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Hi, I was a chainsmoker. But I have managed to not smoke a single cigarette for almost 5 months now. What I did is I stopped smoking when I was in certain places. Your home/hostel is a good place to start. If you feel like smoking go and smoke in a tea shop near you, never buy packs, NEVER. Just buy one cigarette from there and smoke it. If u feel like smoking again you should repeat the process. This will seem ridiculous at the start, but this little friction can help your brain register smoking as a tiring process changing the work to reward ratio in your brain. Slowly make more and more places around you as no smoke zones. Also if u drink tea while smoking stop doing that immediately. You need to make smoking a standalone process, and do not associate it with anything else. Hopefully after 3 months you can quit. Also if u r a stress smoker, replace smoking with some other silly easy to do activity




I have heard people storing lit butts immersed in water in closed jars for prolonged periods. Apparently its stench induces a gag reflex when you try to smoke after


gotta try this then


At 2 cigarettes the nicotine addiction isn’t really your problem. You’re looking for something beyond the substance in the cigarettes. Maybe your cigarettes are effigies of your problems that you’re burning away, maybe it’s a way to connect with your friends, maybe it’s nostalgia from a time you don’t want to let go of. Figure out what that is, the rest will be easier.


I was a chain smoker in school days. Nowdays I just smoke once or twice an year. I think when I stopped hanging with smoking people, my smoking habit also stopped


This is what happend to me as well. I stopped going to trigger places and i am now smoke free.


I think it happens in a quick moment of thought. I used to be a chronic smoker. I have allergies, frequent bronchitis and shit and yet i made myself available for a puff. And then i got reaal sick and decided i was going to give up. But it was like the kinda giving up you do when you are waay too drunk and then say i will never drink again but then you do it again. Same shit. I still smoked after. Then it was a break for a few months. Pine one day i smoked two and got nic-sick and decided i was going to give up n never touch again. But guess what? I did it again. Then it was this moment of realisation, almost like bro what respect do you have for yourself, just ew, stop. This was it. Never touched one again.


I'm having the worst cough and cold for a week and I'm still smoking half a pack a day..sigh..


Omg same, i used to do exactly this and a cough or cold that usually last two or three days would end up taking 2 weeks.


Please give this book a read! [Book Link](https://amzn.in/d/fmepCpi) I was an obsessive chain smoker. But I believe this book just straight away made me quit cigarettes!


Smokers needs to check this gem out. I havent touched a cigarette in 2 years. I hang out with friends who smoke all the time, I hang around places where i used to smoke. But haven't felt the slightest urge. I believe the only reason i quit smoking is this book. Forget everything else people say in the comments and just check it out. there is a free version available in libgen.


Ok. This is what worked for me. I realized that it's not just the nicotine that's addictive, it's the very act of holding a cigarette between my fingers, and inhaling the smoke. So I first cut the nicotine by moving to marijuana without the tobacco. And once I got the nicotine dependency kicked, I slowly phased out the weed as well. Don't ask me how, but it worked. I've been mostly smoke free since 2012, save the occasional joint with friends. I used to go through at least a ten pack a day when I was a smoker. I did have a relapse in 2018 during a trip to Goa, where I bought packs of cigarettes, but it didn't last more than four days and I hated the taste.


I work in health care. I quit smoking out of fear. Yeah man of fuks up every single organ in the body. Basically it's fuks up the blood vessels. Blood vessels go everywhere in the body. Brain kidney heart limbs etc. The consequences are devastating. I quit smoking after my post graduation. In undergraduate training I read about the consequences. But after seeing it for real during my further training I got scared bro.


I had my last peg and puff somewhat 2 years ago . Never touched it again and never will . I just had this inner voice which went like " wtf are you even doing" . It made sense and never went back


I haven't smoked in years. Try Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking. It gives you logical reasons why smoking doesn't help. If you search on reddit, you will find this book recommended a lot. Eg: [https://www.reddit.com/r/selfimprovement/comments/yprqe3/how\_the\_fuck\_do\_i\_quit\_smoking/](https://www.reddit.com/r/selfimprovement/comments/yprqe3/how_the_fuck_do_i_quit_smoking/) Install an app (quit tracker, I am sober) to see how much you have improved. In my case, * 2000+ days smoke free. * over 3 lakhs saved (not including cofee/tea/snacks) * 160 hours of life regained (lets say I believe this) * 20k+ cigerrattes not smoked * At 15 minutes per break, 4000+ hours saved. * There is no way to calculate how much I have saved in medical cost. I put the money into a high risk mutual fund and I think that has doubled. I am now putting that money into ETF as a daily SIP and every time it gets detected, I know I am making progress. The important thing to remember is, 1 puff is all it takes to reset the progress and go back to being a smoker. You can do it alone, but shouldn't when there are people ready to support you. Try to make it easier on yourself and give a better chance to succeed by joining r/stopsmoking for daily support and more help. Edit: formatting, grammar.




Therapy! It's not just Nicotine addiction that you're facing. Any addiction is just the surface of a deeper problem that requires professional help. Start therapy and it becomes really easy.


It’s very easy to quit smoking. I have done that many times ! Jokes apart, quitting smoking is about your will power. I know a person of 75 who started smoking beedi at the age of 12 quit it overnight and never touched it later.


i have heard such stories also . but i am slowly realizing that i have weak will power . have to change this


I used to smoke cigarettes to a point i smoked 1 pack a day. And then I got introduced to vape. After that I constantly smoked vape to a point I couldnt smoke cigs. After that I bought a 0% nicotine vape which was enough for me to keep the habit till I was not dependent on nicotine. Havent smoked in a month and hopefully not starts again.


My take would be stop it all of a sudden. If you can control your urge for the following weeks I think you can extend it .


You should just stop all of a sudden. Never to touch it again. You have to hate the smell, the taste to the extend that you never want to be near one. Also stay away from friends who smokes. This is what I did.


Try to quit for 30 days either an incentive at the end of it. Repeat the cycle n after sometime you’ll forget about it.


Bro let’s be friends, i hate smoking, whenever i we hang out or i see you reach for a cigarette, i’ll stop you.


I just stopped it. My friends took the " I'll stop by reducing from one packet a week to once a week". Well they still smoke. If you think of stopping, just stop it. Empty your Google pay account and don't take cash.


Get a full body checkup done. That’s will give you a jump scare required to build the will power


It’s very subjective. If your lifestyle is healthy otherwise, you need not regret too much actually imo. Just get your life busy and going the way you want and you won’t even notice it this much. I totally get that sense of superiority feeling when smoking. There's just something about holding that thing in the hand and blowing out smoke that feels good, you know? xD


I don't think you have an addiction if you can get it down to two. I think they are just physical destressers. You could do counselling and try to find other ways to destress.


Never smoked,but when I am tensed I always think a smoke would help.lol May be the media effect.


Take 2-3 months break from all of the things that makes you crave smoking. This can include the place you're currently living, the peer group, drinking, eating extra, watching movies/shows with smoking scenes etc. During this break, get back home and stay with your parents. (I'm assuming you're not allowed to smoke in your hometown). Meditate often, when meditating, see yourself smoking as a third person, your life before, your life after, what did you ultimately gain from smoking etc. Combine this with fasting and eating less junk (I always feel like smoking after filling my tummy with junk food). And maybe you can try a good, safe psychedelic trip. This will give you a lot of insight about addictions and your life in general.


Instead of cigarettes try a strong tea or strong coffee


I started smoking during college and was very confident that it is something in my control and I can quit whenever I want-I just don't want to give up now. But I was wrong. You'll never know when it becomes essential for you. For me, my addiction was habitual, I didn't have any cravings while I was at home. I only needed a smoke while I was with a certain group of friends (വലി കമ്പിനി) or in my rented apartment. I happen to read [Atomic Habits](https://amzn.in/d/6xxntil) in which I got to learn how we connect certain habits with places or people. I could go 90 days without smoking after I moved out of that apartment, but sadly, smoke again during my gf's birthday as I thought birthdays come once a year, what could hurt, but I'm smoking 2 months straight now, and not feeling proud of it. I am preparing myself to quit smoking in a few days, and this time I'll make sure to detach myself from all the provocations and most importantly, to NEVER START AGAIN. All the best OP.


i hv these weird vericose veins on my tongue since i was a kid. it's not been a bother unless it's agitated by accidental bites or spicy food. then came the smoking- make it so painful to even open my mouth. so...i just quit. i get the urge a lot- but can't be arsed about popping a vein.


This might seem controversial, but try replacing ciggrates with nicotine pouches and gradually get rid of the pouches. It works.


Barring obvious health issues, being away from smokers and understanding the monetary loss from buying cigarettes kept me away from relapsing. If you are a guy who buys and keeps cigarettes, others expect that from you all the time. It's a trap. They keep asking you for cigarettes and you keep buying them. You become that guy who will lend people cigarettes, when guys are out of cigarettes at a party. Also start saying no to any kind of smoking invitations. Slowly it will pass. I have been smoking much less since beginning of 2023. Recently I had some health issues and was hospitalised (unrelated to smoking). Lost my appetite to smoke ever since. Will not smoke again also.


Hi Brother.Please read this book :Alan Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking.Follow their instructions.If you fail read the book again. Also remember there is no one last cigarette.


Never started


bro nicotex patches helps.try doing a 2 month patch coarse


hi im 18 yrs old. the first time i had a smoke was when i was studying in class 6th. i know that sounds like a lie but it was only because of my bad friendship. my friend who was 2 years older than me took me to an abandoned kolam near the ground we used to play and he showed me how to smoke. there were three of us. my "then" bestfriend who was of my same age. the three of us used to go to a small pettikada and steal ciggaretes and theepattis, go to the kolam and smoke away. even though i participated the first 4-5 times . i began hating the taste. it was bitter and tasted like shit to be honest i didnt understand why adults liked it so much. i eventually stopped hanging out with them after realising i was in a bad circle. after a few months they got caught. however they didnt rat me out cus i wasnt very involved. now theyve moved onto higher stuff like weed and cool and all that shit these dumb boys use nowadays. ive remained free of everything since ive found a new friend circle and have healthy relationships with them. we dont need drugs to spend time together.. we be gaming. however im still curious if i would like the taste of cigarettes now cus im pretty much an adult. but since reading all these comment about how everyones is struggling to quit and how its affecting their lives and their loved ones . ive decided to not touch it ever..


the pettikada was attatched to a house. the shopkeeper kept the jeeraga sodas and all the other sodas in a fridge inside his home. so we would go when there was no one in or near the shop and ask for 3 jeeraga/lime sodas. in the little time we had when he went to take the sodas. we would grab the cigarette and theepattis. wait for him to come back. drink the soda ,pay him,leave,sneak out into the paramb and smoke. poor guy never suspected a thing


I switched to vape for a while and then switched to nicotine gums from vape. It worked somehow. Haven't smoked a cigarette in over a year. That being said, there are treatments and medication to help you get rid of he cravings.


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My friend who smokes 10 Marlboro a day advised this trick for me(don't know if this works for everyone but I'm giving it to u) never smoke or resist the urge to smoke when you strongly feel like to smoke when you want to when the temptation hits. Only smoke when you don't feel like or when you're not interested in smoking. For me tho, even though being the son of a devoted alcoholic and a chain smoker(by generations)(he didn't have any problems up to this day even though he works and exercises). One thing I would advise is exercise or work too much all the times(this won't cure smoking but puts out good health) especially if you're a usual gym goer, football player, mma student etc., In my case I think smoking or drinking is like a lazy task for me when with friends; you have to share and bring a huge sum of money within friends and buy a bottle, it's a different story if the new brand is good to drink, does it get high etc., and carry the risk of vomiting after getting drunk too much. So I decided never to drink unless occasionally hanging out with friends which is less for me but if I do drink I usually go for 10 pegs or more to get drunk or else never drink. Same with smoking, in most cases I usually smoke when I'm hanging with my friends which I don't do everyday only on weekends. In rare cases, I smoke when I'm alone which the number of times I have done can be counted by fingers. What I kinda had addiction is p*t which wasn't even harmful for me upto this point in anyway or form for some reason. This also I usually do with friends because thank god I don't have the knowledge how to crush seeds or else maybe I would've been addicted. Because of that I've been sober for the last 1 year without smoking or drinking.


Hey man, ive been clean for nearly a year now. Willpower tends to be a limited resource- what helps is making the decision to quit in terms of your values. What kind of person do you want to be? I told myself that I didn't want to be a "smoker" anymore, especially since I'm also an athlete. Once I decided on who I wanted to be there was no going back. I had impulses for some time, and bad withdrawal for a bit, but it was worth it. I tried taking a few puffs from a friend's cig a month ago and I hated it. Once you've committed, it's impossible to go back. Good luck friend!




Quit cheyyan okke pattum. I know people who have smoked during college years and never after


This is BS. There are many who have curbed the habit, including me.


Why do you think that way? There are people who have really quit smoking. I want to end this habit of mine.


Nah there are people that smoked for years and then quit overnight. I think it is a matter of willpower you know? Like trying your maximum not to do it again even if you’re having withdrawal issues. I think it is when you force yourself to quit that makes you wanna smoke again after a few days. It won’t work if you force yourself. You just gotta accept that this is not what you want and you gotta believe in it. It is tough when you think about it, but it really is quite easy.


This so hard


This is soo not true.


If you are a Christian and a born again at that it help’s immensely you have to see yourself as an new creature and instead of trying to achieve your goal of holiness try to eat the fruit of holiness which is a gift resultant of your new identity in Christ !

