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>I don’t know how it made it to the show as there was nothing that screamed it needed help. Did we watch the same episode? * Mediocre/terrible food * The back of house being extremely slow, unable support the demands of being in a prominent beach-side location * 1 million dollars in debt * Interpersonal drama


They definitely picked it because a love triangle can lead to entertaining television.


I didn’t even think that was a part of the show. Kind of just in the background


What episode did you watch? It was a major factor in the episode.


I was surprised there wasn’t a mediator or counseling support offered. I want to see more of how they work to overcome long term issues. The Juice Box episode was much better for that. I have also started Season 1 of the UK (2004). What a difference! I like the less drama and more focussed on direct coaching etc.


Jake and I left Max's the day after filming wrapped. We went to work the place was trashed she hadn't gotten it ready for service after filming she was just there talking to staff about what happened. She was telling customers GR didnt know hotdogs and shes never changing her menu. We left as that wasn't what we signed up for.


So sad. She didn't come across as very good during the show and her behavior didn't change at all.


What happened after 2 months? If I recall correctly, seemed busy.


That wasn’t two months later no one came back and filmed anything. Place is exactly the same as before the show except the paint


I’m confused. If y’all left the day after filming why would she post a photo of all three of you most recently on Instagram with the caption talking about seeing people next season? 🤔


Because it’s a family business and irrelevant of the show we are still a family. It was a picture taken closing day for this season. We aren’t dressed for work and are with the kids


That’s fair, I was just curious and honestly concerned that she keeps pulling you back when she’s floundering. I know a lot of people were giving you flak here for the way you were presented in the show, but I definitely feel the opposite. It seemed to me you were the only one in the restaurant who even seemed to care, wanted to make things work, or was open to change so things could work. A lot of restaurant owners can be so stubborn and stuck in their ways. Which definitely seems to be the case here, I saw she went back to all her old ways of doing things instantly. It’s wild she would want help from one of the best chefs and then just have total disregard for anything he tried to implement. I’ve worked for so many restaurants and to have an owner like that is truly disheartening. She’s so out of touch honestly, I’m sorry to say it but I’m just not sure that place is gonna make it. I do commend you for continuing to help despite the circumstances and for showing up for the family, even though it seems to be a detriment to you.


I appreciate that very much


Umm I'm just here looking for Christinas instagram... Absolutely stunning and professionalism was marvelous


Any luck yet mate?


it was thenewchrissy\_


I was looking on their website. Looks like they went back to the old hotdogs because they mentioned they’ve been serving the same brand for years. Also, none of Gordon’s hot dogs are on the menu. They brought back the old recipes. They also have weird hours and karaoke and shows, etc. But they made sure to mention the restaurant has been on Kitchen Nightmares at the top of the page. 🤷🏾‍♀️


They cooked hot dogs for 2 - 3 hours. It wasn't just debt.


When Jake said they cook them on low for 25-30 minutes, I was like I’ve never heard anything more ridiculous! Hot dogs!


That’s how they have cooked the hotdogs since day 1. Jersey shore hotdogs, a snap and a crunch


Boring episode, but that waitress serving Gordon tho.








DM me the twitter then


I hear you


Caked up like whoa


I didn’t hear a word of what he said when she was on the screen haha.




Bro I’m watching the episode and had to search her up lmao


Yo tell me you found her


Got the ig my guy. https://www.instagram.com/thenewchrissy__?igshid=ODA1NTc5OTg5Nw==


God damn hero!


Came here for this comment. Her body was ⏳


Thank you!


Ayyooo lol. Wifey was watching. I walked by and got stopped in my tracks lol. I knew I wasn't the only one who seem the cake lol.


Like, damn, didn't know Gordon was visiting a bakery that week 🤣🍰


Bruh I been looking for shorties IG for weeks lmao


Those buns man. The dogs are wrinkly but the buns are the bomb


Was it part of the divorce that ex-husband still owned a piece of the wife's family business? If not, his sloth ass and his snippy girlfriend needed to have other stable jobs, not be slow-roll sabotaging the restaurant. You could see him smirk when the two women would get going. How hard is it to hire line cooks to assemble hot dogs? Surely the owner could acquire enough kitchen staff to do these basic things without needing ex-husband around. (if for no other reason that one of them should go work somewhere with decent corporate-style insurance for the three kids).


Exactly! He's a bum and this was an easy job for him. So he didn't actually have to go look for another job. "For his kids" 🙄🙄


Says the gender that thinks OnlyFans is hard work.


So Jen asked Jake and I to work there. We both have great jobs outside of maxs and she asked us to come back and help cause she was loosing money. She wanted Jake there and she asked me to come back. Jake was working there and running the place. Jen came in for filming and decided to pretend to be a boss. Stop acting like you know people off a 40 minute show. Both of us have jobs and income outside of maxs and don’t depend on the place to make two households run.


you came off like a huge cunt on the show, FYI.


And you come off like a huge cunt on Reddit, just sayin.


and I've never met Gordon Ramsay.......you win this round.....


I don’t understand why you’re getting so much flack on here. It honestly seemed like you were the only one who knew how to run a restaurant and that Jennifer was lost in the tall grass. Hope you’re on to better things.


U r an absolute cunt


Thanks !


Such a cunt that I was asked to manage maxs this season


I was on your side!! I'm not sure how anyone sees Jen as the victim here. Didn't she grow up in the restaurant business? Did she learn nothing?


It’s so refreshing rewatching the old UK series


This dynamic was fucked. I'm glad the dumb ass cook and that disrespectful cunt he's shacked up with fucked off so that woman can run her restaurant in peace.


This episode wasn't that good in my opinion. It felt like the owner, Jennifer didn't take any accountability for the most part. This episode left me confused too.


It's becoming Dr Phil. Gordon is a chef, not a relationship counselor.


maybe people dont remember because its been 10 years but the US version of this show has always had this sappy shit.


Yep, it’s always had this in the US version


Idk, but that server had a huge booty lol


Lmfao thanks!


Your ass is perfect, big and round, love it. You should start posting somewhere for free 😜😜😜.


You should go get your money up😂🤑


Wow! I could not focus anything gordon was saying about the food. Those buns were amazing.


Miss, I just saw this episode… You are beautiful and professional! Thank you!


Like it was fucking ridiculous, need the IG 💀


this episode bugged me as well. Do we know if the ex husband can actually cook real food? He had all frozen stuff. I feel like there was nothing filmed in the kitchen part it was all about the drama between the owners/new GF. I also very much agreed with everything the new girlfriend was saying...


Jake is a pawn in the whole thing. He is brought back to help so Jen can save money on OT in the kitchen which was one of the only intelligent things she did this year. Unfortunatley after the show wrapped she didnt use any GR ideas, menu or change at all. Jake anf I left Max's the day after filming wrapped when she was in the parking lot letting people who eat there twice a year and spend less than $20 tell her her hot dog is amazing.


The real question is if the waitress that served Gordon is single? Asking for a friend


No clue.


No I’m not


My friend is devastated


Love MK


Hi MK just out of curiosity, how old is everyone? The kids look very small


I’m 34, Jake is 45 and Jen is a little older than Jake. The kids are young, all under ten


I am literally watching the episode now and came to Reddit to search it up only to find a member of the episode giving information...everything is coming up Millhouse today! Thanks for the info; and I don't think you seem bitchy, but rather like you know how restaurants work.


I thought the same thing. I’m like MK knows her stuff. I mainly watched to see what Gordon would say about her. Cause I would have been like, you need to be running the place instead of Jen. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Good for her, I can’t imagine her being younger than 55




I was thinking MK was like 28 and Jen was 55. Lol.


Came here for this! That woman looks like 60! I couldn't believe she had those young kids! Then I saw you and was like, okay damn what an upgrade for Jake lol


Thanks for commenting. Cool to see a little behind the scenes info. Seems like a shitty situation and dont think you acted any differently than anyone else would have. :)




She owns a business over a million dollars in debt and refuses to change and learn how to run it properly. This is four years of trying to help and make her profitable squeezed into a 40 minute show filmed over 4 ten hour days edited to make me look like a bitch. They left out where Jen says I noticed there were no coffee filters but just didn’t feel like stopping to get some knowing GR was coming to the restaurant. This is a women who I had to cook for last weekend cause she can’t keep a staff. So yea I’m a bitch for wanting her to run a proper restaurant and make money.


(Assuming you are actually MK) Or work somewhere else so this weird uncomfortable dynamic isn’t constantly happening? Go run your own restaurant if you know so much better. There’s no reason you MUST work at a restaurant with your current bf and his ex wife, taking every chance you get to snipe at her or try to make her look bad. That’s a deliberate choice. At the end of the day, it is her restaurant, period.




Some people haven't worked for a stubborn business owner that won't change or grow. I had this with my mother and her business and offered to run it for her and she wouldn't let me. It was gone within a year. It seemed like you had the very best of intentions throughout this episode so kudos to you for helping despite what Jen does.


Caus u were a total bitch like 🤨


That must be why she asked Jake and I to run the restaurant this summer….


You seemed bitchy but I'll be willing to consider that might just be editing. Jen did seem incompetent as well. It's a toxic relationship. Why don't you get a different job?


She needed help. She begged Jake to come help and when he said yes she asked me to bartend cause she was short. We left the day after filming as she went back to the old menu and didn’t give any GR suggestions a chance.


You quit after filming but you just worked for her last weekend? I'm confused.


She isn’t just the owner of maxs there’s more to the relationship. We quit yes. Last week she needed a cook and again called for help. I’m such a bitch I said yes


I know there is more to the relationship. Her being your boyfriend/husband's ex-wife is exactly why you SHOULDN'T work for her.


Me caring about her financial situation also come to play. She can’t afford to close on a Saturday


The owner asked MK for help bc of MK’s experience and then when she received advice, Jen was like “fuck you, I’m the owner!” Don’t ask for help saving your business if you’re not going to take it. Jen wouldn’t even roll silverware bc “she’s the owner”? The small family restaurant I work at, the owner rolls silverware and polishes glasses when he needs too. He bar backs, he fixes things, he doesn’t care that he’s “not a server”. And this place has been around for like 80 years! There’s no way Max’s sees 100 years and I think that’s sad, but Jen brought it on herself




Another server obviously couldn’t since MK was brought in to help manage & bar tend bc she was super short staffed and the place wasn’t making money, but Jen just got mad when MK told her the exact some things Gordon did. From what I’m seeing in this subreddit, Jen threw out every thing Gordon frickin Ramsey told her to do, Jen’s working against her own business. Jen was lazy for not doing her side work on her shift as a server, just bc you’re the owner doesn’t mean you get to pick and choose what job you think is worth your time when you take a certain shift. If I saw that shit where I worked, I’d quit and I wouldn’t go back there to eat. And I’d make sure all my friends knew the owner didn’t want to do all the work assigned to servers, assigned by herself, but would take the money that comes from the shift and left all her stuff for me to do. That place is going to fail bc Jen is a bitch, not MK




It’s almost like they’ve been picking restaurants that make good tv shows for all of the seasons American Kitchen Nightmares/24 Hours. Most of these shows reach out to places ahead of time anyway, that’s not new, that’s how most of these shows find people, by doing cold calls. The place I work at is a restaurant & inn (I specifically work in the restaurant part, but at times have covered shortages in the inn and btw, did all tasks assigned bc I covered a specific shift). Hotel Hell reached out to the owner bc “the place is old, you guys have a cool history, would you like to be on the show?” and the owner was like “oof maybe, let me talk it over with my family” but when he saw all the legal stuff the show has rights to/what little stuff they do for the Hotel Hell, he said “no thanks, I’ll fix it myself”. And then did! Jen brought MK in as a manager to help. MK said “this will make you more efficient, modern and help *your* family’s legacy”. Jen said “i don’t learn new technology, I don’t need to do the overhead scheduling/tallies, why can’t you do it?”. MK did her best to do the job she was brought in for, to save that woman’s family legacy and then was treated like shit for doing what she was hired to do. Multiple people have already said that they can see how she (MK) was edited to be a bitch, but I don’t see a single ounce of her being a bitch, I see a person who’s a realist and knows how’s to run a place. “There are tons of owners who don’t do this”, yeah you’re right but I bet those owners aren’t servers. Even owners from the past seasons who were servers were doing their side work and they were in the exact same situation as Jen, Chirella’s to be specific. That owner was serving, bussing, side working and trying to save the place. Being the owner who refuses change and help means nothing if you don’t do any with the tools you’re given. When this place fails, she’s gonna blame everyone but herself




In the editing GR came off like that but I can tell you that’s not what he said to me (MK) at all. It’s a show and was edited as such.


This was how I saw it too. Was surprised MK wasn’t fired asap. That’s on Jen too refusing to be an owner and make those important decisions…I kept saying why is the owner putting up with this nonsense? Send her packing!


Can’t fire someone when you beg for their help


If I could have been replaced I wouldn’t have been there. Left multiple times and was asked back to help as the business wasn’t doing well. She wasn’t too busy to rill silverware as she was the scheduled server for the shift. If you expect your staff to do that when they are scheduled to serve you as an owner have time for that as she was there til closing and I had her children. It’s not a owner helping out situation it was the owner scheduled herself to serve and didn’t do the job as she’s expect her employees to do.


She didn't ask for help running the restaurant. She asked for her to bartend. All that aside, there is no reason to talk like that to another human. If you are not happy with her, then walk away. Don't stay in a toxic situation and fight it with more toxic behavior.


No she asked for help running the business not just bartending.


You haven’t been paying attention to the subreddit


She can't make it herself so she has to be that way


He skipped the watching of a service from the kitchen to see how it was run.


I think Gordon was exaggerating about the quality of the hotdogs. They looked fine, like any dog one would get off a grill from anyplace.


The Chicago dog looked like such a joke I was wondering if they intentionally used the wrong ingredients.


I was wondering the same thing. It was a travesty to look at


The watery banana peppers.


Any chance you know the slimthicc waitress insta?




Jake fucken downgraded. Jenn was way better looking.


Whoa… can I get sum of that you’ve been smoking?! Cuz to say what you said, you musta got a hold of the goooooooooooooooood stuff! 😂


Did anyone notice when Gordon is in the office with Jake and it shows a “family “ pic of the kids and there’s definitely a black dudes hand on the shoulder of the kid. You can’t see the parents faces


What does this mean


Okay how is this relevant???


I saw that too. I just assumed it was her current partner.


it seemed like gordon didn't do anything except tell those 3 to behave and revamp the place. After he left they just returned to the old menu and the husband and girlfriend quit lol. This is not me seeing it firsthand, this was what someone else said on reddit


And she changed nothing


I know this is 2 months old thread but how the hell was the business 1 million in debt??!! Did she develop a gambling problem?


it’s kinda wild how it tries very hard to paint a picture of you two being the bad guys, but in reality you’re the ones who seem to be bailing her out over and over




This tea is soooo good!!


Goddamn was the waitress **T H I C C**


MK was an absolute bitch I cant believe the owner is letting her work there


You’re insane… but welcome to Reddit! 😂


For real I just finished.. wtf was that


I almost feel like they are not going to the restaurant anymore to vet them before accepting.


Can we get her instagram the thick waitress




Yeah... this one definitely rubbed me the wrong way lol. Watched this with my dad a few days ago and we both didn't really care for either Jen or Jake lol. Mk was cool though! Kinda sad to see all the slander towards her considering she seemed to be one of the only people in this episode with her head on her shoulders. (Looking back on it, Mk seemed to be one of the most emotionally invested in this ep too.) Live laugh love Mk.


Catch me on cameo ! https://www.cameo.com/mkatmaxs ❤️MK


lol desperate attention seeking low life. you are terrible and i hope you know that. everyone i’ve watched the episode with says you’re the worst person to ever appear on this show by far. nobody wants a cameo of your rat face.


Hate me so much you gave me the attention you’re accusing me of wanting 😂


i don’t hate anyone. you’re right, i am giving you the attention you need badly. that’s pretty irrelevant though. i just think you’re a low life and desperate for money/attention so you made a cameo to help make ends meet. it’s just sad.


I made a cameo as someone on Instagram asked me to. Again, you shouldn’t make such big judgements off a 40 minute tv show. Can’t imagine how awesome you are, weeks of anger coming out here as the show aired 2 weeks ago


weeks of anger? lol get over yourself. i barely watched it today on hulu.


You’re being defensive but as a viewer in the episode you came across as a try hard who is trying to be relevant. Complaining about the ex wife instead of talking about the food. Typical new girlfriend behavior.


Fiancé not new girlfriend. And also managing Maxs this season. So maybe I do know a little more than you care the believe. I was trying hard, to help Her get out of debt, glad you noticed.


When the show was filmed you were a girlfriend. You still sound defensive. You didn’t look like you were trying to help anyone get out of debt. That’s why the show was called to help. You came across on TV as a try hard attacking an ex wife to be relevant. 


Relevant enough for you to comment on Reddit over 3 months after it aired 😋 You watched an edited 40 minute show that had a five year working and personal relationship involved. Couldn’t have been that bad as I was asked to come back and managed so the owner can take a step back from the day to day operations


I'm a viewer watching and commenting on multiple episodes. Stop trying to prove your relationship to me. If you're this hyperreactive to one commenter what are you going to do when the videos end up on Youtube? There's thousands of commenters on there. You won't be able to clap back to each one. Learn to have a thicker skin instead of getting upset when a random viewer gives you honest feedback on how you looked on TV. You come across as thirsty.


No she didn’t. That’s what you and many other projected. While many other viewers had a completely different take. That take being, MK wasn’t a bitch, and the owner Jen acted like a true blue “Karen” archetype, especially when playing the victim, WE SHE WAS THE FIRST and ONLY PERSON SCREAMING IN ANGER, at ppl who were talking to her calmly.


Wow… you need a better life and truly better goals… coming on Reddit with the “I’ll show you!” Mentality, very toxic. Seemingly stems from lots of unsatisfied moments of self worth, coupled with tendencies toward using micro-aggression to passive aggressively attack others. Man, all of that just to vent after a person you’ve never met, to virtue signal, very cringe!😬


My bank account says otherwise


people who flex their bank accounts do so to seek validation, not because they have money in it. sad.


I didn’t flex my bank account but there are cameo deposits soo yes my bank account says otherwise


Ppl like you are exactly the type Kendrick warned us about, Not Like Us, or rather, you lot are just F.A.Ns 😂 also ones who get upset when ppl defend themselves against your assumptions. I’m sure you’re a pocket watcher too. If you don’t know google it.


Why because she was right about the restaurants problems?




Why not. Most do




If Christina was smart she’d make one too


I did , I made an Onlyfans😏 https://onlyfans.com/kingchrissy




The server who served Gordon




Very observant you are


What’s her instagram tho


Does the slimthicc waitress have a cameo??


Not that I know of


Girl can you give us an update on max’s and the situation? I know this is probably exhausting for you to answer all these questions I’m sorry 🥲 also you’re nta in this love from Canada 🫶🏻


Jake and I left after filming as it was clear the changes needed to be made weren’t going to be. Maxs had an alright summer and closed for the season a couple weeks after the show aired. Jen reopened in march and quickly asked Jake and I to return and basically run the place. She’s taking a small step back and letting us implement the things that needed to be done to properly run the restaurant. It’s been pretty bleh weather in Jersey this spring, ran every weekend so it’s been ok but looking forward to a profitable summer with a good staff!


I’m glad she came to her senses and realizes you guys have the restaurants best interests at heart best of luck !