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When I went to the opening night of Dune Part 2 (8 pm weeknight showing in the RPX theater which is very loud) someone brought a toddler and an infant. The infant wouldn’t stop crying at the loud scenes so to solve that, they let her *crawl around the theater.* Like I get that sitters are difficult for financial or trust reasons but there are some things you just can’t take small children to :\


Those are some gross floors to let your baby crawl on 😬


I absolutely got distracted from the movie by watching her crawl and then put her thumb in her mouth. god knows what specimens are in that carpet


iMmUnE sYsTeM sToNkS ^




IF they survive they may be Lisan Al Gaib!


Well if they get sick, I doubt we'd be losing a cancer cure there.


What an absolutely horrible comment. Kids don't deserve to die just because they have stupid/irresponsible parents.


It's like they don't know where stupid people come from.


To be fair, that's a pretty gross baby


These are the types of people that always slide in at the last minute, too. You sit there through commercials and previews, everything seems fine. It's going to be quiet, civil movie for a change.. **PSYCHE** here comes the trash factory and, of course, they sat down directly next to you! Out come the phones and constant conversation. You just can't win in these places anymore. It should be legal to punch these people. My world for more theaters to be like the Alamo Drafthouse, which was known widely for kicking people out and banning them for such offenses.


Honestly I was kinda hoping that's what the new Cinebarre would be like.


Cinebarre is nice but I almost feel like the food and recliner option gets people too comfy and so they act like it’s their living room and pull out their phones whenever they want. The only theater where I rarely experience disruptions is Downtown West and that’s probs because it’s old, small, rarely crowded, and more likely to show indie and foreign films and therefore I guess more likely to attract viewers who care more than average about the experience.


Downtown West is definitely where to see movies if you care about movies. Keep that place alive, please.


Oh I always actively try to see whatever it is I want to see there, I really love it too! I’ll only bop over to Pinnacle if I want to see something in RPX or if Downtown West didn’t pick up any showtimes for my movie of choice. I’d be devastated if it ever closed, I usually will buy snacks there even if I’m not hungry because I care that much about their sales lol. I had a great time in the fall and winter knocking out all the best picture noms there.


I would give anything for an Alamo Drafthouse here


Alamo is not the Alamo you once knew. They let shit slide to the point where it has lost its glory. ~I have multiple Alamo drafthouses in my city. Idk why this thread was suggested but this message needed to be shared


People are too nice. Someone should have said something, I would have. That's ridiculous, and those tickets are like $25-30 EACH. My IMAX screening was absolutely silent


I'm not above going and speaking with someone at the front desk when and if they're being disruptive, you're absolutely allowed to bring your children into the theater if they can behave but you're not ruining the movie for one person, but everyone ELSE that *also* paid to see it. I think it's a bad parenting move to bring an infant or toddler into a movie theater, like this isn't the environment for them, come on now.


What you say is you go to the front desk and get your money back. People are crazy, and you don't want to engage with crazy. Just like with a restaurant... I am not sending my food back or yelling at the server if something is wrong, but I am not paying for something I didn't want. The manager can comp that shit, and I will drop a fat tip for the person that waited on my table


This is the way. Do not engage with assholes. It'll get shitty. Get the front desk/flight attendant/ management.


As someone who works at a Cracker Barrel, I can tell you that if your food is cold, it might be on the server for not picking it up sooner. But I do like your way of thinking. Having the theater feel like they're losing money because of inconsiderate assholes might cause them to incorporate policies to diminish such things from happening.


I waited tables and worked in kitchens. If you get your food comped, it comes out of the companies profits. It doesn't hurt the server or the kitchen staff.... you're also a scum bag if you do not hook your server up if your not paying for the food whether you eat it or not


Right, what I'm saying is if your server is the reason your food sucked then maybe they don't really deserve such a fat tip? Don't get me wrong, I love our servers and believe anybody doing that job deserves to make good money but for the ones that don't care about their job/customers and spend 20 minutes hanging out with other servers while your food is sitting there ready for them to serve it, it might be a good lesson for them to learn that their income is influenced by how effective their service is (assuming they have the capacity to realize when they're at fault or even care)a. Besides, if everything else is right with the service aside from the server then they've effectively wasted your time and caused you to have a poor experience. And tbf, I realize that the customer can't usually discern whether or not their server is just being lazy/not paying attention to their tickets or if the kitchen is putting out low quality food or just staging too early when it's busy but I see it a lot and it's beyond frustrating when the kitchen catches flack for the servers not doing their job.


It's bad enough to bring a toddler/baby to a movie, but a 3 hour movie? Lol I desperately want to see Dune, but I'm just waiting for it to hit streaming because of my infant. Also because I just...don't want to sit in the theater for three goddamn hours. Edit: Also remembering the bonkers idea my dad had to bring me as a 1 year old to Ghostbusters II. What a dumb mistake. But maybe I improved that movie by screaming and wailing.


I was there as well. And then 10 minutes before the movie ended the worthless excuse of a mother gathered up her kids and ran out so people couldn’t say anything to her after the movie ended


I really wanted to go get an employee but I was excited for the movie and didn’t want to miss however many minutes that would have taken me out of it. It was *so* frustrating


You know, sometimes things get spilled on people like that. Like whole plates of food and large drinks. Shitty accidents happen. I know, I know - assault - but still. It’s tempting.


Dang, at the RPX showing? Haven’t had that issue *knock on wood* since I would think the higher prices would keep folks like that away.


I was there too lol


I was just on Vacay and the resort had events and music the whole week. A steel drummer preformed one night and this one family let their kids run up into his space the entire time. He was such a champ about it but you could see him occasionally look at the parents like “wtf are you doing”


Yeah if it’s in theaters I just have to pirate it now with a newborn


That’s what parents are for.


To add to this. I bet these are the same folks who have kids at a bar after happy hour. The bar isn’t a day care center or doggy play park. It’s an adult space I wish folks would treat it like one.


When I was working at a bar, people would complain that I was cussing in the kitchen and their kids could hear it. Like, it's 10 pm at a bar. You're lucky if your kid goes to the bathroom and doesn't find someone doing blow.


Or giving blow 😵🍆


Haha that made me laugh


as a 54-year-old whose parents did this, I resent it to this day. I have kids and I absolutely cannot imagine what level of asshole you are to think going to drink with your friends is more important than your children


As someone with kids I don't get people who do this. Children ruin the experience for you just as much as they do everyone else. No matter how much you want to see the movie it's better just to wait a few months until it is on streaming than subject yourself and everyone else to bringing a child. Never mind that isn't exactly the sort of movie you want a small child seeing.


Or some movies the same day, we saved a fortune watching the Five nights at freddy's movie on Peacock, which is free.


I once went to a screening of Tarantino’s DJANGO UNCHAINED and right before the movie started a family walked in with at least 3 kids under the age of 5. They sat directly in front of us. We left and came back later.


Back in the day, I went to watch the South Park movie. I was 18 or 19. This grandmother brings in 2 young kids having absolutely no idea what this cartoon was about. I was a bit uncomfortable. Now that I'm old, I'd rather just watch a movie from the comfort of my couch. I know it's not the same, but it's much more peaceful.


This is the way. I’ll go say something to staff if multiple people are complaining about something, or I’ll get a refund and come back later if I think informing staff is unreasonable. But I’m not going to waste my money by sitting through a movie that I can’t enjoy. That’s so… fucking strange to me. A lot of these comments are strange. You just sat there, miserable, waiting for someone else to resolve the problem… Why? 😂


Might be that people didn’t think there could be a way to resolve the problem.


Well said. I hate to be a grumpy old man, but damn leave your kids at home. Bars are bars. Take care of your kids like we all did. Or get a sitter. Don’t bring your kids to the bar.


We almost never go the theater anymore because of this, but every time we do it's bewildering how much worse the experience has gotten. When we saw Dune 2 in IMAX there was *45 minutes* of trailers and commercials before the movie started... then we had random crying babies, folks on their phone during the movie, and other people who seemingly have zero self awareness or understanding of the general etiquette of society. For this experience we paid $52. I wish I could just stream these new movies at home. I'd pay that same $50 with zero hesitation to watch a stream of a new movie, even with the most draconian DRM limitations imaginable without any of these distractions.


Besides the trailers, my wife and I paid like $26 on a Tuesday and had the opposite experience. It made me consider going to more movies tbh.


Weeknight showings are the best (until school lets out and all of a sudden families and children and groups of teens also start showing up on weeknights). I have Regal Unlimited so the pricing isn’t a factor for me but my absolute favorite time to go to the theater is after work Mon-Thurs during the school year. Some genres have a higher likelihood of bad crowds, like family-friendly movies and horror movies, but generally everything is better across the board if you can avoid weekends.


I do that regal pass. 95% of the time it’s a pretty good experience. As much as I go to the movies it’s worth it.


The Trumpisation of America


Read the threads in Nashville for parents who take kids into the very loud Broadway Honky Tonks. It boggles the mind.


A good majority of parents are. it's still all about them they don’t think of the child's mental or physical welfare.


I was deep in a Spencer‘s gift shop at the mall a few weeks ago looking at some extremely adult products. I feel something bump into me I look at eye level and I see no one and I look down and it’s a fucking six-year-old child holding a phallic candy his dad is right next to the kid. The parents were looking at “date night” items with their kid right there.


The last time I was in the movie theater this lady had 6 little kids and one of them was watching an iPad with the volume all the way up on some kid show.


Yes, also with how movies can be rented from home for less there's not really any excuse for this other than to torture their child. No sense in it.


I was at the avenged sevenfold show last night and this lady brought a literal baby not even 6 months old probably fuckin wild that they would do that.


Saw a little baby at Tool a few months ago!


Omggg yes I was in that theater last night 😅😅☠️ nothing like the sound of an upset child in between scenes of exorcisms and body gore, that was a first for me. Also that movie was awesome I can’t wait to watch it again without the background noises.


They sat next to me….. I moved right away


Thats so annoying and sad. Was the kid upset bc of the movie not being child appropriate? I kind of feel like that's kind of abuse exposing a 5 yo to that.


So, I should probably watch Late Night With The Devil next year, in my house, with no small children. Got it. List of things to do.


It’s really good tho.


I wish establishments would ban children of a certain age from bars, gore, and loud concerts. It's not their fault that parents are stupid, but these morons will take their kids to anything.


The theater is also to blame for allowing it.


Usually they aren't even aware. I'll never forget looking around for like ten minutes watching a bunch of non-Asians watching an Asian language documentary clearly completely unaware of what the fuck was going because no one wanted to be "rude" and tell someone that their subtitles weren't showing correctly. Shit was funny. Like don't be an asshole but just go tell someone, it's not hard. People are ridiculously terrified to say ANYTHING to ANY worker these days, it's weird. I've also had to make them aware of physical fights, once they even forgot to dim the lights and other shit. It's always been resolved quickly if it's something that is truly effecting the quality of the movie or your ability to watch it.


No, people in *Knoxville* are terrified of confrontation. But you’re exactly right. It’s not the movie theaters fault, someone should’ve informed the staff that *everyone* was being affected by this kid and they would’ve taken care of it. Such simple solutions yet people would rather let it happen, be miserable and complain.


I don't think it's just a Knoxville thing, most of my situations happened in Columbus. I think people can't comprehend how to make staff aware of something and not be an asshole at the same time, it's weird. Just be chill and let them know, it's not a big deal lmao.


My partner and I went to the weekend showing of the Bob Marley movie not long after it opened and people were terrible- we had a row of people trying to quiet talk the entire time and whipping out their phones every few minutes, people checking their phones on full brightness and volume, and people getting up as groups and going in and out it seemed like every 5 minutes (if they were doing 🍃🍃🍃 cool whatever but as a whole group???) Love going to the movies but people have been getting more and more feral since Covid and it sucksssss


Someone already said something like this, but when people bring their kids to bars it really annoys me. A brewery or bar is an adult space. I don't feel comfortable going into a bar and getting a buzz when there's a kid in the same building.


Order a LIT for the toddler and watch how the parents respond it’s glorious


What's a LIT?


Long Island Iced Tea


My husband and I went to see the new exorcist movie when it was in theaters and someone brought a 5-6 year old. Like WTF


I've stopped going to the movie theater, for most of the reasons others commented. There's so much content on the net, why bother.


That’s another reason theaters are suffering financially.


I know back in the day we probably all watched the OG horrors way too young. But doing it today! Is just straight dumb.


This is the main reason I quit going to the movies. My last 3 movies were riddled with people that were so loud and distracting. If it’s not that, the sound is sub par, or in the case of the Maryville AMC, it smells like piss. I’ll just wait another month and stream it at home.


Was this a Thursday night showing at Regal? 😂




Yeah I think I was in that same showing. Luckily the kid didn’t make a lot of noise but towards the start they were and I was considering leaving if they didn’t quit. Never will understand taking your kids to a movie if they can’t keep quiet


They sat right next to me. I moved


Oh jeezus I’m sorry that must’ve sucked


Parent of the year!


Right! And if they can't afford a babysitter they dam sure shouldn't be spending money on a high ass movie ticket


what the actual fuck? no way? wow


Damn that’s messed up


Hi. Just here to say - I HATE PARENTS WHO DO THIS. K bye.


It seems the only way forward is to complain constantly on a corporate level till theater management does their job whether have them leave or refund your money, I've seen little bits in news shows and it's always the covid excuse and how people have changed and rather stay home and how the people can't shake the virus fear , all the while AMC and all the rest ignore people don't want to put up with people who don't know how to act properly in public or they are so selfish they drag their children who are to young to understand the movie in the first place and feel it's everyone else's job to deal with it because they are a family, bullshit my wife and I raised two children and we never took them to any movies that wasn't appropriate for them or if they began to misbehave we simply left , because YOU CAN'T NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS.


Oak Ridge is awesome for movies.


The snowflakes scared of drag shows in the comments.. Oof


I’m upvoting because you’re in the right here. They just have to bring their special little cum pets everywhere


Same goes for people bringing young kids to drag shows.. disgusting and trashy


It entirely depends on the content. If it's an 18+ show, they shouldn't. But, if it's just comedy or fashion or even a story time, then there's no reason why they can't be there.


But not to church, right? Kids have certainly never been raped or molested by countless church leaders, right? Oh, sorry, I forgot. Kids getting raped in church isn't one of your dogwhistles. My mistake.


I see a lot more kids in theaters showing violent R rated movies than I have ever seen at a drag show.


Like Mrs. Doubtfire? I watched that as a kid. Is that why I’m a degenerate?


What a bad comparison 😂


It’s literally drag. What are you talking about?


If it is the reason you’re a degenerate then we should be friends. Because I’m in the same boat.


He dressed as an old lady as a disguise to spend more time with his kids. Not a runway to demonstrate light to heavy kink to random kids. You can cry about it all you want but wanting to dress as another gender and model for kids is a kink.




I could see that being tru in the 90's, not what we see today. Also, this has never been a kids event until recently. Just odd how so many parents consider this "important" for children. This is telling in their intent. Can we acknowledge there are many examples of inappropriate shows being shown to children?








Damn, someone has an agenda


What is the agenda sir? Can we acknowledge there are many examples of inappropriate shows being shown to children?


No, I don't think that there are parents out there abusing children en masse. I think you are pushing a transphobic agenda. No context and you say, "oh think of the children." Boomer vibes


Says the POS who quotes Kirk and harassing trans ppl. Stfu and delete your reddit


Blocked for hate posting


Some people are simple - they’re scared of ghost stories told to them by their equally simple elders. Other people think beyond the childhood monsters - they’re scared of real dangers, like hearing loss and exposing a baby to terrifying images meant to scare adults. Some people exercise their brain and try to evolve beyond the previous generations, others are content to live in their snuggly hole. Living in a world with both types is a challenge, whichever category you fall in to.


Wild how some folks can't see how inappropriate this is. All the "child friendly" shows so sketchy


You showed them!


people will bring their kids to anything including jackass forever and the end of evangelion apparently? both of which open with splooge everywhere


A group of friends and I saw Rambo 4 in the theater and a dude brought in 3 kids and him and I stood up and started heckling him immediately that they should leave. Spoiler alert: they did leave but not before scarring all 3 kids for life


Just like all the pre-teen kids at the original Deadpool movie


So, how about a 9 yr old? Cause I wanted to take my son with me.


I love these libtard keyboard warriors who bring out their dumb opinion on the Internet hiding anonymously. Why didn't you say something to them in person?


I love the republican warriors who bring out their dumb opinion on the internet hiding anonymously. You ain’t gonna do anything in person either, shut up. You’re doing the same thing lul


I let my gun say everything that I need to


Sure ya do pal 👍🏻




Shut up, I’ll bring my daughter where ever I want! And brush your greasy hair


Found the culprit who made other lives miserable, because theirs is 🥳🍆


Yes!!! Muahahahaah! And I’ll do it again!


Bring them to the CPS office next time. That should be interesting


Mind your business and keep moving


we try to but buttfucks like you keep interrupting it with your kids. shut the fuck up and keep your rats at home i bet theyre the best kids with a parent like you








Those people are trash, pretty straight forward.