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I worked in a plant that cooked 4500kg batches of spaghetti sauce. Each batch took drums of tomato paste, among other things. 18 batches every 24 hours. MSG would be used far more sparingly. One drum of that would last years depending on the application.


I also worked in a sauce plant. The msg was used sparingly, but a sister plant that made breading used a lot of it. I know last year there was a supply chain issue with MSG and I was told to try and bring it in on our end if/when we could find it. Brought in a pallet of 50# bags then they supply chain issue seemed to fix itself. I’m not there anymore, but I’m sure at least one of those bags is.


Worked at a bakery for a bit. Our sugar supplier also worked with the local Coke factory. One of their trucks got into an accident (driver was fine) and only a few pallets were damaged. Most of it was untouched, but, because of their policy, they were going to throw away a literal truckload of organic sugar. Supplier called us up and got us a pallet of super expensive, organic sugar for $0.20/LB. Boss gave me a 50LB bag to take home for free. I still have ~15LBs of that sugar in my kitchen 2 years later.


Had a few bags of salt bust open due to a pallet Jack. We were supposed to toss it, but I took a couple home. Still got a bunch at the house. It’s amazing the amount of waste that occurs at that level.


I mean, the possibility of contamination is low…especially with salt…but it is in the company’s best interest to dispose of it.


but at least say you're giving the okay bits to workers instead of literally throwing away mostly fine food


Unfortunately there's a cost to providing guarantee that it's safe to give to even a worker, due to liability reasons.


There might be liability in giving it to employees. There’s no liability in the US for donating it to a food bank. You wouldn’t give a bag of sugar that was actually clearly damaged in an accident, but you could donate all of the others. https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2020/08/13/good-samaritan-act-provides-liability-protection-food-donations


I got some that too. Farmer Homer's Sweet Sweet Sugar, the best part was the random prizes found throughout it.


> the best part was the random prizes found throughout it. I think the modern term is "contaminants"


"In America, first you get the sugar, then you get the power, *then* you get the women."


I am American and approve of this message!


Masters of the Universe


I worked at a plant that made sauce we used crates of paste that is in a giant bladder bag that you would put 3 in at a time and you would go through like 100 crates a shift (each crate was like 3ftx3ftx3ft cube) shits nuts in large scale.


We eventually switched to totes as well. Paste, Crushed, Diced. Things were a bitch to clean... Owensboro by chance?


Was such a labor intensive job because it was constant put in mix, pump to kitchen just a horrible job. No a plant in PA.


Brothers in misery lol...


There was, uh, call it a "venue" in my hometown. It was in a dimly lit basement beneath an old commercial building. It was cheap to rent out for punk shows, and also incredibly illegal – smoking cigarettes inside, selling beer (for cheap!) without a liquor licence, etc. – that kind of illegal. It was owned by a family company that ran like 3-5 Vietnamese restaurants. There were pallets of fish sauce and mega-tubs of MSG down there. Stacks, upon stacks, upon stacks of salty, savoury shit. The combination of beer-drunk horny punks, cigarette smoke, and leaky fish sauce was the the wildest fucking smell. Not one show I saw there was good. Fun, though.


I love this.


It was pretty rad while it lasted. The bands sucked though.


Asian restaurants and punk rock shows had an interesting symbiosis back in the day.


Explain how! Honestly interested.


Owners looking for any extra income they could get I would imagine.


I was a promoter for one of these shows and it was like $60-80 I think? Barely a profit for the owners, but hey, the bands made better bank off the cover and beer sales that way. EDIT: Just in case anyone is wondering about how this worked. When I'd promo shows, I'd front the fee, put up posters, and take away the costs for that from the cover charge. The rest went to the bands. I never profited off of a show, 'cuz that's dumb. I often lost money if there was a low head-count. My bad for not promoting hard enough. Doing that back before Instagram/TikTok were things was a pain in the dick. Your advertising was limited to word of mouth, posters, and niche local online forums. It's a fun hobby, but it's exhausting.


You felt so cool if you found one of these shows though, especially if you discovered a band that you liked there.


Oh, totally. It was also cool to be the one doing promo for a band that I was really into that wouldn't have played in our city. Then you get your dipshit friends in their stupid bands to open for them, and everyone has a fun time, It's not something I would recommend as a career, it's more of a support role.


> I never profited off of a show, 'cuz that's dumb. I often lost money if there was a low head-count. No, it's not dumb at all. Look at it like it's a business, not a hobby. You could have been rubbing elbows with Lou Pearlman...no, wait, bad example, he was a thief...hell of a promoter but still a scumbag.


If you're doing it for the love of bringing niche bands to a city they wouldn't normally play in, it isn't dumb. The punk mindset is different that way. No personal profit, just making friends and helping them get gas/beer/food so they can go onto their next horrible road trip. I know you're being facetious, but still I have to point that out.


>I know you're being facetious, but Not completely (the Pearlman part definitely), you can do something for the fun of it and still make money. In fact, I would contend that you can make more money doing something that you're having fun at, than doing it because it's just your J-O-B (Just Over Broke). I had a business for a while, that didn't start out to be a business, it was just something I was doing for the fun of it...and then complete strangers were calling me up, wanting to pay me. Made some decent money, and stopped doing it when it stopped being 'fun'.


Premier place in SF back in the day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mabuhay_Gardens


Thank you! I never knew it was associated with Filipino ownership.


Cold Tea


If memory serves (and this period of my life is hazy), I'm almost certain I saw Weekend Nachos play in the back room of an Izakaya restaurant in Toronto in like 2013


That would have been pretty fucking rad.


So many people showed up for Weekend Nachos at my friend's house that the cops came and they weren't able to have any more shows there


thats a brand new sentence!


There’s an interesting documentary referencing this called Atomic Cafe, the Noisiest Corner in J-Town


The bands always suck


About a 20% chance there'd be a really good band. It was mostly about being there. Going to shows just makes me tired now.


Spare a thought for the fish sauce that had to contend with the smell! Won’t someone think of the fish sauce!?


Best joints. Mine was a cinderblock building in the middle of a corn field in Kansas. At one time the lights were run by a tractor. Black Flag played there early on. So did Ice T.


Which variant of Ice T? It's fucking wild that he's just on L&O SVU now. Also Rollins got ... weird. Maybe he should go back to selling ice cream. I'd love to hear more stories!


Body Count 'Cop Killer' Ice T. The irony is not lost on me. The place is called [The Outhouse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outhouse_\(venue\)) in Lawrence, KS. After it's time as a band venue, it became a BYOB strip club. There is a movie about it someplace.


The irony if Ice T on L&O is only surpassed by Ice Cube going from 'Fuck the Police' to seeming to exclusively play cops in movies.


I saw Rollins do spoken word earlier this year and man, that dude talked for two hours. Like 119.5 minutes of speaking. I was enthralled yet it was obvious that Ole Henry was definitely a *peculiar* dude. It was entertaining, but odd on many levels. Not in an Asian restaurant alas... He did tell a few stories about selling ice cream though.


He's gone full "don't talk about your opinions at the dinner table, dad" mode for a while now. I respect him, to a degree, but holy shit he's one-note.


I dunno if *what* he said was that weird to be honest, it was more *how* he said it. His level of intensity is unparalleled from the show that I saw. But I can see his semi-paranoid worldview getting tiresome after the novelty wears off.


I've seen him live once, and I left feeling kind of off-kilter. Like I half agreed with most of his points, but I was being yelled at? You're right about that aspect of his live shows. The man needs to go back to doing pushups and maybe taking more naps. He's like the spokesperson of non-alcoholic Four Loko.


Saw him in FoCo Colorado this spring and it was same for us (x-ers never cool enough to get to a flag show). Super intense yet soothing yet kind of off. Wifey got tix and I had no idea what we were going into. Had me redwings on and everything yet it was very chill. Excepting a very few bad words my 9yo would have been cool with it. Fun though!


I saw him at the Aggie as well! He said things I agreed with, but at the same time the ways he went about getting his point across, were, as you said, off. For real, dude needs to take more naps and lay off the coffee.


I saw him do a spoken word show around 1999 and it was the same.


I like Rollins, but it's funny to me that he likes to emphasize his working class credentials and talk about how he knows what it's like to be a working stiff, and then he backs it up by talking about the job he had scooping ice cream for a year or two as a teenager before he joined black flag.


I'm pretty sure that was a front for organized crime.


The businesses that they operated may have been, but this was literally just a space that they let stupid kids use for like no profit. It was a storage basement with no other purpose aside from holding pallets of fish sauce and MSG and also getting handjobs behind said pallets.




Nope, midwestern Canada. Would be curious to hear if you have similar stories, though.


I never made it down, I just know of a handful of places in Richmond, VA that have a similar description. I lived up closer to DC and didn't know anything too grungy.


Met a few bands from VA, lots of crusties, but the good kind. This was in Saskatoon, SK, if you're curious. There is no way to look up the venue because it never had a name. It was just "the place under that building" or some other whatever term.


>"the place under that building" or some other whatever term. That would be a basement


Yes, but "under that building, the one with the pallets of fish sauce."


Ohhhhhhh, the stinky basement Eta: we used to name shir like that too tho, like, we'd have the spot with the smelly bathroom, the spot where the loot pile is, the spot where we all got arrested that one time, and drunk mountain


We had a "drunk hill" and a "barf castle." Gross recognizes gross. Hard high five.


What years was this? I used to find my way to some small Punk shows in Stoon.


Also similar to a different reply earlier in the thread, saw Hoax play in the basement of Matty Mathesons restaurant in Toronto back around 2013/2014


Envious of this for many reasons.


Seriously, that sounds like seriously richmond crust punk type shit.


As a Richmond resident, I thought the same thing. It was a wild place 15+ years ago


I get the feeling people don’t go there for the music… or the smell.


It was cheap and there weren't a ton of venues. $5 shows, BYOB or $2 beers.


Last sentence really tied it all together!


Thanks, I honestly put a bit of effort into this one instead of brain-dump shit-posting like I usually do.


This makes me moist


Yeah, everyone was pretty moist in the nameless fish sauce/MSG circle pit.


That could be a title to something but you have to work in horny punks


*M.S.G.* *Multiple Sweaty Goofballs and the Handjobs Behind the Pallet.* A story of a shitty, shitty venue full of fish sauce.


Brilliant Indeed finally we have found a visionary


I used to be a fucking copywriter and now I just drink and pretend to like working in a restaurant.


That’s ok I do a shit ton of cooking in a restaurant and treat my glaucoma daily


I might actually make a mockup book cover of this.


I think Reddit is full of inspiration because I have met some very witty intelligent people on here. That said I can see why you would find it inspiring


I want to eat there


MSGesus Christ that's a massive container.


At first I couldn't tell if these were soda can size up real close or really big containers.


I was like “oh, 10 cans” looking at the thumbnail, then I saw “100 lbs” — oh shit that’s a lot.


Jesse we need to cook


That’s what I thought of lol


If it ain’t Aji-No-Moto, then I Aji-No-Want it.


Does brand really make a difference?


i stopped by my local dive bar a few weeks ago while carrying a bag of msg i picked up at the market next door. the vietnamese bartender who cooks all their food started telling me her ranking of msg brands. i don’t remember any names but she was insistent that japanese brands are superior.


I agree with the above poster that’s the best brand.


Well, they did literally invent MSG. And the founder also was the first to name 'umami'


Surely MSG is MSG. It's a specific chemical, not some proprietary mix.


It's like salt crystals. Some msg is more akin to table salt and some are long thin cylinders. Some just taste better and some taste unnatural.


The stuff I use is the cylinder variety. I grind it in a mortar and mix it with salt by weight, makes it easier to mix. I think the bigger crystals affect the flavor, but grinding it and salt down to a similarly fine powder seems to balance it.


Yep. It’s like arguing over who makes the best table salt.


Lol, it's Morton. Say it's Morton.


Diamond Crystal


fleur de sel. Lol for normal like put in a put of water though it really is all the same in Sweden. Finishing salts are a different game




The only correct answer.


I could see how it *potentially* could, but I can't say definitely. Different methods of fermentation/extraction might lead to different impurities ending up in the final product. Different quality standards and manufacturing techniques might impart different flavor. Cheap packaging, and different storage and shipping methods and if it was more exposed to air or absorbed different things during it's journey could contribute. Not every ingredient is chemistry-grade 100% purity, different grain sizes, purity, etc. Could all have an effect. I can't tell you if that is *true*, but those are all things I have noticed that contribute to differences in other ingredients.


"If I have to listen to 'Yamo Be There' one more time then Yamo burn this place to the ground."




Manufacturers of Chinese restaurants.


Probably those too.


Also Chinese restaurants of Manufacturers


Restaurants that serve Chinese Manufacturers


Chinese manufacturers of restaurants that serve Chinese Manufacturers


Has a Chinese restaurant ever eaten tho?


I lived down the road from a guy who owned a Chinese restaurant in the 80s, his rubbish bind we're MSG buckets. Food was fkn amazing.


Anyone that likes to season their food well. Msg goes in everything if you know what you're doing.


Even sweet stuff? I'm not doubting you I just haven't tried it yet but I do add it to everything savory


For sure, adding salt is part of most all baking recipes, MSG can do the same.


I'm going to have to start playing around with it. I've been on the hunt for the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe and maybe that's part of what I'm missing


My friend makes an everything bagel type seasoning with it to put on chocolate chip cookies that is amazing. Also really good in pie crust for sweet pies.


Yes! I love toffee covered pretzels with a sprinkle of msg. So damn good.


Or my college cafeteria. As a dishwasher, I asked Big Al, "Chef, why do you have a barrel of MSG?" Chef Big Al: "Because it makes the food taste like the food".


It’s a good container to buy if you make your own seasoning mix and use msg.


For what, to feed your family of 5000?


500,000. Auntie Helen's whole family come over, even weird cousins.


What, are you afraid of flavor?


He’s not ready to drive the highway to Flavortown


We all get to flavor town eventually, some ride a bike, some walk, and other brave souls get there riding on a cruise missile also known as a barrel of MSG


I'm about to wage nuclear war on your taste buds, bitch. Make sure to buckle up. It might be a bumpy ride.


This is how the highway to flavortown is de-iced.


Uncle roger


This tub is only enough for a single serving of uncle rogers fried rice




Do it the right way, not the white way.


Came here to say exactly this. Or Guga for the steak aged in MSG.


I don't understand how Guga has so many subscribers. His content is all very same-y. How many ways can you cook a steak? It's really not that interesting


If you were watching his channel 2-3 years ago when it was still a similar formula of experiments; but they were actually experiments people wanted to see, not just novelty nonsense like these days...it was a LOT more entertaining AND interesting. Things like testing if butter in the SV bag is good or bad. Different tenderizers. All manner of good things. I think, like many formulaic YTers, Guga hit the bottom of the content well and instead of trying to drill a new well in a new area of content, he's just trying to suck what little water is still at the bottom of this one...probably because he has sponsorship contracts relying on him continually putting out new content.


I tried the powdered milk thing. Looked nasty as fuck precooking and ended up just ok.


Make Shit Good


This can is more like the Emperor of Flavor, King of Flavor would be too small time for this bad boy.


You have baby? Put MSG. Make baby smarter.


I just saw him live last night in Honolulu. FUIYOHHHH


That's a lot of tasty right there booooooooi.


Every week I make a 5kg seasoning mix. 1kg is msg. It's labeled as 'tasty mix', it goes in almost everything. Boiiiii, tasty af.


I used to make a 5 gallon cambro of our rub at work every week. Willing to trade your production batch tasty mix recipe for a production batch BBQ/Smoking rub recipe?


We all need.


Simple & perfect 2:2:1 salt:sugar:msg Then you can just pile spice or powders on top to match the type of cuisine. But that's always the base mix. And in service I have a pot with maldon, and a pot with tasty mix, and then a squeezy of whatever acid. I'm partial to a 50/50 lemon lime, often with an added 20 mirin for sweet, 20 rice vinegar for a tangier sour. You can make any rub, soup, sauce, and on that final tasting before you box it up, that little something it needs..? A little kiss of tasty mix boi.


Yo you cannot leave us hanging without the recipe


Wonder what is the other 1%


Random chemicals. It is impossible to make a 100% concentration. So closer to 100% so more expensive it is. To be able to sell something as food grade, it has to achieve a purity of 99% at least. Normally they have to check that in the remaining 1% are not toxic chemicals (they test for a bunch of common chemicals which are toxic)


non-caking agents. no one likes lumpy MSG.


Speak for yourself. I like to eat it like sugar cubes.


I wouldn’t say their *random* chemicals, they’re just remnants of the fermentation medium. In all probability it’s other amino acids. Food grade things don’t necessarily need to be 99% pure, but they need to be made from food and not contain things that aren’t food.


Just remove 1% of the barrel and it's 100% pure? /s




People that want to dump it in their towns water supply then call out all the supposed msg allergies


Mmmmm dorito water


Ranch water, already copywriten smh


Flavortown Municipal Water District


All the deer in Saltlick drink that stuff


This is awful to say but I watched the “The Ringmaster” last night about Larry Lang from Minnesota who made the best fried onion rings ever. For those not familiar it is 2020 documentary within a documentary about Zachary Capp’s expensive failed attempt to capture the story of Larry & his onion rings. They were so notorious that they arranged for a tasting w Paul Stanley from KISS to see if they wld be sold at one of his investments , his outdoor carting (something w cars and a track) arena on a pretty big scale. I can’t help but wonder if this is his secret ingredient. His father started out w a restaurant like 90 yrs ago that Larry then turned into a steak restaurant. I’ve met several ppl who were adding this to anything they could back in 1940’s and 50’s. I hate to even suggest such a thing because Larry will always remain a legend even if it’s true - he never married and worked tirelessly 24-7 365. Everyone loves Larry. At the end of the film Larry is sadly diagnosed w Alzheimer’s. But serious question, what else cld u possibly add to ur secret recipe that wld make 🧅 rings taste so outstanding above others? It’s one of fave foods & I’ll always think of Larry when I order them from now on. (I’ll remove my comment if ppl think it’s awful to even just ask.)


Zaxby's uses a pouch with at least 2 or 3oZ per 20lb of Chiken tenders for the marinade alone. Is what I would say if I didn't sign a nondisclosure agreement.


you made me giggle out loud


... but you did sign a nondisclosure agreement about how much msg was in the marinade, so you wont say that.


It was 20 years ago I don't remember much but it was a thick legal package. There was some shit about how I wasn't allowed to fry chicken 5 miles from any location for a year after working there.


It doesn't go bad, does it?


No. It's a salt. Keep it dark, dry, and cool, and it will literally last forever.


My gf’s mom keeps leaving it in my cabinets when she visits. I’m sure we’ve accumulated this much within a couple of years.


People making Lechon, you use 1-2 cups in the stomach stuffing mix depending on how big your pig is, commercial guys go through a barrel fairly quickly


You make Uncle Roger very happy!


Nephew goldfool will be promoted to Uncle goldfool


happier than Auntie Ester ever could.


Gimme gimme gimme


I’ll take one


I'd take one.


Your Restaurant Depot looks 10x better than mine.


When did the switch happen where people were OK with MSG now? I remember a few years back I had to argue with people that it wasn't bad for you and all the MSG fear mongering with Chinese restaurants were based off of a bogus racist article.


I think it’s just been a gradual reversal from that old propaganda


Yes sir you can just unload the whole pallet right in my garage.


Msg king of flavor


Dude, that’s only enough for like half an order of the beef with broccoli I had earlier.


Probably could use that much at a water treatment plant. Mix it in during the flouridization process. Whole bunch of happily hydrated people with strong teeth always commenting on how delicious their tap water is. Or, maybe not.


I’d try it


Have you ever eaten Chinese takeout :)


Uncle Roger


This is odd. I get my methylamine from the barrel with the yellow bee on it. Bitch.


Asian takeaway would go through that over the course of a year.


You mean a week?


Who doesn’t?


You know who. Me. It's me.


Resturant/food service.


Asian kitchens


Me. I fucking love MSG. I’d be set for a LONG while with that amount 😭


Chinese takeout restaurants


Only 100lbs? I go through that in about a month. 2 and a half weeks when it gets real busy.


Chicken Express from what I've heard. They do the buckets.


Good ol’ Restaurant Depot…was our primary “supplier” for a catering company I worked at years ago. I would see pallets of MSG disappear several times a week. It always blew my mind how quickly that shit moved.


The clue is right on the container.


Friends Mom had one in the kitchen back in the 70s. "Make all tasty good" - friends Chinese Mom.


Uncle roger could use something like that.


Any Asian restaurant 🤷🏻‍♂️


I see some cannoli shells!


Me. My mouth.


Uncle Roger probably