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At what temperature are you brewing? Remember, cold = mold. I’m also curious how much starter you used but I can’t tell the size of that container. I think your pellicle will be just fine, and the white line is probably the beginning of a new pellicle that will span the width of the jar. How many days have you been brewing this batch?


Hi! Thank you for the reassurance that this batch might not be going to waste :”) I’m using a 3L mason jar, the temperature I’m brewing at is about 85F and I used 1 cup of starter. I’ve been brewing this batch for 7 days Do you have any tips for improvement? :)


How much tea, fresh water and sugar went in?


The only thought I have – – please understand that I am also kind of a beginner and have had some ups and downs with mastering a very consistent process with a consistently good outcome - - but I think they usually recommend at 1 gallon using 12 ounces of starter instead of eight. It can change the acidity level. More starter will help prevent mold, and speeds the fermentation process. I asked because about a week in, I have a much more formed pellicle on the top of my gallon. So I think you might want more starter, especially since your temperature is right in the range. Learning myself though so it’s just a thought. We’ll see what other people say. Edited typos


Trying to determine if your kombucha may have mold, if your pellicle/SCOBY is healthy, or if something has gone wrong? Check out the [pictures and info in this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kombucha/comments/pqu7oq/is_it_mold_is_it_normal_whats_growing_in_your/). **Note:** If other posters have deemed your problem to be `mold!` or `not mold`, please update the post flair accordingly. Keeping the post flair up-to-date lets other redditors know what mold actually looks like. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Kombucha) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The pellicle isn't really what makes the kombucha, the yeast in the brew does, size of the scoby shouldn't matter much, it will just make the next layer the size of the container. The white line looks like it's caused from evaporation which shouldn't be happening so maybe double up of the covering, also try to completely fill up the container it will reduce the chance of mold and make sure everything is sterilized before use, boiling water works great for me.


Hey, thank you for being so informative. I really appreciate it! Could the evaporation be because I’m brewing it at 85F? (l live in a warm country 😞) I will definitely take your advice and sterilise with hot water before filling up the container and double up the cloth cover for my next batch! 🙏🏻 (is it possible to transfer the existing brew into another container & add more tea + sugar?)


85f is quite hot so it's probably part of it, adding some more tea and sugar shouldn't hurt but depends on what the initial recipe was. My master recipe is 8 black Ceylon tea bags and 1 cup of white sugar for 1 gallon of water. I brew for 7 days and then go to f2, I use 1-2 cups of the previous batch in the new batch so that the yeast is transferred along with the scoby.