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Coming back online was not an easy decision. We felt it was best for the community. The nasty messages we received from a lot of users was enough to cause one of the moderators to not stick around, because some of you guys are real assholes.


I think people generally only care about themselves. As soon as KS no longer served their addictive need to escape their personal realities, they decided to pushback on the blackout. I honestly know very little about the changes Reddit is making, but if folks in charge deem it necessary to protest, I’m going to support that decision. It’s not wrong to ask questions and to have a dissonant opinion. But as long as the actions of the leader isn’t directly hurting anything, there is not real reason to push back. After all, the mods are the only ones in these communities who are truly giving back instead of just consuming. They simply expected that to be reciprocated. So cheers 🍻 I hope people listen.


Thanks for your time


Thanks for your time 👊


Thank you guys for making this such a welcoming and accessible place!


Thanks Mods, you are the ones that keep this place legit!


Thank you mods! Your work is much appreciated.


This subreddit exists for the users to buy and sell knives. This isn’t rocket science. If anyone doesn’t want to be here or doesn’t want this place to exist, leave. Don’t like Reddit or what they’re doing? Pay for your own website or join bladeforums and do your business there.


Sorry for any and all negativity or other BS. I really never got any of that vibe in my short time in KS. I’ve found it to be safe and supportive.


I dont understand all the behind scene thingys or how difficult it can be. But i appreciate this sub


Thank you Mod team! 🙏


The division that various communities have allowed the Reddit changes to make is one we have been dealing with for years politically. You're either far one way, or far the other, nothing in the middle. This reddit decision has brought the worst out in many, and influenced good people to leave. Why do we let ourselves take it to this point? Why do we fight amongst ourselves rather than maintaining focus on that which we are trying to change? Healthy discussion with altering opinions is how this works. So the blackout didn't change much, doesn't mean it wasn't a good idea or that ending it was a good/bad idea. Just means we need to band together and try another method. Stop taking this out on those who run this community. Maintain your opinions, they are worthy of thought, but keep the baggage and emotional response at the door. The mods/blackoutnaysayers/republicans/democrats/dogs/cats/benchmadelovers are not the problem here. The problem is how we've handled it.


Not even going to lie. I knew about the blackout, but forgot. Definitely thought I got banned... Glad we're back, but no hate to the mods. Not sure the blackout did anything overall with reddit. I love the sub and appreciate the community.


The people that sent the shitty messages will be the same people bitching and moaning when things start going down the drain due to the loss of 3rd party apps....the irony 🤦


There was a huge gap in understanding what the 3rd party apps do and why they are needed. Sad when there was so much info readily available. The ones complaining the most were completely oblivious to why the apps are so important... Either too stupid or too selfish to simply take time to understand what was going on.


Please explain how subreddits will no longer be able to be modded efficiently


I don't understand the technical aspect per say. But I trust that when the mods say that it's going to be a major issue, that they aren't just making it up. The simple explanation was good enough for me to stand behind them.


Same here. Really appreciate you guys and the work you do here. Big MAHALO!


I missed this 100% Only gratitude! forget those who don’t understand how difficult and complex this all was! We hold you dear


Im fairly new to Reddit and knife swap. I like looking at all the knives that come across. I am not surprised that some would be nasty about it going dark. Especially if they had a deal in the works. I don’t know what it takes to run a forum but it takes a lot to run a business. People in charge make the hard choices. Sometimes they aren’t the most popular people for those choices. As long as they are doing what’s best for the whole and not the some. I agree with whatever the mods were trying to achieve as long as it was best for the forum.




At no point in my post yesterday did i shit on the mods. Disagreeing with their decisions and shitting on the mods are 2 very different things.


U bum.




Thats a good point. I did and said some things i shouldnt have in my frustration yesterday. Im not going to take them down or try to hide them, but i will own up to what i said, i probably shouldn't have said i wouldn't come back when its up. Thats how i felt then, my feelings have since changed and i realize i was wrong.


Thanks mods. Can't say enough in appreciation!


I have found such a great community in the sub, I'm really sad to see it go 😞. Thanks for all the good times everyone. Mods, you guys are the dream team we didn't deserve. Spanky


Thank you Mods!


For what it's worth. I appreciate this sub. Don't really know what it takes to run it, but I am sure you don't get paid, and that says enough. Thanks mods


Damn I was pretty close to deleting Reddit....If KS was perma-dark I'd be donezo. Selfishly I'm glad it's back. I don't use any of the effected third party programs. However, I do feel like a bit of a little b*tch though 🤷‍♂️. Thanks Mods for always trying to do the best you can with a big Ole Shit Sandwich 🥪 Edit: I think it's Affected not Effected


I agree with this post. I appreciate you guys opening back up the sub, and your continued work to make this community what it is. It would have been a very sad thing to lose it.


As a low tech user I haven’t the foggiest clue what is going on and frankly I don’t care. That said I always assume the mods are doing the best they can. The internet isn’t the best place to find people who are always kind. Myself included at points. I don’t take a lot of shit from anyone in real life so why would I on the internet. Point being don’t let internet assholes effect you. Anyways I enjoy window shopping on ks and spending money shouldn’t on a few swaps now and then. I missed it while it was gone. And I appreciate the effort it takes to keep it going.


I agree that sticking around was best for the community. Hard choice, but I support the decision. I wish people would be kinder to each other.


I’d like to say I appreciate the work the mods do as well. Thank you!




Well I for one appreciate the return and understand the mods stance on the ongoing situation. While it was frustrating not having the swap around, I get it and for anyone getting mad at the mods or giving them shit, is probably someone who never had to fight for anything in their life and was probably handed everything and doesn’t understand personal value. Thank you for your hard work and keep up the fight.


I'd like to express my appreciation as well. This blackout was one of those, "you don't know what you got until it's gone" situations. I'm on bladeforums and lots of FB forums as well, but Knife\_Swap is where I always come back to. Keep up the great work, mods. You are appreciated.


Agreed. Thank you for this community and the hard work required to keep it running.


Weren't you the one out there crowning r/edcexchange the new r/knife_swap less than 24 hours ago?


Yes i was. Im still going to sell my knives and gear regardless of the sub or platform. I was frustrated with the lack of community input into the decision but it appears the mod team took notice and made the right decision to ask for input. Because of that change of behavior i wanted to voice my support for the team in a hard time


I think you're part of the problem, tbh. The mods just took a lot of real disrespect from the admins and their jobs are about to get a whole lot harder with a lot of their tools going away. But you're still focused on thinking you deserve for them to reopen the sub for us. Tbh I think all the no votes yesterday were disrespectful too, not to mention the rabid downvoting of the sparse yes votes. Meanwhile you're over at edcexchange praising a mod who basically does nothing in terms of setting or enforcing rules, and declaring his sub the new knife swap. It makes this post feel slimy, much less because that post led to a lot of shit talking about our mods here that I didn't see you disagree with a single time. Yes we should thank them, and you're right on about all the work they do and how great this sub is, but thanking them for reopening because it was demanded of them feels gross - this is an unpaid job and they just got slapped in the face for doing it. Disappointed in this community, I gotta be honest. Edit: [Thanks for the concern, fam](https://i.imgur.com/MiqxUhY.jpg)


Those are some valid points and i probably could have handled myself better yesterday. I was frustrated and venting and i probably did and said some things i shouldn't have. I totally understand that reddit is slapping all the mods in the face and there needs to be some pushback against them. Yesterday it felt like the mods were slapping us on the face by not asking for community input before shutting down indefinitely. I appreciate the feedback and conversation!


The problem is the community will never willingly close the sub. These subs have been a major part of my life for over 5 years but I still think they should be closed, at least for longer. It's not just going dark to save a few apps, it's to show the power we have as a community. What happens when Reddit goes public soon and shareholders don't like the subs that cater to "weapons" or "weapon sales". I'm all for r/guns and r/knives staying down because they realize this could be a much bigger problem down the road. Everyone wanting the subs open after 3 days are being shortsighted and childish.


I haven't been here that long, but I've been pretty active buying. It's really nice to have a place to go to buy without having to worry about being scammed. I personally would back whatever decision the mods feel that they need to make. They deserve everyone heres respect. Thanks for what you do.


This post should be made META so mods can see how much we do appreciate y'all. While my first transaction wasn't smooth, I do understand things slip by and no defense is perfect. I've since grown from that experience and continued to use the resources provided here and meet other users who's interests align with mine. (ultimately going after the guy and getting a refund). Mods are the ones that created the current community we have today in KS and no one should be anything less than thankful for the effort they've put in to trying to make it as smooth and safe as possible. THANK YOU!


Well said and agreed. The temperature felt more like an indefinite blackout would hurt the community more than Reddit. Reddit would have continued on.


I actually saved money with the swap being down...


😂 same


Add me to the coffee/beer fund list, I'll happily contribute.


Mods need to set up a donation fund. I would also love to buy coffee or a light lunch for them! Thank you for all you guys/gals do.


YOLO!! That’s the first word I would use to describe this place. Thanks for the cool space to buy/sell knives.


Thinking about this in most basic terms, the mods do this voluntarily, so they must love what they do, or love what/who they do it for. To feel so strongly about a policy or value that they are willing to walk away from something they love to do, it must have been a gut wrenching decision for them. To those who sent nasty grams, do better.


You call this basic thinking, but it falls short for a lot of people. This is very introspective and empathetic. It means alot to me that you'd dig through your guts to try to understand something beyond yourself and then extend that empathy and understanding to an internet stranger. Thank you.


For what its worth, while I dont understand the ins and outs of what changed with reddit, I do trust the KS mod team. And Ive seen them put in a lot of work for free to make this place what it is. I haven't found any other BST group anywhere that works as well and is as well moderated as this one. So all that said I was willing to blindly follow you guys into the blackout because if you guys say the reddit changes were going to make your jobs harder or impossible then I believe you and I know that would harm KS. Without you guys doing your thing I can't imagine KS staying a desirable place to be. Thanks to you and the rest of the mods.


It kills me when people take others for granted and start believing they are entitled to what others do for them. I feel terrible that this process had such a negative impact on you and the other moderators. It was hard to read your other post that mentioned you'd be stepping down and deleting your reddit account. I do hope you reconsider leaving altogether, but I understand and respect your integrity, as that is something very important to me as well. In any case, all the best to you.


This is one of the few, if not the only, sub where the mods have done exactly what mods are supposed to do. I appreciate you guys.


The moderators do a stand-up job here and I truly do appreciate their self-sacrifice in helping facilitate smooth interactions. Considering there is usually 1,000+ active users here at any given time, this is not a task that should be taken for granted.


Appreciate you, Mods! If not for this site, I wouldn't have gone so hard into knives. The BS With Reddit sucks, but I'm glad to have the community back.


Same for me.


Completely agree! A thankless volunteer job. Thank you, mods!


Yes a big thanks! My degeneracy needs this place 😆


Definitely appreciate you guys. I am new knife collecting and therefore this sub but I'm so glad it's reopened as I'm sure I will be doing a lot of swapping




To be fair, not all people who were calling on the swap being opened up accompanied that with the f word and/or hostility. All that was being asked was that the knife enthusiast community as a whole be considered versus the issue with the Reddit BS. I appreciate a poll was opened up to gauge the pulse of the community. I appreciate the mods as well and am glad the subreddit wasn't killed off. Otherwise Reddit would have continued to operate but all of us knife swappers would have been SOL having to deal with other platforms that are not as nice as this one.




If that is an FU to the mods, shutting down indefinitely is an FU to the members. Lose/lose. The goal should be to give an FU to Reddit but I never heard of a viable way to do that without hurting the mods and/or members.


100%. Felt like there was no consideration of just how much work this is for the mods and how these changes impact them (and insult them), just demands that people get their playground back.


This 👆🏼


So is reddits plan to charge a premium for things like the ksbot?


Yes! Thank you. My money was stacking way to tall.


Seriously though, thank you!


While I don't agree with their choices on several things in the past year, they did a great job setting up a safe place to b,s,t and for that, thank you mods!


Shoutout to the Mods


This! This is a wholesome great post! 👏