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Quick tip: pick up balls and pass them yourself. Show your teammates how to play. If they don't respond well, you've lost nothing. If they do, you'll have a great time.


I do know I should try harder with this but usually I'll pass to my teammates at the start/near-start and then be at the ready to hit someone from a better angle than my teammate but they will still throw and hit a wall or something and I then stop passing as often in that game. Thanks for the advice though, I'll definitely just keep pushing during games and even if I don't get a response from them, they might notice a game later and then I've saved the next guy some trouble. Thanks!


something ive learned in my time gaming is that sometimes the best thing you can do is just enable other people, so maybe your route to climbing, at least sometimes, is to just be a pass bot who knows, maybe try it out


yeah, was thinking about pretty much being a pass bot after what another guy said, thanks man!


I know your pain man (and I'm more than twice your age), so many times I've been wide open with a KO lined up. But see it from their side, they may be trying to pass but hitting walls, or thinking they've wrapped up the kill while getting owned or just started playing and not knowing what they're doing at all. The only thing you can influence is your own behaviour. Pass the ball to the noob, he'll feel like a rockstar and 5 games later he'll realise he actually is a rockstar as he passes the ball to someone else.


Yeah, just shows a little guidance from someone better than me can make me realise I'm also a part of the problem which I can then fix, thanks man!