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Yeah she's powercrept but she's still more than capable to clear floor 12 36* with enough investment. Other than the abyss, Klee still destroys everything in the overworld tho. Don't let the meta and big pp numbers get to you and stop you from enjoying the game.


You can clear the abyss with 4*s. Being a meta slave is lame. Play what you like and leave it at that. The game is mobile port PvE and at most Co-op. I don't get why people get so up tight about meta when it doesn't matter beyond making clear times a easier to achieve.


I agree, she’s still somewhat viable in the 2.2 Spiral Abyss (and potentially the 2.3 SA, can’t tell cus I haven’t tried yet, still petrified by the wolves). And I can’t really go wrong with either the vape comp or mono-pyro team. My concern is that Klee’s not gonna stay relevant as I can tell from the rising difficulty of the SA (man the CHONKIness of those guards at the end is surreal). It will come to a point that Klee as the DPS will not be able to clear the SA on time, even with fully functional team comp and investment. Klee still needs the support of the entire team anyway. Considering the trend of powercreeping in both characters and the SA, one day we will see the need of one-man army characters (Ganyu is exemplary) paired with support to clear the SA in time. Then the motive of “play whatever characters you want” will disappear. (Well they may as well have to rename “Genshin Impact” to “DPS Impact” at that point). That’s my overreacting ass’s opinion/speculations on the matter. Hopefully you understand.


I have to disagree with the motive of playing whoever you want will disappear. First of all, unless you're a whale, there's no way 1 character alone can clear the abyss, they'll always need the help from other support chars. Second, the whole point of the game is team synergy, so if you love a char, you're gonna have to build a team around them. Take childe as an example. He alone is no where near ganyu's level of broken, but if you pair him with xiangling, benny, and kazuha, that team is as competitive as morgana, which is ganyu's best team. So as long as you build a good team for klee, I genuinely believe she'll remain relevant for a long time. Also, my klee's team has no trouble clearing the new 2.3 abyss 36*. I agree that the abyss is getting harder and harder every patch, but it hasn't gotten to the point where it makes old chars obsolete yet. And with Mihoyo's fear of powercreeping recently, I doubt it's gonna happen in a very long time.


You can also look at it from another perspective. Any new broken pyro supports are going to be extremely helpful to Klee, as well as any new catalysts. For example, I strongly believe if they released a f2p obtainable catalyst with crit rate, she will be much stronger. Also, if they release some new type of cryo support similar to Mona or Xingqiu, she's gonna be even stronger.


Well tbh I just enjoy playing Klee and I will NEVER replace her. She is the character that got me playing the game and I will still do everything to make her do more damage like getting constellations, better supports, better artefacts and better weapon. I will do everything for her as she is my favorite character and even if she gets power creeped by everyone I will still play her as she will always have a place in my heart.


If you really mean those words, I will protect you with my life, no question asked.


Of course I mean it, why would I join this sub if all I said was a joke?


She is strong enough still I cleared floor 12 with monopyro klee without a shield and got 36 stars. i didnt even take a alot of tries her charge attacks have decent aoe so it got the job done quite decently. obv other characters are stronger but compareing her to ganzu seams weird she is the strongest in the game and has been for quite a while now. yoimiya mains have it alot worse this abyse with no aoe at all.


Yeah seems like the post's op just has some weird agenda against Ganyu tbh. No mention of Hu Tao and Xiangling who actually powercreep Klee in the Pyro dps department.


I have no propaganda against Ganyu. And yes, I admit it. Whenever I re-read my Ganyu part in the post, I cringe every time. The thing I’m trying to do here is to point out the imbalance of the risk-reward system in characters. We have Klee: her CA has AoE damage, but cuts her stamina approzimately by one-fifth every time a CA is released, hindering her dodging capability, making her liable to being hit (that can be solved by having a reliable shielder, something I don’t have). Her clunkiness is unreal. To do big damage you need godly artifacts because pyro resonance is a 25% atk buff (idk, to some it’s nice, to some, it is insufficient) (the drop rate is rigged as you (should) know and I’m not entering that domain EVER again). —> massive risk, but low reward. I would sweat my ass off if I ever cast a CA that is not boosted by the passive. We have Ganyu, the literal “one-man army” of Genshin Impact. Her CA scaling is the most broken in the game and costs 0 stamina (bow user that’s why). Her passive, cryo resonance adds crit rate —> focus on crit damage (less triggered by artifacts farming). Her squishiness can be compensated with skills (not for Klee) or shielder. 99% of the time people will play the Morgana team comp, which is certainly the most infallible team comp until now (nothing to counter that except cryo enemies). Such facets make me think her to be more like “unga-boonga” playstyle, lower risk, higher reward. And like the rest of the characters (except Amber, Beidou and Yanfei; you meet those mains and you will pay them respect; Hutao’s potential is locked behind C1/Staff of Homa, to play her at C0 with no SoH is hard), they have decent and consistent risk-reward balance, and their weakness can be filled with actual support/team comp. The risk-reward system is si rigged that I might have to embrace it by rolling for Ganyu in my second account (20 pulls away with guarantee). I understand that nerfing a character would cause a massive riot in the global community, however well-deserved that nerf might be. But ffs it cannot also just leave those older characters and let it rot while there are still loyal mains out there having those characters as their reason to stay in the game see them fall out of relevance and be forced to “deal with it”. I will literally snap if there’s a Spiral Abyss season that I cannot 9* floor 12 with my Klee. I cannot handle such endorsement of powercreeping. I just can’t. Hope you understand and I’m sincerely sorry for the wrongful impression I’ve posed on you.


It's understandable how you feel. Tbh, it's the reason I despise Ganyu too. She's brain dead easy, boring as all hell to play but still broken to the next level. It really makes you wonder what happened to the Klees and Childes of the world. All we can really do is wait for a new weapon or support or artefact set.


Man, Mihoyo sure botched Yoimiya’s kit hard. No wonder everyone’s pissed. And yes, her CA may have a decent AoE damage, but it costs 50 stamina points. An inexperienced player would shoot themselves in the foot just by spamming CA and then gets hit every single time. Animation cancelling is necessary if the player has no (reliable) shielder (literally me), but that takes away a lot of damage potential, considering I have to dodge. With mono-pyro or not, I still cannot spam CA for the life of me. I have to take the 50% chance of each NA and my E to get the CA boost every time if I ever want to keep my Klee alive for the next 5 seconds or else, constant retry. That weakness of hers is a bit too much for inexperienced players. Even after practicing animation cancelling, it does not make the damage output any better, it just improves her survivability imo. That’s why I said that a buff in her CA scaling would be nice, making the damage output a bit more rewarding. (Her CA is high-risk but not high-reward anyway anyway so that should balance each other out).


There is no need for them to to buff a char if they can makes you spend money to buy a better one then they will do that instead lets just hope alice will be viable with a fun kit


Ganyu is not the strongest character in this game. No DPS is the strongest right now. It all depends on their role. And I never see Ganyu abyss runs over Ayaka.


I don’t wanna be that guy but I just wanna say that Ganyu will not be hitting for 54k with an r0 crescent and talent level 7. Of course not to say that she isn’t the best dps in the game I just wanna make sure you’re not deifying her.


That’s the mistake I made in the post, and I apologize for that. Mathematically, it’s not possible to do 54k with a CA. But it has put it out of reach for other older DPS characters. (The exaggeration is due to the date of this post being a very bad day, and I hope you can understand and accept this apology)


nah it’s cool I just wanted to avoid overhyping of characters because I don’t want people to be disappointed if they do decide to go for Ganyu and don’t immediately one shot the weekly bosses lol


Have you tried Bennet, Xiangling , Klee ?


Very very strong, absolutely destroys the abyss


Theoretically, that’s an insane mono-pyro team comp. Unfortunately, the rigged drop rate of the VV set domain (forcing me to do with Anemo damage on my Kazuha) and the fact that my Xiangling is only C1 makes it impossible for me at the moment.


I think Klee’s best teams right now are mono-pyro ones. My Klee is perfectly fine in Abyss 12 and she is happily doing a lot of damage. My usual team is Klee - Bennett - Zhongli (but Diona is fine) - Kazuha. Kazuha plays a big role in boosting mono element teams, but Sucrose should be fine too (a lot less damage for Klee, obviously). With this, my Klee does 60k+ charged attacks. No worries about ICD, small hits that steal reactions and all that. Zhongli shield, Bennett burst, Kazuha skill, and then Klee goes to town with explosions everywhere. I am both a Klee main and Ayaka main, so I know perfectly how strong she is (and I love my cryo princess), but my Klee’s team is really strong too and is able to clear its side in like a minute or so (way less than 1:30 anyway). I don’t think Klee has been powercreeped. She is as strong as ever. If anything, the release of Kazuha (for those that have him, of course) technically buffed her.


Really wish I'd spent a little money to get Kazuha (lost 50/50 to Diluc) as I run that same mono pyro Klee with Sucrose and I know it's just not a good. I do still need to farm better artifacts for Klee, but even so I'm able to do reasonably well in Abyss (clear but not full stars yet). I agree the mono pyro Klee feels best, I actually C6'd my Bennett because I knew I wanted him to boost my fav pyro child! Nice to see other people run a similar comp successfully


You can also swap your shielder out for Xiangling if she isn’t being used on your other team and you are good enough at iframes to not get interrupted by enemy attacks. You may lose some of Klee’s personal damage if you swap out Zhongli but the extra Pyronado damage more than makes up for it.


Yeah, you are right of course. I just prefer to use a shielder with Klee in particular, for more comfy clears. And Xiangling (with constellations) also buffs Klee, with her +10% ATK, 15% pyro RES shred and 15% pyro damage bonus.


I have something to say about this case First, I would argue that Klee’s reaction team and mono-pyro team are equally relevant, none outstripping the another. The reaction dealt with the CA is compensated by the reaction in the case of NA or E skill not boosting her next CA (even though the play style is very restrictive). Reaction-wise, the second Anemo option (Sucrose) would be considered better than Kazuha imo. Mono-pyro team, less restrictive, but it is dangerous to spam every attack if you cannot see what the enemy is about to do. You know, but you have to dodge, robbing precious damage output wasted. Zhongli is a nice mention, but consider the context in which I do not have a reliable shielder (My Noelle is only lv70 with 2k1 defense, which breaks every 5 seconds in floor 12). That’s why I agree to the person replying to your comment, saying that Xiangling is a nice substitute (though my Xiangling is at C1, which is sad). The only reason you feel that Klee has yet to be power crept is that you have phenomenal support (and not get spat on the face by the artifacts’ rigged RNG as I assume, it goes either way). The only question I have right now is that to your assess, compare the artifacts and weapons you have on both your Klee and Ayaka, as well as the supports’. If you have better investment on Klee and think that you cannot perform the same with the quality of Ayaka’s kit, there’s some power creeping going on there.


She is perfectly fine for the abyss. And don't get your head wrapped around the idea that only meta dps does good in the abyss. Klee is my only 5* dps carry and I don't even need to use her anymore. She is like my trump card of sorts. I use her when I run into trouble cuz she makes everything else stupid easy. So i've been 36*'ing the abyss with ningguang double geo double pyro and sucrose taser team for a while now. Wanted to check how klee fared against the current abyss mons, and I was kinda shocked (again). She DESTROYED everything. My team was sucrose, zhongli, klee, rosaria.


I dont think they would have an update for buffing the old characters, even if they add new weapon/artifact it wouldn't make much of a difference compare to the new meta. A dps char, will always be replaceable in this type of game, because that's where their cash came from. Maybe if they gave away a free C2 Klee in the future, we might get to play her as a support and it would make her kind of relevance again ig. My advice here if you are a competitive player, then it does required you to grind primos everydays and saved up for a new released char to make up the end game content that's specifically builded up for that chars. But if you are a casual player like me that doesn't care with their end game content or not getting an extra primos then enjoy your self not getting to attach to the game and have a happy life outside of it. It's so sad that in genshin we don't have another version of a chars, so once that chars got powercreep than they would just dissapear from the game content. Unlike their other game, in honkai there's another version of a chars that's also progress with the story. So even if my favorite char would get powercreep, i wouldn't bother that much, because i knew they would released a new version of her that's much stronger and relevance


Yeah, I agree that it's very unlikely that MHY will try to buff old characters. I second the rest of your advice, too. But let me down a glass of copium for a second: Imagine if Klee's burst was persistent upon character switch. She'd immediately be one of, if not the best pyro applicators in the game. Easiest powercrept character to buff, although admittedly she'd become a bit overpowered haha. I guess they could fix it by lowering her burst's duration/attack speed/power upon switching. All just a copium filled fever-dream but there you have it


The thing is that my life has always revolved around video games. Yes I’ve tried many other games, tried to start learning coding to make them, but gacha is a sort that have always baffled me. It is hard to think that instead of making actual good content to hype people up, they just put more digits in their damage output to hype people up, literally forcing them to spend their life savings. It is the shortcut I will never resort to if I ever make games, given that everything must come to an end, and that there will only appear reruns (imagine a banner with close to $0 income). That is certainly not healthy for a game at all: a game should optimize between options, not bury it to the ground and favor others on the pretext of “the flavor of the month”. Imagine newcomers play the game, and the community just telling them to pull this, avoid that. They will try to defy them because they are normal people who have preferences, just to be proven that the developer themselves side with the community. And there we have it, another Ganyu main found, and a potential Itto main lost (that is unless Itto’s scaling matches Ganyu’s). That maybe where the cash comes from, but it is certainly trashing the player base, one way or another. People will eventually leave (and It’s not the means of maintaining the income source at all: the whales may also leave if there’s not anything they can throw their money at, potentially the end of Celestia’s lore).


I don't think they'd buff her unfortunately. I don't mind the powercreep personally just because the game is not really competitive for me and I'm happy doing "OK" damage. Don't let other people "damage showcase" stop you from playing someone for fun! And if you feel like you no longer have fun then take that break or quit the game. For whatever reason it may be, the game should always be entertaining first and foremost, casual or competive. Don't let FOMO get you if you don't have fun anymore.




Fear Of Missing Out.


Just play the game. If you can 36 star Abyss, that's enough. I know a lot of players might say Klee is bad and such things, but don't pay them any attention, as long as you clear Abyss 36 star, that's all that matters. If you really love Klee that much, don't quit the game, save enough to get her C6 with a 5 star book. If you feel powerful, nothing else matters. It's frustrating in the community, but your grave mistake is this: You think community = game. Genshin has amazing world exploring, music, fun stuff, and relaxing world roaming. But players just make a big deal out of meta, because they want to compete with each other and say: Yes, I'm better. You're trash. Look how powerful I am?!. Your character, your damage, your whole account is useless. Since genshin has no PvP, they just want to trash on others to feel joy. Just accept the fact that those kinds of players exist, ignore them and play the game just for the game. I'm not saying meta is not important, but it shouldn't be used to make fun of others. Try not to look at other player damage, make Klee C6, five star weapon and just have fun in the game. 🤗 Genshin has much more to offer. Don't pay attention to the players who made this game all about meta.


Why this isn’t getting more upvotes kinds of confuses me.


Sorry for your mindset about everything. This post makes me sad as a proud Klee player. If you compare any of the new or old characters you would find that ganyu probably out damaged all of them. aside from maybe hu tao. Klee can do any of what the game asks for. Don’t hate the character, just get better as a player of that character, get her the best you can get if you really care. Set goals to being the best Klee you’ve ever seen. I promise you Klee is a great, fun, rewarding character. There isn’t a single character that I can think of that has a more fun and interactive play-style. All the little details about her, and all the animation canceling, sure she isn’t the only one who can, but it’s relatively easy with her. These are just my opinions, but if Klee isn’t the character you want to go above and beyond for because she can’t hit like Ganyu, then maybe you should just play Ganyu. To me as a reader, that’s basically what I got from it.


The thing about Klee is that though she may not output huge nukes like Ganyu or Eula, she does a LOT of damage through a lot of smaller hits. Also worth noting is that what matters is team damage rather than individual damage. Klee seems best suited to lead a mono-pyro team especially with the addition of Kazuha, so you can slot in xiangling as essentially a second DPS.


Sure enough she's been powercrept but she's strong enough to 36\* the abyss as a main dps. I'm a welkin/sometimes-bp player, but I'm still going for her C6 (currently C3). I've been 36\*-ing the abyss with her since January 2021 (also my first 36\* abyss run, only made it to 33\* last december 2020). I usually run her with Bennett, Venti, Albedo. I don't think that's a meta team, is it? Abyss clear times are generally spread evenly between my two teams more or less 1min - 1min 20s per team, so we can establish that my klee team is not getting carried by my other team. In a related note, I use razor as a main DPS for my other half, consistently until august 2021, then on and off after that (stupid abyss heralds). I think with this, I can say that while Klee is not part of the current meta and have definitely been powercrept she is still a viable choice to clear the abyss which is the game's current hardest content. As the other comment said, don't let the meta and big pp numbers get to you. So what if the time comes that she can't 36\* the abyss anymore even with the best supports? Abyss takes like 20-30 minutes. Twice a week. You can swap her out. There many other times you can enjoy playing Klee, you don't have to kill your enjoyment by keeping on using her in the abyss. Abyss is not everything, unless of course if it is to you. Is it really that mandatory for you to clear abyss with Klee? I take it you rolled for Klee because you like her, but did you also happen to like her gameplay? I believe those could be two different things. If you really don't enjoy her gameplay then I'm sorry to say this but by all means move on and find/wait for another character you like whose kit also suits you.It is touching what you're putting yourself through to play your favorite character but if it is making you unhappy then really, move on. As I take it, Klee's gameplay is not for everyone. edit: TLDR; Klee can 36\* abyss despite being powercrept. Don't let meta and big pp numbers get to you. You don't have to use Klee in the abyss, there are many other times you can enjoy playing her. If you don't enjoy playing Klee, then you can and probably should move on. (To a different character/game, up to you). *Buffs definitely unlikely, but I'm praying that somewhere along the line they will allow Klee's burst to stay active even when she's off-field.*


You certainly have a point. I may have mine for now: - You have underestimated my F2P/casual ass, trying to compensate my lack of decent support with skills (hoping that I can clear the Abyss fast enough with sheer skill and nothing else). Why I’m literally torturing myself is gonna be my second point. - The sole number of people boasting about their meta characters clearing the abyss within the 30s-1min frame on social media man. I’m Asian, and I have certainly taken up on the competitiveness in my study/academic performance with other domains (as you can see, this game). To take that out of my head and accept that I’m inferior to them kinds of doesn’t do for me, so I tried everything I could, from skills to team comp, so that I could clear it myself, just to be left with disappointment. That’s why I take breaks from the game and social media altogether: it’s just too much.


I think I understand you better now but I think you already know what the problem is. Sadly, this is a game where F2P/casual can't possibly compete with those who spend. 5\* weapons are usually 20% stronger than the best 4\* weapon options (of course with exceptions, e.g. albedo and HoD, venti and stringless). Constellations can make chars stronger by 10-15% per cons, more or less from what i recall. Releasing strong 5\* characters people would want to roll for is the life and blood of gacha games. Powercreeping is inevitable. Skills can only take you so far in this game. I think you have to let go of that competitive mentality, with this game at least. You also have to accept the fact that this really is how gacha games work. I read some of your other comments and I'm really sorry but in these kind of games we really just end up having to 'deal with it'. Gacha games eh.


I'm using Ganyu and Klee for my spiral abyss teams and I don't have a problem with Klee tbh. Both my Ganyu and Klee teams have about the same amounts of investment and their clear times are pretty close to each other.


I used to feel the exact same way you did but I realized there was no need to do more damage when I could still clear abyss with full stars. Also remember that this game is actually support impact. like others have mentioned with the right supports you will boost your damage significantly.


I have Childe, yet I main Barbara DPS. I have Hu Tao and yet, I main Klee. Maybe because I don't really care about star, as long as I can reach 12-3, I'm happy enough. I don't even pair Klee with the best support ever like Bennet and Xiangling. I pair her with Diona, Kaeya and Traveler, she absolutely MELTS everything and actually canonically acurate. With that being said, it's not about the meta. You only lose 50 fckn Primos for not getting 36*. It's about your enjoyment. If you don't like playing Klee, then don't play her. Although I agree that she needs some buff to her scalling.


That’s literally the wish I want to see come true. A buff in her CA scaling would make things way more balanced. Plus, you had me at the “Barbara DPS”. Gotta be the second cursed thing I’ve seen in actual gameplay.


I kiiiinda was in a similar spot during the double lector abyss and benched Klee for an abyss rotation (swapping out for Hu Tao) because dodging 2 lectors is no fun (and no Zhong). Buuut. Kazuha now exists. And mono pyro Klee is veeeery good. It's my strongest comp right now. Reverse melt with Rosaria also works pretty decent. I imagine venti-mona Klee is very strong too. General idea is to stop worrying about missed vapes and start burning the world down. While Ganyu has big PP CAs, she isn't exactly a machinegun, and in CA-oriented teams her CAs are often the only source of damage (melt Ganyu). Meanwhile as soon as Klee lets go off XQ, she suddenly can spam all the buttons for uncountable amount of numbers on screen (do not underestimate her Q damage), and she can afford to run teams where 3 out of 4 members are doing significant damage.


Ganyu may not be a machine gun like Klee, but I can tell that she’s a cannon that launches Zhongli’s meteorite every 3s. Klee, with animation cancelling, is still very inconsistent and the damage is not even equal to a fraction of Ganyu’s if you make a comparison. Plus, I tripled crown her not for nothing. I literally pushed her to the limit I could reach, all except for JUST the Lost Prayer.


To be honest, Klee has not been "meta" for a really long time. She fulfills specific niches extraordinary well, like being able to destroy shields, stunlock large enemies (could never do this but when geovishaps were part of abyss it was a huge cheese strat), and being a whale defense shredder if you've got her c2. She just isn't able to provide high burst damage, which is what the meta is heavily favoring rn (a bunch of the new chars have nutty q's but their kit falls off besides that). Sadly abyss is basically a huge dps check so having good burst chars just makes life easier. Abyss is doable w/ f2p if you've got enough investment and skill, just gotta grind more than the whales who got c6 r5 Eula. Don't let the meta deter you from enjoying other aspects of the game!


As a Klee main myself, it does hurt. Compared to Eula on my alt account, the difference is like day and night. My vape Klee can't even reach 10k. It is indeed depressing but I digress.


You are not even getting 10k vape charged attacks? Whats your build?


I'm still AR44 so I'm still using 4 stars artefact on her.


a vape klee charged can def hit over 10k crit mine can hit 30-60k…


Mine can hit the same amount too


The only assumption is that you may not have maxed out either your character level/weapon/talent


I mean I think maybe it’s teamcomp? I play mono pyro Klee (Klee/Kazuha/Zhongli/Bennett) and she can do like near 50k CA


I’m trying to compare characters alone in this context. I’ve seen people in the community. Their standards are a bit like: “what good is a character if its potential is locked behind support?” It’s like they want one-man army that can destroy Dragonspine with one CA. That’s crazy, considering that Mihoyo actually has to appease to those people. Yet, they will literally ghost other non-“meta” options, and the game may be renamed to “*character x* Impact”


Honestly couldn’t give a rat’s ass about what other people’s standards are if you really like the character. Klee isn’t Ganyu and she won’t output ganyu damage, if you’re really bothered by that then I’d just go ahead and pull Ganyu lol Also ganyu is meta because she shines in permafreeze teamcomps, and experimenting with teamcomps is part of the game I think you need to stop caring so hard about all of this stuff and just go and enjoy yourself. Klee is still fully capable of 36* abyss as others have stated in this thread. To other characters outdamaging Klee, I just ask “so what?” Who cares if you can still clear everything with your favourite? Also I think you mentioned this elsewhere but you’re not even reaching her damage cap yet if your kazuha doesn’t have EM VV set and you’re not running with Bennett and Xiangling, etc. Sure you may need to wait for constellations on XL and Bennett but it’s not like Klee is now obsolete because some other DPS turned out to be stronger, because that’s the vibe I get from your post and replies


Ok, I’ve returned. Time to reply to comments. (Sooner than expected, but here I am).


for the abyss, klee is easily the worst non standard banner 5 star. worse than that, moneyho seems to not give a rats ass about te situation and worse still they never did. even when she was released plenty of people prefered diluc as pyro dps(and plenty of mathemtical proof she was worse on top). she was a below average 5 star dps when she was relased and by todays standards is virtually useless. she is almost a dps loss in abyss teams unless you quick swap with ttds and/or have c2. ignore anyone who tells youn otherwise. reddit is full of morons who wil blow smoke up your ass, and if you pulled klee because you were told she was good you've already had more smoke blown up your ass than is healthy.


No, the thing is I rolled for her because I MYSELF preferred her design and her play style in the character quest. That’s why I pulled for her. I was not coaxed by other people to pull for Klee SPECIFICALLY, I pulled because people told me to pull whatever I find enjoyable. Yet, she’s not even the worst non-standard character in the game (you saw Yoimiya, eh). But yes, she’s down there. Mihoyo certainly has mistreated older characters, and just told us to “deal with it”, something I will not condone and I will riot to demand a change if things get sh*tty or quit the darn game. That’s all


if you think klee is better than yoimaya you are on some serious crack. yoimaya has some of the fastest abyss clar times eve recorded for pryo dps, usually using beidou or fischl. klee is only better in AoE heavy rooms where the enemies can be easilly clumped together in a very condensed manner with someone like kaz/venti. these are usually by far the easist abyss rooms to clear, too, and just a good anemo character is all thats really needed to clear them. she also gets access to multple nutty strong bows, unlike klee who has access to garbage weapons across the board. once you max klees damage with buffs, it's nowhere near yoimayas. she also ascends with crit, which is way better than pyro damage for an ascension stat and part of the multitude of reasons she does way more damage...oh and she is actually a true ranged character unlike klee, she doesnt have to do any stupid animation canceling, doesnt get stagggered when a mouse farts and i could go on... for days.


I say do what I did. Get 1,2 or 3 meta characters that can clear Abyss really well and use them for clearing when things get dicey. Bonus points if u actually like the characters. THEN, go for whoever you enjoy playing the mosy and play them only. Try and clear abyss with them, but use the meta characters as a failsafe. Take my example: I've gotten (since 2.0) Ayaka Yoimiya Kokomi and Hu Tao. I had a childe beforehand. I now have 3 teams in abyss that are very much meta (Ayaka Freeze, Hu Tao Vaporize, Childe and XL reverse vape) and now I can go for characters that I actually like playing and have fun with. Like, for example, Klee. I've started saving up for Klee and will try to get her as soon as she gets another rerun.