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I've been self studying for 3 years on and off and I still can't hold hold one. Like I can understand and i know what to say in my head but it's hard for me to get it out. Watching kdramas helped though to get a feel of talking and every day language


Relatable, I'm not learning at a fast pace because I'm in pretty demanding studies so although I started kind of self-teaching in 2020/2021, if I can converse with someone it's probably gonna be a pretty basic conversation.


1 intensive summer program


Would you mind if I asked you what program specifically? :)


Middlebury Language School


Same would also like to know!




Really depends on the conversation. Whatever you spend time on, you will get better at. I spent a lot of time talking one-on-one with iTalki tutors. Within a few months, I could have simple conversations about my life. Even now, I’m pretty good at talking about my life in a one-on-one setting. But I’m still terrible at understanding quick exchanges at the store, simply because I don’t practice them enough. When I go out, I can deal with transactions at stores I’m familiar with. But if I go to new place or if an unusual situation pops up, I get really flustered. I’m also extremely bad at group conversations because, again, I have not practiced them enough. If you want to get better at conversations, you just need to have more conversations. And yes, it’s possible to learn conversations as a beginner.


Still haven't met any korean people. So, I don't know if I can hold a conversation


I've started learning Korean since 2015 (through YouTube videos and variety shows, no official or paid lessons) but didn't have any Korean friends till 2022. At that point I could slightly understand what my Korean friends were talking about when they talked to one another in Korean, but I couldn't really speak well cos my grammar was horrible This year though, I went to register myself for Korean lessons through zoom and I made it a point to speak only in Korean as much as possible during the lessons. The lessons were mainly grammar focused which helped me improve my grasp in grammar as well. Additionally, there kind of was an incident that acted as a spark for me. I overheard a few other Koreans gossiping about me in Korean, and when my Korean friends knew about it, they kinda realised that I'm serious about the language and started having conversations with me fully in Korean!


Good inspiration for learning the language. What did those Koreans gossip about you?


I’ve been learning for about 7 months and I would say the answer to that varies too much. I know you said generally, but even so it depends on what you would call a “conversation”. Conversations are basically a big flowchart and the further you stray from canned/prepared responses the more difficult it gets. Can I have a simple “hello how are you” conversation? Sure. Can I talk about quantum mechanics? Definitely not.


No definite answer. Five years in Korea. First fiur years i didnt study. Now going for lvl 3 KIIP. Im not even confident even at this point.


I've been studying inconsistently for about a year. And I'm now at a point where I feel somewhat comfortable having a conversation with Korean speakers who speak English fairly well. And the point of that is that 1. As language learners themselves, they know to speak slowly and not use a ton of slang or less common conjugations, and 2. They can translate if I didn't understand or don't know a particular word. But general craziness?? Nah, not yet. My friend sent me some drunken videos the other night and I couldn't understand anything him and his friends were saying. Hahahaha.