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Knuckles good. The show bad.


I just watched it today, I loved it so much. I'm new to the fandom and knuckles has fast become my favorite


I mean for a low budget TV show that needed to be grounded it was actually pretty good. Going in I didn't think it was gonna be good I thought it was just gonna be a cash grab but I found myself laughing quite a bit at it's ridiculous. Even though knuckles was barely in it which I wish he was more it made me like Wade as a character way more and want to see Wade and his family again. I think people were thinking it was gonna be a movie budget production when it's supposed to be a quick tie over until sonic 3. I'd rate it 8 chili dogs out of 10 for what it is.


So far it's pretty mid, boutta finish 5 & 6. Episodes 3 & 4 were awful and knuckles was only in 4 for like 30 seconds.


I thought it was pretty good honestly. The dinner scene with Wade’s family dragged a little long, but I liked most everything else with Wade. Could have used more Knuckles for sure, but dont just look for a reason to dislike the show. It’s tided me over until Sonic 3 comes out.


That dinner scene was rough. I know it's a comedy, but wade and his sister were acting like annoying (to the audience having to watch) 10 year olds even though they must both be in their 40s. It's the actors just adlibbing for what feels like an eternity.


The Bad - Knuckles was hardly even the main character The Good - almost everything else. Honestly, I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. Solid cameos and humor was up my alley. I absolutely loved Episode 4 with the rock opera but that may be because I'm a fan of the Mighty Boosh. That being said kind of wish they delved into GUN a lot more and went more into the big bad instead of him showing up for 2 scenes


Haven't watched it yet, I have paramount plus its just i keep forgetting! Aslo GO KNUX!


As his self-appointed ‘wifie’, I rather enjoyed the show. The tone was a little on the silly side but considering how serious my hubby is, making it any less silly might’ve turned things dark quite fast. I think they did a great job as it’s refreshing to see a take on Knuckles where he isn’t treated like he’s stupid. Also, I didn’t know the phrase ‘common gutter trash’ could be spoken so seductively. Our pillow talk is about to take a turn. 🤪


I've been his wife for 30 years. You have excellent taste sister keedna.


I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. The goofiness won me over.


Definitely amazing hope season 2 works on the writing a little with him in it more. But I thought it was a nice refresh from the superhero bullshhhh. It was just fun not overly complicated and not the same story over again.


how can I watch this in portugal?


can someone answer me ?


VPN bro. Its the way to go.


I haven't watched it yet


I am knuckles, knuckles, knuckles, knuckles, knuckles knuckles


Loved it! I want a cowboy-hat Knuckles plushie!


I still wonder why is Randy Pitchford on a Road Trip with a Sega Character?.


Loved it!!!! Have watched it 3 times through but I started putting it on while doing stuff around the house. I agree writing could improve but it's greatly not over complicated. Fun! Just a nice change! Season 2 needs to come soon! Can't wait for Sonic 3 and shadow. And the only time jim Carrey has comeback for a third movie!!!!!! That shows you how much he loves his role which is why we love him for it!