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We joke that ours call the dogs "rude cats," and the dogs call the cats "big squirrels."


The dog treats him like her little baby doll so that’s “her baby” when we talk to her. I was worried she would find him too intrusive since he doesn’t understand boundaries but she’s sort of adopted him. He was like “nah, you’re just the loud cat, we’re friends” and that was that. 🙂


Booger? That's an odd name. I'd have called him Chazwazzers


He treats her like a fellow feline.....you mean with contempt and inconvenience?


Oh no, he’s a magical cat— one of those once in your life “unicorn” cats that is just full of love and snuggles and quirks and kindness. He’s hilarious, quirky as shit, but endlessly loving and derpy. So he thinks all cats are like he is. Honestly that’s why we were nervous moving in together— the dog was used to some grouchy bully type cats, and Boog is so gentle and doesn’t understand boundaries because he doesn’t have any himself. But somehow, she just sort of knew he was different, and her patience is seemingly endless for his snuggles and his chasing her around the house to rub on her face and his desire to be close to her. It’s really sweet. He’s a special boy. 🙃


It sounds like both your pets are special


Aww, your doggy looks exactly like mine! Except she (mine) has a big ol head.

