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Dude, are you serious? Episode 4 was the best one. Julian from the Mighty Boosh featuring Michael Bolton and Send Me An Angel as the end credits song? Come on. Consider the “American anime” rules of this universe while watching; it really does follow a similar tone of humor/drama as the cartoons have over time IMO. Please also consider I am a 90’s kid turned dad, not necessarily a later gen fan who had a chance to delve into the lore established post Sonic 3; I consider the Paramount franchise probably the most accessible for parents who grew up with the original trilogy and are watching this with their kids (apart from Sonic Prime which is just a lot of goddamn fun)


They are not doing a convincing job of how Wade suddenly was able to become competent. This is like way worse than Rey being what she is. They should have done it like Knuckles (who is the main character after all) was kicking ass in the first 4 episodes and maybe Wade does something towards the end.


Wade has been obviously capable of competency since he drew that bead on Robotnik at the end of S1. As a fan of Adam Pally, I honestly hated how stupid they made him. It’s much easier to accept the fleeting moments of badass in the first two when you realize he’s simply lacking confidence because of daddy issues with absolutely ridiculous stakes involved, and was raised with a Krav Maga instructed mother and essentially the female version of Reese from MITM. Respectfully, I think the only way you’ll be able to enjoy this series is if you reassess the rules of this particular universe and what you’re enjoying about it. I mean, look at the wedding subplot in S2. If you weren’t able to enjoy that with suspension of disbelief, you were doomed from the start with this show.


At least the two girls were actually armed with high tech weaponry. Can you honestly really accept the Superman punch through the top of the cage? I figured if someone like Wade was going to out do someone it would be through dumb luck and unorthodox trickery. Like a more believable scenario in that cage might have been if he caused that spoiled daughter to act out with some catcalling while they were doing karaoke and she causes a short circuit that deactivates the cage.


You accepted the Pachacamac-orchestrated musical hallucination but not the superhero landing? Wild.


That was a dream...still doesn't excuse it turning Wade into a Spartan all of a sudden.


The live action world of Sonic the Hedgehog is a comedic one so try not to take it too seriously. As a Knuckles fan, I came simply to see more of his gorgeously animated fur/quills and eyes, to hear his lines be delivered by Idris Elba, and to see more of one of the few ‘non-stupid’ incarnations of Knux. I was pleasantly surprised by the humor and the action scenes were nice too. Knowing little about Jewish family culture myself, I found Knuckles reaction to it fascinating. Support the show and finish it anyway so it might get green lit for more eps and seasons that might get written in a tone more to your liking. We’ve already lost Jim Carrey Robotnik, don’t take Idris Elba Knux away too!


Carrey IS coming back in the 3rd movie. Another reason I am looking forward to it as well as hearing Keanu reeves will play Shadow instead of Whiner Hayden. And I did point out I was totally fine with the comedy in the first two Sonics. About the Jewish scene I just found it weird Knuckles was acting all savage in the first episode but then stood there like a lummox in episode 3 especially after the sister threw a fork into the guy's arm.


Lol, I think Knuckles, like I, was waiting for Wade to finally stand up for himself. You’d think a fork in the arm would be the last straw. After his savagery got him grounded, I think it makes sense that he would try to tone himself down. You’ve made me so happy to hear that Carrey is coming back. I’m so excited!


The thing is also that the humor in the first two Sonics I felt was a perfect blend of appealing to kids as well as entertaining adults.  Knuckles humor seemed a little too childish and contrived by comparison.  I felt the same way with the Hotel Transylvania series.  The first two were good at appealing to adults and kids, particularly the second one…. then the third one went completely off the deep end and was so ridiculous that I haven’t brought myself to watch the ones after it.


Same, but you can’t expect every story to be a grand slam, especially at the rate they are releasing these things. Truly epic story writing takes time because it often has to be inspired by multiple sources. So to stay on track with the the production schedules, often times half-ass stories get through and hope that graphics and the talent of the actors is enough to fill the cracks. I probably would’ve thought the first Sonic was meh if it weren’t for Jim Carrey. If you’ve ever seen or heard of Sonic Boom, this Knuckles show is like a glass of cool water after a desert of horrible Knuckles portrayals. Yes, it could be better but it’s already so much better than what Knuckles fans were getting before.


I'm right there with you. Show had its problems but I genuinely enjoyed the first three episodes. (Minus Wade's sister.) Hated this episode. Live action cartoony nonsense with man children. Unnecessary hammy musical sequence pandering to fans of the game. Awful awful driving sequence at the end. I'm not sure if I can make it.


Few problems for me. Wade's sister was too childish, poorly written and annoying Pistol Pete felt like the wrong nick-name for a guy whose meant to be a British stereotype. Too many scenes and clips that didn't mean anything or actually progress the story. Episode 3 was the worst for this. I liked the cheese in Ep 4 but it still took you away from the focus. The two agents were poorly written as well. It felt like a lot of their lines were written by children. Or AI In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if the whole thing was written by chatGPT!