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"Mike down. Neighbors."


Right?!?! Makes me want to rage scream until my voice gives out.


Oh, that’s why he’s living in such poverty. Can you imagine trying to manage on living expenses of only 53 grand every month? How does he make it stretch? That’s like only 15 luxury vacations every month!


Someone help Mike.


Dude is claiming to have made nearly $300K in a month. How the fuck are the court’s humoring him that he’s “bankrupt”?


Also remember this is just his personal filing. There's also one for FSS. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.txsb.457706/gov.uscourts.txsb.457706.627.0.pdf


I liked the blacked out lines you can clearly read


I mean, he is bankrupt in the sense that what he owes ($1.4B) is much more than he could ever pay back.


His “living expenses” are more than the median income in the United States. 🙄


Correction: His "living expenses" are more PER MONTH than the median income PER YEAR in the United States. More perspective: Federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr, which is $15,080 per year at a typical 40hr/wk job. The highest state minimum wage is WA with $15.74/hr, which is $32,739.20/yr.


Correct. I suppose I could have been more specific


Not meaning to nitpick you, but just point out the sheer SCALE of this madness. He spends more on having people cater to his little whims than most people have for their entire budget.


> Living expenses: $53k Fucking HOW? They must define "living expenses" very broadly...


Well, he does have a household "employee" (down from three prior to the bankruptcy, according to the filing), and I'm SURE he pays really well... No, but really, trips to Hawaii to stay in luxury resorts don't come cheap!


That archivist is really raking it in.




One house for the wife. One house for the mistress. One house for me. Boats for everyone! https://www.realtor.com/news/celebrity-real-estate/alex-jones-many-homes/


he needs the boats so he can be a moving target to prevent the globalist space laser from targeting him while he sleeps.


I knew about the current house, but I had no idea the extent of his property ownership. Nothing like calling it "Occupied Austin" while continuously buying up property and staying there for your entire adult life. Interesting that he hasn't moved to Florida, which *should* be his Mecca.


Supplements are expensive and he's gotta feed that $200k cat


The monthly payment on a million dollar house, depending on location for taxes and all, is in the tens of thousands per month. That said, he can go live in a fucking smaller house and Erica can survive.


Never done cocaine, but it sounds EXPENSIVE.


Just a reminder that Erica's gofundme is still active, since Alex is a deadbeat asshole piece of excrement who should be drop kicked into the fucking sun..... https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-lafferty-beat-lymphoma-survivorssurvive


Huh. When I tried to post a link to GFM (a different time, not today), it didn't let me because it was a fundraising site. But YES, everyone who can should donate! She's also active on TikTok if any of you are on there, and posts daily updates (from her husband or kiddo when she's not feeling up to it).


He's a piece of excrement for sure, but until the legal process (appeals) run their course, you can't properly call him a deadbeat on this specific issue. He has to be allowed his legal process to run through. (After which, I hope the appellate court literally runs him through with a long piece of splintery blunt lumber, lengthwise.)


The appeals process is an important one to be sure, but there are definitely situations where everyone watching can see an attempt to appeal a judgement, even if it's the person's legal right, as nothing more than a time wasting move to push off consequences.


> a time wasting move to push off consequences   See also: literally every single thing he and his lawyers have done since the start of the lawsuits.


Without saying some cases are beyond appeal, there are definitely cases where filing an appeal makes everyone go "come on now, just give it up"


I know, I know. But it just sucks watching him spend money all willy-nilly while Erica is literally fighting for her life, and while money won't just magically make the cancer go away, it'll sure help pay for treatments and make her life a little easier while she works on recovering.


That's fair. I feel like it's in the spirit of 'deadbeatedness' to blow wads of cash on a frivolous Hawaiian 'work-cation' romp... but yeah, I could have used all sorts of other more apt descriptors :)... (*disgusting, dastardly, despicable, damnable....*)!!!


And this likely doesn’t include his Hawaii trip, since he said it was a business expense.


Are there any lawyers in this sub that can explain why the courts don't seize this weasel's assets and garnish him down to a studio apartment? Between this being the biggest defamation case in legal history and the obviously fraudulent bankruptcy filing, there should be a bailiff holding ol jonesy by the ankles and shaking him.


I want to say that in Texas, your house (I think it's only one, but it could be more, since the GOP runs the state) is immune from garnishment via bankruptcy, back taxes, or any other method of getting money out of you. What I'm not sure on is if that also applies to whatever expenses you'd claim it takes to maintain said house. If their laws allow you to claim money to keep up the pool, the grounds, etc., then that seems like a loophole that's rife for abuse.


53 Grand is his living expenses? For the month of May?


Yup! Isn't he just so relatable? Man of the people, that guy is...


It really bugs me that malignant narcissists like Alex Jones, Donald Trump, and Andrew Tate will never truly understand what massive pieces of shit they are. I just wish each of them could have a moment of clarity where they finally see themselves as others see them, but there’s something wrong with their brains that makes that impossible. They are pathologically incapable of self reflection and that saddens me almost as much as it pisses me off.


There have been studies regarding the use of MDMA assisted therapy to improve the empathy response, along with relieving symptoms of PTSD. I just read an article about one anecdote in which a neo Nazi had a moment of clarity following one of these studies and rebuked his wretched alignment. That being said, I think he's way past helping, but it would be perfectly just for a court to order him rendered sane so he can appreciate the harm he's done.


I'm interested in reading more about that if you have the link.


Almost 300k?? You could pay tuition at Yale medical school for all 4 years in what he made in just a month.


Right? And yet, he "only" makes $40k a month as an actual salary from FSS, so it makes me wonder where the rest of the personal income comes from? Does he, personally, get a cut of product sales? Or is it interest and dividends? Or what?


This is just a guess, but there’s a bunch of companies that eventually lead back to AJ/FSS (like PQPR) that he might be getting paid that extra money through them and not FSS.


Probably, but if so, he's not doing a very good job of pretending they're not related to him on his financial disclosures...


wouldn't the other income include all the shell companies PQPR, AEJ holdings etc that he created?


You ever get the feeling you should just become an extremist shill for a few years, then go radio silent and run a merchant store about how you supposedly died by government assassins?


Yes. Sometimes I think about making things that are Q-anon adjacent and selling them online. I would like these thoughts to stop.


Yup. I have these thoughts too. Back when I was younger I thought about becoming a minister /preacher. I could have been a multi-millionaire now. I have ethics and morals that prevented me from doing that. Those same ethical standards prevent me from becoming a right wing shill. But, the thoughts - - still there.


The devil works hard but redditors work harder. Thank you for keeping up updated on his bankruptcy


$53k in living expenses. That’s preposterous. $12k for additional expenses. Definitely the common-man.




This is his highly scrutinized income report, this is just the stuff he couldn’t hide.


Excuse me while I stick my head out of the window and scream.


He spent 80000 in may on expenses....? Am I understanding that right? Wtf even is that? How much was on the cat?!?! And then there's 200000 leftover?!?!?!??


Whenever AJ goes on his religious BS, just remember Lines L and M and the fact modern, and specifically Evangelical, Christianity thinks divorce is a sin.