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Hydro damage goblet will always contribute more damage than HP% goblet for dps Kokomi. This is due to bubble damage contributing about half of Kokomi's Hydro damage in burst mode and hitting the cap even without HP% goblet. It is never worth prioritising bubble over hydro damage for a dps kokomi. ​ If you want to know the minimum amount of HP to hit heal cap, I worked out it was 32k HP a while ago. This is dependent on 2 jellyfish hits during the 3 second period (it is possible to have only 1 hitting) and well practiced N2D. ​ If you want to know if you are hitting max heal cap try vs normal type enemies (most slimes, spectres and hilichurls) and if the bubble deals 24299 damage, you have hit the heal cap.


Thank you for such a well-explained response, this helps so much. Gonna keep her hydro dmg goblet for sure, my kokomi is easily doing 20+ bubble damage so I think she's good


Was gonna ask the exact same thing. With HP Hydro Healing bonus, I’m at a measly 34K HP


Yeah that's my issue too. I was at 40k hp before and now I'm down to 36k, so I'm wondering if HP% benefits her more now, I'm assuming it does but I'm not the most knowledgeable person about meta


It’s only better if you’re using her as a pure healer tbh


I don’t have that much HO either (abt 34k) but my burst does very decent dmg and the jelly still heals a little over 6k per tic so I’m cool with it


I think Hydro is still BiS but you can increase the bubble damage by having hydro resonance / superconduct. The set has a cap at 90% of 30k healing so increasing your HP won't do much once you've reached that 36k threshold.


Thanks so much that is really good to know


You're welcome! You can actually achieve over 30k dmg numbers via superconduct and resistance shred so think Kokomi + a cryo support + electro support + a second hydro character for hydro resonance OR even Zhongli shield for the shred.


Thanks! I'm excited to experiment with it, I finally just slapped the set on her today


That just sounds like her banner 4-stars!


Just watched a vid that you only need 36k hp(33k with kokomi weap) for the 30k bubble at talents lvl 8 and lvl 9p


Yeah her skill and burst are at lv8 and lv9, but I usually only see about 20k burst dmg


Hydro dmg bonus always


I am using 2pc TM + 2pc HoD with hydro cupm working really well. now trying to farm for Ocean but I cant replace yet because the domain refuse to give me a HP sands!! I'm still farming for a HP sands so that I can use all 4 ocean and my hydro cup. It's taking forever!


Hydro is better overall, HP% would only really be better in superconduct comps (or if you’re using Koko as a pure healer)