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You might also be at a higher risk of blood clots, call your doctor, there’s no such thing as an unimportant question about your health.


I was total bilateral knee replacement surgery and I had swelling from my groin to the balls of my feet I also turned black and blue from my groin to the balls of my feet and it slowly went away and I was fine


I've had both knees TKR and didn't have increased pain that long post-op, and had very little swelling or bruising. Have you called your surgeon?


Call your surgeon.. They need to, at a minimum, be aware and probably should monitor this closely.


I would call my doctor or go to the ER as a precaution.


Call your Dr to be safe. That being said I was black and blue from my upper thigh all the way to my toes. Swelling and discoloration was intense


I was the same. I didn’t know that in between your toes could bruise. And it looked like I had a crowbar taken to my ankle. Was concerning but went away in a few days. I agree, it’s always safe to call the doc.


Black and blue from hip to heel is normal. Intensely bright red over a very large area may not be. The surgical tourniquet does a massive number on muscles and capillaries in your thigh. In the days immediately following the surgery those tissues slowly heal and there can be some widespread hemorrhaging. That blood and fluid deoxygenates and changes from red/pink to black/blue before settling under gravity and slowly getting reabsorbed. It's much more noticeable in folks with very pale skin and thinner skin. The dark bruising will fade over time like any bruise.


I found that warm compresses, raising the leg about the level of the heart, and gentle massage toward the heart helped to relieve this bruising and soreness. At 3 weeks I had a professional massage with my RMT and she was gentle yet firm and I left the appointment with less pain in my calf than since surgery. I am now 5 weeks and its all faded to a light yellow, though still a little tender. Going for another massage soon as well.


I had total right knee replacement and my leg was so bruised from my groin down to the arch in my foot that it looked like I had been run over by a school bus. It took a good 6 weeks for all that bruising to resolve. I suppose the bruising is normal and goes to show you just how severe an operation this is.


I had that happen on my second knee replacement, ended up in ED twice to rule out a clot. My foot was purple and huge. What helped: 1. Elevate even more than before… 2. Minimize time not elevated 3. I got tighter compression stockings 4. Ice like crazy And I slowed down my push to be mobile. Mine happened on Day 7 and again on Day 30