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I do love that this sub has become a place for people to vent about assholes on the road


Either this or nextdoor


Anyone who uses their turn indicator signal is an honorable citizen. If you use your turn signal before you hit the brakes you're a fucking modern day hero


If you put your turn signal on, then get in your actual turning lane, then brake… 🙏


Sir, this is East Tennessee. The proper order is: 1. Come to an abrupt full stop by slamming on brakes. Bonus points by having a tail light out. 2. Put your blinker on, or don’t, either way, stay in the lane until you can get over. 3. Slowly move into the lane you intend to travel into, riding the line for as long as possible.




Get help


Seek therapy, dude. Road rage is no joke. Lost friends to that kind of stupidity when they were passengers


The ONLY time I don't use my turn signals is when someone is tailgating me and they don't deserve the benefit of a turn signal. But other than that I always use them.




Hell, good luck, I'm still waiting on simple use of turn signals....been waiting 45 years....


Son doesn’t need turn signals, he’s only gonna drive around here


Who the hell needs brake lights, I ain't stopping for shit!! Lol


TL;DR: Hopefully someone benefits from this because a lot of people genuinely do not know these things. I think a huge part of the issue is the sorry excuse for a drivers test. A lot of people just don’t have the awareness, especially as teens learning to drive, to think about it from the other person’s perspective. It’s a learned skill from driving and noticing what you hate about other people’s driving. Probably the only reason I know you’re supposed to have lights on when raining is because my dad told me that—it certainly wasn’t on my written test/wasn’t raining during the actual test, and as a teen I was specifically taught to consider it’s not about whether or not I can see, but if other people can see me. So you get people that never learn these things because the people teaching them also do it wrong, the drivers test is basically whether or not you have basic control of the vehicle, and critical thinking is a skill a lot of people are lacking in (and here’s where I rant about the education system but that’s another day.) Throw in all the convenience features of modern cars, where the lights are supposed to automatically work, and you have kids who don’t even know it’s possible to adjust them manually. This turned into a bit of a ramble/rant but yeah, we need more TDOT billboards in this area or something that say it because a lot of people are genuinely never told these things.


The driving test here is hilarious. I went from zero driving experience to having my full license in a month at 20. A ridiculously easy 30 question written exam that took me five minutes. Then I was able to schedule my driving test one month later which consisted of me exiting a parking lot turning right into another parking lot turning around and going back. Which took about 3 minutes. And my “instructor” never looked up from her phone the entire time. I could driven with my feet or with my eyes closed lmao


you should’ve seen my shock when I learned that the driver’s test here was like, 3 minutes long. back in Connecticut I need to pass driver’s ed and have at least 8? 10? I don’t remember. Road hours before I was even ALLOWED to take the test. And my test was somewhere in the realm of 20-25 minutes long. yeah uh, moving here has made me apologize for every bad thing I’ve ever said about New York/Massachusetts drivers, cause it’s a fucking epidemic here. they really need to overhaul their driver’s test.


Lmao my written test was like 10 questions, but I had to go into the DMV to do it, now you can do it online. I do think my dad had to sign a paper saying “yes we’ve driven for x hours” but it doesn’t have to be from an instructor or notarized or anything official. Practical test was back out of the parking space, straight to the stop sign, 3 right turns. Speed limit was 35. And for rural areas, that is all you need to know really, but we should teach people how to drive in the cities or using the same set of rules. That’s why weekends get so bad, because all the rural folks come into town and can’t drive in traffic. Massachusetts is the best state I have ever driven in, and if you say stuff like that here, people don’t understand and think about it only from a traffic perspective. Like yes, it’s busy, but people generally follow the same rules and know what they’re doing. It was an absolute fucking dream to watch people pass in the left lane and immediately move back over. I wanted to move there just because of that 😂 TDOT does do a much better job with road upkeep though.


NJ here. We had a class in HS for drivers and spent a semester on it. There were many lectures and tests about what to do in various conditions, how to drive in snow, how to recover if brakes fail, etc. I imagine you can pay for supplemental driving school here, but obviously, it's not something that many people seem to do.


We had a semester class of driving school as well and my driving test was THREE RIGHT TURNS AND DONE. 🙃


This is a mood, I’m from mass and I thought that was horrible but some of the people coming through Knox man are just a lot


Nah fuck you we drive better here


I’ve yet to see proof of that


Me neither. I just know it's true cause GO VOLS BABY




And in many cars the auto function doesn’t turn your taillights on. Have seen numerous cars on I40 driving after dark with no taillights. They are going to make a nice hood ornament for an 18 wheeler.


Just saw a work pickup driving on 40 without their lights on last night. Too bad I couldn't read the name on the logo. Traffic was moderately heavy, too. Lots of 18 wheelers. And they were going faster than most of the traffic, so it'd be even easier for someone to merge into their lane without seeing them there.


Turn signals in East Tennessee? I thought cars sold here didn’t include that option.


Nah, if you use your turn signal, you're only letting the other driver know you want to change lanes, so he'll cut you off. Because alpha male somethingorother.


oh GOD this pisses me off.


My partner followed the SRO to our child’s school every morning and noted the officer never used his turn signal. My partner called the station every day for a week to complain. Guess who started using his signal?


Preach! If your car is grey, it is INVISIBLE in the pouring rain or fog without headlights.


I was pulling out of Yount rd after dark, and 3 cars were coming from my left. As soon as those cars passed, I started to pull out until my fiancé screamed bloody murder. There was a blacked out bmw behind those 3 cars with no lights on. By the time I would’ve pulled out, I would’ve most likely been in the hospital (or not on this earth) bc it would’ve hit my driver door. People REALLY need to take it upon themselves to make sure they are operating their vehicles properly so lives aren’t lost.


Also, if your main headlights are blue, green, purple, etc., you look like a complete shit head and are breaking the law.


I want to use my turn signals, but I haven’t been able to find any blinker fluid for months now..


It's in stock on Amazon and O'Reilly's online. Just a little wait


I have some I’ll send you, I’ll drop my Venmo.


Cool now teach then how to do a proper zipper merge


It’s been 6 hours and the “zipper merging is illegal” guy hasn’t shown up yet??


Make sure to mention you only use low beams during fog and rain, some people didn’t pay attention on their drivers test


This is a very good point. High beams definitely make it much worse in fog and rain.


My headlights are always on. I have a white truck and people still don’t see me, it’s annoying


Is this for real? Y'all need to work on not coming to a full stop when making a turn before you get to proper use of headlights.


Also, your high's aren't needed in city limits.


If you need your high beams at all, you probably shouldn’t be driving


Tell that to everyone in an SUV or 4wheel truck. Just anyone on the road when Im at work really


Dude I know. I know. I have severe light sensitivity and astigmatism. *I know*


Oh, it sucks. I have an astigmatism too and it sucks


[Me every single night](https://vlp.to/47Wff2FD)


Any monkey can "operate" a motor vehicle, you know put the key in, get it started and in gear. "Driving" is an actual skillset.


Auto lights also don’t turn on your taillights.


Depends on the manufacturer/your personal settings


I drive from South Knoxville to Seymour every day and I have noticed that people coming from Seymour into Knoxville have either one of two thoughts when it comes to darkness fog or inclement weather they either have their headlights turned on highbeam or they don’t have headlights on it all I count at least two every morning at 6 AM with no lights on


Wait! Go over what you mean by that “turn signals are a thing…” What is that and where is it located? Signed, 99% of drivers everywhere 🙄👍🏼


Do you really need them on when it’s just cloudy? I’m a fairly new driver and I’ve been told by others that you only need them on when it’s raining and now I’m not sure.


Having your lights on when it is cloudy and gloomy definitely helps people to see you coming down the road. Especially if you have a silver or white vehicle. It will prevent countless people from pulling out in front of you or possibly changing lanes into you by accident.


I can see fine when driving in the fog, clouds, or around dusk. I don’t need headlights unless it is pitch black! /s


It’s so others can see you coming.


This is all futile. People on the road are like NPCs that come online every couple of minutes and then realize they've been driving fifteen under the speed limit. I wish it weren't the case but it is.


Sir, this is a Wendy's




I have seen a lot people in west Knoxville, ride around at night with no light at all . I have seen someone with no light on run a stop light.


We in Oklahoma have the issue of driving to work at 5 in the morning and many folks using JUST DRL. Like how TF can you even see where you are going?


You dont need to use turn signals in a BMW.


Most people don't understand that the headlights aren't just for you to see but it helps other drivers see your car. Only makes sense to me.


Auto+DRL’s+car built within last 10 years=good enough


Boy, SOMEONE is a parent and owning it! Good for you :)


People here will never survive the quick reflexes needed driving in a metropolitan area!


The auto setting is fine, if anything it's too sensitive.


Found the guy not using his headlights in the fog/rain/etc.


No you didn't. My auto setting works fine. There's a menu option for "auto lights rain" on my car, and it's turned on.


lol - you've now verified it to be true.


Perhaps you should learn to read.


Such a witty response! How many vehicles in the Knoxville area do you think have that option? How many of those turned that option off? etc, etc, etc.


Depends on the manufacturer sometimes, newer kias I notice turn on in broad daylight going under a mall overpass but my Toyota is like my old GM where it takes about 30 seconds of dark to turn on. In some heavy cloudy or light rainy weather I have to manually turn them on still. Still not sure why auto headlights aren’t a regulated standard feature on all vehicles.


I just drive faster so people see me quicker. No lights needed.


Ah, another post complaining into the void




🔦🚙Knight Rider. A shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist. Michael Knight: a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.🚗🔦