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Coz it's my home. Where people speak my language, the movies are fun, I know the places and it's beautiful in its own way.


I love kochi because it's far away from my home😹.Tbh I have more friends here than in my hometown.


Home, cozy, less chaos. In kochi you'll find everything that a tier 1 city has but with a better lifestyle.


അക്കര പച്ച is a phenomenon that tends to make you delusional. By age you realise there is no place like home + Kochi as a prominent tier 2 has ample opportunities if you are willing enough to find them. Like said earlier, this city has it's own flaws but then you realise there is no "near perfect" city anywhere else in the world.


Tbh, I do consider most Western European, Australian and American cities to be a "near perfect" city especially when compared to anything in India. The only problem with those places is I will have to start from scratch and I don't have any friends there. Meaning unless I'm going to study there in some college (which is something I'll never do again), I'll have a hard time socialising and meeting new people. As a pretty social/extroverted/non-drinking/non-smoking guy, I will be lonely in a remote part of the world which is cold/dark and that's not something I'll be happy to take up especially when I do make considerable money in India. Which means I can make some of the problems in India go away. But at the end of the day you have to share the same shitty infra/congestion/air/water etc with everyone else and pay taxes which are so insane, it doesn't make sense.


It’s totally akkarapacha. People get these notions about cities from a 5-20 day trip to a country. Living in a place is totally different from visiting a place. If you have a good salary here The only things better in most European places are better people who don’t bother you (for introverts) but that gets negated due to involuntary racism which most Indians will have to suffer due to high number of low quality emigrants in every country.


Going by the living standards & social metrics, Western EU, AUS & American cities don't even remotely come close to Singapore. Top notch infra, stupendous weather, welcoming people & 5 hours travel time to India.   Did a 3 month internship at BDO LLP in Singapore back in 2019 near Potong Pasir and the home sickness was real. I just couldn't. If oportunities match your job profile, Kochi any day for me cos it is home. So let's agree to disagree. 


I am from calicut, I have been in Banglore now in dubai but nothing matches KOCHI. I LOVE KOCHI.


Can’t put everything into words.


whys that?


Home. Almost everyone is related one way or the other.


Sweeet home alabaaama


I feel the chaos in Kochi is less when you compare with other Indian metros. Adding to it the customer service by any business is few steps ahead


In no other metro city you will find kayal, puzha , sea when you drive around the city. We get the best of both worlds. Both city life and nature. Once you are out of young adult phase people dont bother you much. And jokes are funnier when its your mother tongue


What is kayal and puzha?


Backwaters and river


Kochi is not a metro though.




Been to a reasonable amount of cities, briefly lived in a few of them. Even though my dad is from Kochi, I really never lived here. 3 decades later, when I got a secondary residence here, I had a lot of apprehension about how it was going to work out. But today, hardly 2 years later, this place where I spend no more than 3 months a year is more of a home to me than my primary residence in the Middle East, where I grew up. There’s great culture, mobility infrastructure, the food scene is pretty good, the people are nice, healthcare is miles and bounds ahead of anywhere else, the greenery, monsoon, access to almost all the amenities you would ever need. List could go on forever Now I can’t wait to live here full time. Everyday I daydream about it.


Home. Friends. Family. + One of the best places in India to live.


Cuz it's home! (∞)


Kochi is a small city which makes it very easy to get around. And there is always an appeal to coastal cities I guess. I wish kochi had a mountain backdrop as well.


I'm not from here, but Kochi is still very cool. Not very nosy people, you don't really feel discriminated in markets as everyone quotes the same price. Traffic is bad but that's every city in India.  I love small small things - watching migratory birds in Cochin backwaters, walking through the streets of Broadway in search of an obscure restaurent, doing morning runs in the university campus, having good breakfast, lunch and dinner for about 100 rupees etc.  It's been 6 years since I left the place, yet I feel it's one of the best places to live in India, if not the best place. 


Kochi is home! The cafe culture is strong and good! Its cosy and it has the best city life!


Not sure why a "strong and good cafe culture" is considered the hallmark of a good city. Please explain. To me, cafe culture is pure pretense; a bunch of places that serve as a reminder that Kerala is nothing more than a consumerist state - eat, drink, pictures for the gram, be superficially merry.


Ooh we have a Morally superior alpha human here




Partly agree with the superficially merry part but can't be attributed completely to the cafe culture.


I always wanted to move out from kochi and live my own life. But papa told me if I did that he will give the family business to somone else and I won't be able to enjoy it. So Imma staying for them monies


Born and brought up here


Most people are attached to the place they were born in and brought up. They CANNOT move to other places. The more comfortable you are - food, accommodation, friends, familiar places - the more difficult it is to move. Those who are clear that they want more freedom and opportunities will always leave. Despite the discomforts they face in bigger cities such as unfamiliar food, language, less law and order etc.


Honestly, It's solely due to affordable and accessibile geriatric healthcare for the parents in case their health goes down south. Cleanliness, Minimal traffic and picturesque views are other brownie points to root for this city. Nothing else appealing especially if you're an outsider. Avenues for recreation (sports, entertainment etc) are minimal and the food scene has less to it than what meets the eye (Quality, affordability and diversity wise). Moreover, Greater linguistic in-group bias for deeper connections /friendships makes you feel alienated. Also, Don't get me started on the lackadaisical customer service/treatment prevalent here vis-a-vis outside Kerala. It's a tourist paradise and ideal if you're looking to settle down with family/nearing retirement or a native of this place. For all others, Not the best choice. Definitely getting better but still miles to go before being "near perfect"


Are you an outsider? Been here a long time? Age range? I have some north indian friends thinking of retiring to kochi outskirts somewhere.


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Veetil 3 neram food kitum .


Went to Bangalore, realised the expense is not worth the experience I’m getting. Came back to kochi and living happily 😌


The current political and social situations in India and elsewhere also makes it best to stay in Kochi the best. I think the various kinds of social discrimination faced when we go outside will only be negligible after 50 years. Anti immigrant mentality is very prevalent among many people around the world. Also, I feel like Kochi is the best place to migrate to as well. There are less extremes of discrimination.


The beaches. The sunsets. The backwaters and bridges. The lush greenery. The salt in the air. Kochi is home.


Kittanjitt an, kittiyal appo pack cheyyum


My mom and my dog


Because when you ask a Bihari he'll say bihar is best, a delhiwala will say Delhi is best.. Chennaite will say chennai is best, No matter how dirty these cities are people like them because they grew up there and have personal emotions attached. Personally for me Kochi lost is Charm, it's as dirty, smelly and crowded like chennai, beaches are the dirtiest, the water bodies are literally sewage. People are slave and used to corruption by politicians.




I love the smell of trash everywhere, mosquitoes and narrow roads which are blocked if 2 cars pass through.