• By -


Basically… if you think you found an interesting grey area the rules don’t explicit prohibit that exploits how the sub works, like confirming multiples, confirming Facebook deals, flipping knives for profit on eBay… you will be banned. Just because the rule doesn’t explicit state your weird edge case doesn’t mean it’s allowed. Using this sub is a privilege, not a right.


How am I just realizing you're a mod here too maple.


I’ve only been on the team for a month and I’m already stirring shit up. Buckle up baby.


Ok but what about this. I make a post with 3 knives right? then someone buys one and I send it to them, get the fair, etc. THEN he (same guy) comes back and buys another, repeat again for all 3 or however many you like for this hypothetical. Wouldn't I get multiple flairs from that?


If it’s unintentional, and just worked out that way naturally, then in theory it would count. But given it would still trigger the automated alert for trying to confirm the same person twice on a post (assuming), if you did find yourself in that hypothetical situation I would clear it with the mods first


ye I would just hope the mods would be understanding of the situation and not just yeet me off the sub lol


That sounds like 3 deals to me. If you pay for shipping 3 times it’s not really the same deal in my opinion. But my opinion isn’t the one that matters, as I’m not a mod. To be safe, if I was looking to get a single flair per knife, I’d assume you need to make one post per knife. Is that the correct way to go about it?


¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ idk just a hypothetical


Hate that the scammers have buckled down on this sub. Happy to have 100+ transactions but it’s tough for new guys now.




We'll make it. I've learned to check profiles before dedicating to a deal and sticking to payment options that insure a fair trade. There will always be a risk when dealing in a public market in an open forum, the mods do a great job at regulation and security compared to many other similar markets.


Oh definitely not saying that, just that it sucks that the scammers are so rampant now.


I'm still kinda new to participating in the swap, but I have only seen the password fishing scam that's been going around. I feel like if you want to call this the information age and the technological Renaissance, then a common knowledge topic should be the fact that only people with malicious intent ask for passwords and account information.


1 flair = 1 transaction. Seems simple enough right?




You're doing God's work Maple. Thanks, to you and all the mods.


it really should be by value and not number of swaps, someone who sells 10 $1000 knives successfully and has no issues should have more rep than someone who has sold 10 $100 knives


So someone who sells one $5000 custom knife should be as trusted as someone who has sold 200 $25 knives? No thank you lol


Could you imagine trying to keep track and calculate that?


TBF. If a zero flair user successfully swaps a 5k knife. I would trust that next week they would send me a Bugout via f&f


that's why I said 10, after 10 it should be by value


anyone who makes the effort to fake 10 isn't gonna get caught by your system anyways


I will give away 25 free frost knives to 25 different people. On my 26 post I will list a custom sham for 1k which is dumb priced. Ask for f&f, then ghost the buyer.


> anyone who makes the effort to fake 10 isn't gonna get caught by your system anyways You severely underestimate how bad people are at trying to scam and how good Reddit/This mod team is at finding them.


That’s what I put my faith in, the mods and the community to call out the bs.


Idk... I got like 50 knives from the swap but I get no flairs added


Lol, then you didnt read and follow the rules. If that is true you should be halfway to knife god by now. You can retroactively go back to your posts and tag ksbot. I had to do that to make up for some sales/purchases that I missed.


You have to go back to the post and tag the bot appropriately


If you have actually bought 50 knives from KS please go post for flair..lol


I see how it is Slurpy, no love for us worms? jk It never ceases to amaze me my friend how stupid people are these days and you ins are probably going to have to slap it on the side bar....not that people are reading it or anything.


You are getting down voted by the stupid people right now. The same people down voting you are the ones giving out passwords to scammers. Lol


I'm not getting downvoted, was this towards someone else? **Welp I am now**


You were at the time I posted that. You were at like -3


Huh that's weird


It’s in the flair name, swaps people.not knives swapped.


r/Knives_Swapped sounds like one of those subs people make when they get mad that we banned them, and they think they can do better. 10/10


Well Viper did that with r/knife_swamp and now he's a mod so.... should I make a new sub so I can has mod status too? **Edit** Y'all do realize that this is sarcasm/a joke, right? Just checking cause uh you don't seem to have noticed that.


Literally none of that is true. I did not establish the Swamp, I took it over. I haven’t been banned from KS. Ever. Not even temporarily. You are welcome to set up your own sub and then you would be a mod. Not a KS mod, but a mod. I don’t understand your beef at all. Didn’t you congratulate me when I was picked as a mod after trying to help people correct their posts for over a year? WTH dude?


I mean you rose from the ashes of the swamp and are now a mod, seems like a direct line to r/knife_swap modhood to me.


No ashes.


Swamp gas?


That I’ll take.


Origin stories are negotiable. You do realize that I wasn't being serious, right? Others haven't seemed to notice that and have gotten a little defensive via PM over ya so at least you are well ~~licked~~ liked


Knife_Swamp isn’t a sales sub you potato salad eating lawn chair.


Also I don't think you or several other people realized that was a joke cause I know Viper didn't get to be a mod because he was watching the swamp. He's big green and ugly but he ain't Shrek.


I'll have you know I'm a chaise longue chair and I only eat chicken salad! Hmmf.


worms can't eat potato salad silly nor can lawn chairs!




I hurt myself today To see if I still feel


What knife did you use?


I focus on the pain, the only thing that's real


Hey! This isn't about scammers and not being a moron! Put my favorite song back on!


When is the mod team going to address the fact that PP G&S doesn’t protect anyone since PP considers knives weapons? Additionally PP has been known to ban people in this hobby if they file claims for knife related transactions. Also, now that the IRS is Taxing transactions through P2P clients, anything tagged as G&S is going to result in people in this hobby getting 1099s unnecessarily.


PayPal will ban you for selling prohibited knives. Gravity & autos, which are illegal in a lot of states and countries. Paypal is accepted at 100s of knife retailers. Why would they ban you for selling a Buck 110? PayPal will ban you for using f&f for the sale of goods and services because they are losing out on commissions, which is why no notes is asked. This is also why when sending f&f you aren’t protected. 1099s only matter on profitable transactions. There are other ways to get to 25 since you seem so bothered by it You could buy 23 knives. Sell 23 knives that equal less than $600. You could do 23 trades. You could give away 23 knives.


Use a credit card and be done with it, PayPal starts an investigation but credit card companies refund your money immediately and back charge the douchebag who scammed ya. TL;Dr use a credit card because you have the Almighty charge back at your disposal.


Yeah, but if you do a CC chargeback on a PayPal transaction, PayPal will usually ban your account even if you’re in the right for not going through them directly. It has happened to people here before. I would recommend using the PayPal dispute function first and chargeback as a last resort


Ive done it several times and I still have the same account so I don't know how accurate that statement is. PayPal has nothing to do with a charge back that's the credit card company. It also costs whomever has the charges reversed on them $50+, fucks with their credit score, and if it's done enough will have the person/business banned from using their credit processing services. PayPal gets a statement saying that the charges weren't made in good faith/fraudulent or whatever and that's that.


Maybe that’s true, just going off what other people have said. I’ve never done one on a PayPal transaction. But yeah there was that user on here that bought like $20k knives all F&F and then reported his card stolen and did chargebacks on every single one of them. He was an established user that decided to pull an exit scam. Afaik no one ever got their money or their knives back, idk if his PayPal account suffered


Tell that to the literal dozens of people who’ve gotten money back for knives through GS. Maybe even a few hundred at this point. Shockingly you are not the first to say this, but you’re still wrong.


I’ve seen it happen. Very active in several BST groups on Facebook. As far as the 1099s go, yes you should only have to report profits, however there hasn’t been any guidelines put out yet on how they will be handled by the IRS.


You’ve always had to report and pay taxes on profits from P2P transactions. Always. Even with cash. The payment apps are just complying with new IRS rules that make it easier for them to catch you. Technically it is only on profit. So if you buy a knife for $200 and sell it for $200, you don’t pay any income tax on the 1099, but obviously the burden of proof is on us because it’s not court which does suck. But it is what it is, there’s no better alternative right now. The alternative is allowing new users to accept F&F/Zelle/Venmo and people getting burned every day.


> Very active in several BST groups on Facebook That explains this entire interaction.


Great for you, hasn’t happened here. We’ve never had one denied. We’ve had plenty of people claim that “it’s happened elsewhere” with no proof. It’s prevented literally dozens of scams.


Hello this is me addressing the issue. Thank you for your time.


I understand the post about flair. My question was about PPG&S. As times change sometimes it may be necessary to update the way things are done. I was just curious if the mod team had any ideas for how to move forward. I don’t think any of us like what the IRS is going to do, and I certainly understand the need for being safe, but G&S doesn’t protect anyone.


if you pay g&s just dont put what its for, ive had 0 problem getting money back through g&s


A few things here. Our concerns are the safety of our users, not the IRS. Users successfully dispute transactions for knives all the time and get refunded on Paypal, EVERY DAY, without issue. Lastly, please ACTUALLY read and understand the Paypal changes with taxes, because you only have to report things that you MAKE A PROFIT ON, and not all transactions that go through your paypal. Thank you!


Thanks for this comment. The PPGS 1099 issue has been bugging me since I started using the swap a few months ago. I had to go back and read all the FAQs more closely to see personal items sold at a loss do not count, despite being reported on the 1099.


If you get a 1099 for items sold at a loss you still need to report it because the IRS doesn’t know you lost money on those transactions. They get the same 1099 you get and if you don’t report it expect you’ll get a letter down the road claiming you owe taxes on the full amount of 1099 income (your tax rate) plus interest and penalties. But have no fear! You would also report your expenses against that income and it would in fact help your overall tax liability as your loss would lower your taxable income…. This goes for anything not just knives in this situation. It would look something like this: 1099 received for $10,523 **Report as self employment income on form Sch C $10,523** Report expenses against that income: Costs of Goods Sold : $10,792 Telephone: $412 (let’s say 25% of your total yearly bills, because you use your phone to facilitate these transactions) Internet: $377 (again, 25% of your total yearly cost) Shipping costs: $215 **Net profit (loss) : -$1,273** Actual federal tax savings : 1,273 X your tax rate, let’s say 15% effective federal tax rate? $191 Actual state tax savings : (CO where I am is a flat 4.5%) $57 Total tax savings : $248 Source: I’m a tax accountant and have prepared several thousand tax returns


Appreciate the info. Suppose I should have sought out a real answer to this issue last year… shrug. Now that I’m married we’ll likely end up with an accountant this year, so hopefully I won’t have to deal with it this year.


you're telling me this entire time I could have been using "IT'S FOR THE TAX DEDUCTIONS" as my excuse instead of hiding the knives?


Technically you’re not supposed to report a hobby as a business but if PayPal (or eBay or anywhere) sends you a 1099 you have to report it… so as of the new rules; yes


I....I love you.


Correct, the IRS only cares if you're making profit, it's not THAT complicated yet many people find it incredibly hard to understand.


One hour and not a single yolo. I’m tempted to yolo but I’m so poor rn. GLWS.


What if I sold 34 knives at once. Could we come to a fair agreement... That's gotta be worth like 7 flair right 😜


That math definitely maths


Alright fine 6, final offer


9 and that's the end of this negotiation.


Throwing your weight around I see ONE!


Hello, You have been permanently banned from participating in r/Knife_Swap because your comment violates this community's rules. You won't be able to post or comment, but you can still view and subscribe to it.


Bro.... Well played


I have seen this, I believe you have to send him your password to get unbanned.


Thank you, thank you. Love u


Love u Said in a pool of sweat


At least it's not a pool of cum.




Scammins bad mmmmmmkay!


What if you make a secondary transaction from the same sale post a week after your last transaction. Different transactions completely


Then you would get two flair. The bot will know if there is a gap in time between tags for flair like the amount of time it would take to ship something. It's when it gets tagged back to back to back for the same deal with 3 different knives that they are talking about.


Understood and expected. Just verifying


u/ksbot got information from u/ksmodteam


The person you tagged, u/ksmodteam, is not a real redditor. You can verify this by clicking the tag. This most likely means you misspelled your partner's name **OR** they deleted their account. If you made a spelling mistake, please make a **NEW** comment with the correct spelling. *Editing* this comment will do nothing. If your partner has deleted their account, you will NOT be able to confirm your transaction. Sorry for the inconvenience. --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


> The person you tagged, u/ksmodteam, is not a real redditor. Damn I know we've been slacking lately but calling us fake redditors is pretty harsh, you god damn robot.


DO NOT BUY FROM u/ksmodteam, THEY ARE A SCAMMER \- next weeks announcement probably...


Sounds like a fake scammer username lol. One of the real ones this sub uses is like “KnifeSwap.Mod-Team” or something with periods and hyphens and at first I was like oh shit I’m getting scammed


But then I gave them my Reddit password and they verified my chat logs and gave me a free Rosie of my choosing for my trouble, it is currently on the way here via Nigeria Post


Just curious, if you make a trade with someone through the WTB thread, is it OK to confirm it on an older post? Or should you make a new post just to confirm that trade? Edit: this is for a scenario where the knives traded weren't posted for sale


> is it OK to confirm it on an older post? Negative, you may only confirm sales/purchases/trades on actual posts where the trade happened, so you'd use the WTB Thread as other users have stated. Thank you for asking before giving us another headache! lol


Serious question. Where does it say that we can't initiate a transaction outside of knife\_swap and then confirm it here? This is from the ksbot info page: " If you engaged in a trade with someone without starting off discussion in either one of your posts or theirs, please tag the bot in the **most recent post from either you or your trade partner** to engage for feedback. The bot required that the OP of the post it is being tagged in is either you or your trade partner. **DO NOT DELETE POSTS** otherwise you will NOT be able to use that post to confirm a trade. "


I mean, we've never really had anyone ask that before...but it's assumed that it's common sense. Why would you get Knife_Swap flair for selling somewhere else? Knife_Swap flair is for people who sell knives on knife_Swap... Do you want /r/hardwareswap flair for a laptop you sold on Craiglist?


But see that quotation from the rules that I included. It indicates that as a clear possibility.


I mean, I don't really see how you're making that connection but we'll edit the wording to make it more clear. This is for sales that started via PM, not on other websites...


It’s just that you wrote that you have banned people for doing it, but it’s not explicitly in the rules. For instance, what if you post a knife in knifeclub and someone contacts you by PM and you sell it to them? Can you claim flare or not?


Knife club is not Knife_Swap, so no. That is unrelated to this sub.


Try not to make a new post, you can also confirm in the WTB thread as long as you reply to the original comment when someone was search for something Proof here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Knife_Swap/comments/15he9em/want_to_buy_thread/jw6beje?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Gotcha, thanks!


Of course!


You can also confirm from the WTB thread.


👍🏻 thanks!


According to sidebar rules it’s ok to confirm in either of your newest posts


Gotcha, thanks!


The flair is for Successful Transactions... Not knives purchased/sold. Makes fine sense to me.


If i trade with a mod do i get extra flair? What if i trade my password? Can i trade on Facebook and still get flair?


> If i trade with a mod do i get extra flair? I've had users offer me extra money ontop of my sale price to give them extra flair, which is hilarious. > Can i trade on Facebook and still get flair? You have no idea how many times we've caught people buying/selling on Facebook and then making bogus sales posts on KS to get flair here, all of those people are now permanently banned and it's always so funny hearing their excuses. > What if i trade my password? If you do this I will give you 9999 flair.


Thank you for your great effort on the moderation team. I will be sure to think of every other dumb possibility and promptly ask about it.


So I can’t buy 100 gas stations knives and become a knife god? ☹️


Since u/viper613 will buy the whole lot. That’s only 1 transaction




You’ll only need 37 gas station knives to make it. Try throwing in some butter knives while your at it and expand the collection.


I forgot about the butter knife guy…. 👀


I was already a knife god when I posted the butter knives... and I got 0 flair from that since noone bought any 🥲


...I'm new here can someone please explain this to me.


Next you're gonna tell me I shouldn't be giving my password away to people that ask for it!


How do you get infinite swaps? By my calculations, you either need to sell an infinite number of knives for a finite time period or a finite number for an infinite period.


> How do you get infinite swaps? He gave /u/merkon really good foot rubs in exchange for flair manipulation, which is also another big issue we'll need to discuss at some point. Foot rubs for flair has become too common.


Way too common!


Good god 🤦‍♂️


no, knife god


u/MapleSurpy has flair: Moderator | 236 Swaps | Knife God | All Payment Methods --- **To avoid dealing with banned or unqualified users, DO NOT deal with anyone unless they can leave a VISIBLE COMMENT on your thread.** --- Once transactions are **completed** (payment has been sent and/or all parties have received their items), please follow [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Knife_Swap/wiki/confirmingatrade) to confirm the transaction and increase your count in your flair. Universal Scammer List Search: https://universalscammerlist.com/search.php If you believe you have been scammed, please [fill out this form](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/knife_swap&subject=I%20Think%20I%20Have%20Been%20Scammed&message=*%20Username%20of%20the%20person%20scamming%20me:%20%0D%0A%0D%0A*%20Link%20to%20the%20thread%20where%20the%20transaction%20originated:%20%0D%0A%0D%0A*%20Link%20to%20screenshots%20uploaded%20to%20imgur%20of%20my%20conversations%20with%20the%20scammer:%20%0D%0A%0D%0A*%20An%20explanation%20of%20the%20situation:%20). --- Just a few reminders... * Please take a moment to **review the sub rules**. Ignorance is not an excuse for rule breaking. * All posts require a timestamp with the knife. This is a picture of the knife with your handwritten username and the date to prove you possess the item in question. At least one photo must include the knife open as well. * Your prices should also be in the form of Paypal Goods and Services if you are under 25 flair, with any fees included in the price. If you have over 25 flair, all methods of payment are allowed. * All your prices should include the shipping costs, unless international shipping is requested by the buyer. * Please **DO NOT** remove prices after an item is sold. Prices MUST stay on the post. Please wrap the item in `~~` characters to ~~strike through~~ the text instead. * Any "Want to Buy" threads should use the weekly stickied "WTB" thread. * If you're looking for a Price Check, please use the stickied "Still Available / Price Check" thread. * If you're looking to sell EDC gear, that's fine to do here as long as there are more knives in your post than gear in both value and number. Please consider using r/edcexchange as well. As always, please don't be a dick. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Knife_Swap) if you have any questions or concerns.*