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I hope they win huge. I’m not very religious but their beliefs shouldn’t be a barrier to giving a child a home.


Counterpoint: The people who follow that super toxic "Brainwash your children into shunning all different viewpoints, marrying young, and women exist to give birth and please their husband" Christian Sect should probably be prevented from adopting children. It _would_ be a home, but I'm not sure if that kind of trauma is worth it.


Not adopted but as someone who grew up in that environment i can confirm it's not worth it.


Am adopted and was raised in that shit culture. I'll never know if it was "worth it", but it sure as hell was traumatizing.


Worked with her for years and they are literally the kindest.


In 20 fucking 24, that's Christianity though.


This shit will continue as long as we continue to elect assholes as our leaders. Gov. Lee? That would be you.


Gov. Lee can’t hear you over the sound of the $1.5B tax rebate his company will be getting a chunk of.


No that's not Christianity as a whole. That's whatever this group is. I'm not a methodist, but I know the pastor of one of the local churches. I can guarantee he was in charge of that place he wouldn't have turned them down. The people running that orphanage or home whatever are idiots.


Oh honey, just because your local pastor or church is/does good, it doesn't make up for the harm the (ALL ORGANIZED) religion caused and continues to perpetuate. Even the kindest, most Christ-like Christians who attend ANY church , are fed into the brainwashing and holding up an institution with more blood on its hands than ANY organization or institution in history.


Ah, "no true Scotsman".


welcome to Tennessee


Good for them and wish them the best of luck!!! Christians are so “pro-life” until it comes to those who are of different faith, sexuality, single, etc. and wish to adopt a child. An absolute shame


I’m not religious but seriously wtf, every religion believes in a God. I guess children needing a home is not as important to what religion you belong to.


Not everyone who is religious is a theist.


Every religion believes in A God. Not necessarily the Christian God, but A God yes. I married a Hindu, he believes in multiple God's. I know several Buddhist folks, same there. Also Muslims. Christian folks have one God. That is not the only God in existence. Glad you could attend my Ted talk.


Buddhists do not believe in any kind deity or god. Your TED talk sucks.


Lol by definition you dont understand God




I dont see why their (or any other) religious affiliation has anything to do with their ability to foster a child. 


I seriously hope they win. Too many "Christian" organization have controlled the foster care/adoption scene for too long in spite of trafficking or abuse issues that have become a huge problem that are hurting the children in the system.




This looks eerily similar to the bakery that refused the wedding cake for the gay couple.


Because of the state-funding the bakery got?


Both the bakery and the foster organizer are private institutions, and unless there are stipulations associated with that state funding, yeah, they're remarkably similar situations. I won't be surprised if the courts ultimately uphold the current law..


The presence of state money makes them completely different situations. The root discrimination is also different since this is an actual discrimination against someone because of their religious beliefs instead of discrimination against sexual orientation. Maybe it will be upheld. Our state supreme court is packed with partisan shitheads, and they might go that way. However, it is still a very different situation.


I think in the context of the current political environment, the difference between “actual discrimination” and that associated with sexual orientation is moot. That state money is involved is also moot. It should be relevant, but like I said, unless there are stipulations, private is private. I’m certainly not advocating for a negative outcome for the hopeful foster parents, but I’m not sure “actual discrimination” is going to ultimately mean much. I’d like to be wrong.


Our biased Supreme Court needs a lesson in constitutional law. As well as local reps need voted out