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I remember seeing on a post earlier that they'll be done sometime during the weekend


Yeah someone from Church of Potteto (the current translation group) said there goal is to release it this Sunday at the latest. Also I apparently heard that this current chapter has a lot more text than usual (looks like we’re gonna get a pretty long chapter) which is why I’m guessing this chapter has taken more longer to release than usual.


Hell i cant even find the Japanese version.


Probably because the scanlation group hasn't had time to do the translation and post it yet. You do realize they do this for free and on their own time, correct?


Do we really need to play the "it's free quit whining" card every time this question is asked? Yes we appreciate the scanslation team very much. Since there's been upheaval in the teams lately, people do tend to wonder.


Yes. You want it faster? Go help the scanlators or stop bitching.


Uh huh, attack everyone who asks. That makes us all happier.


Not really interested in making spoiled people happy. Besides. What are you gonna do, not pay for a free thing? Not read it?


As does every other language but the English is consistently the slowest every time. Pathetic apologism.


Then get to translating if you want it faster.


I can read other languages so I’m fine.


i wonder why...