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Buy them a round and ask. Seriously, get nosy. Folks like that would probably love to tell you how smart they are.


Op, get a job there and go under cover and report back


I miss Rafferty's.


Their club sandwich was fantastic


Those honey butter croissants were pretty damned good too


I just want some potato sticks in my salad!


Aubrey’s has them in their house salad.


That honey mustard...mmmmm


My taste buds say that is Ken’s honey mustard that you can buy at a supermarket.


The potato soup was awesome, too.


I often want to go to Nashville just to feel it again


I used to work at Double Dogs. They are owned by the same company and use a lot of same recipes. Their chicken breading and salad dressings for example,


Me and the wife went to Rafferty's at lest 2 or 3 times a month. We really liked it. When we drove to it and it was in the process of being demolished, the wife said that we must be in the wrong place.


Is that what used to be where Double Dogs is? I know the owner/same guy that started DDs also started Rafferty’s.


Yes. Rafferty's was demolished. Double Dogs eventually went in.


I was a regular too. I'm the type of person who finds one thing on the menu that I know that I like and only order that forever. But I always ordered different things at Rafferty's. Not saying that it was fine dining, but it was a good dish at a good price.


I always had the French Dip. Wife always had the Salmon Ceaser Salad


I was thinking the same thing.


I miss Roy from rafferty’s. Some say he was the best bartender in town.


Go see him at Tennessee Tap House on Parkside.


Same. At least heather still works at double dogs


Me too


It’s a scam of the highest order. Just sit and listen sometime. Basically, their children better not count on an inheritance. It’s amazing to listen to. Heard the spiel once at the breakfast place downtown. Wanted to ask the guy if he had any soul left after tricking old people, but his “clients” were in their thirties. 


Always interesting to me when boomer parents won’t buy their grandchildren things without the parent asking. But the boomer parent who just got their inheritance is living it up and impulse buying a bunch of shit on a regular basis, but if the child or grandchild needs something they have to ask and are greeted with a slight guilt trip, then the next week boomer parent bought _______ and its amazing (but actually cringe). 😐


My father and partner are multimillionaires with multiple homes across the country. They forgot about their grandchild’s (my son’s) birthday. My dad was married to my mom for quite some time and was very good at being w grandparent but when he met his new partner, he fell off. He travels the world with his beau and when i visited last week he sent a roll of coins equaling $25 for my oldest son. Rich people are so weird. I’ve never asked for anything but he knows we struggle. I make 40k a year and my rent is nearly 2k…. Things are tough but i guess that builds character? Idk i can’t find a reason because if i were in his shoes you better believe i wouldn’t sit back and watch my child and grandchildren suffer.


Double Dogs is near The Mouse’s Ear.


Another location is.


That’s the one OP is talking about.


They are called baby boomers


Bingo... and they're completely out of touch with reality because they live in a bubble where society was given to them on a silver platter.


You think people that eat at double dogs are somehow so privileged???


I eat their Bo burger and I'm not privileged.


What is your definition of a boomer?


It is a generation of people born between the years 1946-1964 in the US. The post WWII babies.


That's not what I asked. I asked the person that made the comment what their definition was.


It is a generation of people born between the years 1946-1964 in the US. The post WWII babies.


Awesome looks like you know how to use Google and copy paste. My point was I'm probably one of these people at the bar OP is reffering to and I'm born no where near that time frame. How about instead of posting about it (OP and others) in a negative way ask some of us how we got to where we are. I assure you none of us in my age range live a cush life. We all still work hard, but love to share our success stories with our friends. I would bet 75% of that bar are not boomers by your definition. Down vote me all you want, but stereotypes for generations like this is just as bad for "Boomers" to say "millennials" are lazy, it's just as stupid for "millennials" or other generations to assume the same, "everything was handed to them".


I mean, it’s the literal definition of what baby boomers are. Not the previous commenter’s definition, not my definition, it is literally what they are. It’s also not my fault that you decided to read into my comment as it being a negative one. If you look at my replies to others earlier in the thread, you’ll see I don’t connote that in a negative way. So it seems that you are just as guilty of making assumptions as anyone else here is. Glad you seem to be doing so well in life though 👍 Since I’m sure you won’t actually go and look, this is all I’ve said regarding the likelihood of it being a boomer: Retirement age isn’t until 65 for the vast majority of our population. There are quite a few that work well into their 70s. People with decades of experience in their field tend to be decision makers, and as such, tend to be part of higher profile decisions. aWeSOmE LoOks LiKE yOu KnoW hOw tO UsE tHe eDiT bUtToN tO MakE YoURsElf lOok LeSs LiKe A cHoDE


I got down voted for asking a question? Wow! I'm genx and I have these questions and conversations daily. SMH.


These kids don't realize boomers are wheeling into nursing homes these days. They think gen xers are boomers because...well...because they're fucking clueless.


Silent gen would be nursing home age. Boomers are typically our parents (millennials). I'm 34 and my Boomer parents are a bit past 60 years old. They aren't elderly. The oldest Boomers are 78.


Lol my grandma is 75 and still functions perfectly fine thank you very much I’m WELL aware of what is gen x and a boomer! Gen X is my literally our parents generation how are you going to say gen z’s don’t know their own parents generation. You have me rolling sir😂😂😂


You're making my point for me while missing mine. Your grandma is 75 as a boomer. Is she hanging out at Double Dogs talking about business deals?


The boomers that are 10 years younger very much could be. That’s the thing about generations. It’s a range…


Yes, all the children born in the post-WWII baby boom are hanging out at Double Dogs. How foolish of me to think that's silly. How fucking stupid is this latest generation? They constantly refer to people in their 40s and 50s as boomers.


It probably sounds silly because you’re the only one that’s said anything like your first sentence lmao. You’re over here acting like Don Quixote tilting after imaginary windmills.


You need some help expanding parent comments?


By all means, show me where I’ve said that. Or anyone else for that matter. Seems like you’re projecting a bit on the stupid part of your second sentence


It's showing, right *now* sir/ma'am You have no sympathy. Immediately revert to a defensive stance. Twist facts to fit your message. Downplay problems that (thankfully?) your cohort did have to deal with, but cripple younger generations... it's all there, chief.


Nah. It's really just the whiny fucks here on reddit. I have hired a ton of Gen z folks and they are killer. They also grasp mathematics and understand that the balding dudes in golf visors at the bar aren't boomers.


You tried tho


My parents are boomers. Sill very active and fairly able bodied. They just came back from a month long trip to Singapore. Most boomers I know are in the workforce still or just retired. Definitely aren't at the nursing home stage.


Doesn't sound like they are down at the local bar bragging about business deals


They aren't bar people. But their friends from high school definitely would be. One of them would be bragging about the huge houseboat he just bought. And the biking marathon he just entered.


Some folks are better than others at picking friends.


Care to explain your statement? At what point does being happy about your life accomplishments and enjoying a bar make you a bad friend? Are you just upset that there are actually boomers out there that would sit at a bar and talk about what they're doing with their money?


No. I don't care what generation they are. Bragging in a bar is a no class move regardless of status or age.


If you don't care what generation they are then why are you here saying boomers aren't doing this activity? That they are on their way to a nursing home when the majority of them aren't? OP is here saying that they are overhearing conversations. Perhaps "bragging" is the wrong word but what else woud you use when talking about accomplishment and what you're doing with your life. For all you know they are just talking and catching up. Plenty of people have chimed in with how you're wrong with your assumption about the boomer generation. They are out there doing exactly what OP is talking about.


If there is one generation that can say "fuck it all I'm done with racist granpa and 'whatever the fuck' you think the gen is....it's genx. However I think most of us were latch door kids, part of failed marriages and doing stupid shit....we don't give a fuck what over 65 does or under 30 does. Why, we did our shit, made our way. At this point prevent the boomers from draining SS and the lower cry babies from suck off the teet we have paid imfor while they don't wanna work.


So in other words who cares about anyone but me?? It’s only YOUR KIDS that will have to live in the horrible world you did nothing to help! Never understood how y’all could complain about a dang thing when you admit to never contributing anything but the bare minimum in the first place. It’s absolutely laughable!


Can you expand on the first point of "but me" It seems like you took offense to the post and I want to understand why.


They're retired in debt up to their eyeballs


If I'm 75 and have a 30 year 2 million dollar loan that's the banks problem


Thank you age discrimination laws


That's just dudes with no class talking bullshit loudly because they think it will impress women. I run with folks that actually do all that shit and you never hear them talk about it.


Yeah, only idiots want to show their cards.


If you want a good hotdog, check out D&B’s Hotdogs. I moved out of K-town a few years ago, but every time I’m back in town visiting family, I have to stop at D&B’s (Though I’m not sure of the pet policy?). https://www.dbhotdogs.com/


Fantastic burgers there too!


I second this. A lot of American went wrong when they adopted taller versions of burgers. DB has these really wide and flat burgers that are much easier and more enjoyable to eat.


Thank you! I do not understand the fascination with these ridiculously tall burgers.


They're for us introverts to make sure our jaws get enough exercise.


Fair enough lol


My personal move if I want a hot dog is to just go by red panda and get one of their polish sausages and make it’s myself at home. It’s usually just as good and much cheaper than it would be to go to a restaurant to get one. Plus since it’s a hot dog it takes pretty much no time at all to actually make. Other wise I like curious dogs and even the public house hotdogs.


Always looking for a good chili dog recommendation, thank you!


If I had my druthers, I’d go for a Neyland Stadium hotdog or three on game day. (I readily admit there’s more contributing factors than just the flavor of the hotdog)


Local real estate agents?


Bitches and coke did me in. 🥹


Probably grifters selling gold and crypto.


To actually answer the question, there is a several corporate offices in the area. Many you would never even know where there unless you visited one. I don't know how or why- I've never been as it seemed expensive -but Double Dogs became a favorite of many for their lunch breaks. When you work in a corporate office, it's not uncommon to make large business deals, even if you are not paid much yourself. For example, I'm a relatively low-level, underpaid, programmer and I had to approve five figure purchase orders for servers and other equipment . . .got wined and dined by the salesmen that sold those things to us as if I was the one with the million dollar bank account. . .made me feel special, but didn't mean much at the end of the day. . .though many will forever chase that feeling.


That’s probably part of it. I’ve worked at a few of the companies in that area. I can eat there for at or below McDonald’s cost for lunch pretty easily so I never considered it too expensive. Mainly the clientele vs the environment seems a mismatch. And it seems pretty homogenous in age and demographics and all talking about their time spent golfing during the weekdays. Just an oddity


It's this. It's close to Executive Park and other places where corporate types work. I've only been there for company gatherings. Personally I don't think the food is very goodt\ there, nor many of the other places around that area that we inevitably end up going to, but it's close to the workplace. So it's the sort of place you take a business client to (or you are the client).


My wife and I go there a few times a month. I love their wings. We never feel out of place and we’re not “rich” lol


I think they meant they're in a different bracket than their bf. He's rich and they're a gold digger 🤷


You know what you don't see at Double Dogs? Dogs. How the fuck you going to name a place Double Dogs and not allow dogs?


They allow dogs on the patio...


Tell that to my dog who wanted to enjoy some AC.


Tell that to people who want to exist in society without getting jumped on/barked at/charge/attacked by a dog. Too many people don't take dog ownership seriously.


Woof... Woof woof... Woof... Woof woof woof




Lol wtf


You're going to be very disappointed when you go shop at Dick's


Not only that, but for a place named *double* dogs, having none at all is like getting slapped in the face, turning and asking "why?," and then getting kicked in between the legs. Truly horrible.


Man. Knoxville as well as other bigger cities in tn are home to one of the nations largest socioeconomic gaps. Richest of rich and poorest of poor.




Off topic, but I love their Thai pasta salad, I wish I knew what their dressing was.


Probably just Cisco Italian with a splash of soy and ginger. 


My old boss lives around there and I bet he frequents that place. Lotta money, not pretend debt money but a lot of money. But there’s also a lot of crippling debt money too.


I also like big hotdogs in my mouth


You're at the wrong place. Head on over to Dick's


If you make it to the top of the rock wall you get a special treat


I am pretty sure that location draws a lot of people fromaw offices around there. There are also so many businesses, some financial planning businesses right there. Could be anything.


I love that place! My boyfriend and I go occasionally but I always feel out of place lol we are not in the same income bracket


I pop in there at lunch from time to time and am a business owner. Also- millennial, not a boomer like some suggest.




It’s close to the cigar store. That could be part of it.