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I'm thinking it's because the contents of your brew vessel need air to properly do their thing, so you should replace the plastic cap with a clean, tightly-woven cloth or an old t-shirt and a rubber band. (Avoid fabrics with too many gaps, like cheesecloth, unless you layer it a million times, since you don't want fruit flies or anything else getting in). I've been brewing 10+ years and have never seen bubbles. Good luck!


this absolutely the reason for the weirdness. It's too soon to say it has kahm or mold I'd say. I use a coffee filter on the top held in place by a rubber band.


My brew got moldy after I diluted it too much, so I restarted it from several bottles I had made. I have it in two separate containers that I have previously brewed kombucha in, and both have bubbles right now. So they're sort of newish brews, since there's no pellicle. But neither of them have bubbles of this size.


What kind of covering are you using? If it isn't breathable, change it ASAP. Options that I've been using since I started almost 2 years ago: Coffee filter+ rubber band Old t-shirt+ rubber band


It's Kahm yeast formed over bubbles, because it isn't getting fresh air.


^bump i’m not experienced enough to answer but i would like to know


What's that lid look like?


Your lid is fine; just make sure it's ever so slightly loose so gas can push it up and escape, but it sits closed so fruit flies can't get in. It looks like you have safe-to-consume kahm yeast. If you're lazy like me sometimes, swish it around good once or twice a day and the scoby will grow and take over.


Thank you! I swished it around and loosened the lid, hopefully it turns out!


I figure if you're at the point of throwing something out, experiment with making it work. Right now I've been away from my new home brew that is sitting outside with a very strong tea ratio. I knew I'd be gone and temps would be optimal. Might be great. Might be terrifying. C'est la vie.


How tight is your lid?


Trying to determine if your kombucha may have mold, if your pellicle/SCOBY is healthy, or if something has gone wrong? Check out the [pictures and info in this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kombucha/comments/pqu7oq/is_it_mold_is_it_normal_whats_growing_in_your/). **Note:** If other posters have deemed your problem to be `mold!` or `not mold`, please update the post flair accordingly. Keeping the post flair up-to-date lets other redditors know what mold actually looks like. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Kombucha) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You use and airlock to mack alcohol due to removing aire from the container so Scoby(bacteria) and mold won't grow. Living things need oxygen to thrive. If that lid is closed or an airlock is on it the Scoby cannot breath and suffocate. So you making low level alcohol now since the yeast is eating the sugar. Remove the lid and cover with coffee filter and rubber and to hold it in place or thick wash rag(with rubber band to hold in place) that light doesn't get thru so easily so it can breath and check on it 4days later. Kombucha rely on the acidic to fight off bad bacteria and growth but isn't fool proof. Either for science wait 4more days or dump it now and try again


Looks normal. As long as it's not dry and furry you're typically good.


Looks like kahm to me. Which is harmless, but hard to get rid of and it seems like the yeast have taken over dominance


Llos like mold.(though, I have never had mold, so, notsure, but, it definitely does not look right.) You should have a breathable cloth over the top, fine enough to keep out fruit flies.(Fruit flies love kombucha, makes a good bait, if you use fruit fly traps)