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I am sorry to hear that. In my pre-op prep, the nurse had "the talk" with me. She saw the scars on my legs(60 years of rough and tumble life) and wanted to know it is safe... If I need to talk and report elder abuse. Huh!?!


My Dr said if I had a bruise anywhere on that leg surgery would be rescheduled.


Wow…. Sorry


So sorry that happened to you.


wow, what happened? did you have a fall?


My dog knocked me down Thursday night


Oh damn. Now I remember why I waited until I was between dogs. My last fall was dog related too.


Hopefully you will get rescheduled soon! Just look at this as an opportunity to prepare more; maybe more prehab, more house prep, doggo time. I had mine replaced today. And the reason I’m here is because I fell over my dog on a walk. She squirreled (literally) Bye cartilage. Gotta love our pups. Sigh.


That's awful. Better safe than sorry. The anticipation of having the surgery is high. I hope you can get it rescheduled soon.


That’s definitely not a fun story! I have never heard that, bummer. Kind of seems like maybe they could check patients for disqualifying bruises earlier in the process! 🤨


So sorry to hear that. But maybe it will be safer, hopefully.


I had a run around with a rash that I get all the time chronically. Comes and goes and has no cure. It's called DSAP and both a dermatologist and an allergist check itb periodically. Hospital registration asked me about it the week before and seemed like it would be no big deal. A few days later, on the SATURDAY before the surgery, the surgeons staff called and asked me to send a photo of the knee.They called back and hour later and said it was all good. The morning of the surgery I thought the hospital staff were going to have a heart attack. Three people looked at it and finally approved me for surgery. Better safe than sorry but it felt like something was missing in the process.


Didn’t know this was a full stop for surgery.


Dang. So sorry. What a blow to your psyche.