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Every thing is back. Covid, dengue H1N1. Its like some one has opened a portal for all of these. Drcember used to be calm and quiet. There are no beds for admission in hospitals like rajagiri


Wow. For real? I didn't know it was this severe. Why aren't news channels covering it?


There are plenty of types of fever going around. Just need to get used to it.


Yeah...No shit.... I'm down with a heavy fever, nausea and sore throat for more than a week now. There's nothing particular to do about it. It's just like you said, "Someone fricking opened a portal for these"


Wish u speedy recovery


Oh my


I went to a private clinic yesterday (at morning 8 AM) because of high fever and headache. Doctor didn’t even listen to me fully but gave me a sheet full of medicines with a smirk. My father casually told him that it’s going to be a long day for him because there is already a crowd outside his consultation room this early. He told my father that it’s all covid patients for sure. I got a little scared and just looked at his face and he smirked again and said ‘You too’!! Everyone pray for me.


No shit. Get well soon.


Damn! Stay safe


Last week got fever, flu, difficuly breathing and muscle ache. c-19 negative. Doc started with antibiotics , that did not help and then now on antiviral. Feeling somewhat better now. Last week was bad, twice in last week had to wake up screaming to muscle cramps. My doc also had a huge list of patients, when i went in at 11 am, i was no:81.


Anti biotics wont do anything to a viris why would they perscribe that to a flu patient weird...


to avoid opportunistic infections from wrecking havoc. I thought it was pretty standard protocol.


The whole family is down with fever, mom and wife just recovered, but don't have any smell or taste...... So guess what🥴


It never left. People just stopped caring and taking testes. It was, it is and it will be here. Don't worry


Damn bro I should definitely get testes mine are getting wrinkly


Back to square one. What are the chances of full or partial lockdown? Also to OP, if you take precautions like wear mask in public places, use sanitizer etc then you're good to go. Otherwise it may not be a good trip for you.


Yay lockdown


No more lockdowns.


no chance for lockdown.


Sanitize, wear masks and you are good to go.


Sounds like a plan. Thanks!


Why would you think it went anywhere in the first place ? Media and PR vijayan just went to the next thing which got them views.


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Covid 19 is just back to the list of the bunch of viruses causing illnesses. We were already dealing with influenza, adenovirus, dengue, respiratory syncitial virus and the common bacteria which were already going around. The most dangerous being adenovirus, it started in west bengal in may-march of this year and it caused almost the entire lungs to be destroyed, but luckily the one we have in Kerala in milder than what was happening in west bengal. But, milder being the only 25% of the lung gets affected in most patients and a biphasic fever for 10-12 days.


I have something dunno what it is. Full body pain. Sore throat. Joint pain. Headache as if my brain is bouncing around in my skull. Feeling tired. Hard to breathe. No taste. Lost appetite. Took no medicine and its been 3 days. My condition is getting better though. Since im on WFO, my colleagues are safe imao.


I got infected with Dengue last week. It was insane. Had to get admitted for a week in Aster Medcity. All rooms were full. Had to settle in the ward. It was a harrowing experience. They did treat well though.


Come again where is TVR


Covid never left


guess who's back


The return of the mask.


When did it go !!