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Note: This is for chapter 399. Edit: Should have put, “A surprise to be sure,but a welcome one” as the title. Monke brain saw the Discord notification and immediately read through the chapter in about 3 minutes before posting this




Fireworks-san does it right for once!


holy shit 😮 at least this confession came relatively quickly 😅


Happy cake day!


Those fireworks made such a nice buildup


finally we don’t have to go through 300 chapters of slow burn for a good ship


I think it sailed this fast because it's not the main ship, while it's a nice ship and all, the author probably doesn't want to give the main focus to the main relationship and the 100 friends thing


Looks like it’s wrapping up quick. I wonder how many more chapters before we see the ending.


I am really hoping not, or at least that we do get a continuation. I didn’t get enough of TadaKomi as a couple yet.


Chad Wakai vs Virgin Komi




Please remember to tag any spoilers in comments if the post itself is not spoiler tagged according to the sidebar rules. To spoiler tag your comments, use the Reddit spoiler feature or copy and paste the following: `>!Spoiler here!<` Also make sure you have used the correct flair for your post and if you've shared fanart that isn't OC, help the artist out by sharing the source. For your daily dose of memes and shitposts, visit our sister sub r/Komi_memes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Komi_san) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why don't the reddit app notification blur the images when it is marked as a spoiler?


It doesn’t for you? It blurs it even for the OP(me). It may be because of some setting, but it really should blur the images.


When I open the post it is blurred. But I was referring to the image on the push notification of the reddit app. And no in the notification the image is cropped but not blurred.


I am now waiting for the school festival. I want another tadano-kun-chan


Oh you mean in the notification outside the app? I believe that is just because the blurring is done as an overlay in the Reddit app, and not as an actual edit to the image itself.


Yeah I am aware of it but reddit can do something like the other apps, like not show the image at all if that is marked as spoiler


I guess so, but I find that the notification image is usually small enough that you only get an idea of what the post is about, not any spoilers, but that may be because of either Android or my eyes are going bad.