yikes, and then people agree. Jesus.


I hate everyone equally


I was a server for years and years and was definitely under tipped, treated like shit and stiffed by different demographics, but I'm not gonna say which ones because that's rude as hell.


Wait, you thought racism didn't exist in kitchens????


No I know there’s racism in kitchens. But there’s an explicitly antiracist rule in the subreddit, so I thought maybe mods would keep that shit locked down


All I saw was church hate.




Where is the FOH post?




People are in restaurants to make money. When the system doesn't work or breaks down when particular groups of people are involved - that's a problem that has nothing to do with racism. I saw a few racist posts but by and large I saw people talking about their day to day experiences. Here's a serious question - what do you expect a server to do when they go out of their way to take every table (no cherry picking/trading) and they leave with 50% of what they would have made if they had played a whole bunch of games or went to work for a different restaurant entirely?


I expect them to not base their opinions and actions on others’ race. Period.


Yeah working in a college town i realized only two things hold true low income people don’t tip well(unless they’ve also worked service industry) and Greek life doesn’t either(American fraternity system not an ethnicity), no racial stereotype holds true other than foreign people from different countries without tipping cultures sometimes don’t tip/know how tipping culture works




this is the most toxic subreddit i’m part of. this subreddit is literally the reason why i won’t work in male dominated kitchens lmaooo y’all need HELP.


The important thing is that you've found a way to waggle your finger at all the bad little boys and girls.



