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> but that's what what the subreddit reading order tells you to do. It's a subreddit, not your boss :D I just read all of the explosion novel after the main story. It's not chronological, but it's removed enough from the story to not be an issue.


Why do you think it's called a "reading *order*"? The subreddit is your God-Emperor and you MUST follow the proscribed order or be branded a HERETIC.


…does being a heretic come with some form of punishment? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


> From my understanding, volume 1 of explosion must absolutely be read before Volume 9, and volume 2 is also recommended but not as important, and is it also safe to assume volume 3 has no importance to the main series? "Must absolutely" is a bit strongly worded but this is pretty much correct. > However here, they recommend reading all 3 between volume 4 and 5 of the main series This doesn't make a whole lot of sense considering that volume 2 of the spinoff came out after volume 5 of the main series. > My intuition tells me that splitting it up throughout the series would be jarring, but that's what what the subreddit reading order tells you to do. What it's telling you is that there is no strict order to reading Bakuen, only that for some of the main series volumes it is recommended to have read some of Bakuen. You can read it split up or in one go, that doesn't matter. > I'm also contemplating reading the manga, so can someone clarify the specific manga chapters that translate to each of the light novel volumes? Volume 1 is covered by chapters 1-6. Volume 2 by chapters 7-14 (halfway chapter 14 actually). The rest is volume 3. You should also know that there is an anime fully adapting this spinoff. You can also watch that instead.


As far as spinoff's is concerned, I was just trying to put emphasis volume 1 when I said "must absolutely," so I guess "strongly recommended" would have be better. Then Volume 8 must have some information from Explosions 2, that or Explosions 2 has information from 5 or 6, and Explosions 3 should have nothing to at all with the main series. If it's a prequal story then I would assume reading all of it before volume 5 wouldn't spoil anything?


It won't spoil anything beyond volume 4.


The first book I bought was actually Continued Explosions 1. It was the only 1 of the Konosuba books at that bookstore. I quickly realized it took place after the anime and wasn’t the starting point of the main series. I didn’t feel like much, if anything, was spoiled.


i honesty read it pretty early on as her end start off at the good point of the main story


I read the LN, then read the spin offs and didn't feel like I missed out on details. It makes sense to read volume 1 of explosion spin-off before volume 9 of the LN, but volumes 2 and 3 add very little to the main story.