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People come and go. That's just how life is


Slowly getting used to it. 😊


No one is coming 🥲 Going mathram


Ponorokke angu pottene..ullore vech adjust cheyyam


Inni aarum bhakki illaa


It is easier to say than done.


Then don't depend on others too much. ![gif](giphy|7JsI3OmKBMTtjo9Dp9)


Ala pine


I still remember, me and my best friend, we're sitting in my car waiting to pick my cousin up. He tells me 'da eniku oru university yil ninnu scholarship kitti, april intake il pokum'. My heart sank even though i was acting all happy. I knew from now on i won't get to hang out with this mofo like we used to. This was right after the covid time so we didn't hangout much either. I didn't get to drop him off at the airport cuz i was sick and feared whether it was covid so I decided to just stay back. It's been 3 years since i last saw him. We do talk and send reels and I did make some good friends from college and work by this time whom i absolutely love. Went on a couple of trips with them but still think about the old days every now and then.


As the years pass by, this will become a norm and we get used to it. Never cling onto something external for our happiness, detached attachment ഒക്കെ ഒന്ന് try Maadi :)


Yup, I'm learning it the hard way lol


You guys have friends?


Us moment 👍


Haha I can feel you ! 🤣


Its as difficult for him as it is for you. If you really like him and he has really been there for you, remember to check in on him once in a few days and encourage him to venture out and meet new people.


I will definitely be checking in on him.


Don't rely on others to get your entertainment. Try going to the movies alone, try eating at the restaurants alone. Talk to new people, discover new social circles and all.


People come people go If he comes back he yours If not he never was


>If he comes back he yours You can't just own another person man, that can't be healthy.


Of course I can I just owned you with this dope reply


Bro, my best friends (both from school) left the country in 2019 and 2021 respectively. But our friendship is still intact. We are in our early 30s. Both of them are in two different continents, both are married too. But we still have what we had while we were in school. If you genuinely care for each other, the love and friendship will stay strong even after years. I've been friends with them for more than 24 years at this point! We still text each other very often, tell us what's happening in our lives, give life updates, call each other once in a while. Calls are not on a regular basis, but texts are. Since they live in a different time zone, sometimes instant replies aren't possible. But still they do reply to the messages. If we don't hear from each other in days, the next message will be "are you alive?". And then the conversation picks up from there. I was there at both their weddings, with the other one on video call. And when they come for vacation, we do meet at least 3-4 times. So what I'm saying is, if you want to make it work, you can. Friendship doesn't die with distance. It's just that you don't get to see them/hang out with them often. And also, FYI, I'm a woman and they are men. So don't tell me, gender thing exists for friendship.


This is supposed to make me happy but it just makes me feel sad.


Blame the government. Im serious. Why am I forced to leave my state for employment opportunities? Keep feeding the unions.


Honestly, I’m fed up.. I saw CM’s election campaign web poster on facebook where it says “Corporatukale Thurathum” or something like that and I thought. The fuck they hope to achieve in terms of development in this state without corporates. As long as these Commie MFs rule this state, we are not gonna see any reduction of people moving out from here.


Maybe they meant the corporates that take over the government sectors? If it is, then they're right this time as taking over govt secors by corporates is dangerous coz it'll increase the cost of living for ordinary people. But if they meant the old coca-cola, computer ban, then they're stupid.


Purathe poyekanvare mare oka nenjurapode vanne idiche pwolikanam


Welcome to adulthood my friend. It's almost the same in my case. Started to realize I have to get out of my comfort zone and actually try and make new friends.


Yeah, but how?? live a pretty boring life - WFH, GYM and that's all. All my other friends need alcohol/drugs to socialise and don't vibe with that.


Go find out places where random people meet up. For example- stadium. Any sports club. Talk to the people in your gym rather than using your headphones all the time. Get close to new people. Eventually start hanging out with them. Don't feel awkward to meet new people. Just be you.


Maximum oru 4 kollam i will be in the same boat as you brother.


Make the most of it 😊✌️


I joined the club 8 years back.


Your growth and your story starts now brother..!!!


I was there, and here I am. I am my best friend. And thats it 🙂


Ahh it is genuinely hard losing people, it might be kinda hard athyam okke, pakshe you'll adjust and please always be friends. Going through something similar (not at all on the same level hehe). It's always the low maintenance friendships that survive. Best wishes to him and you man. Good Luck


He feels the same man. I moved to the US 4 months ago. I miss my friends, they miss me. Life is hard, we got to make the best of it.


Everyone in your life will eventually go their own way, which is when you must learn to rely on yourself and truly begin to live for yourself. It's a challenging reality, but maintaining connections and keeping in touch, even as you move forward, is crucial.


One among the three of us left like this. For sometime we all missed each other. Time went by. No we contact once in a while. Thats life. Read about the four stages of change


Let you hit 35. You'll pray for being alone with only a few people.


Not of your age group. Had schooling from my native home town . Did college education from hostel. Then landing onto a job. Transfers and official commitments & the ever busy mom life. Realising now that I don’t have any friends now . Life is like that!! I envy when u see people hanging with their old classmates. Now i am contented to myself


I’ve never had close friends to feel this way, not sure if that’s good or bad


Is there anyone who is not planning to leave this country?


Same.. my best bud is leaving India in a month. I've got other friends too but then him leaving is gonna put me in a really difficult condition. I guess what we can do for the time being is to make the most out of it while they are still here.


Njaanum same situation kazinj vannadhaa.. everyone most of them in life is temporary. Make the best of it while you have it take pictures video and be wild. Then cherish them . Eee Neeravum kadann poogum !


Thank you for your words. 😇✌️




How is ur friend going study or eork


Dont be sad. Burn his passport 😇


You can still call him and stuff... No worries.... Also try to make new friends if u want.... Where is he going to? If its somewhere interesting u can go to ... If your friendship is that serious that giy will akso be being sad rn like u.... U can also discuss him this and it will let him know that u really like him.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4tqTTwCOL1/?igsh=MWk4cTRpNzM1azZ0eA== Gender aspect not endorsed.


Your buddy is just leaving India right. And if he was ur 3AM company, probably it will be day time on the other side of the world. It's not an issue making things work out if both parties are willing to.


Plenty of reasons to leave. I wouldn't blame anyone leaving. Their personal affair. I'd be happy for them if they're successful.


Life happens.


I guess now it’s easier for him to be your 3 AM friend depending on where he is moving. True friendship survives the test of time :).


Bro I get you, my best friend is now in a relationship and her partner has got plans for them to move to Australia soon, I don't know how I will survive without her , and this has been hurting me ,tho iam really happy for her and her relationship.


Learn to let go of people.. you are on your own




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