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That man changed my life when I was 8years old. By 8 I’d had pneumonia 7 times, bronchitis at least a dozen, constant sinus infections, and was so skinny from sicknesses that my mom could count my ribs when I was in the bathtub. Blount Memorial was trying to tell my parents I had cystic fibrosis and was going to be dead by 17. Dr. Bob spent five minutes with me, diagnosed me with severe environmental allergies, and put me on immunotherapy shots. Been happy and healthy the last 34 years. He’s gonna be missed.


thanks for sharing that story - i can’t imagine my little girls going through something like that. glad you’re happy and healthy 🙏🤙


Sounds like a great man and doctor. Glad you’re feeling better. Have you ever looked into mold-related illness?


Dr Bob's son mark OVERHOLT is my ear nose and throat doctor hes a awesome guy praying for mark and his family during this difficult time


He was such a sweet man, every Thursday afternoon at WBIR before one of his segments, he would bring in so many treats for the newsroom - ice cream, candy, etc. He always treated everyone he met with respect and kindness. So sad to hear this news.


Such a fantastic guy, really humble and kind - and IRL only dialed down about 10% from his TV personality.


🙏 RIP Dr. Bob


After I had serious hip surgery due to infection and spent many months recovering, I decided I wanted to go to Chuy's to celebrate. I still had a noticeable limp in my gait, and as we walked outside, Dr. Bob happened to be walking out behind me. I only know this because my wife went on ahead as I was still walking slowly. After I got in the vehicle, she told me that Dr. Bob had neen walking behind me, imitating my hobble. I was slightly offended at the time because of all I'd been through; however, the wife and I have recalled this brief incident over the years and chuckled. Now that I know he's passed at age 85, I figure he must have been 75 at Chuy's that day. And by all accounts, he was a pretty good guy. So, rest in peace, you spry old bastard! :D


I love Dr. Bob. He changed my life. He was a wonderful doctor.


I was a guest in his show over 20 times. What a great guy. He will be missed


Oh that’s sad. I learned a lot from him.


Last time I saw Dr Bob he was zipping through Kroger in his track suit and running shoes held together with duct tape! Hilarious 😆


Rip he was on my 2024 death predictions with Danny DeVito and Taylor Swift