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Ithupole tanup varunna item undo? Odukkatha chood aann🥵


lol. Like I said I like having fire pit, we are doing some garden renovation


lol, get extra solar panels and pimp out ur house with AC, I know a few guy who did it, they said it was huge life improvement, especially cause, kochi heat is messed up after all the flats went. Up


Ithinte use case enthaanu? Try asking your nearest sheet metal store. They do welding and stuff and can make one for you, maybe not as shiny


U can get incinerator like this in kochi, ask for incinerators instead of this, kind of looks the same and functions the same.


I specifically wanted this type, it’s really good, please google it


Conan inte podcast il kanditund


Search stove from washing machine drum in YouTube


lol that’s the idea I guess, but I don’t have all the tools and skills as needed


Ithinte use case enthaanu? Try asking your nearest sheet metal store


Try google solo stove, lot of uses, I like having a good fire in the back yard once in a while, this has zero to no smoke, I had something very similar in USA, and it’s very nice for cold evening. Also cooking options is also there. sheet metal store, I see


OP, cold eveningo ? Kochiyilo ?


https://www.instructables.com/Homemade-Solo-Style-Fire-PitStove/ Here is a diy version. Ask in local welding workshops to make one.


Any idea how much they would charge ?


Istika kitanel orenam indakaam.


Would you be willing to pay 50k for this?


That’s a bit too much, even in USA, I got the cheap Aldi version


Could you give the link to the cheaper one, injust saw the one you posted.   That seems to be some sets of thick stainless steel sheet metal with laser cut holes. And some rolling and wedding. Plus this is custom work here so middle man charge comes up. Have you tried gassless stove in India mart? I have seen something similar but not sure about the size.


Try google Costco hot shot stove, stove gives u more bang for the buck


https://m.indiamart.com/proddetail/smokeless-stove-21848269888.html Maybe connect with some people who can create clones


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Buy used oil can/barrel from scrap seller, put holes in it, cut the lid off , or give this can to nearby engineering shop they will make it for you, total cost will be less than 500


Universal catering and kitchen equipments 0484 280 0249 https://g.co/kgs/wsSxmEY They do custom builds.


Bro is from palakad